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Assignment No.


Information System


Saba Iqbal
Sp-21/ BSIT / (A)/ 012

Ma’am Maryam Nizami
Case Study

Question # 01:
​ How do information technologies contribute to the business success of
Sew What? Inc.? Give several examples from the case regarding the
business value of information technology that demonstrate this

Information technologies contribute significantly to the business success of Sew What?
Inc. Here are some examples of how IT has been instrumental in the company's growth
and success:
● Website Expansion: The company's website,, played a pivotal
role in expanding its customer base. Before having a web presence, the business
was mostly local. The website opened up new markets and allowed them to gain
clients globally.

● Efficient Operations: Sew What? uses Intuit's QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions

and Microsoft Windows Server with a Dell server to manage their operations
efficiently. This IT infrastructure is crucial for the seamless running of the
business, from customer information to financial data.

● Web-Driven Sales: A significant portion of their growth came from web-driven

sales. By leveraging the internet, they saw a 45% increase in revenue, and the
company was on track to achieve a 65% increase in sales by 2006.

● Web Marketing Consulting: Sew What? collaborated with web marketing

consulting experts for site navigation, branding, search engine optimization, and
overall design. This helped them enhance the customer experience and reach a
broader audience.
Question # 02:
​ If you were a management consultant to Sew What? Inc., what would you
advise Megan Duckett to do at this point to be even more successful in her
business? What role would information technology play in your proposals?
Provide several specific recommendations.

As a management consultant to Sew What? Inc., I would advise Megan Duckett to
continue leveraging information technology for further success. Here are some specific

● Implement Advanced Inventory Management: To improve warehouse

operations, I'd suggest implementing an advanced bar code system that can
track the manufacturing process. This will lead to more accurate cost analysis,
helping to provide customers with more precise pricing. The system would also
help in order tracking and provide better customer service.

● Enhance Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Implement a robust

CRM system that helps manage customer interactions, streamline sales, and
improve customer service. This will allow for better customer relationship
management and personalized marketing.

● Explore E-commerce Expansion: Consider expanding into e-commerce,

allowing customers to place orders and customize drapery online. A user-friendly
e-commerce platform can open up new revenue streams.

● Invest in Data Analytics: Utilize data analytics to gain insights into customer
preferences, market trends, and operational efficiency. Data-driven
decision-making can lead to better strategies and customer satisfaction.

● Cybersecurity: Given the reliance on digital technologies, ensure strong

cybersecurity measures to protect customer data, financial records, and
intellectual property.
Question # 03:
How could the use of information technology help a small business you know be
more successful? Provide several examples to support your answer.

Information technology can greatly enhance the success of a small business. Here are
several examples:
● Online Presence: Developing and maintaining an attractive, user-friendly
website can expand a small business's reach to a global audience, attracting new
customers and increasing sales.
● Digital Marketing: Leveraging social media, email marketing, and online
advertising allows small businesses to reach their target audience more
effectively and cost-efficiently.
● Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Implementing CRM software
enables businesses to manage customer data, track interactions, and provide
personalized services, ultimately improving customer satisfaction and loyalty.
● Inventory Management Software: Using inventory management software
optimizes stock levels, minimizes waste, and ensures products are readily
available when needed, reducing costs and improving efficiency.
● E-commerce Platforms: Setting up an e-commerce platform can significantly
boost sales by providing a convenient way for customers to purchase products or
services online.
● Data Analytics: Small businesses can use data analytics to understand
customer behavior, preferences, and market trends, enabling data-driven
decision-making for more effective strategies.
● Remote Work Tools: In the era of remote work, small businesses can benefit
from a range of tools that enable employees to work efficiently from anywhere,
reducing overhead costs.
● Cybersecurity Solutions: Protecting customer data and business information
from cyber threats is crucial. Implementing cybersecurity measures safeguards
the business's reputation and assets.
● Cloud Storage and Backup: Storing data in the cloud ensures data accessibility
and redundancy, preventing data loss in case of hardware failures or disasters.
● Mobile Apps: Developing a mobile app can enhance customer engagement and
provide a more convenient way for customers to interact with the business.

The key is to identify the specific needs and goals of the small business and choose the
appropriate IT solutions to support those objectives.
Real World Activities

Question # 01:
Search the Internet to help you evaluate the business performance of Sew What?
Inc. and its competitors at the present time. What conclusions can you draw from
your research about Sew What's prospects for the future? Report your findings
and recommendations for Sew What's continued business success to the class.


Based on the information provided in the case study, Sew What? Inc. experienced
substantial growth and success by leveraging information technology and expanding its
online presence. The company's ability to adapt to changing market conditions, invest in
IT infrastructure, and maintain a strong focus on customer satisfaction has been critical
to its growth. Sew What's accolades and recognition, such as the Dell/NFIB Small
Business Excellence Award and the Stevie Award for Women in Business, demonstrate
its achievements and innovation.

To evaluate its prospects for the future, one should consider the following factors:

● Market Dynamics: Assess the current state of the market in which Sew What?
operates. Identify any emerging trends, changes in customer preferences, and
potential disruptions.
● Competitive Landscape: Analyze the competitive landscape and the strengths
and weaknesses of Sew What? compared to its competitors. Consider factors
such as pricing, product quality, and market positioning.
● Customer Feedback: Review customer reviews and feedback to gauge
satisfaction levels and identify areas for improvement.
● Financial Health: Examine the company's financial statements, revenue growth,
and profitability to determine its financial stability.
● Technology Innovation: Investigate whether Sew What? continues to invest in
technology and innovate to maintain a competitive edge.
● Expansion Opportunities: Explore whether there are opportunities for
geographical or product/service expansion.
● Industry Partnerships: Look for any strategic partnerships or collaborations that
may boost Sew What's presence or capabilities.
Question # 02:
Small businesses have been slower to integrate information technology into their
operations than larger companies. Break into small groups with your classmates
to discuss the reasons for this state of affairs, identifying several possible IT
solutions and their business benefits that could help small businesses become
more successful

Small businesses' slower adoption of information technology compared to larger
companies can be attributed to several factors. However, there are opportunities for
small businesses to embrace IT solutions that can significantly enhance their success.
Here's my perspective on this matter:

Reasons for Slower IT Adoption by Small Businesses:

● Limited Resources: Small businesses often have limited financial and human
resources. They may perceive IT investments as costly, both in terms of
technology acquisition and staff training.
● Lack of IT Expertise: Small businesses may not have in-house IT expertise to
guide technology decisions, leading to concerns about the complexity of
implementing and managing IT systems.
● Resistance to Change: Owners and employees of small businesses may resist
change, fearing disruption and the learning curve associated with new
● Perceived Irrelevance: Some small business owners may believe that IT
solutions are more suited for larger enterprises and not necessary for their
specific industry or operation.

IT Solutions for Small Businesses and Their Benefits:

● Cloud Computing: Embrace cloud-based solutions for data storage,

collaboration, and software applications. This reduces the need for on-premises
infrastructure, lowers costs, and enhances scalability.
● E-commerce Platforms: Develop an e-commerce platform to expand the
customer base and enable online sales. This offers the convenience of 24/7
access to products and services.
● Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Implement CRM software to
manage customer interactions and enhance customer service. This helps build
and maintain customer relationships and improves marketing efforts

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