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Genealogy and year of the elephant

Interessting facts :

Maa’d ibn ‘Adnan is contemporary to ‘Issa ibn Maryam.

Ismail ibn Ibrahim married into the Jurhumites (a branch of the Qahtanites)

However, the genealogy in between Ismaïl and Adam is not very accurate because the only
source we have is the Thora and we cannot rely on it. The genealogy between ‘Adnan and Ismail is
half fact half myth and for the genealogy between the Prophet sws and ‘Adnan we know for sure that
it is accurate.

The lineage that is often shown and presented as the one between the Prophet sws and Adam as, is
not very accurate (it seems that there are generations missing in between them). We must take into
consideration that Allah told Adam that Dawud is “akhir az zaman” so it means that there has been a
lot of generations in between Adam and Dawud.

The Prophet’s full name is : Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Abd al Muttalib ibn Hashim ibn ‘Abd Manaf
ibn Qusay ibn Kilab ibn Murrah ibn Kaa’b (Ilyas) ibn Luayy (Mudar) ibn Ghalib ibn Fihr ibn Malik ibn an
Nadr ibn Kinana ibn Khuzaymah ibn Mudrikah ibn Al Yas ibn Mudar ibn Nizar ibn Maa’d ibn ‘Adnan.

He said sws [sahih Muslim]: “Allah chose Kinana amongst the children of Isma’il, and chose Quraysh
among Kinana, and chose Banu Hashim from Quraysh and he chose me amongst Banu Hashim”.
 His lineage ‫ ﷺ‬is the purest, highest and the best lineage of all Mankind.

It is said that Mudar ibn Nizar is the first arab to train camels and used them so that they can carry
the caravans and he would utter “camel poetry” to make them walk.

Kinana ibn Khuzaymah was brave, wise and knowledgeable men. People would even come to do hajj
with a double intention, to perform the pilgrimage and to meet Kinana because it was an honor to do
so. Until the time of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬, Kinanah was remembered as a legendary arab figure.

As for Quraysh there are different opinions on who it could have been. There are multiple theories
and one of them states that there are people that can be called “Quraysh”: the small one, the middle
one and the big one. And they would be: Qusay ibn Kilab, Fihr ibn Malik and Nadr ibn Kinana.
 The stronger opinion being that Fihr is the one called “Quraysh” because he combines all the
qurayshi [he is the closest common ancestor to the ‘Ashara Mubashara who are all
qurayshis, and all of the Qurayshi subtribes at the time of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬descend from
him]. So the word qurayshi indicates the descendants of Fihr ibn Malik.

Quraysh is a title not a litteral name. Once again there are multiple theories as what it really means.
Some say it comes from the verb “to trade”, or from “to gather”, or “to conquer”.

 Qusay ibn Kilab: he is the one who started the immediate ascent of the Quraysh. Qusay lived
around 400 CE. He put the power and the political organisation of Mecca into the hands of
the Quraysh tribe.

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