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Process Structure:

1) Online Round 1 (MCQs + Coding)

2) Online Round 2 (Coding only)
3) Technical Interview I
4) Technical Interview II
5) HR/Values Round

Online Round 1 (MCQs + Coding):

• This round consisted of 2 sections:

◦ 25 MCQs in 45 minutes: +6 for correct answer, -1 for wrong answer
◦ 6 coding questions in 180 minutes
• Test platform- HackerRank
• Section-wise time limit was imposed and we couldn’t go back and forth.
• In-browser test IDE was on full-screen and code suggestions were disabled

Online Round 2 (Coding only):

• 3 questions to be solved in 90 minutes

• Test platform- HackerRank but code suggestions were enabled this time
• One question had seemingly complex wordings but ended up being a simple character-matching
• Another was a variant of the Activity Selection problem (Refer or )
• The other one- Find out the minimum number of operations required to transfer the elements
from array A (in order) to a sorted double-ended queue B. Insertions and removals in B each
take 1 operation.

Eg: Say A = [4,1,5,2,3]

B would be [] 0 operations
[4] 1 operation (1 insertion)
[1,4] 2 operations (1 insertion)
[1,4,5] 3 operations (1 insertion)
[1,2,4,5] 6 operations (1 removal, 1 insertion and 1 insertion again)

Justification: At this point, we could’ve removed either lesser=(1) or greater=(4,5) to insert 2.

Since size(lesser) = 1 and size(greater) = 2, removing (1) would be more efficient. So removal of
1 (1 operation), insertion of 2 (1 operation) and insertion of 1 again (1 operation) = 3 operations.
[1,2,3,4,5] 11 operations (5 operations, same logic as above)

So the answer in this case would be 11.

Technical Interview 1:

• I had one interviewer but a few others had two.

• First, I was asked to introduce myself. Then we moved on to the questions in the previous round.
• The approaches were discussed and I was asked to write down the code for a portion of one
problem that I hadn’t finished completely.
• Other questions were:
◦ Design the data members and member functions for your own implementation of the Linked
List class and Node class.
◦ Given a node in the middle of a linked list, delete that node alone, without affecting the rest
of the list (Refer
deleted-in-a-singly-linked-list-how-do-you-delete-it/ )
◦ Check if a Binary Tree is a BST (Refer
if-a-binary-tree-is-bst-or-not/ )
• I was asked to write down the code after discussing the approach for each of the above
• The final question was a sort of logical puzzle. The goal is to find out how you go about trying
to solve the puzzle and not the solution itself.
• The interview went on for an hour or so.

Technical Interview 2:

• I had two interviwers this round.

• This is the round where they’d like you to open up, test you and draft a rough idea of your
• This composed of a few managerial questions too, along with the technical questions.
• All questions in this round were based on the content on my resume- from the exact
implementation to related concepts.
• I was asked about GitHub, APIs, JIRA, Scrum vs Kanban, a rough system design for a website,
voluntary activities etc.
• This interview too lasted an hour or so.

HR/Values Round:

• I had the Talent Acquisition head as the interviewer.

• They emphasize a lot on the values on their website and I was asked to share my understanding
of the values, scenarios where I’ve followed them etc.
• Also other usual questions such as – “What was your greatest surprise/success/failure in the last
4 years? In a team, what role would you prefer? Mention some criticism that you’ve received.”
Technical Pointers for the Interviews:

• Focus on practical implementation rather than theoretical knowledge.

• The allotted interviewers and the questions asked were mainly based on the resume, so enlist
only what you’re comfortable with practically.
• Think out loud. The way you approach a problem matters a great deal.
• Clarify any doubt that you have (maybe the datatypes, size of input, output format etc)
• Be receptive to hints. They might be subtle or obvious.
• GeeksForGeeks is a great tool to improve your coding skills. Focus on Basic, Easy and Medium

General Pointers for the Interviews:

• At Atlassian, they’re very particular about the kind of people they hire, so go through the values
listed in their website and get a good overview of the company.
• Who you are as a human being matters much more than who you are as a coder or engineer (but
you still need to be technically sound).
• They’re genuinely interested in getting to know you, so being open about your passion, interests
and experiences help (when asked, of course). Basically, the more they know you, the better the
chances for them to see if you fit their culture.
• Don’t hesitate to ask questions. Questions are always appreciated.
• Oh, and every employee involved in the process was super friendly, empathetic and encouraging.
So relax.


Since I had experience building applications with Java and mentioned the same on my resume, my
interview questions were quite application-oriented and easily answerable. Do take a look at the other
candidates’ feedback to get the complete picture.

Don’t lose heart. All the best! :)


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