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Volume 2 No.

Why Thinc Is Truly Unique: A World of Opportunities aroma of their delicious cookies to draw students in. All in all,
Awaits Thinc isn't your typical school; it's an extraordinary platform
that propels students toward a future full of opportunities.
When you step into Thinc, you're not just entering a
With diverse pathways, a unique campus experience, and a
school; you're embarking on a unique educational
vibrant array of clubs and organizations, Thinc offers a distinct
journey that sets it apart from your run-of-the-mill
and exciting approach to education. If you're seeking an
school. It's a place where opportunities abound,
educational journey that's truly one-of-a-kind, it's time to
and it offers experiences that can open doors to
"Thinc" about joining this exceptional program.
your future in ways your regular school might not.
At Thinc, many students find an exceptional envi- - Rachael Gambrell
ronment that nurtures our potential and sets us on
the path to success.
One of the key aspects that makes Thinc excep-
tional is the wide array of pathways it offers. These
pathways cater to diverse interests and aspirations,
giving students a chance to explore and excel in
areas that pique their curiosity. Some of the excit-
ing pathways available at Thinc include:
Allied Health and Sports Medicine: For those with a
passion for healthcare and sports, this pathway
offers an avenue to dive into the world of sports
medicine and allied health professions.
Engineering Drafting & Design: If you have an engi-
A High School Student's Journey from Curiosity to Paid Web
neering or design inclination, this pathway equips
you with the skills and knowledge to pursue your Developer
passion. In a remarkable testament to the power of curiosity, determina-
tion, and collaboration, a high school sophomore, Daniel Upper-
Fashion Merchandising & Retailing Essentials: Fash-
man, has embarked on a web development journey that many
ion enthusiasts can gain a deep understanding of
would envy. Dr. Armstead, a key figure in forging industry part-
the fashion industry, from retail to merchandising.
nerships, was approached by a business seeking web develop-
International Business: Explore the global business ment assistance. She turned to the students at THINC for poten-
arena and gain insights into international trade and tial talent, and that's where Daniel's story unfolds.
commerce. Throughout the semester, Daniel had been engaging with his
mentor, showing a keen interest in web development. He'd
Marketing & Management: For budding marketers
been honing his skills through YouTube videos, articles, and his
and business managers, this pathway is a stepping
own inquisitiveness. When the opportunity arose, Daniel jumped
stone to mastering the art of marketing and man-
at the chance to take on the web development task. After a
meeting with the company owners, a service fee was negotiat-
Not only does Thinc offer unique educational path- ed – a substantial sum for a 10th-grader.
ways, but its campus is also unlike any other. Situat- This heartwarming tale exemplifies THINC's commitment to foster-
ed adjacent to West Georgia Technical College, ing collaboration between industry partners and students eager
Thinc students have the privilege of walking over to to seize opportunities. Dr. Armstead's dedication to creating
the college's bookstore and student center. On these valuable connections deserves a special acknowledg-
Thinc's side of the campus, we have "The Spark," a ment.
student-run store that is both funded and run by Daniel's journey from a curious student to a paid web developer
the DECA club. The Spark is a hub for students to serves as an inspiration to all, highlighting the potential that can
grab snacks and drinks. It's not uncommon for the be unlocked through mentorship, determination, and a willing-
tempting ness to embrace new challenges.
Anastasia Johnson
Gerald Wyatt: Leading the Way at Thinc College and Career
Academy Thinc Academy's Mechatronics Lab Transforms with
Georgia Department of Education Grant
In the ever-evolving landscape of education and workforce
development, visionary leadership is essential to guide institu- In the fall of 2022, Thinc Academy celebrated a
tions towards success. At the helm of Thinc College and Ca- significant milestone with the reception of a grant
reer Academy, we had the privilege of sitting down with CEO, from the Georgia Department of Education, gener-
Mr. Gerald Wyatt, who is a dynamic force driving Thinc to- ously funded by Georgia Power.
wards excellence.
Dr. Jennifer Pike, a dedicated advocate for stu-
With a background as a Human Resource Director in his early dents' education and growth, spearheaded the
career, Mr. Wyatt brings a wealth of experience to his role at effort to secure this transformative grant, aptly
Thinc. His intimate understanding of what industry partners named "Mechatronics Make-Over."
desire from employees has proven to be an invaluable asset
to the institution. What distinguishes him is his decided support Over the past year, a remarkable amount of work
for Thinc's soft skills policies, rooted in the real-world challenges has been tirelessly invested in reshaping Thinc
he encountered during his tenure as a Human Resource Di- Academy's Mechatronics lab. The sole aim is to pro-
rector, particularly deficits in communication, critical thinking, vide students with a unique, hands-on educational
work ethic, teamwork, and leadership. "If people came to experience, one that not only equips them for col-
work every day and demonstrated soft skills, I probably would lege but also prepares them for the challenges of
have been very bored in my job, and that's why they are so the modern workforce.
critical," he emphasizes. Transitioning into the summer of 2023, tremendous
Mr. Wyatt highlights that Thinc is driven by an unwavering pur- effort was made to relocate the Mechatronics lab.
suit of excellence and progress toward a number of long-term The strategic move places Thinc students in close
goals. He acknowledges that these goals are ever-evolving proximity to West Georgia Technical College's Preci-
and challenging. His objectives are to raise community sion Manufacturing lab. Because of this intentional
awareness, offer unfaltering support to Thinc's dedicated fac- proximity, our students have the amazing chance
ulty and staff, and cultivate a culture of continuous develop- to work with and learn from college students who
ment. He says, "All of my goals don't have an end date, but it are actively pursuing higher education in the manu-
allows me the opportunity to work towards something." Right facturing industry.
now , he Thinc Academy extends its heartfelt appreciation to
wants to raise the Georgia Department of Education, Georgia
$3 million to Power, and West Georgia Technical College. Their
purchase tireless support and collaborative partnership have
new machin- been instrumental in turning this vision into a reality.
ery and reno- Without their invaluable assistance, Thinc Academy
vate Thinc. would not have been able to make these trans-
Moreover, he formative changes and provide students with such
envisions en- an exceptional and innovative educational experi-
hanced in- ence.
dustry collab-
orations that
will empower students to tackle practical issues in businesses. - Jennifer Pike
In the ever-challenging world of education and workforce
development, leaders like Mr. Wyatt, with their steadfast dedi-
cation, innovative thinking, and commitment to progress, are
shaping the future of Thinc College and Career Academy.
Under his leadership, Thinc is poised for continued growth,
excellence, and success.
-Tiara Grant
Nurturing Education and Excellence Unveiling Pathways to Success
In Conversation with Thinc College and Career Acad- When you step into Thinc Academy, you're not just choosing
emy’s Principal, Dr. Pike: a school; you're embarking on a journey that opens the doors
In the realm of education, effective leadership is the to a diverse range of pathways tailored to your interests and
cornerstone of success. In an effort to gain insight to aspirations.
what that success entails, we interviewed Dr. Pike, the Internet of Things—Skyler Ross, a senior with a sophisticated
Principal at Thinc College and Career Academy, to outlook, finds himself in the captivating world of the Internet
delve into her approach, challenges, and the guiding of Things pathway. He's currently progressing through his sec-
philosophy that shapes her role in nurturing students ond computer science course. What truly stands out for Skyler
and teachers alike. is the camaraderie he's discovered within his pathway. The
When it comes to student discipline, Dr. Pike stands by friendships he's formed in his class have made his educational
journey all the more enjoyable.
a philosophy of "discipline with dignity." Her approach
is rooted in ensuring that when a student is disciplined, Logistics and Distribution—Camp Miller, a junior brimming with
they understand precisely what they did wrong, why it enthusiasm, has found his calling in the Logistics and Distribu-
tion pathway. Highly influenced by his Greenpower CTSO
was wrong, and how they could have handled the
instructor, Mr. Johnson, his decision to explore this exciting
situation differently. At the heart of her approach is
pathway was solidified. Camp is on a voyage filled with en-
the belief that we all make mistakes, but the key is to
gaging activities, from forklift simulators, truck driving simula-
own those mistakes to learn and grow. According to tors and simulations of real work experiences in the class set-
Dr. Pike, our mistakes do not define us unless we refuse ting. These hands-on experiences are what make his path-
to learn from them, and every new day presents an way truly stand out.
opportunity for greatness. Marketing and Management—Karlie Smith, a third-year stu-
For this passionate principal, stepping into the role of a dent at Thinc College and Career Academy choice for mar-
school leader was a natural progression in her profes- keting stems from a passionate dream: owning her own busi-
sional journey. Driven by a profound dedication to ness and becoming a future entrepreneur. Karlie describes
public education, she sees it as her duty to contribute her pathway as an opportunity to tackle tasks she once
in any way possible to ensure that her school offers the thought were challenging. "I enjoy it because it gives me the
best education to students. The decision to become a opportunities that I never thought I would see myself doing,
principal was not merely about advancing profession- especially since in the business world I know certain tasks are
ally but also about giving back and continually chal- tough." Among her favorite aspects are volunteering, working
lenging herself to grow. at Spark (a student store at Thinc) and building invaluable
experience for her future endeavors.
A positive school culture is essential for student and
teacher morale, and for Dr. Pike, support is the linchpin International Business—Jonah Miller, a fourth-year student, is
of creating that culture. Recognizing that she no long- taking the International Business pathway at Thinc. He's cur-
er has the same direct contact with students as when rently immersed in the International Business Concepts
she was a teacher, her focus is on supporting, cele- course, the final stretch of his journey. Jonah's inspiration for
brating, and encouraging the staff. This, she believes, this pathway comes from his father, who holds administrative
is the most effective way to reach students. When fac- and enrollment positions at a college in the Georgia region.
His choice aligns with a family tradition of making a global
ulty and staff feel supported, they transmit that positivi-
impact through business and leadership. Jonah also works at
ty back to the classroom, fostering a vital atmosphere
Hyundai Transys and has been able to expand his connec-
for student achievement. Servant leadership is her
tions with international businesses while enrolled at Thinc.
guiding principle.
Dr. Pike's vision closely aligns with that of Thinc Acade- Drafting and Designing—Riley Jones, a second-year student,
my, which revolves around realizing students' full po- began his journey when his 8th-grade teacher introduced
tential through cutting-edge education and fostering him to the pathway. He enjoys the hands-on experience of
bringing his designs to life through 3D printing.
a culture of excellence. She aspires to drive an era of
innovation, growth, and productivity in Troup County Healthcare—Kiya Hardnett's had a chance encounter with
and the surrounding region, ensuring that each stu- the healthcare lab which sparked her interest. It was a reve-
dent's potential is fully harnessed. lation for Kiya, who realized her potential to make a differ-
Dr. Pike takes a strong stance on equity, firmly assert- ence in others lives. In the healthcare pathway, Kiya thrives
ing that all students should have equal access to all and finds joy in the Healthcare CTSO (HOSA). "In HOSA, we
school-related opportunities. She commends Troup are an international organization and we are pretty elevat-
ed," she expresses with pride. Kiya envisions a future inter-
County Schools for ensuring equitable access to all
twined with healthcare making a positive impact on people's
programs, be it dual enrollment, work-based learning,
athletics, or other organizations. The system's flexibility
even allows students to participate in As students find their passions and pave the way for their fu-
programs across schools, further pro- tures, they showcase the diverse opportunities and experi-
moting equal opportunities for all. It's a ences available within the academy's various pathways.
testament to the school system's dedi-
cation to providing numerous pathways
to success for every student. Karlie Smith and Quania Burden
- Madison Westphal
Thinc Student Ambassadors: Leading the Way as Trusted School Leaders
Bearing the title of a student ambassador is more than a mere label; it signifies both a privilege and an opportunity to
exert a profound influence within the school community. Thinc Student Ambassadors constitute a devoted cadre of
student leaders who play an indispensable role in assisting their peers, guiding prospective students, nurturing relation-
ships with industry partners, and orchestrating a multitude of school and community events.
Student ambassadors are extraordinary individuals chosen on the basis of their leadership prowess, unwavering com-
mitment, and boundless enthusiasm. Their selection undergoes a rigorous vetting process, assuring that only the stu-
dents with the most merit are entrusted with this role. Their unique capacity to forge connections with both their fellow
students and the faculty positions student ambassadors as indispensable intermediaries, bridging the administrative
hierarchy and the student body.
Thinc Student Ambassadors take on the mantle of representing the school when it comes to hosting prospective stu-
dents. Their role in ensuring the school is portrayed in the best possible light is pivotal. By conducting personalized
tours, these ambassadors unveil the multi-faceted aspects of the institution, showcasing state-of-the-art facilities and
academic programs, including the remarkable Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs) and Career and
Technical Education (CTE) classes. By sharing their personal accounts and experiences as students, they provide an
authentic and relatable perspective that aids prospective students in envisioning themselves as integral members of
the school community.
The duties of Thinc Student Ambassadors extend far beyond welcoming potential students; they also extend a warm
embrace to industry partners exploring collaboration. These partners frequently seek to recruit and collaborate with
students of extraordinary potential, offering not only their skills but also potentially contributing to school funding. Stu-
dent ambassadors offer valuable insights into the school's strengths and unique opportunities, fostering meaningful
collaborations between the school and industry partners. Through these engagements, they cultivate relationships
that can pave the way for internships, mentorships, and promising professional opportunities for their peers.
Thinc Student Ambassadors are indispensable in organizing, coordinating, and ensuring the seamless execution of
various school events. From academic conferences to unique occasions like Thinc Fast and Thinc Ahead, and even
more relaxed gatherings like cookouts, these ambassadors are omnipresent, making certain that everything transpires
without a hitch. Their friendly, approachable demeanor puts participants at ease and contributes to a positive, inclu-
sive event experience.
Thinc Student Ambassadors transcend the role of mere representatives; they serve as stalwarts of support, champions
of student success, and the dynamic force propelling campus engagement. Their unshakeable dedication and com-
mitment ensure that students, prospective industry partners, and members of the community enjoy a memorable and
fulfilling experience. These trusted leaders play a pivotal role in nurturing the growth and prosperity of both their
school and the broader community.
- Jonah Miller

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