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ING PRACTICE in NURS! UNITTHREE cAITICAL THINKINE js tice Critical Thinking in Nursin Prac’ PRELIMINARY READING Chapter 15, CoWPRENENSVE UNDERSTANDING Clinical Judgment in Nursing Practice port, WT laesess cde, Coated) _legewes, pecsabter ts AT ase: et inna pace - Ncihen_fpal Pest Qepenapoee 2 Define evidence-based knowledge. , Cloareu) @ktery Ce mapa be Oc 1 what specific questions? 3. As you cae fr paint you neo fist ater he caring by a Hor df tact? 6 hy deb Cleese uch oe car » iy « wher soold baw phe a ee the ra ts e wher ge fox jie Bee Levels of Critical Thinking in Nursing 4 Thre levels of rita inking inning hve been ened. Briel deserbe cash a Bask: Bessy on f¥les aud principles, Seamer eect _ Aha sents bigve righ PC aap al bh Complex: Lédems att yore _aslefa rad Ane, Stary ecpariing frevr rely raf J Commitment: L&Or net? wabeqere eel a mate ghojser wwilbout ass Goct ows accyr fespes bl iy 4 ite 1 ii! Tein Maing Prcoe soci mie a _—_— Critical Thinking Competencies Match the Following cognitive processes to critical thinking competencies. 5. __© scientific method a. Focuses on problem resolution : 6 Problem solving Pose of wing cass fom read ps 7. _Q&_ Decision making «. Systematic, ordered approach to gathering data and solving oben § 9 Diagnostic reasoning 4. Oban ifomion nd then use he oration ps what 9b inference 5 already know to fnd solrion “ ¢. Five-step clinical decision-making approach 10, _ctinica decison making 1 Carel reasoning sth Dest options are chosen forthe best cutcomes IL, Nursing proces Determining a patiem’s health status after you have assigned ‘meaning tothe behaviors and symptoms presented 12, Explain the two terms below. b Interscs: Process of drawn conclétiens fasel ot felond pieces of evidowe cual pres evidenes ‘A Critical Thinking Model for Clinical Decision Making 13. The cinical thinking mode includes five elements of critical thinking in nursing judgment; identify them and give an example: Compton", Using put rly preetss/abiity to rob terear avliy Core Haorttl, Dasic wotbiy elucstio, comtrny oditoal dogvieh Rapernnes Necrar) fe _acquin Chaseal decigon-m Mig Shafi Abb bes | Gia9 {RG Ly) aol th, Tonge Ore. sane — (araticehal fer tohia simnonl Lr ries ak responder “Match the following attitudes with the appropriate application w practve, conten A Refer poey and pocdas anal o ei sep of sil 1 Expr ad ea re sat pet tombe apron nical 15, 9 waking inepndenty apr mi i ai Sea eh vklonsol dwn scant cin ih 4. Be cautious of an easy answer; look fo a patern and find «solution 17, Responsibility €, Be willing to recommend alternative approaches to nursing care f 8 Lak for titeren ppechs Ieee ett wong 18.2 Risktaking Read te ming ste 7 Discipline 1 Tae time to be gh an sb ‘a i, Do not compromise nursing standards or honesty in ago 20, 4 Penseveres ingore Late bh sides in ay dscesion 2, £__ Creativity i Recognize when you net moe information 6 make a decison 22. Carosty 2. Ineatiy 2. tums nage your time effectively 6 appt 2, ae A aw hsp 1 cea eg tary Pate 25, Inti the two compet of “kong te PE ee a et 0 Stlechim of jyrotriate faded 26. List the tps suggested to foster knowing your pation ww; o He 05 fe' , 4 ar acme ati et. « Leos et 3 = : ic ch eos ee seein # ‘ave_pab Seca) Comb g and Corti | 27 tates yon dein ii ai | a SR ON | b ‘Maley Clapp ia CPE cE aT lbs ' Concha te act pen = | ‘Managing Stress 28. Identify some ways the muse may better manage sess : a GH Wang met prego 8 Seca) copy oth geienng Be ghisp Pome Asserbie Covmamich 7 fe: ub + Solve <<, Leama CASE STUDY st the foo is still om the tray. When you assess 29, You are removing your patients foo tray and noice the the patent he states he fels hungry Bu does not eat his food when its served. 4 Using eral thinking sil, he nurse would prin what? Aa assessrret fo mare hws SONS sueh or maybe Shi, bods or dysphasie as coral 1 What ssi quesions ol ak is tt o eter undead he ste? wy ner eo fle eed? ofte eptrs Double Www Car Plan? Relies peasms? puysien! olatrectros ? Cos 1 ng nag Pracor Crm), vere as. a * REVIEW QUESTIONS Select the appropriate answer and cite the rationale for choosing that particular answer 30. Clinical decision making requires the nurse to: 1, Improve a patient’ health 2. Standardize cae for the patient 3. Follow the health care provider's orders for pas tient care Cstbish and weigh ee in deciding te best choice of therapy for patent Answer; 4 Rationale: Cloees feae,t ovr Preller, dualelie [afremid sem Neng, — Gssegsomons abe oi © 71 Gere A es i five steps of 431, Which of the following is not oe ofthe five steps ‘the nursing process? 1, Planning. 2. Evaluation 3, Assessment Bitispotesis testing Answer: Rationale: Seto rreet 4. Dic pra 6/4, — Plesarteyy letdarbid ne eveluetan 6 ape 8 cites Tain muring Pract Dera PRELIMINARY READING aan Chapter 16 2 ee } ‘COMPREHENSIVE UNDERSTANDING Critical Thinking in Assessment S. 1. demtiy the two steps ofa muming assessment pal Seren SE 8. Coteet fako fron printey ant See: a b labeprt evel valilase dia ———— Leet: IS 55. 2. List some types of nursing assessments enh latemew gibet ee cece ey pysenl tae 3. List Gordon's 11 functional health patterns. pas a Meaith perme” = Ypalte wm b Nedrdpar— ye Baten « Elimwnt patton d, Ac ticity = heres Paritr. © Seep = pe acters 1 Capeitwe- Qorceprun) p ebeen pete Phra, — Seg conerae Dass, Af h b Be taecip Aedes i j Cope = Ceres Yinltenace potas x Valeo. fehe® Paper 4, Diseuss the two primary types of dat, iar a. Subjective data:_! b, Objective data eet ee oe tan __lyooln he 16 Musing Assessment (orig ©2021, Eur ls ene ‘5. Identify the variety of sources where data can be obtained. a. Wtread b Foweity Carignery, Siputigor’ obbers « ete a Meleal records © Stee premnls, Scientific _[attmture — ‘The Pationt-Centered interview 6. Describe motivational interviewing Process ob addressey — oetier Swbivalerce cen) siuppering Chance in bali ae wedicme while thee ove vulhple ot. List the communication skills that are needed to effectively communicate a Cores, b, Gomfook ©. Comme jon a Cavdremibege List the thse pases of al patient-centered interviews, a Crieapatien cme Aserdn » Colleetz—1 assests (wevliny phot se) «. [etm reting — deterwsee— 7 9, Daring an interview, the following ar wed. Brey explain. a. Observation: Aways elon J Cormeen ys 4b pee) b. Open-ended questions: Pt 2 —bipve ce. Leading questions: “Disky aa! feotercte jf — e. Probing: Es fecneb tne ow fre Josed-ended questions: Lest Peis f, Direct seven coupe 18 Mrsing sesame cain © 02, caver tse wR. = = Narang Wealth History ‘Match the following basic components of the health hist being 10. i ots te tnaity oF OE rs and coping mechanisms —£ Biographical intonation Reruns STO a sk DEE u. Hemoes fc ace mine wheter —9 Reson fr seing aneurin — it, 0 __pienegeeas steer ‘collecting the patient 13, Prem itneuientn conn dan al 0 row tate ie aa ea Paes rt he patient i Heat sry «Pate 4 15. © Family hisory Gate tat te atts mem 16. P} Rivtnniseanihian » ‘symptoms spt health habits and lifestyle history FO perences al CUTE ” hs his mp wake fasing AEE he Is, Spiritual history 4. Patct's home ° rae tay 19, _d_—_ Review of ystems (OS) Meabitr al ieee peels se 20, Diagnostic and laboratory data provide: plan bam— seb _jhbasenl pects AS da Inginry Cad thyaeol e862 Lt lat, sable Sb Sasit ead 21. Define the term dat vty “Coomep#re AP dlacten Contiten securne Shor Comme tiyen mmapis Vines! 602 S$cat mts 8 tom nf fables 1 case sTuoy _ 23, Mrs. Smith, an $0.year-ol, sin the hospital or hip replacement 2 eer pahine » Mac time, Stoke Coase Orpenenect a. Any specific considerations for this pati der ndesied, eral relvce fpediimevys, wat Cele” Tiyagy tisetiet, bb, What are the key components ofthe nursing history that you would obtain? fa Geening Casts POS Neale bigger PMH, femity bisinfs Tide! ealtn, peview ef SAE. bealin ian fut’ Beener re a beelin Rates for What sources could you use? econ Patiort Jeseeyaat, Arif, Cou = . OF, Bhysienl me bipgetie ew Foun, wef iew/ 16 ring Ascosenent Corte 16 Min emp, ems eg en REVIEW QUESTIONS: Select the appropriate answer and cite the rationale for choosing that particular answer. 24. The interview technique that is most effective in ‘strengthening the nurse-patient relationship by dem- constrating the nurse's willingness to hear the pac tients thoughts is 1. Direct question 2. Problem solving 3, Problem seeking pen-ended question Answer _& Rationale: _Prowaphs deter iphies Sd tempos deta Concho 25. While obtaining a health history the nurse asks Mr. ones if he has noted any change in his activity toler- ance. This is an example of which interview techs Direct question 2. Problem solving 3. Problem seeking 4. Open-ended question Answer! Rationale: Aly ea de eae ee te eit npn 26, Mr Davis els the nurse that he has been experienc: ing more frequent episodes of indigestion, The nurse asks if the indigestion is associated with meals or 2 reclining position and asks what relieves th tion, This is an example of which nique? 1. Direct question 2. Problem solving @ Problem seeking 4. Opermended question Answer, Raionle: Gaphorey Gertie _predlon or bewee 27. The information obtained in a review of systems (ROS) is Objective Subjective 3. Based on the nurse's perspective 4, Based on physical examination findings Answer: _Z. Rationale: 1s pects 2 Svokos Dore splmes ceo 2% env Aes o (oa 16 Nag essen

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