Tempest Tost

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e s t-To s t

Temp es
Robertson Davi

Ewa Przybyl and Jil Costantini

2022W609113 PS British and/or Postcolonial Literature
Please write one word that comes up to
your mind when you hear Tempest-Tost

e s t-To s t –
e a r Tem p
You h
hi n k…
you t
o n W i l l i a m
a u t h or a n d
Davies - the
his work
• journalist, writer, professor
(1913 -1995)

• a theater man 5.03 – 6.23

• a trilogy enthusiast
- The Salterton Trilogy
Tempest-Tost (1952)
- The Deptford Trilogy
- The Cornish Trilogy
- The Toronto Trilogy (incomplete)

• old and white, but still beyond

matters of class and ethnicity
Worksheet 1
*Staging is the process of selecting, designing, adapting to, or modifying the
performance space for a play or film.

• If you were to stage one of Shakespeare’s play, which one would you choose? Why?

• Do you believe The Tempest to be a challenging play to be put on stage? Why/ why not?
Which obstacles would you expect to encounter as a director?/ Which role do you think
is the most complex, difficult to interpret for an actor?
The plot
• Story of an amateur dramatic group, as they prepare to stage an outdoor
production of The Tempest – ‘play within a play’ concept

tle Theatre Movement

• Full of eccentric characters, revolving around the central story of a foolish,
love-sick man and the girl he has his eye on - Hector and Griselda

• Illustration of Canada’s cultural development from a relatively homogenous,

monocultural society to a multicultural nation
P EST-TOST - se tting “Dreamy and old-w


m of time.
“Anchor in the stea
n th ey die.
rgymen go whe
Salterton – Kingston (Ontario)
Anglican cle uaint.
place where “Q
T -T O S T - se tti n g
TEMPES & g a r de n:
e b s t e r ’ s m a ns i on
Mr. W
P r osp e r o ’ s I s l e

martyred Roman virgin
St Agnes rls
the patron saint of gi Cornwall
s, Isles of Sc illy /
St Agne
The shed
The protagonists
(& their meaningful names) fo u r li f e is o f a mingled
“The web o ur
g oo d a n d il l together: o
yarn, u d, if our fau
u ld b e p r o
virtues wo and our crim
t h e m n o t ;
whipped ot
they were n
• The Websters: George Webster + Griselda and Fredegone (Freddy)
d e s p a ir, if
Romantic y The Gardner would
o ung schola
• Tom Gwalchmai
is h e d b y o u r virtues."
r cher
• Solomon (Solly) Bridgetower + his mother ds Well
—All’s Well that En

hs t eacher • Hector Mackilwraith

le- ag ed mat • Roger Tasset Womanizer

• Pearl Vambrace

• Mrs. Nelly Forrester

• Miss Valentine Rich The Director
• Humphrey Cobbler
• Geordie Shortreed
• Walter Vambrace

• Bonnie-Susan ‘The Torso’

Worksheet 2
Try to guess which role they play/have in the
production of “He liked to be where people were
gay, but he did not permit an
“She was not he recognized, like any girl
upon whom he had tried his skill before.
She was wealthy, which meant that he must

The Tempest uncontrolled gaiety in himself. be very careful, for one does not lightly
seduce rich girls; they have too many
powerful relatives and are too much
“He had never, in all his forty
accustomed to getting the better of
years, kissed any woman but his
things. He seriously questioned whether
mother. he could proceed to the usual conclusion
“He [Hector] was strongly conscious
of his plan with Griselda. Indeed, he
that Griselda was a woman and was
“He was not the kind of marveled dimly that gold, which could
subject to the disabilities which make an attractive girl so much more
schoolmaster who scribbles on
he believed to be a special and attractive should also protect her
exercise papers; with a red pencil
unjust burden to her sex. thoroughly. And as well as money,
as sharp as a needle he would put a Griselda had the manners and the
little mark at the point where the conversation of a well-bred girl who had
- about Griselda
problem had gone wrong, not in such read a great many books of the easier
a way as to assist the erring sort, and these qualities Roger mistook
student, but merely in order to for worldly wisdom and unusual
show him where he had fallen into intelligence. For the first time in his
life Roger had met a girl with whom he
mathematical sin. felt that a ‘nice’ – well, fairly nice –
relationship was worth cultivating,
- about Hector Griselda was capable of giving him
something which he valued even more than
physical satisfaction; she could give him
class. – about Roger
It’s complicated... Trinitarian Pr
Miss Valentine
Tom Gwalchmai
Humphrey Cobbl

More like:
Role: Played by:
Professor Vambrace Antonio
Miranda Pearl Vambrace
Ariel Griselda Webster
Caliban Geordie Shortreed
Ferdinand Roger Tasset
Gonzalo Hector Mackilwraith

Worksheet 3 - extra questions I will try to
answer myself if there is enough time
• *What do we make of the idea of a “Trinitarian” Prospero? Is this possible? Do
the three characters (Valentine, Humphrey, and Tom) possess any agency in the
novel? If so, what do we make of The Shed (Prospero’s hut), which technically
belongs to Mr. Webster and is Tom’s sanctuary? What do we do with Mr. Webster who
owns the entire property where the play is being held? Does he hold any agency?

• *Hector is viewed as the Caliban figure in this text due to his solitary nature
and his inability to express himself through words. Do we agree with this
characterization? What evidence do we see of Hector’s alignment with Caliban?
Shakespeare, Davies and …mommy issues

Shakespeare, The Tempest

The absence of mothers is notable

Miranda & Caliban

Davies in Tempest-Tost fills this
empty maternal space with the witch-like
domineering mother figures, e.g.

Solly’s mother
Hector’s mother

Nelly Forrester
• The Tempest – touchstone for creative writers

• Robertson Davies – uses intertextual strategy to construct a social satire,

commenting on Canadian provincialism and the respect Canadians have for English

• Tempest-Tost is an enjoyable novel with some good lines and passages:

”It’s a mistake to

people dressing. O
ne should
see them either dr
essed or
naked; those are t
he only
two decent states.
All else
is shame and disil
Thank you J
• https://canadian-writers.athabascau.ca/english/writers/rdavies.php
• https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/robertson-davies
• Fritsch, Esther. “Tossing the Tempest– American and Canadian Adaptations of
Shakespeare’s.” Trans. Array American and Canadian Literature and Culture: Across a
Latitudinal Line. 1st ed. Saarbrücken: Amarant Presse, 2008, pp. 96-118.
• O’Neill, Kate. “Re-writing the Colonial Experience: Robertson Davies’ Use of Parody
in.” Trans. Array Studies on Themes and Motifs in Literature: Rewriting Text Remaking
Images. 1st ed. Peter Lang, 2010, pp. 121-131.
• Jackson, Sabine. “Robertson Davies’s Cultural Consciousness”. Revue LISA/LISA e-
journal [Online], vol. III, n. 2, 2005. URL:
http://journals.openedition.org/lisa/2645; DOI: https://doi.org/10.4000/lisa.2645p.
• Davies, Robertson. Tempest-Tost, in The Salterton Trilogy. Penguin Books, 2011.

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