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CSM : 18


Time Allowed : 3 hours Full Marks : 100

Marks for each question is indicated against it.

Attempt any 5 (five) questions taking not more than 3 (three) questions from each Part.


1. Provide a descriptive account of the historical background which led to the emergence of
Sociology. (20)

2. Distinguish between Transmission and Diffusion. Discuss the elements of culture with examples.

3. Examine the nature and causes of changes that have taken place in the family as an institution in
society. (20)

4. What is ‘social mobility’? Discuss social mobility in a closed system. (5+15=20)


5. Explain Emile Durkheim’s concept of Division of Labour in society. (20)

6. Discuss the importance of objectivity and value-neutrality in social research. (20)

7. Explain the features of primitive economy? Compare them with those of industrial society?

8. Discuss social change from the perspective of Functional theory. (20)


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