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Didactic Guidelines y Assessment Recommendations – English – Third grade

Articulating Assessment
Contents Learning Development Processes Didactic Guidelines
Framework recommendations
To identifying linguistic practices in Mexico and around
the world. Language map.
To read short texts about linguistic practices and Information cards
[Linguistic diversity] Appropriation of
describe their main characteristics. based on research.
1. The linguistic diversity Learners make use of the alphabet, numbers, cultures through
To classify languages as tonal, non-tonal, fusional, Concept map.
and its forms of expression and basic expressions in English to name and reading and writing
agglutinative, intonational, accentual, etc. Statements that
in Mexico and the world. retrieve factual data and basic characteristics
To match titles and the descriptions. describe linguistic
of recognized languages in Mexico and the Critical interculturality
To write statements to describe linguistic aspects. aspects.
To choose graphic and typographic elements for an
infographic. Rubric

Appropriation of To read essays and identify traditions and customs of

cultures through English-speaking countries. Information cards
[Mutual respect and equal treatment]
2. The identity and culture reading and writing To write and answer questions about the topic. based on research.
Learners retrieve information to conduct oral
of English-speaking To write statements to describe traditions and customs.
and written presentations in English describing
people. To exchange ideas and opinions to start a conversation. List of questions.
ethnic, cultural, and identity traits of English- Critical
To identify strategies to sustain and conclude
speaking language speakers. interculturality conversations about features of an intercultural society. Rubric
To identify social conflicts and their causes.
List of solutions to
To propose solutions to conflicts.
social conflicts
To analyze the plot and central argument of radio
Character table with
3. Cultural, linguistic, and Radio drama their characteristics
To identify the relationship between the setting and time
artistic expressions in [Social conflicts] Dialogues
Critical interculturality in which the actions take place.
English in favor of Learners live, recognize, and value ethnic, Folder of sound effects
To create and describe characters and define their
interculturality. cultural, linguistic, and social diversity. and music.
attitudes and behaviors.
To identify the parts of the script.
Self and peer
To match rhythm, speed, intonation, and volume to the
evaluation form

To recognize the current situation of languages and List of consulted

analyze why their preservation is important. sources
4. Use of various English Brochure
To define the concept of debate and its elements.
texts that promote the [Language conservation]
Critical Interculturality To analyze the needs and interests of the debate Timeline
preservation and Learners live, recognize, and value ethnic,
conservation of languages. cultural, linguistic, and social diversity.
To identify different approaches to the debate. List of arguments
To write arguments and viewpoints.
5. The use of the English Campaign Critical thinking To list needs, interests, and problems of the community. Concept map.
language to express the [Solutions to Community Problems] To share experiences and express opinions about the
needs, interests, and Learners interpret phenomena, historical, Gender equality importance of addressing these problems. Flowchart.
problems of the cultural, natural, and social events and To classify problems into categories and determine the
community. situations based on various topics, and Healthy lifestyle most significant ones. Cause and effect
investigate to explain them using reasoning, To identify causes and consequences. diagram.
models, data, and scientifically grounded To describe proposed solutions.
information, as well as community knowledge. To compose statements proposing solutions to Comparative table.
This enables them to consolidate their community problems.
List of questions and
To establish goals and objectives for the campaign.
answers to request
To identify the target audience and define the message
autonomy to propose and solve complex and provide
and strategy.
problems, considering the context. information.
To select communication channels.
To develop materials and graphic resources.
To read fables and identify the main ideas.
Arts and aesthetic To identify the moral or lesson that the fable intends to Character descriptions.
Fable experiences convey.
6. Elements and aesthetic Learners have mastered basic communication To analyze the purpose of the fable and its relation to Illustrations.
resources of English. skills in their native language and in other Appropriation of daily life.
Draft of the fable.
languages. cultures through To choose the message (moral) of the fable.
reading and writing To create characters and the plot. Rubric
To illustrate to depict key events.
To read and identify characteristics of poems.
Poems To analyze the theme of poems to express emotions List of consulted
Learners develop critical thinking skills that Appropriation of and thoughts. poems.
7. Artistic and cultural enable them to evaluate knowledge and cultures through To analyze types of poems (sonnet, haiku, ode, eclogue, List of emotions.
manifestations of the wisdom from the sciences and humanities, reading and writing elegy, epigram, free verse, etc.). Illustrations.
English language. recognizing the importance of history and To write a draft of the poem. Draft of the poem.
culture in critically examining their own ideas Critical interculturality To revise and edit the draft.
and the value of others' perspectives. To create the final version of the fable. Rubric
To determine the presentation format of the poem.
To analyze themes of plays and their characteristics.
To analyze characters and their personality, motivations,
Appropriation of and relationships with other characters. Character descriptions.
Stage script
cultures through To explain the plot of a play (introduction of characters,
8. Traditional and Learners create short texts in English to
reading and writing exposition of the problem, story development, and Storyboard.
contemporary literary present a situation or topic of interest using
creations in English. narrative, poetic, visual, theatrical, or musical
Arts and aesthetic To write dialogues. Draft of the play.
experiences To choose actors for the play.
To create stage design. Rubric
To determine the presentation format of the play.
To identify the most representative cultural and artistic Photographs.
9. The English language to expressions of the community.
[My community] Appropriation of
express sensations, To research the origin and history of the chosen cultural Information cards
Learners value their cognitive, physical, and cultures through
emotions, feelings, and and artistic expressions. based on research.
affective potentialities, which enable them to reading and writing
ideas related to families, To make appropriate questions.
enhance their personal capacities and
school, and the To write statements to describe the cultural and artistic List of opinions.
contribute to the community during different Critical thinking
community. expressions.
stages of their life.
To exchange opinions. Rubric
To identify the most representative historical events of
Reflection Photographs.
the community.
[Family, school, community, and social Critical thinking Information cards
10. Stories in English to To research the origin of the chosen event.
events] based on research.
express significant family, To narrate the story in chronological order, detailing the
Learners develop their own way of thinking that Cultural appropriation Timeline.
school, community, and events and actions of the characters.
they use to analyze and make reasoned through reading and List of opinions.
social events. To establish the purpose of the announcement/video.
judgments about their family, school, writing
To make appropriate questions.
community, national, and global reality. Rubric
To exchange opinions.
11. Assertive and dialogic Brochure Appropriation of Identify situations of violence in the family and school. Cause and effect
[Rejection of violence]
They acknowledge that they are citizens who
can exercise their right to a dignified life, to
To identify causes and consequences.
make decisions about their own bodies, to build
cultures through To write proposals for solutions. Information cards
their personal and collective identity, as well as
communication in English reading and writing To analyze the objectives and goals of the brochures. based on research.
to live with well-being and good treatment,
to raise awareness about To identify the target audience.
within a framework of freedoms and
the eradication of violence Critical thinking To establish the design of the brochure and content Graphic resources.
responsibilities towards themselves and their
in families and schools. distribution.
community.They recognize that women and
Gender equality To write statements that support the eradication of List of opinions.
men are individuals who enjoy the same rights,
with the capacity to act, autonomy, and the
decision to live a dignified life, free from
violence and discrimination.
To identify mass media channels to transmit messages
about a healthy lifestyle and their purpose.
[Healthy lifestyle]
To analyze and summarize the content of messages that Information cards
12. Messages in English in They understand the priority of connecting the
promote a healthy lifestyle. based on research.
mass media promoting a care of their nutrition, physical health, mental Healthy lifestyle
To discuss the risks and consequences of unhealthy
healthy lifestyle. well-being, sexual and reproductive health with
habits. Rubric
planetary health from a sustainable and
To recognize healthy lifestyles and their benefits.
compatible perspective.
To write messages that promote a healthy lifestyle.
To contextualize the importance of inclusion in society
and the need to promote it.
To identify examples of inclusive language in real life
and share experiences.
To analyze and reflect on the role of language in the
Social project
construction of stereotypes and prejudices.
[Diversity and Social Inclusion] List of consulted
13. The use of the English To identify barriers and obstacles to inclusion in different
Learners acknowledge that women and men sources.
language in constructing contexts and propose solutions.
are individuals who enjoy the same rights, with Inclusion
messages in favor of To create messages and write viewpoints in favor of
the capacity to act, autonomy, and the ability to List of arguments.
inclusion. inclusion.
make decisions to live a dignified life free from
To identify the need to address.
violence and discrimination. Rubric
To establish objectives and goals for the social project.
To list actions of the social project.
To distribute the project through various channels and
raise awareness in the community about the importance
of inclusion.
14. The use of the English [An inclusive society] To reflect on what inclusion means to everyone. Information cards
language in cultural and They recognize that women and men are To analyze artworks and their message. based on research.
artistic expressions that individuals who enjoy the same rights, with the To analyze techniques (acrylic, oil, watercolor, colored
Arts and aesthetic
promote the construction capacity for action, autonomy, and decision- pencils) and materials. Graphic resources.
of an inclusive society. making to live a dignified life, free from violence To create the sketch.
and discrimination. Rubric

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