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oat2023 19.37 ‘Spring Data MongoD8 Tutorial | Baelaung YY Spring Data MongoDB Tutorial Last updated: September 28, 2023 Written by: baeldung (https://www:baeldung.com/author/baeldung) htipsifwnww.baeldung,comlspring-data-mongodb-quide 6 oat2023 19.37 ‘Spring Data MongoD8 Tutorial | Baelaung N=SQL (htt> 5: “won haeldung¢om/category/persistence/nosqU Series (https:// www.baeldung.com/category/series) Spring Data (https://www.baeldung.com/category/persistence/spring- persistence/spring-data) MongoDB (https://www-baeldung.com/tag/mongodb) Get started with Spring Data JPA through the reference Learn Spring Data JPA course: >> CHECK OUT THE COURSE (/Learn-spring-data-jpa-course) This is a guide to Spring Data MongoDB - starting with a quick intro on how to hit the ground running in a Spring project, to more complex and useful usecases and features of the library. Spring Data MongoDB Basics . Introduction to Spring Data MongoDB (/spring-data-mongodb- tutorial) A Guide to Queries in Spring Data MongoDB (/queries-in-spring-data- mongodb) hitpsslwww-baeldung.comispring-data-mongodb-quide 26 oat2023 19.37 ‘Spring Data MongoD8 Tutorial | Baelaung as erly tse | Dieta ea ui) : - WEBINAIRE] 6CO0 140” Financement,... Erica poe OTN haa ‘Ss . (https://ads freestarcom/? Spring Data MongoDB Advanced Spring Data MongoDB - Indexes, Annotations and Converters (/spring- data-mongodb-index-annotations-converter) Custom Cascading in Spring Data MongoDB (/cascading-with-dbref- and-lifecycle-events-in-spring-data-mongodb) — GridFS in Spring Data MongoDB (/spring-data-mongodb-gridfs) Upload and Retrieve Files Using MongoDB and Spring Boot (/spring- boot-mongodb-upload-file) Auto-Generated Field for MongoDB using Spring Boot (/spring-boot- mongodb-auto-generated-field) ZonedDateTime with Spring Data MongoDB (/spring-data-mongodb- zoneddatetime) Spring Data MongoDB Transactions (/spring-data-mongodb- transactions) Spring Data Reactive Repositories with MongoDB (/spring-data- mongodb-reactive) Spring Data MongoDB: Projections and Aggregations (/spring-data- mongodb-projections-aggregations) Spring Boot Integration Testing with Embedded MongoDB (/spring- boot-embedded-mongodb) hitpsslwww-baeldung.comispring-data-mongodb-quide 36 oat2023 19.37 ‘Spring Data MongoD8 Tutorial | Baelaung YY Get started with Spring Data JPA through the reference Learn Spring Data JPA course: >> CHECK OUT THE COURSE (/learn-spring-data-jpa- course#table) Persistence Nyssa An intro to Spring Data, JPA and Transaction Semantics Details with JPA Get Persistence Right with Spring htipsifwnew.bacldung,comlspring-data-mongodb-quide 46 oat2023 19.37 ‘Spring Data MongoD8 Tutorial | Baelaung av nook (Y persistence-with- spring) Comments are closed on this article! COURSES ALL COURSES (/ALL-COURSES) ALL BULK COURSES (/ALL-SULK-COURSES) ALL BULK TEAM COURSES (/ALL-BUL&-TEAM-COURSES) THE COURSES PLATFORM (HTTPS.//COURSES BAELDUNG.COM) SERIES. JAVA “BACK TO BASICS’ TUTORIAL (/JAVA-TUTORIAL) JACKSON JSON TUTORIAL (JACKSON? APACHE HTTECLIENT TUTORIAL (/HTTPCLIENT-GUIDED REST WITH SPRING TUTORIAL (/REST-WITH-SPRING-SERIES) SPRING PERSISTENCE TUTORIAL (/PERSISTENCE-W/I'H-SPRING-SERIES) SECURITY WITH SPRING (/SECURITY-SPRING) SPRING REACTIVE TUTORIALS (/SPRING-REACTIVE-GUIDE) htipsifwnww.baeldung,comlspring-data-mongodb-quide 56 oat2023 19.37 ‘Spring Data MongoD8 Tutorial | Baelaung YY ABOUT ABOUT BAELDUNG (/ABOUT) THE FULL ARCHIVE (/FULL. ARCHIVE) EDITORS (/EDITORS) JOBS (/TAG/ACTIVE-JOB/) OUR PARTNERS (/PARTNERS) PARTNER WITH SAELDUNG (/ADVERTISED TERMS OF SERVICE (/TERMS-OF-SERVICE) PRIVACY POLICY (/PRIVACY-POLICY) COMPANY INFO (/BAELDUNG-COMPANY-INFO} CONTACT (CONTACT) htipsifwnww.baeldung,comlspring-data-mongodb-quide ae

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