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Name: __________________________________

Halloween Date: ______________

Around the World Webquest

Directions: Use the website to find the answers to each question.
Halloween in Ireland/Celtic Halloween

1. Why did the Celts hold a festival on October 31?

the veil between the living and dead would open which would allow spirits to return to earth
2. Explain how cats were viewed by the Celts.
e Cat is a beast that is both adored and despised.
3. Describe the roots of trick-or-treating. What was it called?
going house to house at Halloween and putting on a small performance to be rewarded with food
How did the pastime begin?
civil war

Halloween in Russia
4. Describe the Russian beliefs about cats:
the first being to enter a house for the very first time will certainly meet death

Halloween in Germany

5. Why do people put their knives away on Halloween?

it's believed that visiting spirits may inflict harm upon the
6. What is All Souls’ Week in German?
time to remember and honor the dead,
7. Name two things Catholics might do on All Saints Day in Germany.
a. attend a special church service,
b. light candles and pray for deceased relatives

Halloween in Spain

8. What special pastry is eaten on this day? ___________________________________________

Huesos de Santo
9. What is the purpose of All Souls’ Day?
commemoration of all the faithful departed,
10. When is the holiday Las Fallas? _____________________
march 15-19
11. What happens on this holiday?
mainly observed as a children's holiday or a spiritual festivity

Halloween in France

12. In France, people celebrate _________________________ but not
all saints day
13. In the past, bellmen would walk through the streets warning of the arrival by saying
"The spirits are about to arrive!"

Halloween in China

14. Describe what happens in the festival called Teng Chieh:

eople hang lanterns outside of their homes and businesse
15. Explain the Festival of the Hungry Ghosts:
a. What are Hungry Ghosts?
spirits that are wild
b. What time of year will they more likely appear?
c. What is offered to the spirits?
beverges money in the spirit world and food
d. Why are offerings made?
so they dont kill them

Halloween in Japan

16. What is Higan?

buddaist holiday

17. List five traditions of the O-Bon Festival.

a. hochin (paper) lanterns are hung to guide the spirits
b. and
Obon dances (bon odori) are performed
c. _______________________________________________________________________
d. _______________________________________________________________________
e. _______________________________________________________________________

Halloween in Mexico

18. When is El Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead)?

nov 1-2
19. List three traditions of the Day of the Dead.
calaveras and marigold flowers
a. _______________________________________________________________________
b. visiting graves with these items as gifts for the deceased.
altars called ofrendas with the favorite foods and beverages
c. _______________________________________________________________________
20. Describe the Feast of the Holy Souls on October 2nd:
a day_____________________________________________________________________________
for commemoration of all the faithful departed, those baptized Christians who are believed to be
in purgatory because they died with the guilt of lesser sins on their souls

Halloween in Italy

21. Describe what families do on November 1:

visit their local parish for mass
22. Describe what families do on November 2:
visit their loved ones' gravesites, clean them, and leave traditional flowers
23. What other countries from this activity have this same tradition?

After finishing:

Which country would you most like to celebrate Halloween in? Which would you not like to? Explain
i would no to like do halloween in china too much religion that is inaccurate i woulld like to do the day of the
dead in mexico

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