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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII
Division of Samar
Motiong, Samar


Name: Date:
Grade & Section: Score:

Test I. Multiple Choice

Directions: Read and understand questions carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. What is the last step in scientific method?
A. Sharing result C. Analyzing Data
B. Collecting data D. Drawing Conclusion
Answer: D
2. What is the correct order of the steps in the Scientific Method?
A. Ask a question, analyze results, make a hypothesis, test the hypothesis, draw conclusions,
communicate results
B. Ask questions, make a hypothesis, test hypothesis, draw conclusions, analyze results, and
communicate results.
C. Make a hypothesis, ask questions, test hypothesis, draw conclusions, analyze results,
communicate results
D. Make a hypothesis, test the hypothesis, analyze the results, ask a question, draw
conclusions, communicate results

3.Which of the following statements would be true of the scientific method?

A. People structure their lives on the principle of scientific method.
B. Scientists report the experimental results, but not the experimental design.
C. The scientific method is a continuous process by which people learn about this world.
D. When the results of the experiment do not fit the hypothesis, a scientist may discard the
results and stop the experiment
Answer: C.
4. Your mother sent you to the market to buy fruits and vegetables. How did you choose the quality of
fruits and vegetables?
A. Asked the vendor to choose it for you.
B. Just took any kind and paid right away.
C. Examined the skin of fruit free of insect bites and dark spots.
D. Asked other costumer to choose the vegetables and fruits for you
Answer: C
5. Where does scientific knowledge comes from?
A. Textbooks C. Experimentation
B. Observation D. Guess
Answer: C

6. Which of the following is correctly matched?

A. Gold: Element, Silver: Compound
B. Oxygen: Element, Water: Compound
C. Sugar; Element, Salt: Compound
D. Water: Element, Hydrogen: Compound
Answer: B
7. Which of the following correctly describes a compound?
A. Can be broken down into simpler type of matter by chemical means
B. Has unique property that are different from the properties of its individual elements
C. Composed of atoms of two or more elements that bond together
D. Composed of two atoms that bond together
Answer: C
8. Sodium is a silvery solid that reacts violently with water and chlorine. When they combine to form
the compound sodium chloride known as salt. There is a fundamental change in the properties. Salt
is often added to our food when cooking and it is safe to eat. Which of the following statement
supports the idea presented?
A. True, all elements, they have properties after they are combined.
B. True, some compound, it maintains the properties if the elements that makes them up
C. True, all compounds, they no longer have the properties of the elements that makes them
D. True, all elements it maintains its properties even after it combines with othe elements
Answer: A
9. Which of the following cannot be broken down into simpler substance?
A. Chemical Formula B. Compound C. Element D. Mixture
Answer: C
10. Which of the following is NOT an example of element?
A. Helium gas B. Hydrogen C. Ice D. Iron
Answer: C
11. How do we consider matter as a substance?
A. It is the most basic type of matter
B. It can be broken down into simpler form
C. It is a combination of two substance
D. It can either be homogenous or heterogeneous
Answer: A
12. The following are examples of substance, except;
a. water b. gold c. salt d. coffee
Answer: D
13. How do we separate mixtures?
A. We can separate mixtures by handpicking, winnowing, threshing, sieving, evaporation,
distillation, filtration and sedimentation.
B. We can separate mixture by just using filtration process
C. We cannot separate mixture
D. None of the above
Answer: A
14. There is a mixture of alcohol and water, by what means can we separate them?
A. Alcohol and water mixture can be separated by evaporation process.
B. Alcohol and water mixture can be separated by distillation process.
C. Alcohol and water mixture can be separated by filtration process
D. None of the above
Answer: B

15. The following are properties of mixture except ________.

A. It can be homogeneous or heterogeneous
B. It cannot be broken down into its composition
C. It can be separated in different ways
D. It keeps its original properties after being combined.
Answer: D

16. What are the two parts that makes up a solution?

A. Concentration and dilution
B. Solid, liquid, gas
C. Solute and solvent
D. Elements and compound

Answer:. C

17. Which of the following refers to the solution that contains less solute than can dissolve at a given
A. Solubility C. Saturated solution
B. Dilute solution D. Unsaturated solution
Answer: D
18. You are given a 40 mL solution in a beaker. You add solute to the beaker and you observed some
particles did not dissolve. What solutions is it? A.
Saturated C. Concentrated
B. Unsaturated D. Supersaturated
Answer: A
19. In a salt water solution, what substance is considered the solvent?
A. Salt C. Both are solvents
B. Water D. Neither substance is a solvent.
Answer: B.
20. What do you call a substance that dissolved in another substance which is in greater amount?
A. Solute C, Solute and Solvent
B. Solvent D. Neither Solute nor Solvent
Answer: B,

Test II. Identification

A. Directions: Read the senteces carefully. Identify and choose answer on he box. Write the letter of
the correct answer.

A. Handpicking D. Solute G. Soduim and Chlorine J. Elements

B. Solvent E. Form a Hypothesis H. Recognize a problem
C. Scientific Method F. Element I. Substance

1.A step in scientific method in which a researcher come up with questions.

2. The research methods and techniques that scientists use.
3. A step in Scientific Method in which you give temporary solution to the identified problem.
4. A type of substance that is made up of same kinds of atom.
5. Compounds are formed when two or more __________ are chemically combined.
6. Salt is made up of what elements.
7.This is matter in its most basic and purest form
8. Aya was told by her mom to pick out the particles and palay grains from milled rice that she has to
cook. What method of separation is best to do
9. A Substance can dissolve other substance in a solution. 10. A
substance called that is being dissolved in a solution.

B. Directions: Read each situation below. Identify the underlined substances whether it is an element or a
compound. Write 1 if it is an element and 2 if it is a compound.
1. Karena brought a sample of iron in the class.
2. Keybird give a piece of copper to his friend.
3. Justine buy table salt from a nearby store.
4. Michaela is fond of eating junk foods with sodium glutamate.
5. Iniego borrowed an aluminum basin from her Aunt.

Test III. Matching Type

Direction: Match the separation technique with its description. Choose the letter of the best answer.

1. Evaporation A. Separating heavy and light components ny winds or blowing

2. Filtration B. Separating solid and liquid components by settling
3. Sedimentation C. Separating undissolved solids from liquids using filter
4. Sieving D. Heating a solution until the liquids turn to gases leaving the solids behind
5. Winnowing E. Using a device of wire plastic mesh as a way to separate
Solids from varying sizes

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