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Choose a Fiction business in a specific field that produces and sales their products, then fulfill the following
Part 1 (10 points): Write an essay that includes the following:
1. Introduction of your fiction company including departments, organization chart, business processes (1pt)
2. Describe functions, tasks and processes of the human resources department (recruitment, timekeeping,
payroll, reward, benefits, training,) of this fictional company and demo with Odoo. (2 pts)
3. Create any 2 products made with Make-To-Stock process (including B.O.M, material list (BOM) &
supplier as well as purchase raw materials, carry out the production of these 2 products as planned, perform
sales via website, POS and Sales Order (create 30-50 records) (1.5 pts)
4. Create any 2 products with Make-To-Order process (including B.O.M, material list (BOM) & supplier as
well as raw material purchase, sales via website, POS and Sales Order, after receiving the order, proceed
with production planning, buy raw materials,... (generate about 30-50 records)). (1.5 pts)
5. Describe CRM or SCM process of your company and demo with Odoo (1.5 pts)
6. Apply Power BI connecting to your fictional PostgreSQL DB company to identify three trends or insights
that managers can identify to gain a competitive advantage or improve business efficiency (1pt).
(Plus 1pts if you can use Python to demo data like either Power BI or Tableau does)
7. Presentation of Odoo software development architecture (0.5pts) and demo of editing source code for a
specific requirement (0.5 pts)
(Your group can get bonus (0.5 – 1 point) if you are doing well in this section)
8. The report is required to be presented in the format of an academic report (0.5 pts) including: introduction,
body, conclusion, references…
Part2 (10 points) Presentation and Demonstration (15 - 20 minutes/group)
1. Prepare a slide (.pptx) to present your works (3pts)
2. Conduct your presentation (3pts).
3. Demonstrate your solution implementation (2pts).
4. Q&A (2 pts).


- This is a group project (2-3 Students/groups). Only one student submits a one-time report file in pdf format
- File name [ERP]Ho_Ten_SV1_MSSV1_Ho_Ten_SV2_MSSV2.pdf (Note: Unmarked Vietnamese)
- Format: font: Times New Roman, size: 13pt, line space: 1.5, after: 0pt, before: 0pt, justify.
- Top: 0.5cm, Bottom: 0.5cm, Left: 1.0cm, Right: 0.75cm.
- Language of report: English and the maximum number of pages is 50 (Excluding covers, table of contents,
categories, references, annexes according to the TDTU form).
- Deadline Submission: 26November2023. Presentation & Interview start from 27November2023
- Each student asked to make a PowerPoint file and present his or her work. Examiner will evaluate and
score each member's performance based on their contribution and work quality.
- Any cheating or violation of University regulations regarding Ethical Academic will get 0 points.

By Tuyen Ho for TDT University


Critera Level 4 (80% - 100%) Level 3 (60% - 79%) Level 2 (30% - 59%) Level 1 (0% - 30%)

1.Introduction Describe in detail, clearly the The description is missing less than 1/3 Incorrect description of most
your company fiction company by using requirements or The description only meets less components or failure to fulfill this
professional visualization the description has some points that are than 1/2 of the requirements requirement
approaches. not reasonable and logical.
2.Human Describe in detail and clearly The description is missing less than 1/3 The description is missing Incorrect description of most
resource the business process of HR requirements or many important components or components or failure to fulfill this
management part dept and visualization them in the description has some points that are only describes less than ½ of requirement
good way. not reasonable and logical. the requirements.
3.Make-To-Stock Describe in detail and clearly The description or the implementation did The description or the The description or the
process the process and successful not go smoothly with some steps or only implementation did not go implementation does not meet
implementation of the process completed 2/3 of the requirements through most of the steps or requirements or cannot be
steps in Odoo only completed less than 1/2 of performed
the requirements
4.Make-To- Describe in detail and clearly The description or the implementation did The description or the The description or the
Order the process and successful not go smoothly with some steps or only implementation did not go implementation does not meet
process implementation of the process completed 2/3 of the requirements through most of the steps or requirements or cannot be
steps in Odoo only completed less than 1/2 of performed
the requirements
5. CRM/SCM Describe in detail and clearly The description or the implementation did The description or the The description or the
the process and successful not go smoothly with some steps or only implementation did not go implementation does not meet
implementation of the process completed 2/3 of the requirements through most of the steps or requirements or cannot be
steps in Odoo only completed less than 1/2 of performed
the requirements
6.Apply Power BI Successful implementation that Can connect to Power BI but does not have The implementation has some the implementation does not meet
tool applying Power BI into your a good data visualization scenario, only errors or did not go smoothly requirements or cannot be
ERP system meets 2/3 of the requirements with the demo script. performed
7. Modify source Good script and complete The script has a few unreasonable places The script has many Bad script or impossible demo
code demo, clear and detailed steps or only demos 2/3 of the steps of the unreasonable places or only
process demos 1/2 of the steps of the
8.Report Present reports fully, clearly, The report is complete and clear, but there The report is poorly presented,
and in accordance with are some formatting and spelling errors or Reported many errors, has not invested in presentation
regulations some areas that do not comply with incorrect formatting, and format, and has an unreasonable
regulations incomplete layout layout or the report is not
Figure 1 Assessment Rubrik for Part 1

By Tuyen Ho for TDT University


Critera Level 4 (80% - 100%) Level 3 (60% - 79%) Level 2 (30% - 59%) Level 1 (0% - 30%)

1.Preprare slide Presentation slide is clear, Use appropriate illustrations, do not use too The slide is full of information The slide is sketchy, does not
complete, intuitive and vivid. much text, and have a balanced layout but but does not use images, the meet basic layout and
Use appropriate illustrations, The slide has some spelling and formatting keywork is well visualized, visualization requirements, or the
do not use too much text, and errors. there are errors in spelling, slide is not prepared
have a balanced layout presentation, and text size is
small to view.
2.Conduct the Presentation on time, The presentation is clear and attractive, but Presentation is not fluent, script The presentation was not good,
presentation complete, attractive it's too time-consuming, or some parts are is not reasonable, presentation had many errors, no script, and
presentation, good script, good still readable or don't follow the script well skills are not good or time is not no time control
group coordination guaranteed
3.Demonstration Describe in detail and clearly The description or the implementation did The description or the The description or the
the process and successful not go smoothly with some steps or only implementation did not go implementation does not meet
implementation of the process completed 2/3 of the requirements through most of the steps or requirements or cannot be
steps in Odoo only completed less than 1/2 of performed
the requirements
4.Q&A Answered less than 2/3 of the questions or Can answer less than 1/2 of the Answers very little or answers
Answer all questions, the answers were not completely questions or do not completely unsatisfactorily, does not
demonstrate understanding of reasonable understand the requirement understand your work
the problem being researched
and implemented

Figure 2 Assessment Rubrik for Part 2

By Tuyen Ho for TDT University


By Tuyen Ho for TDT University

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