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Online Coding Round :

Three questions were asked. Java, c++ and python were allowed. 90mins duration.

1. Maximum Product Palindromic Subsequences:

A string s is given. We have to choose two non overlapping palindromic subsequences such
that the product of their lengths is maximum. Return this product.
2. Maximum of Minimums in K sized segments:

There are N computers in a row each with A[i] amount of free hard disk space in it. You are
given an integer 1 <= K <= N. The score of a continuous segment of computers is the
minimum harddisk space available in that segment. Return the maximum score amongst all
the valid segments.

3. A coin staircase is formed in the following way. The 1st row contains 1 coin, the 2nd row
contains 2 coins, 3rd row contains 3 coins and so on. Given K coins, what is the maximum
number of rows that can be formed in the staircase.

First Round of Interview : (Technical)

The interviewer displayed my last submitted solution to each of the problems and asked me to
explain my approach and idea. Interviewer was not strict, he was satisfied with a basic explanation.
Asked a couple of indirect questions about data types in c++, how much memory they occupied.

Second Round of Interview: (Technical)

The interviewer was very friendly. The objective was to assess my projects. Being able to explain the
tradeoffs involved in the project is a plus.

Interviewer asked me to explain some unique and fundamental ideas in Javascript (since I had
mentioned NodeJS in my resume). Explain basic git commands. Databases that I was comfortable
with. Difference between NoSQL and SQL. Why was NoSQL introduced, it’s advantages.

I was asked to write pseudo code and explain the implementation of a hashtable. Was asked to write
pseudo code for finding the sum of the leaf nodes in the deepest level of binary tree.

Except for the final question, all the others were open ended. Every question could have been
answered in as much or as little detail as the candidate wanted.

Third Round : (Values)

Was heavily focused on finding if the candidate is aligned with the companies values. (The values can
be found in Atlassian’s website. We were actively encouraged to go through it before the interviews)

Which among the 5 values resonate with you the most?

Tell me a scenario where you exhibited/practiced said value.

Tell me a scenario where you benefitted from having an open communication with your teammate.

Tell me an incident when you messed up a project.

Tell me an incident when you tried to make a change and succeeded in doing so.

Tell me about a time when you tried to suggest something new, but you were unable to convince
your teammates.

Tell me about a time when you made an unpopular decision that felt right by you and had to take
heat from your teammates.

Why do you want to join Atlassian? What is it that attracts you?

Not all my answers were based on technical projects. Some were based on interactions with friends
and team management in non-technical activities.

Interviewer was warm but his questions were succinct.

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