HPCL CE Question Paper

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Participant ID
Test Center
Test Date 11/08/2021
Test Time 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Section : English Language

Q.1 Fill in the blank using the most appropriate phrase.

The police refused to let him __without confirming his alibi.
Ans 1. for

2. off

3. on

4. of

Question ID : 50389011138
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.2 Pick the most appropriate antonym of-

Ans 1. intimidate

2. energize

3. Stir

4. reassure

Question ID : 50389011133
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2


Q.3 Select the most appropriate option to complete the sentence.

You need to spend your income _______.

Ans 1. Cautionly

2. Cautiously

3. Cautious

4. Caution

Question ID : 50389011130
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.4 Select the most appropriate option to complete the sentence.

The two kings argued with ________ over a piece of land.
Ans 1. themselves

2. theirselves

3. each other

4. themself

Question ID : 50389011129
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.5 Choose the sentence which is grammatically correct.

Ans 1. scrap material of bits is the Rock Garden made of

2. the bits of scrap material Rock of Garden is made

3. the bits of scrap material is Rock Garden made of

4. the Rock Garden is made of bits of scrap material

Question ID : 50389011141
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.6 Choose the word which can be used in place of the words underlined.
Our maid’s daughter cannot read or write, so I am trying to encourage her to take
some classes from me.
Ans 1. literate

2. elutriate

3. aliterate

4. illiterate

Question ID : 50389011134
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4


Q.7 Choose the appropriate words to complete the phrase.

Ravish tried to make _____the lost time by using a cab instead of bus to reach the
Ans 1. up on

2. up for

3. up to

4. it for

Question ID : 50389011137
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.8 Which conjunction can be used for this sentence?

________ it is raining in Delhi, Gurugram has clear skies.

Ans 1. Until

2. Because

3. While

4. After

Question ID : 50389011127
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.9 Which part of the sentence contains an error?

My uncle married with a lady from Australia.

Ans 1. from Australia

2. married with

3. My uncle

4. a lady

Question ID : 50389011140
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.10 Pick the most appropriate synonym of-

Ans 1. Empathy

2. Apathy

3. Animosity

4. cruelty

Question ID : 50389011132
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3


Q.11 Select the misspelt word.

Ans 1. Reliable

2. Affable

3. Amicable

4. Gulible

Question ID : 50389011136
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.12 Choose the correct preposition.

The idea of landing __ the moon was absurd 100 years ago.
Ans 1. At

2. over

3. By

4. On

Question ID : 50389011125
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.13 Select the most appropriate option to complete the sentence.

In my whole life, I _______ anyone ever running away from money.

Ans 1. Have seen

2. Was not seen

3. Have not see

4. Have not seen

Question ID : 50389011128
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.14 Choose the most appropriate option to complete the sentence.

A large area of land covered _____ lots of forests, bushes and plants is called a forest.
Ans 1. across

2. of

3. in

4. with

Question ID : 50389011126
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4


Q.15 Which part of the sentence contains an error?

I did not give the exam as I was unwell.

Ans 1. give the exam

2. as I

3. I did not

4. was unwell.

Question ID : 50389011139
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.16 Select the misspelt word.

Ans 1. Eternal

2. natural

3. kernal

4. Surreal

Question ID : 50389011135
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.17 Pick the most appropriate synonym of-

Ans 1. Ignore

2. Ponder

3. Neglect

4. Discard

Question ID : 50389011131
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Section : Quantitative Aptitude

Q.1 Eight years ago, the average age of 3 members of the family was 25 years. Since then,
two children having been born, the average age of the family reduced by 3 years. If the
two children differ in age by 3 years, what is the present age (in years) of the elder
Ans 1. 4

2. 6

3. 7

4. 8

Question ID : 50389011172
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3


Q.2 The average score of 90 students in an examination is 52. If the average score of
passed students is 68 and that of the failed students is 20, then how many students
passed the examination?
Ans 1. 53

2. 55

3. 58

4. 60

Question ID : 50389011163
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.3 A man can do half of a work in 5 days and a woman can do the work in 15 days. If they
work together, then in how many days will half of the work be done?
Ans 1. 3


3. 4

4. 5

Question ID : 50389011158
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.4 In a class there are 70% boys. The average weight of boys is 55 kg and that of the girls
is 50 kg. What is the average weight (in kg) of the whole class?
Ans 1. 52.5

2. 51.2

3. 53.5

4. 53.2

Question ID : 50389011165
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.5 On a certain sum of money, the simple interest for 2 years is Rs. 9900, while the
compound interest is Rs. 10444.50 at the same rate of interest. What is the rate of
interest per annum?
Ans 1. 12%

2. 11%

3. 10.5%

4. 10%

Question ID : 50389011167
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4


Q.6 A and B started a business with a total investment of Rs. 28500. If the total profit of Rs.
12000 is divided equally instead of dividing it in the ratio of their investments, A
remained at a loss of Rs. 200 compared to what would have been her share if the total
profit was shared in the ratio of the investments made. What is the difference (in Rs.)
between their investments?
Ans 1. 1900

2. 475

3. 950

4. 1425

Question ID : 50389011151
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4





4. 24

Question ID : 50389011144
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.8 Monthly expenditure of Rahul is 80% of his monthly income. His monthly income
increased by 25% and his monthly expenditure increased by 10%. Find the percentage
increase in his monthly saving.
Ans 1. 75

2. 78

3. 68

4. 85

Question ID : 50389011154
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.9 A shopkeeper buys shirts at Rs 280 per shirt and sells with 20% profit. How many
shirts should he sell to earn a profit of Rs 672?
Ans 1. 23

2. 12

3. 18

4. 15

Question ID : 50389011161
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2


Q.10 Two trains running at 65 km/h and 85 km/h respectively cross each other in 12
seconds, when they run in opposite directions. When they run in the same direction, a
person in the faster train observes that he crosses the slower train in 36 seconds. Find
the length of the faster train (in m).
Ans 1. 200

2. 300

3. 250

4. 320

Question ID : 50389011157
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.11 What is the difference between sum of the greatest and the smallest of the numbers
2.7, 0.35, 0.03, 0.031 and the greatest of the numbers 0.183, 0.092, 0.64, 0.085?
Ans 1. 2.091

2. 2.547

3. 2.09

4. -0.26

Question ID : 50389011147
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3


Ans 1. 269.5

2. 224.58

3. 225.65

4. 222.58

Question ID : 50389011170
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3





2. 48

3. 16

4. 64

Question ID : 50389011145
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.14 The average temperature from 16th Feb to 23rd Feb was and from 17th Feb to 24th Feb
it was. If the temperature on 16th Feb was, then what was the temperature (in °C) on
24th Feb?
Ans 1. 14.2

2. 18

3. 15.2

4. 14.4

Question ID : 50389011164
Status : Marked For Review
Chosen Option : 2






Question ID : 50389011174
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2


Q.16 Find the area (in sq. cm) of a rhombus whose each side is 45 cm long and one of the
diagonals is 72 cm.
Ans 1. 1980

2. 1850

3. 2050

4. 1944

Question ID : 50389011168
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.17 A man can do a work in 16 days and a woman can do the same work in 24 days. One
man and 3 women started the work. After 4 days the man left the work and the three
women continued to complete the work. In how many days the women completed the
remaining work?
Ans 1. 4

2. 2

3. 5

4. 6

Question ID : 50389011160
Status : Marked For Review
Chosen Option : 3






Question ID : 50389011149
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3


Q.19 A shopkeeper marks his goods 30% higher than their cost price and allows 20%
discount to customers. What is his gain percent?
Ans 1. 10

2. 5

3. 3

4. 4

Question ID : 50389011153
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.20 Dinesh divided Rs. 88400 between his son and a daughter in such a way that the
amount his son receives at the end of 7 years is equal to the amount his daughter
receives at the end of 9 years, rate of compound interest being 10% per annum. How
much money has he deposited in the bank (in Rs.) in the name of his daughter?
Ans 1. 48400

2. 44200

3. 40000

4. 42000

Question ID : 50389011166
Status : Marked For Review
Chosen Option : 2

Q.21 A shopkeeper makes a profit of 12% on an article by selling it after allowing a discount
of 12%. If he allows a discount of 10% only, then what will be his profit percentage?




Question ID : 50389011162
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4



Ans 1.




Question ID : 50389011146
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1


Ans 1. A, D, E

2. A, B, D, E

3. A, D

4. A, B, D

Question ID : 50389011175
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.24 A solid metallic cone having both base radius and height equal to 7 cm is melted and
recast into certain number of spherical marbles of radius 0.7 cm. Find the number of
Ans 1. 200

2. 250

3. 1000

4. 100

Question ID : 50389011169
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2


Q.25 Product of two consecutive positive multiples of 7 is 588. What is the sum of the two
Ans 1. 49

2. 35

3. 43

4. 47

Question ID : 50389011171
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3


Ans 1. 25



4. 1

Question ID : 50389011173
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.27 If cost of 20 dozen pens is Rs 3600, then how many pens will cost Rs 450?
Ans 1. 15

2. 30

3. 18

4. 25

Question ID : 50389011152
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.28 136 coins are to be distributed among A, B and C in such a way that A gets thrice as
many coins as B gets and B gets four times as many coins as C gets. Find the number
of coins that A gets.
Ans 1. 8

2. 40

3. 32

4. 96

Question ID : 50389011150
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4


Q.29 A 350 m long train crosses a signal pole in 21 seconds. What is the speed of the train
(in km/h)?
Ans 1. 80

2. 75

3. 60

4. 72

Question ID : 50389011155
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.30 Eight men can complete a work in 54 days. In how many days will 6 men and 12 boys
complete the same work if one man does as much work as 2 boys?
Ans 1. 24

2. 36

3. 32

4. 35

Question ID : 50389011159
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.31 Find the sum of all the numbers from 20 to 40 which have their unit digit divisible by 3.
Ans 1. 186

2. 276

3. 216

4. 266

Question ID : 50389011142
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.32 If a number 5k834p2 is divisible by 88, then for greatest value of p, what is the value of
(2k + 7p)?
Ans 1. 67

2. 72

3. 77

4. 74

Question ID : 50389011143
Status : Marked For Review
Chosen Option : 1


Q.33 Amrit starts from his residence and reaches his office 10 minutes late if he drives his
bike at 30 km/h and reaches 5 minutes before time if he drives at 40 km/h. What is the
distance of his office from his residence (in km)?
Ans 1. 30

2. 40

3. 15

4. 25

Question ID : 50389011156
Status : Marked For Review
Chosen Option : 2


Ans 1. 4.36

2. 43.6

3. 7.6

4. 40.36

Question ID : 50389011148
Status : Marked For Review
Chosen Option : 3

Section : Intellectual Potential Test

Q.1 Select the alternative (word-pair) that is similar to the given word pair.

Gentle : Harsh
Ans 1. Dearth : Scarcity

2. Brim : Edge

3. Cordial : Hostile

4. Alert : Active

Question ID : 50389011199
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2



Ans 1. 17

2. 23

3. 30

4. 35

Question ID : 50389011181
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3


Ans 1. 10

2. 12

3. 8

4. 16

Question ID : 50389011205
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4


Q.4 The sum of three consecutive numbers is 108. What will be the middle number (neither
the greatest nor the smallest among them)?
Ans 1. 36

2. 38

3. 35

4. 37

Question ID : 50389011194
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.5 Select the option that is related to the third term in the same way as the second term is
related to the first term.

AEI : MQU : DHL : ?

Ans 1. PTX

2. OSY

3. ORV

4. PUY

Question ID : 50389011177
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.6 Select the option that is related to the third term in the same way as the second term is
related to the first term.

Donkey : Bray : : Goat : ?

Ans 1. Meat

2. Roar

3. Bleat

4. Neigh

Question ID : 50389011183
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4








Question ID : 50389011206
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2


Q.8 What is the sum of the largest number and the smallest number that can be formed
with the digits: 2, 7, 3, 4, 5?

(Note: All the given digits must be present in the largest and smallest five-digit

Ans 1. 98989

2. 98889

3. 99888

4. 98789

Question ID : 50389011207
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.9 Three out of the four word-pairs share a certain similarity. Select the option (word-pair)
that is different from others.
Ans 1. Elephant : Herd

2. Snake : Lead

3. Bees : Swarm

4. Sheep : Flock

Question ID : 50389011198
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.10 Select the option that is related to the third term in the same way as the second term is
related to the first term.

JK : MN :: PQ : ?
Ans 1. UV

2. RS

3. ST

4. TU

Question ID : 50389011179
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3


Q.11 Select the option that is related to the third term in the same way as the second term is
related to the first term.

Energy : Carbohydrates :: Growth : ?

Ans 1. Starch

2. Fats

3. Proteins

4. Roughage

Question ID : 50389011185
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.12 Only one out of the given four figures — A, B, C and D — is similar to the question
figure 'Q'. Select the figure.

Ans 1. C

2. A

3. B

4. D

Question ID : 50389011200
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.13 Anil and Sunil are brothers. Geeta is Anil's daughter. Rahul is Geeta's only son. How
Rahul is related to Anil?
Ans 1. Grandfather

2. Father

3. Son

4. Grandson

Question ID : 50389011202
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4


Q.14 Three out of the four word-pairs share a certain similarity. Select the option (word-pair)
that is different from others.
Ans 1. Doctor – Hospital

2. Actor – Stage

3. Sailor - Steering

4. Lawyer – Court

Question ID : 50389011197
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.15 Select the option that is related to the third term in the same way as the second term is
related to the first term.

CD : GH : : KL : ?
Ans 1. NO

2. OP

3. MN

4. ST

Question ID : 50389011178
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.16 In a certain code language, if CAT was coded as BBS; DOG as CPF, then what will be
the code for HEN?
Ans 1. GGN

2. GGM

3. GFM

4. IFM

Question ID : 50389011188
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.17 Three out of four options below are similar to one another. Select the one that is
different from all others.
Ans 1. Axe

2. Gun

3. Sword

4. Knife

Question ID : 50389011186
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2


Q.18 Select the option that is related to the third term in the same way as the second term is
related to the first term.

Hunting : Forest :: Rafting : ?

Ans 1. Mountains

2. Desert

3. River

4. Grasslands

Question ID : 50389011184
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.19 Select the number that will come next in the number series.

2, 2, 4, 8, 32, 256, ?
Ans 1. 512

2. 1024

3. 8192

4. 9260

Question ID : 50389011193
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.20 Select the number that will come next in the number series.

5, 6, 9, 14, 21, 30, ?

Ans 1. 39

2. 41

3. 33

4. 42

Question ID : 50389011192
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2


Q.21 In a coded language 'tea is hot' is coded as 'chi mus tus'; 'coffee is sweet' is coded as
'bin tum tus'; and 'tea and coffee' is coded as 'chi hut bin'. Then, which one of the
following words is the code for the word 'hot' in that code language?
Ans 1. mus

2. tus

3. Hut

4. tum

Question ID : 50389011191
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.22 Select the option that is related to the third term in the same way as the second term is
related to the first term.

YX : UT :: JI : ?
Ans 1. GH

2. LK

3. HG

4. FE

Question ID : 50389011180
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.23 A farmer has a certain number of hens and buffaloes. If the number of heads of all
buffaloes and hens is counted, they add up to 80. When their feet are counted, they
add up to 200. What is the number of buffaloes that the farmer has?
Ans 1. 50

2. 40

3. 60

4. 20

Question ID : 50389011195
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.24 In a certain code language, if painter was called tailor; tailor was called plumber;
plumber was called butcher; butcher was called barber; and barber was called cook,
then who among the following would stitch clothes?
Ans 1. Butcher

2. Painter

3. Plumber

4. Cook

Question ID : 50389011190
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3



Ans 1. 36

2. 16

3. 24

4. 30

Question ID : 50389011204
Status : Marked For Review
Chosen Option : 1








Question ID : 50389011176
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3


Q.27 How many distinct prime factors does the number 10500 have?

Ans 1. 4

2. 5

3. 6

4. 24

Question ID : 50389011209
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.28 Six players have participated in a chess competition. How many matches will be
played in the first round where each player plays each participant exactly once?
Ans 1. 36

2. 15

3. 21

4. 7

Question ID : 50389011196
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.29 In a certain code language, if mango was coded as banana; banana was coded as
orange; orange was coded as cherry; and cherry was coded as apple, then which one
of the following would be an example of citrus fruit in that code language?
Ans 1. Apple

2. Mango

3. Cherry

4. Banana

Question ID : 50389011189
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.30 Leela is Hema's brother's wife. Leela's husband Manohar has a brother, Kedar, and a
sister. How is Hema's daughter, Manisha, related to Kedar?
Ans 1. Aunt

2. Cousin

3. Niece

4. Sister

Question ID : 50389011203
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3


Q.31 Three out of four options below are similar to one another. Select the one that is
different from all others.
Ans 1. Frog, Snake, Eagle

2. Sheep, Goat, Cow

3. Rabbit, Hare, Deer

4. Tiger, Wolf, Bear

Question ID : 50389011187
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1


Ans 1. A

2. B

3. D

4. C

Question ID : 50389011201
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.33 Which is the largest 4-digit number that is completely divisible by both 14 and 15?
Ans 1. 9940

2. 9870

3. 9780

4. 9840

Question ID : 50389011208
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4








Question ID : 50389011182
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Section : Domain Knowledge



Ans 1. (10*sin30) kN.

2. (10*sin60) kN.

3. Zero

4. 10 kN.

Question ID : 50389011217
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.2 In a pipe at one section of diameter 25 cm, velocity of flow is 2m/s. Calculate the
velocity of flow, at another section with 20 cm diameter, in the pipe.
Ans 1. 2 m/s.

2. 5.5 m/s.

3. 2.5 m/s.

4. 3.125 m/s.

Question ID : 50389011231
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.3 What is the LIQUEFACTION phenomenon about soil failure?

Ans 1. Failure of soil slopes.

2. Failure of soil under Liquid retaining hydraulic structures.

3. Sand loses its shear strength due to oscillatory motion.

4. Bearing failure of sand under heavy loads.

Question ID : 50389011285
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3


Q.4 Select the FALSE the statement regarding the advantages of traffic signals.
Ans 1. They increase the traffic handling capacity of most of the intersections at grade.

2. The rear-end collisions may be decreased.

3. The right-angled collision accidents may be reduced.

4. The quality of traffic is improved.

Question ID : 50389011289
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.5 Coulomb friction is the friction between ____________________ surfaces.

Ans 1. dry

2. greasy

3. Ideally smooth

4. Oily

Question ID : 50389011212
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.6 Calculate the turning radius of the taxiway for an airport serving large subsonic jet
planes. The design speed of turning is 60 kmph and assume friction coefficient
between tyre and pavement surface as 0.15.
Ans 1. 221.54 m.

2. 192 m.

3. 180 m.

4. 153.85 m.

Question ID : 50389011293
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.7 How residual error is calculated in the theory of errors?

Ans 1. Difference of most probable and observed values.

2. Difference of true and most probable values.

3. Sum of true and most probable values.

4. Difference of true and observed value.

Question ID : 50389011260
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2


Q.8 Which of the following is defined as under?

“Definition – The rate of doing work by a travelling sound wave in the direction of
propagation of the wave.”
Ans 1. Sound spectra.

2. Sound intensity.

3. Sound pressure.

4. Power of sound.

Question ID : 50389011251
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.9 Comment on the following statements as True/False.

S1: The measurement of flow in open channels is generally made by means of

venturimeter, nozzle meter and orificemeter.

S2: In large open channels and rivers the flow is estimated by dividing the flow section
into number of smaller sections and determining the average velocity for each by
means of current meter.
Ans 1. Statement S1 is False and statement S2 is True.

2. Both statements are True.

3. Statement S1 is True and statement S2 is False.

4. Both statements are False.

Question ID : 50389011234
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.10 Second stage Bio-chemical oxygen demand in waste water is also known as:
Ans 1. Sulphureous demand.

2. Nitrification demand.

3. Combined demand.

4. Carbonaceous demand.

Question ID : 50389011254
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.11 Which of the following is NOT correctly paired, about air pollutant and its effect?
Ans 1. Carbon Monoxide – Acute toxicity.

2. Lead – Retarded mental growth in children.

3. Ozone – Acid Rains.

4. Sulphur Dioxide – Bronchial-spasms.

Question ID : 50389011245
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3


Q.12 The ‘Peak hour factor’ is defined as the ratio between the number of vehicles counted
during the peak hour and ______________ the number counted during the highest
fifteen consecutive minutes.
Ans 1. Ninety-eight times.

2. Thirty times.

3. Five times.

4. Four times.

Question ID : 50389011294
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.13 Select the INCORRECT statement regarding the stiffeners in a steel plate girder.
Ans 1. Torsional stiffeners are provided at the supports of plate girder.

2. Tension stiffeners are provided to transmit tensile forces applied to a web through a
3. Horizontal stiffeners are attached to the bottom flange plate of the plate girder.

4. One type of stiffeners may perform more than one function but their design should
comply with the other requirements also.

Question ID : 50389011219
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.14 Select the FALSE statement regarding soil classification according to ‘INDIAN
Ans 1. Soils are broadly divided in three divisions as- Coarse-grained, Fine-grained and
Highly organic soil (as Peat).
2. In case of coarse-grained soils, if fines are more than 12%, border line cases
require dual symbols.
3. The fine-grained soils in ISC system are subdivided into three categories.

4. Black cotton soils of India lie partly above A-line and partly below A-line.

Question ID : 50389011277
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4






Question ID : 50389011280
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1


Q.16 The delta of a crop is 0.864 m and the base period is 130 days. What is the duty of the
crop (in hectares/cumec)?
Ans 1. 1300

2. 13000

3. 130

4. 864

Question ID : 50389011240
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1


Ans 1. Curve II ----- Typical of dense sand or gravel or stiff clay, wherein general shear
failure occurs.
2. Curve I ----- Typical of loose sand or soft clay, wherein local shear failure occurs.

3. Curve I ----- Typical of dense sand or gravel or stiff clay, wherein general shear
failure occurs.
4. Curve II ---- Typical of many c – φ soils which exhibit characteristics intermediate
between a general shear failure and local shear failure.

Question ID : 50389011279
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.18 A ______________ is generally placed inside the tail exhaust pipe of the automobile to
control the air pollution due to partially oxidized emissions.
Ans 1. Cyclone collector.

2. Electrostatic precipitator.

3. Catalytic convertor.

4. Fabric filter.

Question ID : 50389011248
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4



Ans 1. Curve ‘a’.

2. Curve ‘b’.

3. Curve ‘d’.

4. Curve ‘f’.

Question ID : 50389011276
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2


Ans 1. Regulatory sign.

2. Mandatory sign.

3. Informatory sign.

4. Cautionary sign.

Question ID : 50389011288
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3


Q.21 Comment on the following statements as True/False.

S1: Scrubbers are generally less effective in removing gaseous pollutants than towers.

S2: Plate tower is an effective device for removing gaseous pollutants from industry’s

S3: In Adsorption units, activated carbon beds cannot effectively catch hydrocarbon,
H2S and SO2.
Ans 1. Statement S2 & S3 are True but S1 is False.

2. Statement S1 & S2 are True but S3 is False.

3. Statement S1 & S3 are True but S2 is False.

4. Statement S1 & S2 are False but S3 is True.

Question ID : 50389011247
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.22 Select the example of Active sensor in Remote sensing, from the following sensors.
Ans 1. Electro-optical scanner.

2. Return Beam Vidicon.

3. Laser scanner.

4. Television camera.

Question ID : 50389011272
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.23 What is the kjedahl nitrogen in sewage?

Ans 1. Sum of nitrites and nitrates.

2. Sum of organic nitrogen and nitrates.

3. Sum of ammonia nitrogen and organic nitrogen.

4. Sum of ammonia nitrogen and nitrites.

Question ID : 50389011253
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4







Question ID : 50389011210
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.25 As per ‘Indian Standard General Construction in Steel- Code of practice’; Shear
resistance at the proper contact surface between steel base and concrete/grout may
be calculated using a friction coefficient of:
Ans 1. 0.60

2. 0.90

3. 0.20

4. 0.45

Question ID : 50389011222
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.26 Select the INCORRECT statement from the following, regarding GPS.
Ans 1. In GPS, satellites are placed in orbits with orbital radius approximately of 1500Km.

2. A TRANSIT user at the equator can obtain a position fix at the average of about 10
3. The satellite constellation of GPS consists of 24 satellites.

4. GPS can provide three-dimensional positioning system.

Question ID : 50389011274
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2


Q.27 In Air pollutant dispersion studies, ELR, stands for:

Ans 1. Ecological light ratio.

2. Ecological lapse rate.

3. Environmental light ratio.

4. Environmental lapse rate.

Question ID : 50389011246
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.28 Identify the FALSE statement regarding the ‘STANDARD PENETRATION TEST’.
Ans 1. The test is extremely useful for determining the angle of shearing resistance of
cohesionless soils.
2. This is the most commonly used in-situ test, especially for cohesionless soils.

3. The test is extremely useful for determining the relative density of cohesionless
4. This test cannot be used to determine the unconfined compressive strength of
cohesive soils.

Question ID : 50389011282
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.29 Pick-up the INCORRECTLY paired from the following, the source of noise and its noise
level (in dB).
Ans 1.




Question ID : 50389011252
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.30 Which of the following represent the lines joining points of equal dip?
Ans 1. Agonic lines.

2. Isogonic lines.

3. Isoclinic lines.

4. Isobar lines.

Question ID : 50389011262
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2



Ans 1.




Question ID : 50389011230
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.32 An old map was drawn with R. F. = (1/2000). The sheet of map shrinks with shrinkage
ratio of 20/22, then calculate the corrected scale (R. F.) for the map?
Ans 1. (1/1000)

2. (1/1800)

3. (1/2200)

4. (1/44000)

Question ID : 50389011259
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.33 Which of the following evoporimeter is adopted by Indian standard IS: 5973-1970 for
estimation of evaporation?
Ans 1. Pan of 1.22 m in diameter and 25.5 cm in depth.

2. Pan of 92 cm square in plan and 46 cm deep.

3. Pan of 1.22 m square in plan and 25.5 cm in depth.

4. Pan of 90 cm square in plan and 45 cm deep.

Question ID : 50389011237
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.34 Recognize the FALSE statement regarding the advantages of a Barrage from the
Ans 1. The initial cost of the Barrage is quite low.

2. Facilities for inspection and repair of various structures.

3. The outflow can be easily regulated by gates.

4. A roadway can be provided easily over the structure with small additional cost.

Question ID : 50389011244
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1


Q.35 Select the WRONG statement regarding the factors that influence the thickness of the
boundary layer formation along a flat smooth plate.
Ans 1. Greater is the kinematic viscosity of the fluid greater is the boundary layer thickness.

2. The boundary layer thickness is considerably affected by the pressure gradient in

the direction of flow.
3. The boundary layer thickness decreases with the increase in the velocity of flow of
the approaching stream of fluid.
4. The boundary layer thickness decreases as the distance from the leading-edge

Question ID : 50389011233
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3


Ans 1. 06 kN.

2. 09 kN.

3. 27 kN.

4. 18 kN.

Question ID : 50389011214
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.37 Select the INCORRECT statement from the following, related to the LAPLACE’S
EQUATION for seepage analysis.
Ans 1. One family represents the flow lines along which the flow takes place.

2. Laplace’s equation can be solved if the boundary conditions at the inlet and exit are
3. This equation represents two families of curves which are parallel to each other.

4. The other family represents the equipotential lines along which the potential or total
head is constant.

Question ID : 50389011284
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3








Question ID : 50389011267
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.39 Select the correct relationship for a shaft of uniform circular cross-section.
Ans 1. Torsional Rigidity = Modulus of Rigidity/Polar moment of Inertia

2. Torsional Rigidity = Modulus of Rigidity - Polar moment of Inertia

3. Torsional Rigidity = Modulus of Rigidity + Polar moment of Inertia

4. Torsional Rigidity = Modulus of Rigidity * Polar moment of Inertia

Question ID : 50389011216
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.40 Calculate the value of limiting (balanced) moment of resistance of R. C. C. beam of

width 200 mm and effective depth 400 mm, reinforced with three bars of 16 mm
diameter of Fe500 steel and M30 concrete.
Ans 1. 128 kN-m.

2. 85 kN-m.

3. 132 kN-m.

4. 88 kN-m.

Question ID : 50389011228
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3



Ans 1.




Question ID : 50389011265
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.42 In the analysis of structures by the principle of Virtual Work, which of the following
forces are assumed to do work and are not omitted?
Ans 1. Tension in a light inextensible string.

2. Forces normal to the direction of displacement.

3. Concentrated load on the mid span of a simply supported beam.

4. Reaction at smooth pins and hinges which do not move.

Question ID : 50389011213
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.43 As per ‘Indian Standard General Construction in Steel- Code of practice’; for deep
penetration welds, where the depth of penetration beyond the root run is a minimum of
2.4 mm, the size of fillet should be as:
Ans 1. Maximum leg size + 2.4 mm.

2. Minimum leg size + 2.4 mm.

3. Minimum leg size + (2*2.4) mm.

4. Minimum leg size – 2.4 mm.

Question ID : 50389011221
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2


Q.44 In highway pavement design, the ratio of contact pressure to tyre pressure is known
Ans 1. Stress ratio factor.

2. Impact factor.

3. Flexibility factor.

4. Rigidity factor.

Question ID : 50389011227
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.45 Which of the following is a WRONG assumption of DUPUIT-THIEM THEORY for

analysis of ground water flow towards a well?
Ans 1. The aquifer has infinite lateral extent.

2. The flow lines are radial.

3. The well is of small size and has negligible storage.

4. Flow is turbulent flow and Darcy’s law is not incorporated in this analysis.

Question ID : 50389011238
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.46 Which of the following is an example of time dependent non-Newtonian fluid?

Ans 1. Dilatant.

2. Thixotropic.

3. Pseudoplastic.

4. Bingham.

Question ID : 50389011229
Status : Marked For Review
Chosen Option : 1

Q.47 ______________ is the intensity of loading that will cause a permissible settlement or
specified settlement for the structure.
Ans 1. Net pressure intensity.

2. Safe bearing pressure.

3. Ultimate bearing capacity.

4. Net ultimate bearing capacity.

Question ID : 50389011286
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3







Question ID : 50389011242
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3






Question ID : 50389011225
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.50 Calculate the steepest gradient permitted on a 4° curve for a Meter Gauge line (Indian).
The ruling gradient for the section is specified as 0.62%.
Ans 1. 1 in 250.

2. 1 in 264.

3. 1 in 200.

4. 1 in 150.

Question ID : 50389011291
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3


Q.51 Which of the following is NOT a desirable factor for selection of a dam/reservoir site?
Ans 1. A suitable site for the spillway should be available in the near vicinity.

2. The length of dam should be as large as possible.

3. Suitable foundation must be available.

4. The reservoir basin should be reasonably water-tight.

Question ID : 50389011236
Status : Marked For Review
Chosen Option : 2

Q.52 The depth of flow in an irrigation channel is 2.5 m and the value of critical velocity
ratio is 1.2. What is the critical velocity (m/sec) of the channel according to Kennedy’s




Question ID : 50389011241
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.53 Recognize the WRONG statement related to the characteristics of Rubbish in Indian
Ans 1. Rubbish constitutes more than 50% of the total municipal solid waste.

2. Rubbish includes rags paper pieces, broken pieces of glass and furniture, card-
boards, etc.
3. Rubbish has a density varying between 50 to 400 kg/m3.

4. Rubbish includes all non-putrescible wastes except ashes.

Question ID : 50389011250
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2


Q.54 Comment on the following statements as True/False.

S1: The flow of viscous fluid must satisfy the no-slip condition at the solid boundary.

S2: The boundary-layer exists in flow of ideal fluids.

S3: The concept of boundary-layer divides the flow into two zones.
Ans 1. Statement S1 is True but statements S2 & S3 are False.

2. All three statements are True.

3. Statements S1 and S3 are True but S2 is False.

4. All three statements are False.

Question ID : 50389011232
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.55 Which of the following is not classified as a part of Refuse?

Ans 1. Human excreta.

2. Garbage.

3. Ashes.

4. Rubbish.

Question ID : 50389011249
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.56 Identify the spillway crest gate, which consists of a hollow steel cylinder or drum
spanning between the piers constructed on the crest of the spillway.
Ans 1. Stoplogs and Needles.

2. Rolling gates.

3. Flash boards.

4. Sliding vertical gates.

Question ID : 50389011243
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.57 An isolated two-phase traffic signal is designed by Webster’s method. Determine the
optimum signal cycle, if the sum of all critical flow ratios is 0.50 and the all-red time
required for pedestrian crossing is 13 seconds.
Ans 1. 67.5 seconds.

2. 61 seconds.

3. 58.5 seconds.

4. 55 seconds.

Question ID : 50389011223
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2


Q.58 What are the numbers of orbital planes and satellites in one orbit for a GPS,
Ans 1. Six and Four.

2. Four and Twenty-eight.

3. Twenty-four and Six.

4. Three and Four.

Question ID : 50389011273
Status : Marked For Review
Chosen Option : 2

Q.59 A rainfall of 2.0 cm occurred in a 4-hour storm and the φ- index was 0.25 cm/hour.
What was the rainfall excess?
Ans 1. 2.0 cm.

2. 2.25 cm.

3. 1.0 cm.

4. 1.75 cm.

Question ID : 50389011239
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.60 What will the value of combined correction due to refraction and curvature for a
distance of 2 km?
Ans 1. 0.01 m.

2. 0.568 m.

3. 0.269 m

4. 0.04 m.

Question ID : 50389011258
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.61 Identify the mis-matched pair about type of Airport and the maximum value of
longitudinal gradient of a taxiway, as per ICAO.
Ans 1. Type ‘E’ airport ------- 3.0 %.

2. Type ‘A’ airport ------- 1.0%.

3. Type ‘C’ airport -------- 3.0 %

4. Type ‘B’ airport ------- 1.5%.

Question ID : 50389011292
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2



Ans 1. 2.0 m.

2. 2.5 m.

3. 3.5 m.

4. 4.0 m.

Question ID : 50389011283
Status : Marked For Review
Chosen Option : 3

Q.63 Which of the following expression represents the angularity number for the aggregate,
used in highway construction?

C= weight of cylinder, W= weight of aggregate in the cylinder, G= specific gravity of





Question ID : 50389011226
Status : Marked For Review
Chosen Option : 2

Q.64 Calculate the value of shape factor for a rectangular steel beam cross-section of
500x1000mm, as per plastic analysis of steel structures design concept.
Ans 1. 1.70

2. 2.34

3. 1.50

4. 1.15

Question ID : 50389011220
Status : Marked For Review
Chosen Option : 1


Q.65 Which of the following pair is not correctly matched regarding types of road surface
and IRC recommended value of camber in very heavy rainfall range place?
Ans 1.




Question ID : 50389011290
Status : Marked For Review
Chosen Option : 4

Q.66 What is the range of ‘probable error of computed distance’ for the tertiary
Ans 1. 1 in 5,000 to 1 in 20,000.

2. 1 in 1000 to 1 in 5000.

3. 1 in 60,000 to 1 in 250,000.

4. 1 in 20,000 to 1 in 50,000.

Question ID : 50389011269
Status : Marked For Review
Chosen Option : 3

Q.67 The ratio of Liquid limit minus natural water content of a soil to its plasticity index is
known as:
Ans 1. Consistency index

2. Flow index

3. Liquidity index

4. Toughness index

Question ID : 50389011275
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1






Question ID : 50389011263
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3


Q.69 In horizontal plane; a curve whose radius is variable, is known as:

Ans 1. Easement curve.

2. Simple circular curve.

3. Reverse curve.

4. Compound curve.

Question ID : 50389011264
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4


Ans 1. e = 40 cm.

2. e= 20 cm.

3. e= 10 cm.

4. e= 80/π cm.

Question ID : 50389011215
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.71 Which of the following is also named as ‘Loose Needle method’ in traversing?
Ans 1. Chain traversing.

2. Chain and compass traversing.

3. Plan-table traversing.

4. Transit tape traversing.

Question ID : 50389011266
Status : Marked For Review
Chosen Option : 3

Q.72 Choose the correct equation regarding the non-recording rain gauge.
Ans 1. Depth of rain fallen = Volume of water collected * Area of aperture of the gauge

2. Depth of rain fallen = Volume of water collected - Area of aperture of the gauge

3. Depth of rain fallen = Volume of water collected + Area of aperture of the gauge

4. Depth of rain fallen = Volume of water collected/Area of aperture of the gauge

Question ID : 50389011235
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4



Ans 1. Compound Failure.

2. Base Rotational Failure.

3. Toe Rotational Failure.

4. Translational Failure.

Question ID : 50389011281
Status : Marked For Review
Chosen Option : 3

Q.74 Read the statements carefully and select the correct option.

Statement 1: Either a circular or a parabola may be used for vertical curve.

Statement 2: The rate of change in grade is variable throughout in a parabolic vertical

curve, having a vertical axis.
Ans 1. Both statements are false.

2. Both statements are True.

3. Statement 1 is True and statement 2 is False.

4. Statement 1 is False and statement 2 is True.

Question ID : 50389011270
Status : Marked For Review
Chosen Option : 4


Ans 1. Obstacle to both chaining and ranging.

2. Obstacle to ranging only.

3. Obstacle to chaining only.

4. There is no type of obstacle.

Question ID : 50389011261
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3


Q.76 Which of the following is the pipe network for water supply; in which, a closed ring of
main pipes, is formed around/on the periphery of the area to be served?
Ans 1. Tree system.

2. Circular system.

3. Recticulation system.

4. Radial system.

Question ID : 50389011256
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.77 What should be the maximum spacing between the expansion joints with rough
interface layer, in cement concrete pavements as per IRC?
Ans 1. 100 m.

2. 60 m.

3. 140 m.

4. 50 m.

Question ID : 50389011224
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.78 Comment on the following statements as True/False.

S1: Muller-Breslau principle is based on the concept of the influence line as a

deflection curve.

S2: Muller-Breslau principle is the straight application of Maxwell’s reciprocal theorem.

Ans 1. Both statements S1 and S2 are False.

2. Statement S1 is False and statement S2 is True.

3. Both S1 and S2 are True.

4. Statement S1 is True and statement S2 is False.

Question ID : 50389011218
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.79 ________________ is a communication system which allows speech to be transmitted

from the total station instrument to the prism.
Ans 1. Lumi-guide.

2. Electromagnetic distance measurement device.

3. Plumet.

4. Geotronics Unicom.

Question ID : 50389011268
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4


Q.80 In the design of continuous flow type sedimentation tank, if A= theoretical detention
period and B= the actual average time taken by a batch of water in passing through the
settling tank, then what will be the displacement efficiency?
Ans 1. B/A

2. A*B

3. A/B

4. A + B

Question ID : 50389011255
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.81 Calculate the minimum depth of foundation required as per Rankine’s analysis, for a
building. The intensity of loading at base is 171kN/m2, unit weight of soil= 19kN/m3
and angle of shearing resistance = 30°.
Ans 1. 1.0 m.

2. 1.5 m.

3. 1.75 m.

4. 2.5 m.

Question ID : 50389011287
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.82 Which of the following group is an example of ground-based platform regarding

Remote Sensing?
Ans 1. Ladder, Tower, Crane, and Truck.

2. Geostationary satellite and sun-synchronous satellite.

3. Low altitude aircraft and high-altitude aircraft.

4. Balloons, Aircraft, Helicopter, and Drones.

Question ID : 50389011271
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.83 Which of the following is a classification of Piles based on the “Mode of Transfer of
Ans 1. Fender piles, Sheet piles, Compaction piles.

2. End-bearing piles, Friction piles, Combined end bearing and friction piles.

3. Displacement piles, Non-displacement piles.

4. Steel pile, Concrete piles, Timber piles.

Question ID : 50389011278
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2



Ans 1. Non-coplanar concurrent forces.

2. Coplanar concurrent forces.

3. Non-coplanar non-concurrent forces.

4. Coplanar non-concurrent forces.

Question ID : 50389011211
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2


Ans 1. Decreasing rate method.

2. Geometric increase method.

3. Varying increment method.

4. Incremental increase method.

Question ID : 50389011257
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

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