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Unknown 0:01

My fellow Muslim content creators Palestinian influencers out of the influencers.

Unknown 0:08
Were doing 1000 Palestinian deaths 1000 Palestinians killed it.

Unknown 0:18
And you're still out here posting videos on your story of your morning breakfast.
No, no hella hella inappropriate. Absolutely not. There's an alarming number of
y'all with hundreds of 1000s of followers. 100k 500k a million followers. You're
still sharing your outfit for the day.

Unknown 0:43
Read the room. Read the room guys. I hate the fact that I even have to make this
video and take away from space that could be used to show what's happening in
because of the fact that a lot of y'all have opportunity to share to yours massive
audiences. What's happening to our people and you're not taking it you're posting
like it's a bright shiny Tuesday in April. Business as usual may be having one
story reshare of a post on neutrality. I'm sorry, what are you doing when you have
a hefty amount of followers? And I don't see, I have the amount of content about
Palestinian creators in Palestine right now. Obviously don't have the space to
address this but as a Palestinian in diaspora with a little bit more mental and
emotional wiggle room. We're gonna call each other when some of us are lacking. The
thing is outside of times, like this times where our people are literally being
killed influencers who are Palestinians in diaspora, or Muslim or out of the love
to use Palestinian culture in their content. web dev kit hotbar connect fill in
generic font of honor the parents thought to be English accent and a web full of
Splinter just great enjoy the culture. But when it comes to times like this when
Palestinians actually need you, and our people are dying, you're out here sharing
memes about your favorite Netflix series. You got plenty of content to go around.
There's no shortage of content on the ground coverage. Because what's happening the
fact that you have 1000s of people following you willing to hear what you have to
say if you choose to say something and you choose not to. Instead, you just
occasionally share one thing about philosophy once a day, every other day. And the
thing is like I get it, especially for fellow Palestinians. It's not easy. Right
now it's not easy. Seeing the stuff and still posting about it and talking about
it. I know. I'm there with you. I myself I'm not perfect. I've had my moments where
it takes me a bit of time to like, collect my thoughts collect myself to be able to
post and taught sometimes you're not in the right mental or emotional state or in
the right stage in your life. To be able to vocalize and share your own thoughts
about what's happening. But at a minimum, all you have to do is hit Share. Go to
your feed which I'm sure is full of full steam content and hit Share us all you got
to do 1015 reshares a day. You're good if you're truly physically, mentally,
spiritually unable to even share and don't post anything at all. That's the
minimum. Don't post anything at all. Don't say anything, but not saying anything
not sharing and posting like there's nothing going on. No, hell no. Absolutely not.
It's one thing to be silent. It's another thing to act like nothing's going on in
the world. Like Uncle Ben said, With great power comes great responsibility. Allah
gave you that platform for a reason. I'm gonna give you a little friendly, humble,
Muslim brother reminder on the Day of Judgment. Allah has back Allah has gonna hold
you accountable for whether you spoke up or not. For those who are being killed and
murdered and slaughtered right now sacrificing their life and dying for the Holy

Unknown 4:06
You didn't use the platform that Allah if Did you as a blessing to speak up? Check
yourself. Check your privilege before all that checks for you. My fellow Muslim
content creators
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