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Subject: Ingles VIII

Teacher: Lic. Fabiola Posadas García

Name: José Luis Hernández Tepox

Semester: 9

Group: B

Essay: Open carry or concealed carry weapon

Hello, good morning, colleagues and teachers. In this essay I
will talk about the permits that exist against and in favor of the
use of weapons in Mexico
Why is there the right to use weapons in Mexico?
The right to own firearms is aimed at defending homes, the
lives of the inhabitants, their families and their assets. The
domicile —says the majority—, for the purposes of the
aforementioned article 10, is exclusively that where those who
live in a specific place are located; the place where natural
persons have their permanent place of residence, for
themselves and their family members. Consequently —the
ministers conclude— a commercial negotiation is not included
within the meaning of "domicile".
The Federal Ordinary Legislator, when issuing the Federal Law
on Firearms and Explosives, in articles 15 and 16, established
as the concept of domicile, for the purposes of possession of
weapons, that where the residents (those who inhabit or reside
seat in one place); where natural persons have their place of
permanent residence for themselves and their family members;
where you live It is even specified that article 9 of the
Regulations of the Federal Law on Firearms and Explosives
expressly refers to the place of permanent residence or where
one lives, when it defines the concept of domicile.
Article 24. To carry weapons the respective license is required.

Members of the Army, Navy and Air Force are excepted from
the foregoing, in the cases and conditions indicated by the
applicable laws and regulations.
Members of federal, state, Federal District, and municipal
police institutions, as well as private security services, may
carry weapons in the cases, conditions, and requirements
established by this law and other applicable legal provisions.
Article 25. The licenses to carry weapons will be of two
individuals; which must be revalidated every two years, and
Official, which will be valid while the position or employment
that motivated them is performed.
Article 26. Private licenses to carry weapons will be
individual for physical persons, or collective for legal
entities, and may be issued when the following
requirements are met:
In the case of natural persons:
To have an honest way of living;
To have complied, the obligated, with the National Military
Not have a physical or mental impediment to handle weapons;
Not having been convicted of a crime committed with the use of
Do not consume drugs, enervating or psychotropic, and
Accredit, at the discretion of the Secretary of National Defense,
the need to carry weapons for:
The nature of your occupation or employment; either .
The special circumstances of the place where you live, or .
Any other justified reason.
Private licenses may also be issued, for one or more weapons,
for sporting, shooting or hunting activities, only if the interested
parties are members of a registered club or association and
meet the requirements indicated in the first five paragraphs of
this section.
In the case of moral persons:
Be constituted in accordance with Mexican law.
In the case of private security services:
Have the authorization to function as a private security service,
Have the favorable opinion of the Ministry of the Interior on the
justification of the need to carry weapons, and the limits on the
number and characteristics of weapons, as well as places of
In the case of other legal persons, when due to their special
circumstances they warrant it, in the opinion of the Secretary of
National Defense, for internal security and protection services
of their facilities; adjusting to the prescriptions, controls and
supervision determined by the Secretariat itself.
Proof that those who will carry weapons comply with the
provisions of the first five paragraphs of section I above.
With prior authorization from the Ministry of National Defense,
holders of collective licenses will issue numbered personal
identification credentials, which will contain the data of the
collective license and will be renewed every six months.
The term to issue individual and collective licenses will be fifty
business days, counted from the date the corresponding
application is submitted.
Sanctions for carrying firearms without a license:
According to the law, those who possess weapons without a
license issued by the Sedena will be penalized with a fine of 10
to 100 days (from 962 to 9,622 MXN, depending on the value of
the current UMA).
Those who possess weapons, cartridges or ammunition in
unauthorized places, will receive the same penalty; or have
cartridges in quantities greater than those authorized.
It should be noted that licenses to carry weapons can be
revoked when, in the opinion of the Ministry of the Interior
(Segob), there is harm to society. This occurs in the following
When their owners misuse weapons or licenses.
When licenses are changed.
When weapons are used outside of authorized places.
When carrying a weapon other than the one covered by the
When the weapon object of the license is modified in its original
When the issuance of the license has been based on fraud, or
when, in the opinion of the National Defense, the reasons that
were taken into account to grant it have disappeared or that
due to a supervening cause some other necessary requirement
for its issuance is not met. longest known.
When their owners change their address without notifying the
In Mexico the use of firearms is not 100% prohibited because
by meeting the requirements given by Sedena you could obtain
a license to use firearms, however in Mexico there is organized
crime or as it is better known in Mexico the narco, who is
dedicated to the illegal sale and use of military-level firearms by
him, there have been cases such as Mr. Alejo Garza Tames,
who was an expert in hunting and confronted the Mexican
narco for threatening to kill him by not sell them their ranch for
illegal cultivation

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