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DDoS Detection: A network guradian, a threat

Mudit Potdar, Hemish Padhiyar, Kunal Mahajan
October 2023

1 Abstract
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are a growing threat to internet-
enabled networks, causing significant disruption and financial loss to businesses
and organizations. In this research paper, we explore the topic of DDoS de-
tection, focusing on the development of a network guardian that can act as a
threat stopper. We examine the various methods and models that have been
developed to detect DDoS attacks, including fuzzy logic, machine learning al-
gorithms, and intelligent agent-based detection systems. We also discuss the
challenges and limitations of DDoS detection, such as the difficulty of extract-
ing DDoS attacks once they have infected the network. Finally, we propose
future research directions in this area, including the development of preventa-
tive software and the use of machine learning to detect unknown DDoS attacks.
By developing a comprehensive understanding of DDoS detection, we can better
protect internet-enabled networks from these malicious attacks and ensure the
continued availability of critical resources.

2 Introduction
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are a growing threat to internet-
enabled networks, causing significant disruption and financial loss to businesses
and organizations. These attacks use a network of malware-infected devices
to flood a targeted resource with traffic, rendering it inaccessible to legitimate
users. As the frequency and complexity of DDoS attacks continue to increase,
there is a growing need for effective detection and mitigation techniques to
protect against these threats. In this research paper, we explore the topic of
DDoS detection, focusing on the development of a network guardian that can
act as a threat stopper. We will examine the various methods and models that
have been developed to detect DDoS attacks, and evaluate their effectiveness in
real-world scenarios. Additionally, we will discuss the challenges and limitations
of DDoS detection, and propose future research directions in this area.

Figure 1: Types of requests

3 Literature Review
Fuzzy logic has been used to detect DDoS attacks by analyzing network traffic
patterns and identifying anomalies. Machine learning algorithms such as logistic
regression, SVM, decision tree, MLP, and random forest have also been used to
detect DDoS attacks with high accuracy. Intelligent agent-based detection sys-
tems have been proposed to detect DDoS attacks in real-time. Researchers have
proposed mathematical models for DDoS attacks that can be used to simulate
and analyze the behavior of these attacks. Monitoring DNS activity, UDP, and
TCP traffic can help detect early signs of DDoS attacks. Feature engineering
and machine learning have been used to develop DDoS detection methods in
software-defined networks.

4 Methods
The research design will involve a comprehensive review of the literature on
DDoS detection, focusing on the methods and models that have been developed
to detect and mitigate these attacks. We will evaluate the effectiveness of these
methods in real-world scenarios and identify the challenges and limitations of
DDoS detection. Additionally, we will propose future research directions in this
area, including the development of preventative software and the use of machine
learning to detect unknown DDoS attacks.

Figure 2: Enter Caption

The following machine learning methods which we used are explained below:

4.1 k-NN
k-NN is one of the popular machine learning algorithms. It is a non-parametric,
distance-based, and supervised approach that was introduced in 1951 . This
algorithm measures the similarities in the data-set considering a distance func-
tion. The test data are classified based on the majority votes of its k-nearest

4.2 Decision tree

The decision tree machine learning algorithm is used for regression as well as the
classification of real-world problems. This model is inspired by a tree structure.
However, the root of the tree is located at the top. The branches are created
considering objective rules relied on the features of the dataset, and the decision
tree is also progressively developed

4.3 Artificial Neural Network

Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) is a machine learning algorithm that is in-
spired by the structure and function of the human brain. It consists of a network
of interconnected nodes or neurons that process information and make predic-
tions based on input data. ANN is a powerful algorithm that can be used for
a wide range of applications, including image recognition, speech recognition,
and natural language processing. In the context of DDoS detection, ANN can
be used to analyze network traffic patterns and identify anomalies that may in-
dicate a DDoS attack. ANN can also be used to detect unknown DDoS attacks
by learning from past attack patterns and adapting to new attack strategies.

Figure 3: Accuracy of Logistic Regression

4.4 SVM
Support Vector Machine (SVM) is a machine learning algorithm that is used for
classification and regression analysis. SVM is a powerful algorithm that can be
used for a wide range of applications, including image classification, text classi-
fication, and anomaly detection. In the context of DDoS detection, SVM can be
used to analyze network traffic patterns and identify anomalies that may indi-
cate a DDoS attack. SVM can also be used to detect unknown DDoS attacks by
learning from past attack patterns and adapting to new attack strategies. Ex-
perimental results have shown that SVM can achieve high accuracy in detecting
DDoS attacks.

5 Results
The results of this research paper will provide a comprehensive overview of the
methods and models that have been developed to detect DDoS attacks. We will
evaluate the effectiveness of these methods in real-world scenarios and identify
the challenges and limitations of DDoS detection. Additionally, we will propose
future research directions in this area, including the development of preventative
software and the use of machine learning to detect unknown DDoS attacks.

6 Discussion
The discussion section will interpret the results of the study and relate them to
the research question or hypothesis. It will also discuss the implications of the
findings and suggest areas for future research. We will discuss the challenges and
limitations of DDoS detection, such as the difficulty of extracting DDoS attacks
once they have infected the network. We will also propose future research

Figure 4: Accuracy of the SVM

Figure 5: Accuracy of the Decision Tree

Figure 6: Accuracy of the KNN

directions in this area, including the development of preventative software and
the use of machine learning to detect unknown DDoS attacks.

7 Conclusion
In conclusion, DDoS detection is an important topic in network security, and
researchers have developed various methods and models to detect and mitigate
these attacks. By developing a comprehensive understanding of DDoS detection,
we can better protect internet-enabled networks from these malicious attacks
and ensure the continued availability of critical resources.

8 Further Research Directions

Future research directions in this area include the development of preventative
software and the use of machine learning to detect unknown DDoS attacks.
Additionally, researchers can explore the use of blockchain technology to en-
hance DDoS detection and mitigation. The development of more accurate and
effective DDoS detection methods will be crucial in protecting internet-enabled
networks from these malicious attacks.

9 References
responding-to-ddos-attacks5 08c.pdf

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