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Q) Identification of all likely or expected environmental

characteristics/components which may potentially be affected negatively and

positively during the construction and operation phase of the proposed project.
(This should include among others, direct and indirect, secondary, cumulative,
short, medium and long term, permanent and temporary, positive and
negative impacts of the proposed project.) use table form.
[40 Marks]
Proposed topic:Road construction and storm water drainage in Gabane

*on the environment

Erosion Control: Runoff from heavy rain can lead to erosion, especially in areas
with steep terrain or inadequate vegetation.The stormwater drainage
systems will help control erosion by directing water into controlled
channels, preventing the rapid flow of water over unprotected surfaces and
thus reducing soil erosion.
Flood Prevention: The stormwater drainage system will help reduce the risk of
flooding by collecting and diverting rainwater into one place, this will help
reduce potential loss of life caused by flooding.
*on the community

Job creation:The whole construction process of the road and drainage system
will bring employment opportunities to the people of Gabane as the project
is labour intensive and requires a large number of personnel.
*on the community
Improved Accessibility and Connectivity: The new road will enhance
connectivity between the previously isolated Gabane and the city of Gaborone,
making it easier for people to access markets, jobs, healthcare facilities, and
educational institutions. This increased accessibility can stimulate economic
growth and improve the overall quality of life for Gabane residents in the long run.
Economic Growth and Development: The construction project will help create
jobs for local workers and stimulate economic activity in the area leading to
increased commerce and economic development.
Enhanced Trade and Commerce:Once in full operation,the road will provide an
efficient network between Gaborone and Gabane thus facilitating the movement
of goods and services, enabling businesses to expand their markets and reach
consumers more effectively. This will lead to increased trade opportunities,
promoting the growth of local industries and potentially attracting outside
Property Value Appreciation: Areas with improved road infrastructure often
experience an increase in property values.The improved accessibility and
reduced commuting times make real estate property more attractive to potential

Reduced Traffic Congestion:Once the project is complete and the road is in full
operation there will be reduced traffic in the current highway which is the only
road linking Gabane and Gaborone.The presence of two different roads both
linking to the capital city will result in minimal traffic.
Community Engagement and Education: The planning and construction of the
stormwater drainage system will involve community engagement and education
as it will be the first of its kind in the area. This can help raise awareness about
the importance of responsible stormwater management, water conservation, and
environmental protection. As the residents become more informed, they might
adopt eco-friendly practices that extend beyond drainage, positively impacting the
community's overall sustainability.
Improved Public Health and Safety: Inadequate drainage systems often lead to
the accumulation of stagnant water, which creates a breeding ground for disease-
carrying mosquitoes and other pests. The presence of a water drainage system
will now reduce the risk of waterborne diseases and enhance public health.

*on the environment

Many animal species that resides in the immediate area and underground will
be killed during the clearing of land for the construction of the road and
drainage system.

The smoke and gas emmisions from the construction site is likely to pollute the
air in the area
Habitat destruction
Clearing of the land will mean many trees will be cut down in creation of space
and this will mean loss of habitat for animals in the area

*on the community

Air and Noise Pollution: The construction activities will generate a lot of dust,
emissions, and noise, which may have negative health effects on residents in the
Gabane area. Prolonged exposure to construction-related pollution may lead to
respiratory problems and other health issues.

Inconvenience for Residents: The residents of Gabane might experience

inconveniences such as limited access to their homes, disruption of utilities, and
changes in public transportation routes during the construction process as some
of the pedestrian roads and pathways in the area will be closed/blocked. These
inconveniences can negatively impact their quality of life and daily routines.

Social Disruption: The construction project will lead to the displacement of

community of Gabane as and disruption of social ties as some people will be
forced to relocate from the area where the project is to be undertaken,impacting
their sense of belonging and community cohesion.

long term
*on the environment

Population Declines
The high rate of mortality caused by the overhauling of the land during the construction
period may lead to decline in populations of some species that are native to the Gabane
area in the long term .

Habitat Fragmentation & Alteration

Once construction is complete and the road and drainage system are fully
operational,there may arise the problem of habitat alteration.The few animals that
survived will have to adapt to new habitats as some may not be able to access their old
habitats due to the new barrier.

Change in natural cycle

When the road becomes operational,the noise from the traffic can interfere with the
calling of some animal species and make it difficult for them to find a mate.Animals that
rely on light for the control of biological activities may be impacted by the lights along
roads. Robins that use sunlight as a cue to initiate songs in the morning may mistake
street lights for the sun and sing in the middle of the night. Road lights can also alter the
routes that bats fly.All this will mean to a change in the natural cycle in the long run

*on the community

Property Value Changes: While the improved road infrastructure may enhance
property values, certain people who preferred the quiet nature of the
village will lose interest in setting up their homes in the area and the
increased noise and traffic congestion, can lead to decreased property
values in the immediate vicinity of Gabane
Social Disruption: The disruption caused by the road construction can lead to
social isolation within the Gabane community. Closed roads and detours
will make it harder for residents to interact with neighbors, friends and the
social relationships of the native people may change permanently.
Water Pollution-During road construction, the disturbance of soil and the use of
heavy machinery can lead to increased erosion. As a result, sediment, pollutants,
and chemicals can run off into nearby water bodies, causing water pollution. This
can harm aquatic ecosystems, degrade water quality, and impact aquatic life.

Loss of Biodiversity-The construction process can destroy or disturb local flora

and fauna, leading to a loss of biodiversity in the area. This can have cascading
effects on ecosystems.

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