12 GRE Quant Practice Questions

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1 GRE Quant Practice Question


Question 1.
If a​2​ = a + c, where a × c > 0. Which of the following must be true?

a. a>0
b. a<c
c. 0<a<1
d. a>1

If a​2​ = a + c, where a × c > 0

→ a, c are non-zero.

As, a​2​ is square of a real number.

→ a​2​> 0

In any equation, left hand side is equal to the right hand side , therefore , if LHS is positive , then
RHS too has to be positive ,

→ a + c = Positive

As, a.c > 0 ( given in the question)

We can use property A.B > 0, is true when either A > 0 and B > 0 or A < 0 and B < 0

→a and c are both positive or both negative.

As, we concluded a + c = positive

Positive + Positive = Positive, is True.

Negative + Negative = Positive, is not True.

Hence, a > 0 and c > 0 is the only option we can carry further.

Another aspect,

As, a​2​ = a + c, where a > 0 and c > 0

a​2​ – a = c

a(a-1) = c

a(a-1) > 0, because c > 0.

Using property, A.B>0, A > 0 and B > 0 or A < 0 and B < 0.

→a > 0 and (a-1) >0, because a > 0

Hence, a > 1.

2 GRE Quant Practice Question


As, a > 1

→ a is always positive

Let’s see options now.

A. a > 0 is true, as a >1 so a is always greater than 0

B. a < c is not true, cannot be inferred from the information given.
C. 0 < a < 1 is not true, cannot be inferred from the information given.
D. a > 1 is true, as we proved.

Answer: A and D

Question 2.
|​x ​– 10| > |​x –
​ 30|

Quantity A Quantity B
X ​20

Let’s analyze

lx-10l > lx-30l

| x – a| is defined as distance of x from a

Therefore, | x – 10 | means distance of

x from 10


| x – 30 | means distance of x from 30

lx-10l > lx-30l

→Distance between x and 10 is greater than the distance between x and 30.

If equation were,

lx-10l= lx-30l

Distance between x and 10 is the same as the distance between x and 30.

3 GRE Quant Practice Question


Then x can be none other than 20.

→ x = 20. (10+30)/2 = 20)

But the question is lx-10l > lx-30l

→ Distance between x and 10 is greater than the distance between x and 30.

Let’s consider the possibilities of x in all 4 regions.

Region 1

Distance between x1 and 10 is smaller than the distance between x1 and 30.

Therefore, x cannot be less than 10.

Region 2

Distance between x2 and 10 is smaller than the distance between x2 and 30.

Therefore, x cannot be less than 20.

Region 3

Distance between x3 and 10 is greater than the distance between x3 and 30.

Therefore, x is greater than 20.


Distance between x4 and 10 is greater than the distance between x4 and 30.

Therefore, x is greater than 30.


X > 20.

Quantity A > Quantity B.

4 GRE Quant Practice Question


Question 3.
​ nd ​N​, are positive integers that have remainders of 3 and 2 respectively, when divided by 6.
Which of the following could be the remainder when (​M ​+ ​N​) is divided by 12?
a. 3
b. 5
c. 11

Based on the information given in the questions we can express M and N as
M = 6x + 3 and N = 6y + 2, where x and y are non-negative integers.
Then, M + N = 6x + 6y + 3 + 2
→ M + N = 6(x + y) + 5
Where, (x + y) is non-negative integer.

(x + y) ≥ 0
If (x + y) = 0, 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5, …
→Values of M + N could be 5, 11, 17, 23, 29, 35, 41,…
Now the question says, what could be the remainder when M + N divided by 12.
When 5 divided by 12, remainder is 5,
When 11 divided by 12, remainder is 11,
When 17 divided by 12, remainder is 5,
When 23 divided by 12, remainder is 11,
When 29 divided by 12, remainder is 5,
When 35 divided by 12, remainder is 11,
When 41 divided by 12, remainder is 5,
And so on.
Hence, M+N divided by 12 the remainder could be 5 or 11.
M + N = 6(x + y) = 5
As, (x + y) is non-negative integer.
SO, (x + y) is going to be either even or odd.

(M + N)/12 = 12 , the remainder is 5
And (M + N)/12 = 12 , the remainder is 11.

Hence, M+N divided by 12 the remainder could be 5 or 11.​ Answer, B and C.

Question 4.

5 GRE Quant Practice Question


For any integer n greater than 1, n! denotes the product of all integers from 1 to n, inclusive.
How many prime numbers are there between 15! + 5 and 15! + 13

Solution​: Prime numbers between 15! +5 and 15! + 13.

As we know that,
n! = product of all integers from 1 to n.
→5! = 1×2×3×4×5
15! = 1×2×3×4×5×6×……×13×14×15
Firstly, Let’s take 15! + 5 from the list.
15! + 5, 15! + 6, 15! + 7, 15! + 8, 15! + 9, ……15! + 13

15! + 5 = 5(1×2×3×4×6×7×8×……×13×14×15 + 1),

As we can take 5 common, hence 15! + 5 is non -prime.

15! + 6 = 6(1×2×3×4×5×7×8×……×13×14×15 + 1),

As we can take 6 common, hence 15! + 6 is non -prime.

15! + 7 = 7(1×2×3×4×5×6×8×……×13×14×15 + 1),

As we can take 7 common, hence 15! + 7 is non -prime.

15! + 8 = 8(1×2×3×4×6×7×9×……×13×14×15 + 1),

As we can take 8 common, hence 15! + 8 is non -prime.

15! + 12 = 12(1×2×3×4×6×7×…×13×14×15 + 1),
As we can take 12 common, hence 15! + 12 is non -prime.


15! + 13 = 13(1×2×3×4×6×7×…×12×14×15 + 1).

As we can take 13 common, hence 15! + 13 is non -prime.

Such that, all the numbers from 15! + 5, 15! + 6, 15! + 7, 15! + 8, 15! + 9, …. To 15! + 13 are
product of two or more prime numbers.
Therefore, there is no prime number in the list
15! + 5, 15! + 6, 15! + 7, 15! + 8, 15! + 9, ……,15! + 13

Question 5.

6 GRE Quant Practice Question


In the figure above, ​O i​ s the center of the circle. Length of the arc ​BCD ​is 5π units, and
length of line segment ​ED ​is 4 units. Find the area of shaded region?
a. 25π-6
b. 25π-24
c. 25π-36
d. 25π-48
e. 25π-64


In the figure below O is the center of the circle.

Length of arc BCD = 5π units

Length of arc = 360 2πR (R is the radius of the circle with center O).
5π = 360 2πR
Angle subtended by the arc BCD at the center is 90.
5π = 360 . 2πR
5 = 2R/4
10 = R, therefore radius of the circle with center O is 10 units.

Area of the shaded region = Area of sector BOD – Area of quadrilateral ACEO.
Because all angles of ACEO is 90​o​.
→ ACEO is a rectangle
Area of shaded region = Area of sector BOD – Area of rectangle ACEO

As OD = 10 and ED =4.
→ OE = 6
In right angled triangle OEC
OC​2​ = OE​2​ + CE​2
10​2​= 6​2​+CE​2
100-36 = CE​2
64 = CE​2
8 = CE
Therefore, area of shaded region = Area of sector BCD – Area of rectangle
Area of shaded region = 360 . πR​2​ – L.B

7 GRE Quant Practice Question

= 360 πR​2​ – OE.CE
= 360 π10​2​ – 6.8
= 25π - 48
Hence Answer is D.

Question 6.

In right triangle ​PQR​, ​X a

​ nd Y ​ re mid-points of ​PQ a
​ a ​ nd ​PR r​ espectively. ​T ​is any point
on ​QR​.
PQ = ​ 6, ​QR =
​ 8.
Quantity A Quantity B
Area of quadrilateral 12

In triangle PQR, as it is a right-angled triangle.
And, the area of triangle PQR = 21 QR.PQ
= 21 8.6
= 24
As, T is any point on QR.
So, In triangle PQT.
X is midpoint.
- For both the triangles PXT and QXT the bases are equal in length
- The height of both the triangles is also equal ( perpendicular drawn from T to the
base PQ)

So Area of PXT = Area of XQT.

Let’s take

Area of PXT = Area of XQT = A

Similarly, in triangle PRT.

Y is midpoint.

8 GRE Quant Practice Question


- For both the triangles PYT and RYT the bases are equal in length
- The height of both the triangles is also equal ( perpendicular drawn from T to the
base PR)

So Area of PYT = Area of YRT

Let’s take

Area of PYT = Area of XRT = B

Area of triangle PQR = 24

Ar∆ PXT + Ar∆ XQT + Ar∆ YRT + Ar∆ PYT = 24

A + A + B + B = 24

2A + 2B = 24

A + B = 12

Hence, Area of quadrilaterals PXTY = A + B = 12 sq units.

Quantity A = Quantity B

Answer is C.

Question 7.

9 GRE Quant Practice Question



First, let’s find the equation of line. To find slope, select two points: (-4,4) and (0,0)
y₂−y₁ 4−0
Slope= x₂−x₁ = −4−0 = -1

Since, line is passing through origin, y-intercept=0

Hence, the equation becomes: y=mx+c

Y= -1x+0


Region on the left of line can be expressed as: y<-x

(since, the value of y coordinate in the region left of line is lesser.)

Similarly, the region on the left of line can be expressed as: y>-x

As, (p,q) lies in the left, it’ll satisfy the inequality, y<-x

Hence, q<-p

Therefore, q+p<0, which implies q+p is negative.

And, (a,b) lies to the right of line, it will satisfy the inequality , y>-x

Therefore, b>-a

⇨ b+a>0
so, value of a+b is positive.
Ans. Is B, i.e., quantity B is greater than A.

Question 8.

10 GRE Quant Practice Question


In the year 1980, the price of an article was $​X.​ The price was increased by 12% from
1980–1982 and the increase in price from 1980–1984 was 24%.
Quantity A Quantity B
Percentage change in 12%
price from 1982 - 1984


According to the question,

Percentage change in the price of an article from year 1980 to year 1982 → 12%

Percentage change in the price of an article from the year 1982 to year 1984 is required
to be calculated. Let’s assume it to be x%

Net Percentage change in the price of an article from year 1980 to year 1984 → 24%

[Use the concept of percentage:

Successive hike> collective hike

Eg. 10% hike followed by another 10% increase is greater than net 20% increase]

In the question, we have to compare x with 12.

Let us assume, x=12%, then-

12% increase in 1982, a further 12% increase in 1984 will give an overall increase more
than 24% (using the above-mentioned rule.)

Since the net change from 1980-1984 is given as 24%, to make this true, x has to be
less than 12%.

Net % Change = ( A + B + AB/100 100 )%

Where A is first percentage change and B is the second percentage change.

As 1980 -1982 percentage change is 12% and x % change from 1982-1984.

Net percentage change from 1980-1984 is 24%.

24 = 12 + x + 100
12 = 100
112 =x

X = 10.71

11 GRE Quant Practice Question


Therefore, x < 12

Hence, quantity B is greater.

Question 9​.
A sequence of numbers ​a​1​ , ​a​2​ , a ​ 3​ ​ , ..... is defined as follows:
​ a​1 =3,
​ ​
a ​
2​ = 5 and every term in the sequence after ​a2​​ is the sum of all terms in the
sequence preceding it, ​e.g.​, ​a3​​ = ​a​1​ + ​a2​​ and ​a4​​ = ​a​1​ + ​a2​​ + ​a​3
If ​a​n​ = ​ ​t a
​ nd ​n ​> 2, then what is the value of ​a​n+2​ in terms of ​t ​?
a. 8 + ​t
b. 8​t
c. 4​t
d. t​ 3​
e. t​4


Each term in the question is defined as sum of all terms preceding it, that is:

a​3 =
​ a​1​ +a​2

a​4​ = a​1​ +a​2 ​ + a​3

Similarly, a​n​ = a​1​ +a​2 ​ + a​3​ + ……….. + a​n-1

It’s given in the question, a​n​ = t

So, t = a​1​ +a​2 ​ + a​3​ + ……….. + a​n-1

a​n+1 ​ = a​1​ +a​2 ​ + a​3​ + ……….. + a​n-1 +

​ a​n

Since, a​1​ +a​2 ​ + a​3​ + ……….. + a​n-1 ​ = t (given)

a​n+1 =
​ t+t=2t

a​n+2 ​ = a​1​ +a​2 ​ + a​3​ + ……….. + a​n-1 +

​ a​n​ + a​n+1

= t + t + 2t = 4t

Ans. (c)

Question 10.
If a=4-(b+3)​2​, then what is the value of b when a is maximum?

a. -4
b. -3
c. 0

12 GRE Quant Practice Question


d. 3
e. 4


(b+3)​2 ​ is a whole square, so it can never be negative. Value of this expression can be
either a 0 or positive.

Therefore, the value of ‘a’ is always 4 minus a non- negative number.

So, ‘a’ can have a value that is equal to or less than 4.

Maximum value ‘a’ can have is 4, and this comes when, (b+3)​2​ is zero.

We can simplify and calculate b.

(b+3)​2 ​ =0

⇢ b+3=0


ans. (b)

Question 11.
Mode of 7 students scores is 87, average is 80, median 82, and the lowest score is 70.
Calculate the maximum value of the highest score among 7 students, if scores are
integer values?

Let’s say 7 numbers are: a, b, c, d, e, f, g (in ascending order)

Since, median is 82.

[ Median, when number of terms is odd = ( n+1 th​

2 )​ term, where n is the number of terms]
⇨ ( 2 )​th ​term = 4​th​ term, i.e., d = 82

Since, Mean=80
sum of the terms
[ Mean = number of terms ]
a+b+c+d+e+f +g
7 = 80

a + b + c + d + e + f + g = 560

and, a = 70 (given)

13 GRE Quant Practice Question


we need to find out the maximum value of g.

Since, it is given, mode = 87 ( mode is the observation with maximum occurrence)

(data is in ascending order and median = 82 . So 87 should be placed after that. Being
mode, it’s occurrence should be more than once).

So, e and f both should be 87.

From equation, a + b + c + d + e + f + g = 560

70 + b + c + 82 + 87 + 87 + g = 560

b + c + g + 326 = 560

b + c + g = 234

[Since, sum of these 3 numbers is 234; if we want to maximize one, others should be
minimized. Hence, we need minimum value of b and c.]

We know lowest score, a = 70

So, minimum value of b and c can be 71 and 72, respectively.

(they can’t be 70, otherwise, mode will become 70)

b + c + g = 234,

therefore, g = 91 ans. 91

Question 12.
In how many ways can 4 different balls be put into 3 different boxes, if any box can have
any number of balls?


There are multiple approaches to solve this question .

However in our view the most convenient will be if you consider from the context of what
has to be placed.

As per this question, 4 different balls has to be put into 3 boxes. So, let us represent
balls as:

14 GRE Quant Practice Question


B1, B2, B3, B4

Each ball can be assigned to any of the 3 boxes.

Therefore, 3 ways to assign each of the balls (B1, B2,B3,B4)

Therefore, 3*3*3*3= 81.


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