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Korea: SME e-readiness questionnaire Basic Company Data 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Industry segment (SIC 4 digit) Sales last three years Net Profit (% sales) last three years Value of Fixed Asset Value of IT investment (a) Hardware (b) Software Total Number of Employees. Of which (a) Engineers; (b) Technicians; and (c) IT specialists. 7. What percent of your sales are directly to: (a) retail customers; (b) other manufacturing firms; (c) large manufacturing firms; (d) wholesalers and distributors; and (e) government agencies. Inventory of IT System 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. How many PCs do you have (please classify by type of microprocessor) Do you purchase or lease your computers or both? Do you have a LAN? Do you have Internet access? If yes, then which of the following access methods do you use: a. Dial-up modem b. Cable modem c. DSL d. Leased line e. Others

IT Applications 13. For which of the following applications do you use a computer. (Please mark all relevant applications. Also, please indicate approximate utilization of computer time, per month, for each applic ation). a. Word Processing b. Network related activities c. Accounting and Budgeting d. Financial Planning, Management and Control e. Production Planning, Management and Control f. Billing and invoicing g. CAD/CAM h. Marketing and Customer Relations Management i. Logistics and supply chain management 14. Please list the main operating systems and software packages used by you and for what purpose (please also include customized software packages)

Networked Enabled Business Processes 15. Do you have network access? If yes please answer Questions 16-22. If no, please go to Question Number 23. 16. What types of network access facilities do you have? a. Internet; (b) Intranet; (c) EDI; (d) Extranet access to other companies 17. For which of the following purposes do you use the network access facilities? a. E-mail; b. Business information and business research; c. Place orders; d. Make payments; e. Receive orders; f. Receive payments; g. Exchange business process data with suppliers and buyers; h. Submit requests and applications to government agencies; i. Receive approval from government agencies 18. Do you have a Home Page? If yes, please answer questions 19 and 20. 19. Please provide the following information about your home page: a. What is the URL b. Who designed and commissioned your web-site c. Who maintains your web site? d. Who hosts your web site? e. What security arrangements are in place to prevent unauthorized access or modification of your web site? 20. What activities are possible by visiting your Home Page? a. Obtain information about your products b. Obtain financial and operating information about your company c. Place and modify orders on your company d. Track status of orders, production and shipment e. Exchange delivery and payment data f. Others 21. To what extents are your networks access arrangements integrated with your internal IT systems and other computer applications? a. Not integrated. b. Integrated in some areas (specify) c. Fully Integrated. 22. What percent of your sales can be classified as e-commerce sales? (An E-commerce sale in this context means that all the steps of order fulfillment --- order booking, processing, shipping, payment is done via Internet or EDI). 23. If you do not have a home page or network access, please tick all the reasons for not having a home page or network access: a. Not useful for doing business with major suppliers and buyers. b. Cannot afford development and maintenance costs. c. Technology is complex. d. Internal business procedures are not ready for effective use of network enabled business processes. IT Deployment 24. What is your annual IT systems maintenance expenditure (as % of total expenditures)? 25. How much of the expenditure is allocated to

a. In-house activities b. External purchases 26. What types of IT services do you outsource? a. Systems design b. Hardware acquisition c. Software design (including pre-packaged software) d. Hardware Maintenance e. Systems and software maintenance f. Data Processing g. Web development and web-hosting h. Services provided by Application Service Providers (ASPs) Barriers to deployment of IT and Network-enabled services 27. Please rank the following barriers in decreasing order of importance: a. Lack of in-house technological and business expertise to identify and develop IT and network applications. b. Cost of adapting and integrating existing business processes to IT and networked enabled processes. c. Technical difficulty in adapting and integrating existing business processes to IT and networked enabled processes. d. Cost of running a dual system: paper-based system and an e-commerce system e. Limited use of e-commerce among your major customers f. Lack of finance to deploy new technologies g. Concern about security and privacy h. High cost of third party technology and consulting services i. Lack of secure payments settlement mechanisms j. Uncertainty about authentication mechanisms k. Shortages of trained and skilled IT personnel l. Lack of standards

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