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IDENTITY CARD NO. : 950225125744
TELEPHONE NO. : 0178552526

The focus of the article by Taising and Karuppannan (2020) is to look into the
relationship between the work satisfaction of mid-level school administrators and the
management empowerment practises of principals. The article's goal is to investigate how
school principals' empowering leadership styles affect the job satisfaction of middle-level
administrators in educational institutions. The study is important because it clarifies how
school administrators might affect mid-level administrators' job satisfaction by exhibiting
empowering leadership behaviours. The study focuses on the significance of principals'
leadership abilities in creating a healthy work environment and enhancing the standard of
performance in schools as a whole.

According to the study's findings, principals can increase mid-level

administrators' job satisfaction by giving them more authority, giving them access to
resources, and creating a supportive work environment. It is also interesting that the study
concentrated on mid-level administrators because they frequently play a crucial role in
carrying out school-wide policies and activities. Mid-level administrators are seen to be
in a better position to enhance results for both themselves and the students they serve if
they increase their level of job satisfaction. Overall, the study emphasises the value of
creating an environment that is supportive and empowering for all school employees,
since this could be advantageous to employees as well as students.

The study discovered a significant relationship between principals' management

empowerment practises and work satisfaction among school mid-level administrators,
according to the abstract. This finding is expanded on in the discussion and implications
section, which suggests that principals should try to empower mid-level administrators by
delegating authority, providing resources and assistance, and building a pleasant work
environment. Furthermore, the study emphasises the potential benefits of increased job
satisfaction, such as improved job performance and increased job motivation, and argues
that these benefits may contribute to better student outcomes. The article also discusses
the study's consequences for future educational research and practise.

There is a significant correlation between principals' management empowerment
practises and work satisfaction among school mid-level administrators, according to the
study's main finding in the article "principals' management empowerment practises and
its relationship with work satisfaction among school mid-level administrators".
According to the survey, mid-level administrators are satisfied with their jobs the more
empowered they feel. This implies that by empowering mid-level administrators through
delegation, resource allocation, and the development of a pleasant work environment,
principals can increase their job satisfaction. The study also emphasises the advantages of
greater work satisfaction, which may result in better job performance and more motivate
at work, and implies that these advantages may eventually translate to better student

First off, the generalizability of the results may be impacted by the lack of a
detailed description of the study's sample size and selection procedure. More information
regarding the study's sample size and selection process might have been provided.
Second, the study lacks to prove a time-based relationship between principals'
management empowerment practises and mid-level administrators' satisfaction with their
jobs. It is uncertain whether being empowered increases work satisfaction or whether
empowered mid-level administrators tend to be more content. Last but not least,
collecting quantitative information from mid-level administrators may have been
advantageous to the study's ability to accurately evaluate the strength of the association
between empowerment practises and job satisfaction.


The profile of respondent

Respondent N1
The profile of senior assistant co-curriculum, Mr. N1 holds a Master of Science degree in
Educational Management from University Utara Malaysia and over three decades of
experience in the education sector. He is passionate about promoting student engagement
in extracurricular activities, making him an expert in his field. He is well-respected by his
colleagues and students and has received numerous awards for his teaching excellence.

Respondent N2
In regards to Mrs. N2's qualifications, she has been a school teacher for more than 27
years of experience working in the field of education. Additionally, she obtained a
Bachelor of Teaching degree in Primary Education through a program offered by Open
University Malaysia. Ms. N2 has served as a head of language department and has been
involved in various school improvement initiatives over the years. Through her
unwavering dedication and persistent efforts, she has made significant strides in
enhancing the quality of education in rural schools.

Table 2.1: Details of respondents involved in-depth interview

Respondent Gender Age Position School/Institution

N1 Male 57 years old Assistant Secondary school

Head of
N2 Female 53 years old Language Primary school

For data analysis, a few questions prepared to examine the teachers’ perceptions of the
school principal’s leadership qualities. The questions focused on four aspects;
accountability, communication, decision-making, and time management.

i. How do teachers perceive the school principal's level of accountability in relation
to student achievement and school outcomes?
ii. To what extent do teachers believe the school principal takes responsibility for the
success or failure of the school?
iii. From the perspective of teachers, what role does accountability play in the school
principal's leadership style?
i. How do teachers perceive the school principal's level of communication in
relation to student achievement and school outcomes?
ii. Has the principal established effective channels for communication between
teachers, students and parents?
iii. Does the principal provide teachers with opportunities for dialogue and feedback?
i. How do teachers perceive the school principal's level of decision-making in
relation to student achievement and school outcomes?
ii. Has the principal created opportunities for teachers to provide input and
participate in decision-making processes related to the school?
iii. Has the principal established effective channels for providing feedback to teachers
after decisions have been made?
Time management
i. How do teachers perceive the school principal's level of time management in
relation to student achievement and school outcomes?
ii. Has the principal established clear priorities and timeframes for important tasks
and responsibilities?
iii. Does the principal encourage and foster a culture of time-management and
productivity among teachers and students?

The table 2.2 below represents data collected from in-depth interviews with two
respondents in the field of education, focusing on their perceptions of accountability,
communication, decision making, and time management. Regarding accountability, both
respondents N1 & N2 indicated "Yes." For communication, both respondents mentioned
"Yes". For decision-making, the two respondents had different opinions, with one
indicating "Yes" and the other indicating "No." Lastly, both respondents indicated "Yes"
regarding time management.

Table 2.2: Record from in-depth interviews with respondents in the field education

Respondent Accountability Communication Decision Time

making management

N1 Yes Yes Yes Yes

N2 Yes Yes No Yes

Table 2.3 : Pattern of teacher perceptions based on color breakdown

Respondent Accountability Communication Decision Time

making management





Based on the data presented in Table 2.2, accountability is a significant aspect in the
principal's leadership values and both respondents believe it has a positive impact on
school success. The corresponding statement supports this finding additionally.

“This school principal is both firm and tolerant. They set high standards but also
adjust to different situations and individuals, encouraging collaboration and
growth among staff and students. He has an instinctual capability to adapt their
approach to each individual's specific demands. They pay close attention to each
person's problems and opinions before taking a deliberate and flexible approach
to leading. This empathy has aided in the development of a culture of
collaboration and progress among the faculty and students, in which everyone is
encouraged to contribute and accept responsibility for their own success.” (N1)

“I also see in them a great deal of tolerance. They take the time to listen to the
concerns and challenges of their staff and students, and work collaboratively with
them to find solutions that meet everyone's needs. In this way, I believe that the
principal's strictness and their tolerance are closely correlated. By setting clear
expectations and holding oneself and others accountable, they create a culture of
excellence that fosters growth and success. But by also being patient,
understanding, and empathetic, they ensure that everyone feels supported and
valued, even when they make mistakes.” (N1)

“The principal has developed a culture of excellence that infuses our school by
their constant dedication to setting and meeting high expectations. They think that
accountability is the key to success and, as a result, motivate staff and students to
accept responsibility for their activities and hold themselves to the same high
standards.” (N2)

Next is aspect of communication, both respondents in the interview agree that
effective communication is an essential aspect of the principal's leadership, which is
critical to building and maintaining relation between teachers, parents, students, and
school community. Supporting evidence can be found in the following statement.

“The principal is deeply committed to communication that create a culture of

ongoing development and growth by encouraging open dialogues and obtaining
input from teachers and parents. Because it assures that everyone is informed and
motivated to help our students achieve higher academic performance.” (N1)

“Our school holds weekly knowledge sharing sessions with teachers to assess
progress and performance, and conducts performance dialogues after term exams
to discuss ways to improve student performance. Additionally, parents of students
that sit for public exams are invited to see their child's progress and performance,
which helps the school to improved academic outcomes.” (N1)

“The principal is effectively communicating what needs to be monitored, how to

monitor it, and what actions to take based on monitoring results empowers
teachers, aligns everyone involved, and makes their role more effective. Without
clear communication, monitoring efforts could be misguided, leading to missed
opportunities for improvement, and poorer outcomes for students. Good
communication skill helps teachers provide better feedback and identify areas for
improvement, benefiting student learning outcomes.” (N2)

According data in Table 2.2, respondent N1 indicates that is presence aspect of
decision-making in their principal's leadership is a crucial determinant of school success.
The following statement confirms the validity of this assertion.

”Meetings involving principals, senior assistants, and heads of departments in

school management help in making important decisions like exam dates and disciplinary
actions. Although some teachers may think they are just formalities, these meetings
ensure everyone's perspective is heard and decisions are inclusive. While the principal
has the final say, the meetings help to ensure that decisions are informed, successful, and
accepted by everyone involved.” (N1)

However, the respondent N2 responses indicate a disagreement with the idea that
decision-making solely falls under the principal's domain. The information is presented in
the following statement.

“As a teacher, I find it challenging to work with a principal who is constantly

changing decisions and causing conflicts within the school community. It is
frustrating and confusing to have plans in place, only to have them suddenly
changed without any explanation. Furthermore, it also raises questions about the
principal's ability to effectively lead the school. A leader who is unable to make a
consistent decision can cause chaos in the school community. In conclusion, as a
teacher, I believe that a principal who frequently changes decisions and causes
conflict is not an effective leader. It creates a lack of trust and transparency, leads
to confusion and frustration.” (N2)

Regarding of aspect time management, the results of the in-depth interview show
that both respondents agree on the significance of time management in the principal's
leadership since it can improve academic performance.

“During the recent teaching and learning (PdP) session, the principal placed
special emphasis on the importance of attendance, both for teachers and students. They
highlighted how essential it is for students to come to school on time and regularly and
for teachers to prioritize their attendance and punctuality. To promote the message
“Program Amalan Guru Penyayang”, the principal and teachers take weekly duty to
welcome students as they arrive at the school entrance. Their loving and caring gesture
makes students feel welcomed and sets a positive tone for their day.” (N1)

“As a teacher at this school, I am grateful for the principal's exceptional time
management skills. It allows me to focus on teaching students without distractions,
knowing that everything else has been taken care of. The school is able to accomplish a
lot more than we would be able to without such an effective time management system.”


Table 2.3 shows the pattern of teacher perceptions based on color breakdown: visual data
representation data from the in-depth interview to examine the teachers’ perceptions of
the school principal’s leadership qualities that can be divided into four main aspects:
accountability, communication, decision-making, and time management.

Both respondents agree that accountability is a significant aspect of the principal's

leadership values, which has a positive impact on school success. They believe that the
principal sets high standards for teachers and students and motivates them to accept
responsibility for their activities and hold themselves to the same high standards. A good
school principals hold themselves and others accountable for high standards. They inspire
a culture of excellence by setting an example of professionalism, integrity, responsibility,
and clear communication, and by taking ownership of mistakes. Lack of accountability
can lead to complacency and low motivation.

According to a study by Jefferson and Anderson (2017), relationships and

communications are key characteristics if quality improvement has to be implemented in
schools. Both respondents agree that effective communication is an essential aspect of the
principal's leadership, critical to building and maintaining relationships between teachers,
parents, students, and the school community. They describe how regular knowledge
sharing sessions and performance dialogues, combined with clear communication, help
teachers provide better feedback and identify areas for improvement, ultimately
benefiting student learning outcomes.

Respondent N1 indicates that decision-making through meetings with principals,

senior assistants, and heads of departments in school management is a crucial
determinant of school success, ensuring that decisions are informed, successful, and
accepted by everyone involved. However, respondent N2 describes how inconsistent
decision-making by the principal can lead to chaos in the school community, causing
conflicts and a lack of trust and transparency.

Time management is a significant aspect of the principal's leadership, which can
improve academic performance. The respondent describes how the principal's emphasis
on attendance, both for teachers and students, and an effective time management system,
allows teachers to focus on teaching without distractions, leading to accomplishing more
than what they would without the system.

Furthermore, a study by Hallinger and Heck (2011) highlights the importance of

time management in the principal's leadership, indicating that a focus on time
management and effective allocation of resources can lead to significant improvements in
academic performance.


The principal's leadership values are critical to the success of a school, according
to two respondents who agree that accountability, communication, decision-making, and
time management are important aspects. With regards to accountability, teachers value a
principal that takes responsibility for their actions and is transparent in their decision-
making process. Communication skills were also important to teachers, with an emphasis
on clear and timely communication as well as active listening. Regarding decision-
making, teachers preferred a principal who involved them in the decision-making process
and made decisions that were fair and in the best interest of the school. Finally, time
management skills were highly valued, with teachers expecting a principal to effectively
manage their own time as well as the time of faculty and staff school principal's
leadership qualities. Overall, the principal plays a crucial role in setting the tone for a
school's success.

(2544 words)




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Policy Analysis Archives, 27, 38.


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