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In this topic we are going to work on different philosophical positions on ethics. As you
probably know by now, to answer a philosophical question in a philosophical way does
not merely mean to say “yes” or “no”, but to give reasons to justify the answer, to
prove that the answer is right. Therefore, when we study philosophy is not only
important to know what philosophers have said in response to a question, but which
reasons they had to think so.

Briefly, a philosophical position is not just a particular answer to a philosophical

question, but all the reasons there are to prove that this answer or thesis is right or
plausible. When we are asked to justify some philosophical position we have to be able
to reproduce these reasons.

Let's summarize the most elementary steps to be followed to justify:

1. Understand the question: all philosophical positions are an answer to some

question. It is essential to know which is this question to clearly understand the scope
of the answer.

2. Understand the thesis: when we are asked to justify a thesis we are not asked for
our own opinion. Even if we disagree with a certain philosophical position, we have to
be able to explain the reasons it presents to justify itself.

3. Provide arguments: Make sure you are not only repeating the thesis! As in your own
argumentations, when you are asked to justify you must get into the arguments:
provide compelling reasons to make the thesis you are asked to prove believable.
Make sure that structure your answer is well structured. Get deep into the reasons
that support the thesis, to avoid your justification being superficial and weak.


  
The justification supports the The justification tries to The justification doesn’t
thesis by giving convincing support the thesis, but the justify the thesis at all, it just
reasons and getting deep in reasons are superficial and keeps repeating the thesis
justifying it. not convincing. without getting into the
The justification shows that The justification shows that The justification shows that
the student has understood the student hasn’t correctly the philosophical position
the philosophical position by understood the scope of the has not been understood.
giving rigorous reasons. philosophical position. The
There are no personal key concepts and the
interpretations. reasons are not rigorous.
The justification is effective The justification is not deep It is hard to identify the
and deep. The text uses enough. The answer doesn’t arguments in the
connectors to emphazise the have an strong structure. justification. The texts lacks
argumentative structure. of structure.

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