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Mondenberg Bestiary

For Mondenberg: A City in Shadows

By Empedocles the Wizard

Preface Table of Contents

This book describes eighteen creatures
common to the surroundings of Preface
Mondenberg, the port city in the Shadow Flickernewts
Lands. While some of them show clear Gallowaries (s. Gallowary)
influence from older editions the world’s
most popular role playing game,
Lichfield Cemetery Darkhound
The regions immediately around the
Lichfield Cemetery Eternal Friar
Shadowlands are the Lichfield Cemetery,
sprawling east of the Necropolis district, Lichfield Cemetery Gargoyle
fallen in ruin and sinking slowly into the Lichfield Cemetery Tomb Naga
swamp it was built on, and the Lichfield Cemetery Tomb Tortoise
Shadowpine forest, a generally hilly pine Lichfield Cemetery Executioner
forest that spreads to the north and west, Bird
and which is rumored to contain ancient Mondenbergian Goodfellow
ruins. Radiant Manticore
It also includes some more ubiquitous Shadow Hag
creatures of the Shadow Lands in general. Shadow Ibex
Shadowpine Shadowcat
Shadowpine Wolverine
Shadowpine Hatchetbeak
Shimmer Moths
Wraith Shark
Appendix I: Images and Usage Rights

1. -1 to all checks.
2. +1 damage from physical attacks.
3. Emit flickers of light when running.
4. Invisible and silent when not moving.
5. Reaction rolls are done with a d12
instead of 2d6.
6. Stomach discomfort. When struck for
at least 5 blunt damage, lose your
next action as you vomit forth a
Typical Tactics: Leave creatures alone
These black crystalline newts are a unless hungry. Attack food sources or
hybrid creature common in pockets of the creatures which have attacked them.
elemental plane of Earth and the Treasure: None. Their corpse if fairly
Shadowlands. intact (no critical hits scored on them)
When moving slowly or sitting still, they reduce the cost of delusion, heroism, and
are difficult to spot. In contrast, when speed potions by 50 gp, and so are
moving quickly, they make clicking noises usually worth about 25 gp to those who
from their joints and epidermis while brew potions.
emitting flickers of blindingly bright light.
Some people insist it is bad luck to
encounter them because of what can
happen when one is blinded in the
Shadowlands. Others believe that they
are harmless if handled carefully, but that
killing one grants you bad luck. Many
witches believe that this bad luck is a type
of minor death curse, only an issue if they
are crushed or maimed while still alive.
When near death, they do tend to charge
the mouths of predators, which some
sages believe is an adaptive strategy for
HD 1 [5 hp] AC 4[15] Atk 1: Bite: (1d6)
or Blinding Lunge: +3(1d6 + special after
moving in a straight line 10 to 40 ft.) Mv 20
ft., or climb 15 ft. Save 18(M1) Mr 8 AL C
CL/XP 1/10 # App. 1
Special: Blinding Lunge: A Flickernewt
can charge 10-40 ft. in a straight line,
flashing brightly. Those within 10 ft. must
save or be blinded for 1d4 turns.
Death Curse: If crushed or maimed, the
person inflicting the killing blow will
experience one of the following minor
curses (save to avoid, save each week to

Gallowaries (s. Gallowary)
These cruel birds seem to be
related to crows or ravens, but larger
than either. They typically travel in
small murders of exactly 3, 4, 6, 9, 12,
or 13, but at times, these murders will
unite into a much larger flock of 39 to
169 (forming in strict multiples of 13,
especially 52). It is unclear why
specific numbers are important to
them, but it’s
Murders typically make their nests
at crossroads, graveyards, and
Murder of Gallowaries
HD 1 or 2 [3, 4, 6, 9, 12 hp] AC 6[13]
Atk 1: Pecking Swarm: +1(1d6 per 8
hp, rounding up + special) Mv 20 ft.,
fly 40 ft. Save 18(M1) Mr 6 AL C blinded, -2 to attacks for first eye,
CL/XP 1 or 2/25 to 75 # App. 1d6 completely blind for second eye.
Or Baleful Caw: While cawing, a regular
Greater Murder of Gallowaries murder of Gallowaries causes -1 to all
Birds checks of anyone within 30 ft. who can
HD 3 or 12 [13-169 hp, multiple of 13] hear. A greater murder causes -2 to all
AC 6[13] Atk 1: Pecking Swarm: +1(1d8 checks of anyone within 60 ft. who can
per 13 hp + special) Mv 20 ft., fly 40 ft. hear, unless there are 169, in which case
Save 15-10(M3-M12) Mr 6 AL C CL/XP 3 they cause -3 to all other creatures within
to 12/175 to 1975 to # App. 1 (13-169, as 90 ft. who can hear them.
hp) Typical Tactics: Follow their prey,
Special: Swarm Combat: Normal melee cawing all the while, waiting for tragedy to
or missile attacks and targeted spells do befall them, then attacking them when
exactly 1 damage, except on a natural 20, disadvantaged or helpless.
when they do 2. Each hit represents one Treasure: Regular murder: Type D;
Gallowary. Greater Murder: Type A.
Multiple Targets: Area of effect spells do Their larger feathers are also useful as
half damage to the swarm, or one quarter quills for those who create scrolls,
damage on a successful save. reducing those costs by 10 gp per large
Pecking Swarm: The swarm swoops in, feather, and so are bought for about 5 gp.
targeting eyes, nose, and other critical or One is consumed in the production of
soft spots. If the target fails their save, each scroll. Typically 1d12 per 13
they additionally have one of the following Gallowaries killed, or 1d6-1 for a lesser
statuses imposed (d6): 1-2: lamed, move amount.
half speed; 3-4: bleeding, lose 1 hp per
turn until bandaged; 5: ears pecked out,
deafened; 6: eye pecked out, partially

Grue size of large hunting dogs, typically
If you could see it, you might think it weighing about 180 lbs.
looks like an enormous rotund vole, Vicious and cruel, these intelligent
almost five feet long, but it is enveloped in canines savor the flavor of the meat of
a sphere of darkness. Fortunately for you, intelligent creatures.
it’s afraid of light. Dog
In light, their bodies look to be about 10 HD 2+1 [10 hp] AC 7[12] Atk 1x
inches long, and weigh 20 lbs. Sulfurous Bite: +2/(1d4+special) Mv 50 ft.
HD 3 [13 hp] AC 5[14] Atk 3: Save 17(M2) Mr 8 AL N CL/XP 2/100
claw/claw/bite. Claw: +5(1d6), Bite: # App. 1d6+3
+5(2d4) Mv 30 ft., climb 15 ft. Save 16 Mr Special: Sulfurous Bite: Target saves
10, 2 within 20 ft. of light AL N CL/XP with +4 bonus or takes 1d3 fire damage
3/205 # App. 1 each round until they save successfully.
Special: Resistance: Immune to shadow Burning Chains: Any hit on the
magic effects. Darkhound with bodily weapons inflicts
Project Darkness: At the start of its turn, 1d4-2 damage on the attacker (0-2).
it can create a field of darkness with a 10 Typical Tactics: They will charge in as
ft. radius around itself. They can see a group at a time when their victims are
through the darkness they create as a relaxed.
though it were barely there. Treasure: Type U in their intestines.
Dark Quantum Flux: While in complete Their corpses are said to be useful in
darkness, they reduce the results of summoning fiends, as well as the creation
hostile non-d20 die rolls to the lowest of certain magic items, and in large
possible result. In other words, those markets they may go for as much as 250
attacking a Grue always roll minimal gp.
Light Vulnerability: While light is around Lichfield Cemetery Eternal Friar
them, their damage rolls are always the Spirit maintaining the cemetery
minimal result. structure, will attack any living creature
Typical Tactics: They follow at a damaging those structures.
distance until they sense their prey are in Undead, Spirit
utter darkness, at which point they will HD 3 [17 hp] AC 5[14] Atk 1x Ethereal
attack. Tackle: +5/(1d6+special) Mv 30 ft. Save
Treasure: Type U in their intestines. 5(M6) Mr 12 AL N CL/XP 3/175 # App.
Their corpses are a curiosity to some, 1d6+2
and may benefit in the production of Special: Immunities: immune to
certain magical items by others. They can physical attacks by non-magical weapons.
typically be sold in large markets for about Undead Immunities: Immune to sleep,
250 gp. They are also surprisingly edible, charms, enchantments. Silent. Does not
if very gamey, providing up to 150 lbs. of eat, breath, or sleep.
meat. Ethereal Tackle: Anyone hit by a tackle
must save or roll a d12 for all d20 checks
Lichfield Cemetery Darkhound until they roll a natural 12.
These short-haired dark gray or Typical Tactics: Mindlessly attack any
jet-black hounds wear dully glowing iron creature attacking them or the cemetery.
chains, and leave sulfurous black stench Treasure: None. Their flesh is
in the air wherever they go. They are the poisonous, and stinks of sulfur.

Lichfield Cemetery Executioner Bird
Solo hunting undead flightless avian,
about 12 ft tall. Looks similar to a
Hatchetbeak, but obviously much larger.
Zombie-like. Attacks by using its beak as
an axe.
Bird, Undead
HD 4 [14 hp] AC 5[14] Atk 1x Sharp
Beak: +1/(2d6+2, special, no attack next
round if natural attack roll was even) Mv
50 ft. Save 15(M4) Mr 12 AL N CL/XP Lichfield Cemetery Gargoyle
4/280 # App. 1d3 These dark gray humanoids appear to
Special: Sharp Beak: On a successful be made of stone, including their eyes.
natural 13 die roll to attack, targets failing Capable of standing incredibly still for long
to save suffer one of the following (d6): periods, they will sit and listen for up to
1-2. Armor damaged, reduce effectiveness two hours to wait for a target’s vulnerability
by 1; 3-4. Weapon damaged, reduce before attacking. Some have vestigial
damage weapon inflicts by 1; 5-6. wings.
Bleeding wound: take 1 dmg each round While they look fiendish, they are
until healed or bandaged. actually living creatures. When they die,
Stealthy: +1 to surprise. their corpses crumbles over the course of
Undead Immunities: Immune to sleep, 1d6 turns.
charms, enchantments. Silent. Does not Monster, Earth
eat, breath, or sleep. HD 4 [18 hp] AC 5[14] Atk 1x Cannonball
Typical Tactics: Zombie-like, attacking Drop: +4/(1d6 blunt/10 ft. dropped) or 2x
at earliest opportunity and pursuing Claws: +4/(1d6) Mv 30 ft., climb 15 ft.
relentlessly. Save 15(M4) Mr 9 AL C CL/XP 4/280
Treasure: None. # App. 1d12
Special: Resistances: Cold, Fire,
Poison, +3 save/60% dmg reduction.
Immunities: Blunt damage including
falling, and petrification.
Vulnerabilities: Stone to Flesh reduces
its current hit points by half, no save.
Typical Tactics: They will watch from a
high vantage point for victims. When the
victims are relaxed, they will bombard
them by dropping from great height onto
them to start combat.
Treasure: None.

Lichfield Cemetery Tomb Naga Resistances: Cold, Fire, Poison, and
Enormous snake creatures which can Shadow +4 save/80% dmg reduction, +4
open their lower jaws wide to show a vs. Illusions and Enchantments.
human face within. Their scales are Immunities: sleep and petrification.
shades of gray with blue and/or burgundy Vulnerabilities: Stone to Flesh reduces
diamonds running down their spine. Their its current hit points by half, no save.
human faces are craggy, with skin tones Typical Tactics: Prior to combat, they
from the lavender to plum or from mint will use Detect Evil and Detect Magic to
green to olive. Both pairs of eyes are determine who and what they are up
cat-like, ranging in color from frosty blue to against. They will then strike from
crimson. ambush, first casting Silence, 15 ft. Radius
Snake, Spirit, Guardian on any suspected magic users, and
HD 9 [50 hp] AC 4[15] Atk 1x Torporous Cause Fear on the most fearsome ranged
Bite: +9/(1d6+special) Mv 45 ft., swim 30 combatants. If significant magic was
ft., climb 15 ft. Save 13(M9) Mr 9 AL C detected, they will try to cast Dispel Magic
CL/XP 9/1150 # App. 1d3 on the greatest concentration of it outside
Special: Torporous Bite: Target saves of the area of silence. Then they will fight
or is put to sleep instantly. It needs a turn to limit damage to themselves, picking off
to replenish this venom. easy targets first.
Turning: Tomb Nagas may turn but not Treasure: Type E. They are usually
control undead, as a 9th level cleric. guarding a particular tomb, contracted
Spell Casting: Lichfield Tomb Nagas there as guardians. The treasure type
may cast the following spells once each listed is taken from tomb robbers of this or
day as a 9th level cleric. previous tombs their family has guarded.
Level 1; Detect Evil, Detect Magic, Their corpses are gamey and taste of
Cause Fear chicken or lean pork, but earns the
Level 2: Silence, 15 ft. Radius, Speak disfavor of most gods, risking a divine
with Animals curse (1 in 6 chance of being affected by
Level 3: Locate Object bestow curse delivered by a divine agent,
Level 4: Dispel Magic although a save is allowed).

Lichfield Cemetery Tomb Tortoise Sample spell sets (pick a column):
These massive olive and navy shelled 1 2 3
tortoises are about five feet in diameter,
and weigh about 800 lbs. They move very Sleep Magic missile Charm
Each tortoise has six eldritch runes Charm Animal Silence 15 ft. Protection
equally spaced in a band around the From Evil
vertical middle of their shells. How their
shells were imparted is something certain Charm Person Sleep Magic Missile
groups of scholars have theorized about Web Mind Reading Phantasmal
for centuries, but which still hasn’t been Force
They are intelligent, but unequipped to Fireball Clairvoyance Lightning Bolt
speak. They look for multi-use magic
Ice Storm Wall of Fire Charm
items, especially those conferring speech,
telepathy, or some version of manual or
telekinetic manipulation of objects. They Typical Tactics: Hit undead first with
also really like fresh fish and crustaceans, explicit damage spells. For living
and apples and carrots. creatures, charm ranged attackers, then
They are estimated to be over 4 eons melee combatants, trap spellcasters, and
old. try to get those spellcasters to cast spells
Reptile, Earth at them. Generally, destroy undead first,
HD 8 [44 hp] AC 1[18] Atk 1x Beak Snap: then advance on targets to eat them, then
+6/(2d8 edged) Mv 1 ft. Save 12(MU8) Mr advance on objectives.
9 AL L CL/XP 8/1,035 # App. 1d6 Treasure: None. their massive shells,
Special: Resistances: Cold, Necrotic: weighting about 350 lbs., are sought after
+4 to save/80% damage reduction. by some magic users and fighting men,
Runed Shell Undead Repulsion: While almost all evil, with a market rate of about
alive, undead cannot approach within 15 2,500 gp. They can be used for scrying
ft. bowls (+5% of effectiveness in scrying
Runed Shell Magic Absorption: While targets), or for shields of spell absorption
alive, 4 in 6 chance of absorbing spells (reducing the cost of crafting by 5,000 gp).
which would affect the tortoise, regardless
of target. Up to six can be stored at one
time. Tortoise can use a spell absorbed,
discharging the rune, or can use it to
remove a curse from a friendly creature, or
to do <spell level>d12 radiant damage to
all undead within 30 ft. Discharged runes
recharge over at the rate of one a day.

Radiant Manticore
These radiant crystalline creatures
resemble manticores from the mundane
world, albeit with a cold glowing light.
Further inspection reveals their body
glows, illuminated from the inside by the
light of their heart. Their tails, composed
of 24 crystalline spikes glow with a similar
but fainter light. When angry, their heart
flashes, pulsing to one of their tail spikes,
causing it to shine a brilliant radiant beam
at the target of their ire before dimming
that spike.
Crystalline, Feline
HD 6+1 [28 hp] AC 6[13] Atk 2 Claws
and 1 Bite, or 1 Radiant Spike Blast: 2x
Claw: +5(1d8), Bite 1d10+1; or Radiant
Mondenbergian Goodfellow Spike Blast: +5/1d10+1(240 ft.) Mv 40 ft.
Save 15(F6) Mr 6 AL C(CE) CL/XP 6/555
Looks like a jet black furred puck with # App. 1. Always solitary.
white or ruddy skin, straight black horns, a Special: Radiant Spike Blasts: Dulled
thin mustache, and goatee looks like a tail spikes recharge at a rate of one each
satyr, but is gleefully sadistic. 1d10 hours, or one per magic-missile they
They frequently cause mischief by are struck with.
imitating the sounds made by other Radiant Absorption: Radiant effects
creatures, which they can perfectly mimic, recharge dulled tail spikes, one for each
and cast to seem to come from some level of the effect.
other place. Latent Glow: An aura of dim light 20 feet
Fay around them while they live.
HD 3 [14 hp] AC 6[13] Atk 1: fist or by Vulnerability: Each round the right
weapon. Fist: +3(1d3) Mv 40 ft. Save harmonic tone is played within 40 ft., the
17(F3) Mr 6 AL C CL/XP 3/175 # App. Radiant Manticore will take 1d8 hp of
1d6 damage. This tone is distinct to each
Special: Vocal Mimicry: Can cast Radiant Manticore. A musician may pick a
ventriloquism at will. frequency. Roll a 1d6 for each nearby
Resistance: Immune to shadow magic Radiant Manticore to determine the
and charm effects. damage of that frequency to it: 1. 0, 2.
Project Darkness: At the start of its turn, 1d4, 3-4: 1d6, 5: 1d8, 6: 1d10. Each
it can create a field of darkness with a 10 round, a musician may either play a tone
ft. radius around itself. they know, or try to find a new one.
Typical Tactics: Hide, listen, then use Typical Tactics: Find an elevated
Vocal Mimicry to manipulate victims into a position, then use Radiant Spike Blasts to
perilous situation. Attack when victims are disable spell casters and ranged
substantially defenseless. combatants before softening up melee
Treasure: Type U. It’s body is worth up targets, then close to melee.
to 5,000 gp to magic users in a large city, Treasure: None. They eschew the use
but causes a -4 to reaction rolls with other of any equipment.
fay while carried.

Frightful Visage: When first seen in
their true form, those who gaze upon them
must save or fall to the ground, paralyzed
in revulsive fear.
Iron Skin: edged weapon attacks do 1
less damage.
Magical Reflection: Spells targeting the
Shadow Hag have a 1 in 6 chance of
being reflected at the caster instead.
Typical Tactics: They try to use
Ventriliquism to distract or entrap a group,
Shadowy Shroud to get close to them,
then use Frightful Visage on just one
member, before using Shadowy Shroud
again to take them somewhere dark
Shadow Hag
nearby, where they can eat their victim.
Hags that mess up badly are exiled to They will try to repeat this over the course
the Shadow Plane for a few eons, partially of hours or days, until discovered. When
stripped of their powers. Some become discovered, they will flee, then find a
such loners that they never return home, predator they can lure to their prey, before
becoming more and more shadow twisted joining combat.
every decade. They typically stand 5 to 6 In combat, they will try to get close to
feet tall. spell casters, to eliminate them first.
They have voracious appetites, and Treasure: In their lair, they will have
can eat a full grown human male in a turn. Type D, although they will use any useful
Shadow Hags are as strong as ogres. items in their hunting. If tracked to their
All of them are natural witches, treated lairs, usually a cave or hovel, they will
as witches of equal level to their hit dice. attempt to buy their freedom by giving up
They can be found near natural places the useless trinkets they have plundered.
of power within the Shadow Lands.
HD 8-10 [44-55 hp] AC 4[15] Atk 1: 2x
Claw:+8(1d6+4); Bite:+8(1d12+special)
Mv Swim 40 ft. Save 15(F5) Mr 10 AL
N(CN) CL/XP 5/405 # App. 1
Special: Change Self: At will, can
change their appearance to that of any
other humanoid creature within ±25% of
their original size. They often impersonate
human or demi-human females of various
ages to lure people into traps. This
transformation takes 1 minute.
Ventriliquism: At will, as the spell.
Used to further disorient or frighten others.
Shadowy Shroud: Invisible in shadows.
If they hit with both claws, they can use
their enormous strength to pull a creature
into the shadows with them.

Treasure: None. Ram’s bodies as a
whole weigh about 180 lbs, while Ewes
are usually around 105 lbs. Each horn
weighs about 5-6% of the animal’s body
weight. Their horns are valued by magic
users, since they can be used in the
creation of certain potions and magic
items, with a going rate of 1,500 gp each.
Their hides sell for about 500 gp in large
cities, due both to their use for creation of
magical items, and to their unusual lustre.

Shadowpine Hatchetbeak
Pack hunting flightless avian, about 3 ft
tall, with long necks and sharp beaks.
Communicate by chirps and whistles,
Shadow Ibex sounding like a cross between cockatoos
These large goats are particularly able to and crows.
avoid trouble in the Shadow Lands. Bird
Goat HD 1+1 [6 hp] AC 5[14] Atk 1x Sharp
HD 2 [9 hp] AC 5[14] Atk 1: Beak: +1/(1d4+special) Mv 50 ft. Save
kick/kick/bite; or ram. Kick:(1d6), Bite: 18(M1) Mr 8 AL N CL/XP 1/25 # App.
+1(1d4); or Ram: +4(males: 1d10, 1d6+4
females: 1d6)* Mv 30 ft., climb 30 ft. Save Special: Sharp Beak: On a successful
18(M2) Mr 9 AL N(LN) CL/XP 2/15 # App. natural 13 die roll to attack, target must
1 save or suffer one of the following (d6):
Special: Ram: Move 10-60 ft., -2 AC. 1-2. Armor damaged, reduce effectiveness
Target creature must save or fall. by 1; 3-4. Weapon damaged, reduce
Resistance: Half damage from cold and damage weapon inflicts by 1; 5-6.
poison. Immune to shadow magic effects. Bleeding wound: take 1 dmg each round
+2 bonus to resist charms, enchantments, until healed or bandaged.
telepathy and mind control. Typical Tactics: One of the pack will
Shadow Hopping: On its turn, the make itself visible, and try to either drive
Shadowlands Ibex may turn into shadows the prey, or act as bait for an ambush the
for 1d3 rounds before reforming rest of the pack is waiting in. They will
somewhere within 60 ft./per round of its time their attack to maximize the impact
original location. They are aware of the they can do in a surprise round.
environment they are reforming into, and Treasure: None. Their carcasses
sometimes choose to reform in the air weigh about 60 lbs. each, and taste like
above a target in the hopes of surprising chicken. Their feathers are colorful, but
them and hitting them with all their attacks. oily.
Typical Tactics: The ewes and young
will try to move away from threats, leaving
the rams to drive off threats. In desperate
straits, the ewes, also horned, will attack
as well.

breaking or the target slipping at an
unfortunate time.
Growing Threat: Each time they kill
their chosen prey, they gain a cumulative
+1d8+3 temporary hit dice, and +1 to to hit
and saves. This effect ends 1d6+7 turns
after the first kill. During this period,
Shadowcats are quite aggressive.
Hide in Shadows: Like a thief,
Shadowcats can hide in shadows, with a
75% chance of success.
Typical Tactics: As noted in Linking
Shadowpine Shadowcat
Prey, they cross their prey’s path, then
These small black house cat-sized felines follow behind, until something unluckily
are solitary except during mating, which debilitating happens to them, at which
can happen in any season, driven by point they close in for the kill.
female estrus. If unlucky themselves, they will try to
Prey selection will specifically never flee, and hide in shadows to recover.
include unaccompanied children or lone Treasure: Their heart and liver are
females of any type. For clarity, if a child used by potion brewers to make potions of
is accompanied solely by a woman, either strength. The usual price in a large city for
of them may be selected as prey. this is 150 gp.
Feline Their hides are worth more, up to 500
HD 3 [13 hp] AC 6[13] Atk 1: Shrieking gp in large cities, for use in creating
Savagery: +2(1d6 + special) Mv 50 ft., magical items related to darkness,
leap up to 50 ft. across or 20 ft. up shadows, or graceful movement.
automatically Save 16(M3) Mr 6 AL C
CL/XP 3/215 # App. 1
Special: Shrieking Savagery: While
attacking, the Shadowcat snarls and
shrieks loudly, for a 1 in 6 chance of a new
wandering encounter each round.
Linking Prey: When stalking prey,
Shadowcats first cross their prey’s path. If
their prey continues, crossing the
Shadowcat’s trail, they must save or have
a link established between them. Once a
link is established, the shadowcat chooses
one of the linked targets to be their current
active prey.
Shadowcats follow 30-60 ft. behind
their Linked Prey. For each turn they are
no further than 80 feet away, their target
takes a -1 to all actions, to a maximum of
-6. Failures within that margin of error
seem to be things that would have been
successful except for some unfortunate,
unforeseen circumstance, typically items

Shimmer Moths
Huge blue and silvery moths with a
Shadowpine Wolverine wingspan of 30 ft. They are far more
Similar to their mundane world fragile than other similarly sized creatures.
counterparts, dark wolverines are vicious Their wings cause disorienting patterns
carnivores who will take on opponents when seen from above or below. They
multiple times larger than themselves. can hide in shadows as a thief through the
Running into one is considered to be camouflage pattern of their folded wings
unlucky, for obvious reasons. enhanced by supernatural effects on the
Mustelid plane of shadows.
HD 3 [13 hp] AC 4[15] Atk 1: 2x Claws: HD 3 [14 hp] AC 6[13] Atk 1: Bite:
+3/(1d3) + Regenerative Bite: +3(1d6) Mv 20 ft., fly 40 ft. Save 17(F3)
+3/(1d6+special) Mv 50 ft., climb 15 ft. Mr 6 AL C CL/XP 3/175 # App. 1d6
Save 16(M3) Mr 11 AL N CL/XP 3/175 Special: Shimmering Wings: When
# App. 1 visible in shadows with its wings fully
Special: Regenerative Bite: Gain +1d3 open, those viewing it from above or
temporary hp on each damaging bite. below suffer from the effects of a
Exceptional Awareness: +1 to surprise, confusion spell for 1d6 rounds. When this
cannot be surprised by any creature within effect ends, those affected are immune to
40 ft. this moth’s ability for a full day.
Typical Tactics: If feeding, they will Hide in Shadows: When wings are
relentlessly attack the closest threat to folded, as a thief, 70% chance of success.
them that gets closer than about Resistance: Immune to radiant magic.
10+1d3x5 ft. otherwise, they will Typical Tactics: Fairly simple creatures,
relentlessly attack the closest creature to they will try to find something about the
them, until they can feed on something. size of a sheep, land on it, pick it up, and
Treasure: None. Their pelts are worth feed on its bodily fluids. If they pick
2,500 gp to military officers, due to the something too heavy, such as a dwarf in
implication of their fearsomeness. Magic heavy armor, they will strain to pick it up
item crafting magic users will usually pay while trying to feed on it until they fail a
around 1,000 gp for a fairly intact hide. morale check, at which point they will give
up and fly away to hide somewhere else.
Treasure: None.

Special: Impose Watery Reality:
Create a stable bubble of water in an
unoccupied volume with a 60 ft. radius; or
around a target with a 20 ft. radius, unless
the target saves, with a +2 bonus for each
other creature in the radius that doesn’t
want to be in water, or is just scared right
now. The water maintains its dimensions
until someone on its surface wishes it to
go away and makes a Charisma check.
This never dispels water within 20 ft. of the
Wraith Shark Wraith Shark. Check the drowning rules
of your system for information on how to
Not actually ghosts, Wraith Sharks are
deal with those trapped in the bubbles.
pale white sharks which use the
Typical Tactics: Use Impose Watery
consensual nature of the reality of the
Reality to immobilize their prey, then
Shadowlands to swim by willing the
create a path to them.
atmosphere to be water rather than air.
Treasure: Type U, plus whatever the
When they find prey, they try to will the
GM believes they might have swallowed in
atmosphere around their prey to become
hunting. Some apothecars believe their
water, so that they can swim to them.
fins have curative properties. Water
Fortunately, this does not work in areas
elementalists and druids scoff at this, but
inhabited by significant populations of
admit that their skin may be useful for
other creatures.
creating magic items relating to water or
HD 5 [23 hp] AC 6[13] Atk 1: Bite and
the sea.
Tail Lash. Bite:+5(1d12), Tail Lash (on
different target than bite): +3(1d8) Mv
Swim 60 ft. Save 15(F5) Mr 10 AL N(CN)
CL/XP 5/405 # App. 1

Appendix I: Images and Usage Rights
d-into-twelve-ravens-illustration : Public Moth

by Firkin - uploaded on October 28, 2015,

Bird, Flower, Fairy tale, Fairytale, Female, 4:34 pm
Vintage, Victorian, narrative, 19th century,
children's books, 1890s, BLACK & From a drawing in 'The Half Hour Library
WHITE, The red fairy book of Travel, Nature and Science for young
Author: Ford, Henry Justice readers', James Nisbet & Co, 1896.
Attribution link:
Public Domain. Free for editorial,
educational, commercial, and/or personal
projects. No attribution required. More

Vintage hellbender salamander png

amphibian, remix from artworks by
Charles Dessalines D'orbigny. Image by
Cat Walking Black Silhouette
Cat walking, stalking, silhouette in profile
black illustration on white background Wolverine png sticker, vintage animal
Karen Arnold illustration, transparent background. Free
public domain CC0 image. From

Alike 4.0 International License

Free shark image, public domain animal The Chimera of Amiens

CC0 photo. From the-chimera-amiens

Ibex png clipart, animal hand drawn

illustration, transparent background. Free
public domain CC0 image. From

Listed as Public Domain

Hag Annis Preta, por Yvonne Gilbert

Open Clipart, Public Domain “Coiled

Snake” by j4p4n - uploaded on July 5,
2017, 9:20 am
Public Domain, as per

Author: Rodrigo Ferrarezi

Lady and devil

Listed as Public Domain


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