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Motor Neurone Disease (MND)

About the disease: -

Motor neurone disease (MND) is the name for a group of diseases. These
diseases affect nerves known as motor nerves, or motor neurons. In MND, these
neurons degenerate and die. This causes the muscles to become weaker and
weaker. This eventually leads to paralysis. The MND disease group includes:

 Lou Gehrig's disease, also known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)

 progressive muscular atrophy (PMA)
 Kennedy's disease, also known as spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy

MND is an uncommon disease, The average age that people are diagnosed with
MND is 58 years.

The symptoms of MND: -

MND is a progressive disease that often starts slowly and gets worse over time.
Symptoms usually start on one side of the body before spreading. Usually, the first
things people notice are: -

 weakness in their hands and grip

 weakness in their legs, and a tendency to trip
 weakness of their shoulder, making lifting difficult
 slurred speech
 cramps and muscles twitching

Later on, people with MND:

 become very weak and have little or no movement

 have trouble talking, breathing and swallowing

Treatment Proposal: -
Motor Neurone disease is a special disorder mainly found in people aging 50 to 60
years and in some cases from 20 years for example Dr Stephan Hawking who were
diagnosed with this disorder’s variant Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). There are also
no known cures for MND according to researchers.

As this disorder is caused because of a combination of environmental, lifestyle and

genetics in most of the cases, it is untraceable. MND can be retrieved from the patients
already diagnosed with it and examining the motor neurons and transplanting the
neurons of healthy individuals with the damaged neurons to see if they react with each
other. Using Riluzole as a subsidy for pain we can examine the changes in the damaged
neuron or on the healthy neuron. If in some cases it is genetic, the extracted DNA’s satellite
arms for the information and examine and research upon them. These can lead to
development which might not have been seen before.
As this disease’s cure has not been found, we can also compare old and new data for
analysing the root problem and solidifying it.



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