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29 December 2022 Hasmin M.

Amer SSE101


The young generation is the future of the nation. It is important for them to
be given opportunities to visit forest areas and mold their behavior in favor of
conservation. Proper education can help the young generation to change their
behavior in favor of the environment. Environmental awareness among the
young generation will help them understand the importance of nature and
ecologically sensitive development. It is the world around us and it has been
there since time immemorial, but it has not always been this way. Youth is
when an individual have full of enthusiasm and energy to pursue great
ambition. A time full of experiences, it is when they must be sought for with
open eyes. It is time when they can contribute to ideas for sustainable growth
and build a prosperous future.

Environmental education helps to instill in youth
the values of respect and care for the
environment. The children should learn about
their surroundings, what they can do to protect
them and how some natural resources may be
used by them or other people. The need for a
change in the attitude of people towards the
environment is a major challenge facing
nations everywhere today. The youth is
considered as one of those who can contribute
most significantly towards changing this trend
because they are part of tomorrow's society
and will be responsible for shaping its future
direction through their actions on the earth's
surface. Proper education can help the young
generation to change their behavior in favor of
the environment.
Povilaitis, V., Riley, M., DeLange, R., Verkouw, A. J., Macklin, K., &
Hodge, C. J. (2019). Instructor impacts on outdoor education
participant outcomes: A systematic review. Journal of
Outdoor Recreation, Education, and Leadership, 11(3).
Where flowers
bloom so does hope
- Lady Bird Johnson

Environmental responsibility also plays an important role in keeping our planet healthy by
helping individuals understand why it's important for them not only to enjoy life but to also
live sustainably. They should be made aware of the importance of nature, its diversity,
biodiversity, ecological processes, and their impact on human life. Through
understanding the environment, they would be able to live their life meaningfully. Youth
can save the earth by planting trees, conserving soil, and managing waste. Tremendous
emphasis should be given to tree planting. we all know that trees provide oxygen.
Growing more trees means producing more oxygen that may result higher quality of life.
Another essential technique to safeguard the environment is through soil conservation.
Afforestation and tree planting should also take place to help preserve the soil. Terrace
farming and the use of natural fertilizers are two more methods and lastly, the waste
management, it is an effective method of environmental protection. Waste must be
disposed properly. Most importantly, this would assist to maintain the environment
healthy. The government must guarantee that the streets and other polluting land areas
are cleaned.

In conclusion, creating a healthy environment is

important to the future generation that will inherit the
earth. A healthy and clean environment can mean
living in a rich and prosperous world. This can be done
by educating young people on how they can become
part of creating a better future for their generation and
others to come after them. Education has always been
considered a significant tool to improve our lives,
especially saving future generations by protecting the

The goal of life is

living in agreement
with nature. ―Zeno

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