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Scanned with CamScar or — articulatory phonakics > fouces_ on the. Ptodéction_of speech surels-o need —_art._preduced 4 where the speech Sounds ———_—are_preciime in the human_speech_organs. <4 a is concerned _euith measuring cud ——__— je the or a the Soend_weives—we pr r tithaet wie speak. co it’s study the chamdrrstics of ————_Ihe_Speeck Sound waves, (The Volum,— Ches wednesday Qo The._seurds of lnequage con_be_groupel_into_c lasses _ —kasecl_of\_the fhonetic properd ieg_thok they Sone _ ACW most basic clvision ameny fcunds_is_inko Two major Glasses 5 Unwwels_anal CO 2 Nowels and < Sensonanls_Can be divided clishinguuisleacl on the basic_ob dif fences in articulation C Proneunction)_ why 2» hecauwe censenants_haye. some. type & sonstrichior _[eenstriction = = Mike reacting of the voor) hack] Sere plhice of vocal tet gets more Veuraw — bat! vewiale a hove tho censtrittion Or by theit_ccoustic Properties Vvawele are mare. Sonore«is) [Sonorecs = Yo Gan heer Wem mote Hay ene inher i ema pike tu 2a ocanned witn CamsCal how Shady. ab ; hewrer & Zz PER yee yey, articulat nati gocust 'c Phonabiy oucs. on Peake mecdsinng sh rie” (— Zeal Leth eS a speakers prmeclice Aditrae 4 Phonatix * tee becicse i "Youcse on hewer’ tk if. ound: ce _Perseve “by the. bara eae ocanned witn Camscal > ex ee ee 9 — The gfeech machanism conkeuins 3. tems which hep 2X The__seund Preclucing system, 10 Fadia eech 5, > = Sounds. v § 2) 4) kespiratory syetamet ee respicabon’ ao eng » ~) Phovat iy system r AArticulatary stem = y : : —Respimiony sVstows af lines fran the bobomal the pj —Glinesw the trunk 6f ingen clavts te the cabelomen ' — = ee eae & = ‘ becaese it alleu! dis fo beat’ in” hate) ene “ate” Cex) for padukign af sftech Sounds use thet Hels (exhaled). i aaa ee i fella — ee ; lungs I met Saundls neect Heaty ecepet Pox = +. they. atch got“ Clicks” _ seeds ext bol in Some Lonprages ae "aaa APA ocanned witn Camdcal Im afore oe Bert of steeteenechaes Speech mechapisn § [speech sigan = sontindf —Phondanj tem ae neat teak — e eae a_speech_Digan Tampax! ——>_‘mParttant ____ 4. — = ee Se pur Yoice- 4 t mades of cartilage Calon) - {. . = They cee hat Shrove Ujce e besract 4p tabhet” tity ee Pe, > < 8 te _anysbd ed teva oie —# Th vocal, bo les —they_can_be. puled-apart i k & they ore attached tee in one Side but & the abher they cire Fre 4 the space belwecn them is" Cilolfis” S Plotti]_stalts—4 is thealiff fesition ‘that the gti wuld have. ; Se —___Vocal__fatde dec at tae cil ferent pasitisin ancl ES is Ma = < ores Coldest loge, Aesect/¥> efen a sper Gee mertecelAcldes shakjed ee Murmur (eresthy voice) @ Phen) Miple.2- * aa ot Spec horgia | 2 fk ‘ an ’ | 4 ity — ata wet ae ig >canneg witn Camscatl ee) ——_Voiceless ness = when the vocal folds are Party the air Passes diectly throtgh “the glottis without abslructiond Sag age!) —______(¢4r_ a VUUUUUUYUY Nvaweck fo _skege situ fo gs Spi ff and HEY vaca) folds am mise pact. RE pan ee weil (ws n=) cemplell/) ee eee ‘Vibrate " Producing Spucds =p © vaice Sir cal thein_biying . Cn = ly te _gaes_out Wuhan cheak Wt The sound j : when cheak if the sound is yjecelese voids =i. we dontulgispee buUUUUUU = SA Seencls made swith the bec Podete in this Position — 3 Ae uhen thie Natl i Vet wi de Spars ro a el i - ih a ocanned witn Camscal ——the-majo of speech Ergin Cavs. -e becrue We q ae in it sch Ee AR faicolatocy 5 rs aaa e From the typ of ‘the threat cid _eaptwosels Nacul ‘covty = Kase S omn\. Cavity =f weuth e Vocal tract og includes the phonatary and @ An the Articulstorye S/dems._____—_— @ Tips + {Tie pecs lower) car sete black @ —_—sirstitem fp er cisecl uit one teeth JEF — ot-rounded Pee Youls fos) e —2)-teeth_= in: Soin biyatien iit. —sAuer ciNioulsbnes. ——_____like a @ —_Pibdace JU) sed: —__» __@ kag bbid he dh cient “Te ofi tet RaR “Rie eee Some times caltect “ teeth vielge*s —lhis "Prateading fart eh he mails ——— he fangeve_meveslo the alveoker ridge to Piduced sous St like [beds Son/ __ —4) Hard falbke + act f the coal ab the mouth just aller —theclvedlarwidlges where it changes fram ridged te smocth, fom the geoa zy ta Sobthlatt Rls herd decors there isa bone insicleit. e 0b: dif rectal sit The_langue, moving. nl aig linh oath Pitclect_ teased using aa 8 iL! | + ocanned witn ca macar ceinds in english Prduced by > __almast Vive Ms sthenge Tied eels nt exelent > Vela, Cool palate) = iG foot of the mouth. Ss a Neas_ture Ceunctsre BD ——_Licstait dan open or close second: helps to produce ——_the_tavel_cavihy, depenies on i's sours, he forgue can 2 pis, .) e to the. Veluwe 3 —So_its ke a / > ‘ he tool of the maith. —Uyatla s-clamgling tnit_of feel int g —Yo-soglish Geucels Sete ees afi een 9 fini ay Oa gS finel by ; 9 ele a a ly } ocanned witn Camscaf Te ee Scanned with CamSeal = nlerrationa) = Phonetic alphabet sq 1d | s 0 2A _letler can be wirilfen but net proncurtes tent otters) i 1 i sito _lelfers enrecent are count ocanned witn Cam scat >| tathert ett : ] > ound — letter 2 IPT 2 pom Tin 2 = > > “Se — scree et a eae tis ch dander AY Ss ‘pr = Heke gealty =e Key Pr nies. i ae FS apt : Ss oxfmall fel) gpe 1x arauret Jef OMe + pruny 77 Vihage Scanned with CamScar | I te ——_ silent lettees = « wri) ort Gi sound________ Exps ligt assignment nile lamb __ @ et ns hile, Too. © four | Pic / lelter ts'there, “beet iHs uot proneelgg s 2 Te = r gg SP. ch 2 fe reactor eh= a character a —— Ss = * es _ Ph = —— SS Ss alphabet . Ear t2 Bash tay pec © 245797 < e « ¢ = € Ap the fplyotestiay trad uses trebjorreol, tue don't heve fern — in be IPh aa becetuse_ta the IAM cee have seentl_one urd thet reflected tof one symbol ¢ _ a a — ocanned witn Cam scat a] SP can dcr ~ = itlell_us wher exetly in_the Vacel tract_the saunct— > Fe Plate whore the cicsteam is meoiPed apealale CEC > —Sh places of actiailation con be Pound ine > 2 LPS — 9 within the onal cavity Collect pheesin cciL easly . : ‘ = ~~ | G sre 2 invelwi eps awl the yelum 1 e_deulate articulation =n has 2 6 Scanned with CamScar More: (ff gual Ay) are-consiclered|_as both labi of the fact ‘that they both use the teeth and telip: / « = BBD enlals casey ahi sunt the Leip of teotte ; — ¢ aa i type oo ee Na ee es | — Lntexeentals __labie=denta) —__ are_the Saundls where the Use. the cpper Fells pPeaching Yengueis_inserted between the lower {iP « —__ { te i - Boys as Sour s_% med by tongue ti | e Fangue—sf.—agaia st the hace re... if Ss tad’ a n. some. jes like abies Fiencky spanish) these Sounds an. piboluctch as denlal_) 5,290, anf gba in english they — dt alvenlars ocanned witn Cam scal a a ier aioe “eoke. Slottal sourd in engith is Zbl il ogni Scanned with CamScar To eee ee Lo —J Gallet them prxwe from Escaping > p2aahther way in which we an ‘Ait be consonants pil hers [8 Rothe ancien = —Maynar of articulation = if ee ws Ras Role aeearn ss + 4 Sounds are produce! with the_cir escaping the. —lungs_and_maving through the Vo-cal_Wracke .__ «_ihrefers bo hee that ee ——___-there_owe__ different _sanara_of articadetbier, => ae the Pocus in pagar cof articulahae js wo cohich cecticulatrs > _ ore jnvalved to Pookie the counch, bet it ig cukect the oaticulatn =) do to the cirsteom to Pfoduce the. sartnels Jplasi ae ee cerns eee ath ie Tit the Ware! dro chick Hacks (+ stops \#e airsticams 3 hence the sterr. Sep. The.sabt flak seed _se Be wees plese $5 shaigh Sinaia Sages ia 7 ea Enel Prodauctjoa: 2 Conk te ante a irecepresed beb xl artical wasglclzy Wola mee eehigultors | ix Dit ik ca a. ae] Coane! bias pey he, the term plasive\. fey mas city dose dich Cher wey quick: by) wh Ietel feceéa it ccrlled pasion Drogas Hatcome ot afber tee arteultars rane ae fiom etch Olued) what happen ee ee aes SD ie stoped completely fromm escap ify ocanned witn Cam scal exprinvecrabie. 5 (S) Uvulats aaa Penatocls. : “The slaps /plosive s__ in ong lish, weet _ pf arel_[b)_ > hilablal_m_ther Place —_ — pth avd / df _s_calveotor 1 ___ « Lk] acd lg —> ye leur te te e |_J Rnanara fae. naser) Sere geo. ee eee — eae sea Pne el es ae 4 itd, 4 hat ie soll pote slowed lei. Ha-atcne *5-— ( “Tits fs rhe otiffeeats” De fafa bilabial in Tapace, fat |e FP bl B_ fof which Is alvealar | in_ifs Places just like {+5 f~— . Bn fpf sth ts Veer ints _plase 4 vst litsiic,¢¢ —— ; ___Ink nd): D) even it the Tn nays oowr be Hoe ips tad a Cour Ecole there egh the * = wheel wit) beraud bt Spo. fein Stops hee stort hacer tem (Soar!) reyl_the, Ceseme— but with Me nasels we can bei thay es RED a From’ the. beginigg santas ocanned witn Camdcal dace 25s oy “eethg ort _gral Some! Fricatives wn US CoNbieces. | —*-TE_Con Fnagals —ma@aNing that 102 cin Continue —_f ic. i me Surin s t The artic ulaters are close ty exch athey bub cbr} —Make a compete clout ure ae Fe fe ficatives ame, iL ard Lyf labiaxcental in thei phe Bef aed_ [fs needentol 2 Is] end /2/_—selenlar tea 13 fan (5) —s—palato— alveolar + + - —_ ph ~~ Apf __. glottal eR a a pet a so elie ee Pr area ae " Soune! ig wolan cree Stunde Bight Letollf spe drabicp english rey ocanned WItn Camscal ‘ thayare speciq\ SUrds 1 ake | px FFRICATE) co ant sat thy Ht Coneefeae! a5 of Fricative.. + Aliicate stack with_a_complete—claae. like slop ) followed | elease of air Ge instead = SRF aS the Loe soi, jective would be_|- ith the seeme_ort iccelebors . __ te 2 goal ele Se ie of tht stop and the Pricative that lous ik __ — 2 = jt ay in_englist. cotenlhert falta b ower eidge a Las Wee ale aa —@fgl Jon Nyala deuce ty dnt sae We sone dre onticutation. ficarive >cannea witn Camscat Sibi ae a eohich cue “noisier” jn their rebitiye less thar the that guiekac” caealerpacs- /, foc eka ho bri ig thon tal ot ie rae (5fis.a sivilack and “expel sibilonks aw: Di el oak Pe so an ae DLS angl_L§ main Manner x iui e iol_c f. Sout s — is Keun oS Ligation thes tng famase a Men Rete Lal succes eo with te ig of sho tongue wiised ts the rook _ a} the. anita Cite ater ile) farming a asare- a aston ee ee a a _— s = s/s esa tne peap pencech Tis at) ocanned witn Camdcal ie [ecclesia depanding on the dccinkt cd anna rg on ThE Tanguage- _ the tengue appoomimates Cares near) the mach __ _ ok the months Bal itis net new enough fo >cannea with Camscat = 2 is samae to Af > pt fled adit L 2 a a ee ee ero > TS ied. te The Hise glides ia ny lish exes —______ > ie aad is 1 ple. > bio = velour ia_it’s place __ ‘we S@eesvevsvseses Scanned with CamScar on the pecrdinision — J if so eat Hee en eae 1 He i Se Rb otic anol_raneRhotic Accents Se Capcicliant isnt, fin some 5 orment Bet Sarre accents because . = i aE thare 75 6" iy ten rd ee] pr ah al, when's “re” proncunted in _nan-Rhatict ocanned witn Camdcal => —franscribe/Panseription = Usi¢g the [Poe /"* =a othe oler cl. iit a Ose description ee $a - = Gy 3 ——flace ‘2 ~ Pheed —_ —articulatisn emper- __ (glaHal state’ 9» 4 voici 5 erin used phonies fa chamcorse > —___speech_saxnds “p sremele com. predluced uith nn gilenabion — because the yacal folds are. jeullea = > See ee > re pais bec ts bef Voecel Folds_are Pidled oapert Toads gpimanstys0k PPat oka dafab> So 5o— 2 5 5ds- Lado c hs tf/ p _— 7 >canned witn Lamscat = tot le & There is also anothea- Sound thal is voiceless _. © ——which 1 haver’t introduced yet ancl that’s the —__ e upside clown "wo" Csi ia_the lists © < pi for words such as “which” e and “what” sh in same accerts, tot io_all « Wo_similar to the normal “wy” in every thing ___instend_.Lin_Veicing ops because it's Wwiclas. © 6 ——______* Cheack the reble. s when we. asked abeut the oligscription of the Consonant. " jit ¢ “Scanned with CamScai 1 7 A Fereces bekueen [nf and JJ 2% Lak = Lyk {=k Tem ecios ey Exp gn en he (I<) remains ocanned witn Cam scal

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