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Tera Brown

25 August 2023

Reading Response 1

Honestly, I can say that I have been through depression. There are certain times where I

can re-lapse but only for a little bit. On page fourteen when Styron is trying to rush back to The

United States so he can get a diagnosis of what is going on with him. At this point in time, I feel

like he is not trying to solve all his problems by himself, he is seeking help.

Just because a person is going through a mood disorder time stops for no one. It does not

matter if a person is thinking about slicing their throat if they have a meeting at four, they are

expected to be at that meeting. Styron is going through this emotional imbalance and living from

daily life. He knew he had the luncheon with Simone, but he scheduled a lunch with Francoise

Gallimard. In his distress, he must deal with this woman's disappointment and anger because he

is expected at a luncheon. This moment helps me understand mood disorder because I have been

through it myself. It can be tiresome feeling like the weight of the world is on your shoulders, so

the last thing that person needs is to feel like they are failing someone or not doing something

right, or always messing up. What was shocking to me is that he comes to the realization that he

needs help. Typically, when someone is depressed or going through depression, they just blow it

off like a normal person would. No one is going to be happy all the time.

I will recommend this to someone especially if they feel like they are going through

depression or a loved one is. I wish I had known about this book years ago. There was a point in

my life when I would cry myself to sleep every night. Just thinking about those times makes me

think what was wrong with me. Reading this makes you feel like at least I am not the only one or

I am not crazy.

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