FCE Prepositions

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B2 FIRST: Review of dependent prepositions (Most Common)

1. Congratulations Rodney! I’m so happy ……….......... you and your wife.

2. I would be more than happy to provide you ……..……. our company’s catalogue.

3. She takes great pride ……………. her work. That’s why she’s the best in her field.

4. The journalist was praised ………….. his report ……………. the starving children of Africa.

5. Must I always remind you ……………. the need to follow the proper procedure?

6. There must be a solution ……………… your problem.

7. In some cultures staring ………….. people is considered offensive.

8. Are you familiar ………….. the company’s no smoking policy?

9. I’m really keen ……………. The idea of spending my holiday on as island in the

10. They arrived ……………… the hotel after midnight.

11. The lack ……………. medical supplies made the doctor’s task even more difficult.

12. I haven’t heard ………………….. Lisa over two weeks now.

13. You shouldn’t be proud ……………….. yourself. What you did was wrong!

14. The difference ……………….. the rich and the poor is staggering is most developing

15. My sister wastes a lot of money ……………… clothes she doesn’t end up wearing.

16. I found a part-time job so as not to be financially dependent ……….. my parents.

17. Why are you always so mean …………………. Sarah?

18. Most nouns form their plural in –s, but there are a lot of exceptions …………. this rule.

19. We arrived ………………… Frankfurt in the afternoon a looked for a hotel straightaway.

20. A compass may come ………….. handy for our hiking trip next week.

21. These yogurts are free ……………. Artificial coloring.

22. She couldn’t sleep because she was terrified …………… the horror film.

23. The captain demanded more effort …………………. his team.

24. Both parties put the blame …………….. each other for the collapse of peace negotiations.

25. Shame …………….. Paul! His behavior was unacceptable.

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