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Variable Name Type Length Description

acchgq double 53 Accounting Changes - Cumulative Effect

acchgy double 53 Accounting Changes - Cumulative Effect

acctchgq string 8 Adoption of Accounting Changes

acctstdq string 8 Accounting Standard

acomincq double 53 Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)

acoq double 53 Current Assets - Other - Total

actq double 53 Current Assets - Total

adjex double 53 Cumulative Adjustment Factor by Ex-Date

adrrq double 53 ADR Ratio

afudccy double 53 Allowance for Funds Used During Construction (Cash Flow)

afudciy double 53 Allowance for Funds Used During Construction (Investing) (Cash Flow)

ajexq double 53 Adjustment Factor (Company) - Cumulative by Ex-Date

ajpq double 53 Adjustment Factor (Company) - Cumulative byPay-Date

altoq double 53 Other Long-term Assets

amcy double 53 Amortization (Cash Flow)

ancq double 53 Non-Current Assets - Total

anoq double 53 Assets Netting & Other Adjustments

aociderglq double 53 Accum Other Comp Inc - Derivatives Unrealized Gain/Loss

aociotherq double 53 Accum Other Comp Inc - Other Adjustments

aocipenq double 53 Accum Other Comp Inc - Min Pension Liab Adj

aocisecglq double 53 Accum Other Comp Inc - Unreal G/L Ret Int in Sec Assets

aol2q double 53 Assets Level2 (Observable)

aolochy double 53 Assets and Liabilities - Other (Net Change)

aoq double 53 Assets - Other - Total

apalchy double 53 Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities - Increase (Decrease)

apdedateq date Actual Period End date

apq double 53 Account Payable/Creditors - Trade

aqaq double 53 Acquisition/Merger After-Tax

aqay double 53 Acquisition/Merger After-Tax

aqcy double 53 Acquisitions

aqdq double 53 Acquisition/Merger Diluted EPS Effect

aqdy double 53 Acquisition/Merger Diluted EPS Effect

aqepsq double 53 Acquisition/Merger Basic EPS Effect

aqepsy double 53 Acquisition/Merger Basic EPS Effect

aqpl1q double 53 Assets Level1 (Quoted Prices)

aqpq double 53 Acquisition/Merger Pretax

aqpy double 53 Acquisition/Merger Pretax

arcedq double 53 As Reported Core - Diluted EPS Effect

arcedy double 53 As Reported Core - Diluted EPS Effect

arceepsq double 53 As Reported Core - Basic EPS Effect

arceepsy double 53 As Reported Core - Basic EPS Effect

arceq double 53 As Reported Core - After-tax

arcey double 53 As Reported Core - After-tax

atq double 53 Assets - Total

aul3q double 53 Assets Level3 (Unobservable)

billexceq double 53 Billings in Excess of Cost & Earnings

bsprq string 8 Balance Sheet Presentation

capr1q double 53 Risk-Adjusted Capital Ratio - Tier 1

capr2q double 53 Risk-Adjusted Capital Ratio - Tier 2

capr3q double 53 Risk-Adjusted Capital Ratio - Combined

capsftq double 53 Capitalized Software

capsq double 53 Capital Surplus/Share Premium Reserve

capxy double 53 Capital Expenditures

cdvcy double 53 Cash Dividends on Common Stock (Cash Flow)

ceiexbillq double 53 Cost & Earnings in Excess of Billings

ceqq double 53 Common/Ordinary Equity - Total

chechy double 53 Cash and Cash Equivalents - Increase (Decrease)

cheq double 53 Cash and Short-Term Investments

chq double 53 Cash

cibegniq double 53 Comp Inc - Beginning Net Income

cibegniy double 53 Comp Inc - Beginning Net Income

cicurrq double 53 Comp Inc - Currency Trans Adj

cicurry double 53 Comp Inc - Currency Trans Adj

ciderglq double 53 Comp Inc - Derivative Gains/Losses

cidergly double 53 Comp Inc - Derivative Gains/Losses

cik string 10 CIK Number

cimiiq double 53 Comprehensive Income - Noncontrolling Interest

cimiiy double 53 Comprehensive Income - Noncontrolling Interest

ciotherq double 53 Comp Inc - Other Adj

ciothery double 53 Comp Inc - Other Adj

cipenq double 53 Comp Inc - Minimum Pension Adj

cipeny double 53 Comp Inc - Minimum Pension Adj

ciq double 53 Comprehensive Income - Total

cisecglq double 53 Comp Inc - Securities Gains/Losses

cisecgly double 53 Comp Inc - Securities Gains/Losses

citotalq double 53 Comprehensive Income - Parent

citotaly double 53 Comprehensive Income - Parent

ciy double 53 Comprehensive Income - Total

cogsq double 53 Cost of Goods Sold

cogsy double 53 Cost of Goods Sold

compstq string 8 Comparability Status

conm string 57 Company Name

consol string 2 Level of Consolidation - Company Interim Descriptor

costat string 1 Active/Inactive Status Marker

csh12q double 53 Common Shares Used to Calculate Earnings Per Share - 12 Months Moving

cshfd12 double 53 Common Shares Used to Calc Earnings Per Share - Fully Diluted - 12
Months Moving

cshfdq double 53 Com Shares for Diluted EPS

cshfdy double 53 Com Shares for Diluted EPS

cshiq double 53 Common Shares Issued

cshopq double 53 Total Shares Repurchased - Quarter

cshoq double 53 Common Shares Outstanding

cshprq double 53 Common Shares Used to Calculate Earnings Per Share - Basic

cshpry double 53 Common Shares Used to Calculate Earnings Per Share - Basic

cshtrq double 53 Common Shares Traded - Quarter

cstkcvq double 53 Carrying Value

cstkeq double 53 Common Stock Equivalents - Dollar Savings

cstkey double 53 Common Stock Equivalents - Dollar Savings

cstkq double 53 Common/Ordinary Stock (Capital)

curcdq string 3 ISO Currency Code

curncdq string 3 Native Currency Code

currtrq double 53 Currency Translation Rate

curuscnq double 53 US Canadian Translation Rate - Interim

cusip string 9 CUSIP

datacqtr string 6 Calendar Data Year and Quarter

datadate date Data Date

datafmt string 12 Data Format

datafqtr string 6 Fiscal Data Year and Quarter

dcomq double 53 Deferred Compensation

dd1q double 53 Long-Term Debt Due in One Year

depcy double 53 Depreciation and Depletion (Cash Flow)

deracq double 53 Derivative Assets - Current

deraltq double 53 Derivative Assets Long-Term

derhedglq double 53 Gains/Losses on Derivatives and Hedging

derhedgly double 53 Gains/Losses on Derivatives and Hedging

derlcq double 53 Derivative Liabilities- Current

derlltq double 53 Derivative Liabilities Long-Term

diladq double 53 Dilution Adjustment

dilady double 53 Dilution Adjustment

dilavq double 53 Dilution Available - Excluding Extraordinary Items

dilavy double 53 Dilution Available - Excluding Extraordinary Items

dlcchy double 53 Changes in Current Debt

dlcq double 53 Debt in Current Liabilities

dltisy double 53 Long-Term Debt - Issuance

dltry double 53 Long-Term Debt - Reduction

dlttq double 53 Long-Term Debt - Total

doq double 53 Discontinued Operations

doy double 53 Discontinued Operations

dpacreq double 53 Accumulated Depreciation of RE Property

dpactq double 53 Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization (Accumulated)

dpcy double 53 Depreciation and Amortization - Statement of Cash Flows

dpq double 53 Depreciation and Amortization - Total

dpretq double 53 Depr/Amort of Property

dprety double 53 Depr/Amort of Property

dpy double 53 Depreciation and Amortization - Total

drcq double 53 Deferred Revenue - Current

drltq double 53 Deferred Revenue - Long-term

dteaq double 53 Extinguishment of Debt After-tax

dteay double 53 Extinguishment of Debt After-tax

dtedq double 53 Extinguishment of Debt Diluted EPS Effect

dtedy double 53 Extinguishment of Debt Diluted EPS Effect

dteepsq double 53 Extinguishment of Debt Basic EPS Effect

dteepsy double 53 Extinguishment of Debt Basic EPS Effect

dtepq double 53 Extinguishment of Debt Pretax

dtepy double 53 Extinguishment of Debt Pretax

dvintfq double 53 Dividends & Interest Receivable (Cash Flow)

dvpq double 53 Dividends - Preferred/Preference

dvpspq double 53 Dividends per Share - Pay Date - Quarter

dvpsxq double 53 Div per Share - Exdate - Quarter

dvpy double 53 Dividends - Preferred/Preference

dvy double 53 Cash Dividends

epsf12 double 53 Earnings Per Share (Diluted) - Excluding Extraordinary Items - 12 Months

epsfi12 double 53 Earnings Per Share (Diluted) - Including Extraordinary Items

epsfiq double 53 Earnings Per Share (Diluted) - Including Extraordinary Items

epsfiy double 53 Earnings Per Share (Diluted) - Including Extraordinary Items

epsfxq double 53 Earnings Per Share (Diluted) - Excluding Extraordinary items

epsfxy double 53 Earnings Per Share (Diluted) - Excluding Extraordinary items

epspi12 double 53 Earnings Per Share (Basic) - Including Extraordinary Items - 12

Months Moving

epspiq double 53 Earnings Per Share (Basic) - Including Extraordinary Items

epspiy double 53 Earnings Per Share (Basic) - Including Extraordinary Items

epspxq double 53 Earnings Per Share (Basic) - Excluding Extraordinary Items

epspxy double 53 Earnings Per Share (Basic) - Excluding Extraordinary Items

epsx12 double 53 Earnings Per Share (Basic) - Excluding Extraordinary Items - 12 Months

esopctq double 53 Common ESOP Obligation - Total

esopnrq double 53 Preferred ESOP Obligation - Non-Redeemable

esoprq double 53 Preferred ESOP Obligation - Redeemable

esoptq double 53 Preferred ESOP Obligation - Total

esubcy double 53 Equity in Net Loss/Earnings (C/F)

esubq double 53 Equity in Earnings (I/S) - Unconsolidated Subsidiaries

esuby double 53 Equity in Earnings (I/S)- Unconsolidated Subsidiaries

exchg double 53 Stock Exchange Code

exrey double 53 Exchange Rate Effect

fcaq double 53 Foreign Exchange Income (Loss)

fcay double 53 Foreign Exchange Income (Loss)

fdateq date Final Date

ffoq double 53 Funds From Operations (REIT)

ffoy double 53 Funds From Operations (REIT)

fiaoy double 53 Financing Activities - Other

fic string 3 Current ISO Country Code - Incorporation

finacoq double 53 Finance Division Other Current Assets, Total

finalq string 2 Final Indicator Flag

finaoq double 53 Finance Division Other Long-Term Assets, Total

fincfy double 53 Financing Activities - Net Cash Flow

finchq double 53 Finance Division - Cash

findlcq double 53 Finance Division Long-Term Debt Current

findltq double 53 Finance Division Debt Long-Term

finivstq double 53 Finance Division Short-Term Investments

finlcoq double 53 Finance Division Other Current Liabilities, Total

finltoq double 53 Finance Division Other Long Term Liabilities, Total

finnpq double 53 Finance Division Notes Payable

finreccq double 53 Finance Division Current Receivables

finrecltq double 53 Finance Division Long-Term Receivables

finrevq double 53 Finance Division Revenue

finrevy double 53 Finance Division Revenue

finxintq double 53 Finance Division Interest Expense

finxinty double 53 Finance Division Interest Expense

finxoprq double 53 Finance Division Operating Expense

finxopry double 53 Finance Division Operating Expense

fopoxy double 53 Funds from Operations - Other excluding Option Tax Benefit

fopoy double 53 Funds from Operations - Other

fopty double 53 Funds From Operations - Total

fqtr double 53 Fiscal Quarter

fsrcoy double 53 Sources of Funds - Other

fsrcty double 53 Sources of Funds - Total

fuseoy double 53 Uses of Funds - Other

fusety double 53 Uses of Funds - Total

fyearq double 53 Fiscal Year

fyr double 53 Fiscal Year-end Month

gdwlamq double 53 Amortization of Goodwill

gdwlamy double 53 Amortization of Goodwill

gdwlia12 double 53 Impairments of Goodwill AfterTax - 12mm

gdwliaq double 53 Impairment of Goodwill After-tax

gdwliay double 53 Impairment of Goodwill After-tax

gdwlid12 double 53 Impairments Diluted EPS - 12mm

gdwlidq double 53 Impairment of Goodwill Diluted EPS Effect

gdwlidy double 53 Impairment of Goodwill Diluted EPS Effect

gdwlieps12 double 53 Impairment of Goodwill Basic EPS Effect 12MM

gdwliepsq double 53 Impairment of Goodwill Basic EPS Effect

gdwliepsy double 53 Impairment of Goodwill Basic EPS Effect

gdwlipq double 53 Impairment of Goodwill Pretax

gdwlipy double 53 Impairment of Goodwill Pretax

gdwlq double 53 Goodwill (net)

glaq double 53 Gain/Loss After-Tax

glay double 53 Gain/Loss After-Tax

glcea12 double 53 Gain/Loss on Sale (Core Earnings Adjusted) After-tax 12MM

glceaq double 53 Gain/Loss on Sale (Core Earnings Adjusted) After-tax

glceay double 53 Gain/Loss on Sale (Core Earnings Adjusted) After-tax

glced12 double 53 Gain/Loss on Sale (Core Earnings Adjusted) Diluted EPS Effect 12MM

glcedq double 53 Gain/Loss on Sale (Core Earnings Adjusted) Diluted EPS

glcedy double 53 Gain/Loss on Sale (Core Earnings Adjusted) Diluted EPS

glceeps12 double 53 Gain/Loss on Sale (Core Earnings Adjusted) Basic EPS Effect 12MM

glceepsq double 53 Gain/Loss on Sale (Core Earnings Adjusted) Basic EPS Effect

glceepsy double 53 Gain/Loss on Sale (Core Earnings Adjusted) Basic EPS Effect

glcepq double 53 Gain/Loss on Sale (Core Earnings Adjusted) Pretax

glcepy double 53 Gain/Loss on Sale (Core Earnings Adjusted) Pretax

gldq double 53 Gain/Loss Diluted EPS Effect

gldy double 53 Gain/Loss Diluted EPS Effect

glepsq double 53 Gain/Loss Basic EPS Effect

glepsy double 53 Gain/Loss Basic EPS Effect

glivq double 53 Gains/Losses on investments

glivy double 53 Gains/Losses on investments

glpq double 53 Gain/Loss Pretax

glpy double 53 Gain/Loss Pretax

gvkey string 6 Global Company Key

hedgeglq double 53 Gain/Loss on Ineffective Hedges

hedgegly double 53 Gain/Loss on Ineffective Hedges

ibadj12 double 53 Income Before Extra Items - Adj for Common Stock Equivalents - 12MM

ibadjq double 53 Income Before Extraordinary Items - Adjusted for Common Stock

ibadjy double 53 Income Before Extraordinary Items - Adjusted for Common Stock

ibcomq double 53 Income Before Extraordinary Items - Available for Common

ibcomy double 53 Income Before Extraordinary Items - Available for Common

ibcy double 53 Income Before Extraordinary Items - Statement of Cash Flows

ibmiiq double 53 Income before Extraordinary Items and Noncontrolling Interests

ibmiiy double 53 Income before Extraordinary Items and Noncontrolling Interests

ibq double 53 Income Before Extraordinary Items

iby double 53 Income Before Extraordinary Items

icaptq double 53 Invested Capital - Total - Quarterly

iid string 3 Issue ID - Security

indfmt string 12 Industry Format

intaccq double 53 Interest Accrued

intanoq double 53 Other Intangibles

intanq double 53 Intangible Assets - Total

intpny double 53 Interest Paid - Net

invchy double 53 Inventory - Decrease (Increase)

invfgq double 53 Inventory - Finished Goods

invoq double 53 Inventory - Other

invrmq double 53 Inventory - Raw Materials

invtq double 53 Inventories - Total

invwipq double 53 Inventory - Work in Process

itccy double 53 Investment Tax Credit - Net (Cash Flow)

ivacoy double 53 Investing Activities - Other

ivaeqq double 53 Investment and Advances - Equity

ivaoq double 53 Investment and Advances - Other

ivchy double 53 Increase in Investments

ivltq double 53 Total Long-term Investments

ivncfy double 53 Investing Activities - Net Cash Flow

ivstchy double 53 Short-Term Investments - Change

ivstq double 53 Short-Term Investments- Total

lcoq double 53 Current Liabilities - Other - Total

lctq double 53 Current Liabilities - Total

lltq double 53 Long-Term Liabilities (Total)

lnoq double 53 Liabilities Netting & Other Adjustments

lol2q double 53 Liabilities Level2 (Observable)

loq double 53 Liabilities - Other

loxdrq double 53 Liabilities - Other - Excluding Deferred Revenue

lqpl1q double 53 Liabilities Level1 (Quoted Prices)

lseq double 53 Liabilities and Stockholders Equity - Total

ltmibq double 53 Liabilities - Total and Noncontrolling Interest

ltq double 53 Liabilities - Total

lul3q double 53 Liabilities Level3 (Unobservable)

mibnq double 53 Noncontrolling Interests - Nonredeemable - Balance Sheet

mibq double 53 Noncontrolling Interest - Redeemable - Balance Sheet

mibtq double 53 Noncontrolling Interests - Total - Balance Sheet

miiq double 53 Noncontrolling Interest - Income Account

miiy double 53 Noncontrolling Interest - Income Account

mkvaltq double 53 Market Value - Total

msaq double 53 Accum Other Comp Inc - Marketable Security Adjustments

ncoq double 53 Net Charge-Offs

ncoy double 53 Net Charge-Offs

niitq double 53 Net Interest Income (Tax Equivalent)

niity double 53 Net Interest Income (Tax Equivalent)

nimq double 53 Net Interest Margin

nimy double 53 Net Interest Margin

niq double 53 Net Income (Loss)

niy double 53 Net Income (Loss)

nopiq double 53 Non-Operating Income (Expense) - Total

nopiy double 53 Non-Operating Income (Expense) - Total

npatq double 53 Nonperforming Assets - Total

npq double 53 Notes Payable

nrtxtdq double 53 Nonrecurring Income Taxes Diluted EPS Effect

nrtxtdy double 53 Nonrecurring Income Taxes Diluted EPS Effect

nrtxtepsq double 53 Nonrecurring Income Taxes Basic EPS Effect

nrtxtepsy double 53 Nonrecurring Income Taxes Basic EPS Effect

nrtxtq double 53 Nonrecurring Income Taxes - After-tax

nrtxty double 53 Nonrecurring Income Taxes - After-tax

oancfy double 53 Operating Activities - Net Cash Flow

obkq double 53 Order backlog

oepf12 double 53 Earnings Per Share - Diluted - from Operations - 12MM

oeps12 double 53 Earnings Per Share from Operations - 12 Months Moving

oepsxq double 53 Earnings Per Share - Diluted - from Operations

oepsxy double 53 Earnings Per Share - Diluted - from Operations

ogmq string 8 OIL & GAS METHOD

oiadpq double 53 Operating Income After Depreciation - Quarterly

oiadpy double 53 Operating Income After Depreciation - Year-to-Date

oibdpq double 53 Operating Income Before Depreciation - Quarterly

oibdpy double 53 Operating Income Before Depreciation

opepsq double 53 Earnings Per Share from Operations

opepsy double 53 Earnings Per Share from Operations

optdrq double 53 Dividend Rate - Assumption (%)

optdry double 53 Dividend Rate - Assumption (%)

optfvgrq double 53 Options - Fair Value of Options Granted

optfvgry double 53 Options - Fair Value of Options Granted

optlifeq double 53 Life of Options - Assumption (# yrs)

optlifey double 53 Life of Options - Assumption (# yrs)

optrfrq double 53 Risk Free Rate - Assumption (%)

optrfry double 53 Risk Free Rate - Assumption (%)

optvolq double 53 Volatility - Assumption (%)

optvoly double 53 Volatility - Assumption (%)

pdateq date Preliminary Date

pdvcy double 53 Cash Dividends on Preferred/Preference Stock (Cash Flow)

piq double 53 Pretax Income

piy double 53 Pretax Income

pllq double 53 Provision for Loan/Asset Losses

plly double 53 Provision for Loan/Asset Losses

pnc12 double 53 Pension Core Adjustment - 12mm

pncd12 double 53 Core Pension Adjustment Diluted EPS Effect 12MM

pncdq double 53 Core Pension Adjustment Diluted EPS Effect

pncdy double 53 Core Pension Adjustment Diluted EPS Effect

pnceps12 double 53 Core Pension Adjustment Basic EPS Effect 12MM

pncepsq double 53 Core Pension Adjustment Basic EPS Effect

pncepsy double 53 Core Pension Adjustment Basic EPS Effect

pnciapq double 53 Core Pension Interest Adjustment After-tax Preliminary

pnciapy double 53 Core Pension Interest Adjustment After-tax Preliminary

pnciaq double 53 Core Pension Interest Adjustment After-tax

pnciay double 53 Core Pension Interest Adjustment After-tax

pncidpq double 53 Core Pension Interest Adjustment Diluted EPS Effect Preliminary

pncidpy double 53 Core Pension Interest Adjustment Diluted EPS Effect Preliminary

pncidq double 53 Core Pension Interest Adjustment Diluted EPS Effect

pncidy double 53 Core Pension Interest Adjustment Diluted EPS Effect

pnciepspq double 53 Core Pension Interest Adjustment Basic EPS Effect Preliminary

pnciepspy double 53 Core Pension Interest Adjustment Basic EPS Effect Preliminary

pnciepsq double 53 Core Pension Interest Adjustment Basic EPS Effect

pnciepsy double 53 Core Pension Interest Adjustment Basic EPS Effect

pncippq double 53 Core Pension Interest Adjustment Pretax Preliminary

pncippy double 53 Core Pension Interest Adjustment Pretax Preliminary

pncipq double 53 Core Pension Interest Adjustment Pretax

pncipy double 53 Core Pension Interest Adjustment Pretax

pncpd12 double 53 Core Pension Adjustment 12MM Diluted EPS Effect Preliminary
pncpdq double 53 Core Pension Adjustment Diluted EPS Effect Preliminary

pncpdy double 53 Core Pension Adjustment Diluted EPS Effect Preliminary

pncpeps12 double 53 Core Pension Adjustment 12MM Basic EPS Effect Preliminary

pncpepsq double 53 Core Pension Adjustment Basic EPS Effect Preliminary

pncpepsy double 53 Core Pension Adjustment Basic EPS Effect Preliminary

pncpq double 53 Core Pension Adjustment Preliminary

pncpy double 53 Core Pension Adjustment Preliminary

pncq double 53 Core Pension Adjustment

pncwiapq double 53 Core Pension w/o Interest Adjustment After-tax Preliminary

pncwiapy double 53 Core Pension w/o Interest Adjustment After-tax Preliminary

pncwiaq double 53 Core Pension w/o Interest Adjustment After-tax

pncwiay double 53 Core Pension w/o Interest Adjustment After-tax

pncwidpq double 53 Core Pension w/o Interest Adjustment Diluted EPS Effect Preliminary

pncwidpy double 53 Core Pension w/o Interest Adjustment Diluted EPS Effect Preliminary

pncwidq double 53 Core Pension w/o Interest Adjustment Diluted EPS Effect

pncwidy double 53 Core Pension w/o Interest Adjustment Diluted EPS Effect

pncwiepq double 53 Core Pension w/o Interest Adjustment Basic EPS Effect Preliminary

pncwiepsq double 53 Core Pension w/o Interest Adjustment Basic EPS Effect

pncwiepsy double 53 Core Pension w/o Interest Adjustment Basic EPS Effect

pncwiepy double 53 Core Pension w/o Interest Adjustment Basic EPS Effect Preliminary

pncwippq double 53 Core Pension w/o Interest Adjustment Pretax Preliminary

pncwippy double 53 Core Pension w/o Interest Adjustment Pretax Preliminary

pncwipq double 53 Core Pension w/o Interest Adjustment Pretax

pncwipy double 53 Core Pension w/o Interest Adjustment Pretax

pncy double 53 Core Pension Adjustment

pnrshoq double 53 Nonred Pfd Shares Outs (000) - Quarterly

popsrc string 1 Population Source

ppegtq double 53 Property, Plant and Equipment - Total (Gross) - Quarterly

ppentq double 53 Property Plant and Equipment - Total (Net)

prcaq double 53 Core Post Retirement Adjustment

prcay double 53 Core Post Retirement Adjustment

prccq double 53 Price Close - Quarter

prcd12 double 53 Core Post Retirement Adjustment Diluted EPS Effect 12MM

prcdq double 53 Core Post Retirement Adjustment Diluted EPS Effect

prcdy double 53 Core Post Retirement Adjustment Diluted EPS Effect

prce12 double 53 Core Post Retirement Adjustment 12MM

prceps12 double 53 Core Post Retirement Adjustment Basic EPS Effect 12MM

prcepsq double 53 Core Post Retirement Adjustment Basic EPS Effect

prcepsy double 53 Core Post Retirement Adjustment Basic EPS Effect

prchq double 53 Price High - Quarter

prclq double 53 Price Low - Quarter

prcpd12 double 53 Core Post Retirement Adjustment 12MM Diluted EPS Effect

prcpdq double 53 Core Post Retirement Adjustment Diluted EPS Effect Preliminary

prcpdy double 53 Core Post Retirement Adjustment Diluted EPS Effect Preliminary

prcpeps12 double 53 Core Post Retirement Adjustment 12MM Basic EPS Effect

prcpepsq double 53 Core Post Retirement Adjustment Basic EPS Effect Preliminary

prcpepsy double 53 Core Post Retirement Adjustment Basic EPS Effect Preliminary

prcpq double 53 Core Post Retirement Adjustment Preliminary

prcpy double 53 Core Post Retirement Adjustment Preliminary

prcraq double 53 Repurchase Price - Average per share Quarter

prshoq double 53 Redeem Pfd Shares Outs (000)

prstkccy double 53 Purchase of Common Stock (Cash Flow)

prstkcy double 53 Purchase of Common and Preferred Stock

prstkpcy double 53 Purchase of Preferred/Preference Stock (Cash Flow)

pstknq double 53 Preferred/Preference Stock - Nonredeemable

pstkq double 53 Preferred/Preference Stock (Capital) - Total

pstkrq double 53 Preferred/Preference Stock - Redeemable

rcaq double 53 Restructuring Cost After-tax

rcay double 53 Restructuring Cost After-tax

rcdq double 53 Restructuring Cost Diluted EPS Effect

rcdy double 53 Restructuring Cost Diluted EPS Effect

rcepsq double 53 Restructuring Cost Basic EPS Effect

rcepsy double 53 Restructuring Cost Basic EPS Effect

rcpq double 53 Restructuring Cost Pretax

rcpy double 53 Restructuring Cost Pretax

rdipaq double 53 In Process R&D Expense After-tax

rdipay double 53 In Process R&D Expense After-tax

rdipdq double 53 In Process R&D Expense Diluted EPS Effect

rdipdy double 53 In Process R&D Expense Diluted EPS Effect

rdipepsq double 53 In Process R&D Expense Basic EPS Effect

rdipepsy double 53 In Process R&D Expense Basic EPS Effect

rdipq double 53 In Process R&D

rdipy double 53 In Process R&D

rdq date Report Date of Quarterly Earnings

recchy double 53 Accounts Receivable - Decrease (Increase)

recdq double 53 Receivables - Estimated Doubtful

rectaq double 53 Accum Other Comp Inc - Cumulative Translation Adjustments

rectoq double 53 Receivables - Current Other incl Tax Refunds

rectq double 53 Receivables - Total

rectrq double 53 Receivables - Trade

recubq double 53 Unbilled Receivables - Quarterly

req double 53 Retained Earnings

retq double 53 Total RE Property

reunaq double 53 Unadjusted Retained Earnings

revtq double 53 Revenue - Total

revty double 53 Revenue - Total

rllq double 53 Reserve for Loan/Asset Losses

rp string 2 Reporting Periodicity

rra12 double 53 Reversal - Restructruring/Acquisition Aftertax 12MM

rraq double 53 Reversal - Restructruring/Acquisition Aftertax

rray double 53 Reversal - Restructruring/Acquisition Aftertax

rrd12 double 53 Reversal - Restructuring/Acq Diluted EPS Effect 12MM

rrdq double 53 Reversal - Restructuring/Acq Diluted EPS Effect

rrdy double 53 Reversal - Restructuring/Acq Diluted EPS Effect

rreps12 double 53 Reversal - Restructuring/Acq Basic EPS Effect 12MM

rrepsq double 53 Reversal - Restructuring/Acq Basic EPS Effect

rrepsy double 53 Reversal - Restructuring/Acq Basic EPS Effect

rrpq double 53 Reversal - Restructruring/Acquisition Pretax

rrpy double 53 Reversal - Restructruring/Acquisition Pretax

rstcheltq double 53 Long-Term Restricted Cash & Investments

rstcheq double 53 Restricted Cash & Investments - Current

saleq double 53 Sales/Turnover (Net)

saley double 53 Sales/Turnover (Net)

scfq double 53 Cash Flow Model

scstkcy double 53 Sale of Common Stock (Cash Flow)

seqoq double 53 Other Stockholders- Equity Adjustments

seqq double 53 Stockholders Equity > Parent > Index Fundamental > Quarterly

seta12 double 53 Settlement (Litigation/Insurance) AfterTax - 12mm

setaq double 53 Settlement (Litigation/Insurance) After-tax

setay double 53 Settlement (Litigation/Insurance) After-tax

setd12 double 53 Settlement (Litigation/Insurance) Diluted EPS Effect 12MM

setdq double 53 Settlement (Litigation/Insurance) Diluted EPS Effect

setdy double 53 Settlement (Litigation/Insurance) Diluted EPS Effect

seteps12 double 53 Settlement (Litigation/Insurance) Basic EPS Effect 12MM

setepsq double 53 Settlement (Litigation/Insurance) Basic EPS Effect

setepsy double 53 Settlement (Litigation/Insurance) Basic EPS Effect

setpq double 53 Settlement (Litigation/Insurance) Pretax

setpy double 53 Settlement (Litigation/Insurance) Pretax

sivy double 53 Sale of Investments

spce12 double 53 S&P Core Earnings 12MM

spced12 double 53 S&P Core Earnings EPS Diluted 12MM

spcedpq double 53 S&P Core Earnings EPS Diluted - Preliminary

spcedpy double 53 S&P Core Earnings EPS Diluted - Preliminary

spcedq double 53 S&P Core Earnings EPS Diluted

spcedy double 53 S&P Core Earnings EPS Diluted

spceeps12 double 53 S&P Core Earnings EPS Basic 12MM

spceepsp12 double 53 S&P Core 12MM EPS - Basic - Preliminary

spceepspq double 53 S&P Core Earnings EPS Basic - Preliminary

spceepspy double 53 S&P Core Earnings EPS Basic - Preliminary

spceepsq double 53 S&P Core Earnings EPS Basic

spceepsy double 53 S&P Core Earnings EPS Basic

spcep12 double 53 S&P Core Earnings 12MM - Preliminary

spcepd12 double 53 S&P Core Earnings 12MM EPS Diluted - Preliminary

spcepq double 53 S&P Core Earnings - Preliminary

spcepy double 53 S&P Core Earnings - Preliminary

spceq double 53 S&P Core Earnings

spcey double 53 S&P Core Earnings

spidq double 53 Other Special Items Diluted EPS Effect

spidy double 53 Other Special Items Diluted EPS Effect

spiepsq double 53 Other Special Items Basic EPS Effect

spiepsy double 53 Other Special Items Basic EPS Effect

spioaq double 53 Other Special Items After-tax

spioay double 53 Other Special Items After-tax

spiopq double 53 Other Special Items Pretax

spiopy double 53 Other Special Items Pretax

spiq double 53 Special Items

spiy double 53 Special Items

sppey double 53 Sale of Property

sppivy double 53 Sale of PP&E and Investments - (Gain) Loss

spstkcy double 53 Sale of Preferred/Preference Stock (Cash Flow)

srcq double 53 Source Code

sretq double 53 Gain/Loss on Sale of Property

srety double 53 Gain/Loss on Sale of Property

sstky double 53 Sale of Common and Preferred Stock

staltq string 2 Status Alert

stkcoq double 53 Stock Compensation Expense

stkcoy double 53 Stock Compensation Expense

stkcpaq double 53 After-tax stock compensation

stkcpay double 53 After-tax stock compensation

tdcy double 53 Deferred Income Taxes - Net (Cash Flow)

teqq double 53 Stockholders Equity - Total

tfvaq double 53 Total Fair Value Assets

tfvceq double 53 Total Fair Value Changes including Earnings

tfvcey double 53 Total Fair Value Changes including Earnings

tfvlq double 53 Total Fair Value Liabilities

tic string 8 Ticker Symbol

tieq double 53 Interest Expense - Total (Financial Services)

tiey double 53 Interest Expense - Total (Financial Services)

tiiq double 53 Interest Income - Total (Financial Services)

tiiy double 53 Interest Income - Total (Financial Services)

tsafcy double 53 Total Srcs of Funds (FOF)

tstknq double 53 Treasury Stock - Number of Common Shares

tstkq double 53 Treasury Stock - Total (All Capital)

txachy double 53 Income Taxes - Accrued - Increase (Decrease)

txbcofy double 53 Excess Tax Benefit of Stock Options - Cash Flow Financing

txbcoy double 53 Excess Tax Benefit of Stock Options - Cash Flow Operating

txdbaq double 53 Deferred Tax Asset - Long Term

txdbcaq double 53 Current Deferred Tax Asset

txdbclq double 53 Current Deferred Tax Liability

txdbq double 53 Deferred Taxes - Balance Sheet

txdcy double 53 Deferred Taxes (Statement of Cash Flows)

txdiq double 53 Income Taxes - Deferred

txditcq double 53 Deferred Taxes and Investment Tax Credit

txdiy double 53 Income Taxes - Deferred

txpdy double 53 Income Taxes Paid

txpq double 53 Income Taxes Payable

txtq double 53 Income Taxes - Total

txty double 53 Income Taxes - Total

txwq double 53 Excise Taxes

txwy double 53 Excise Taxes

uacoq double 53 Current Assets - Other - Utility

uaolochy double 53 Other Assets and Liabilities - Net Change (Statement of Cash Flows)

uaoq double 53 Other Assets - Utility

uaptq double 53 Accounts Payable - Utility

ucapsq double 53 Paid In Capital - Other - Utility

ucconsq double 53 Contributions In Aid Of Construction

uceqq double 53 Common Equity - Total - Utility

uddq double 53 Debt (Debentures) - Utility

udfccy double 53 Deferred Fuel - Increase (Decrease) (Statement of Cash Flows)

udmbq double 53 Debt (Mortgage Bonds)

udoltq double 53 Debt (Other Long-Term)

udpcoq double 53 Debt (Pollution Control Obligations)

udvpq double 53 Preferred Dividend Requirements

udvpy double 53 Preferred Dividend Requirements - Utility

ufretsdy double 53 Tot Funds Ret ofSec&STD (FOF)

ugiq double 53 Gross Income (Income Before Interest Charges)

ugiy double 53 Gross Income (Income Before Interest Charges) - Utility

uinvq double 53 Inventories

ulcoq double 53 Current Liabilities - Other

uniamiq double 53 Net Income before Extraordinary Items After Noncontrolling Interest

uniamiy double 53 Net Income before Extraordinary Items After Noncontrolling Interest
- Utility

unopincq double 53 Nonoperating Income (Net) - Other

unopincy double 53 Nonoperating Income (Net) - Other - Utility

unwccy double 53 Inc(Dec)Working Cap (FOF)

uoisy double 53 Other Internal Sources - Net (Cash Flow)

uopiq double 53 Operating Income - Total - Utility

updq double 53 Update Code

updvpq double 53 Preference Dividend Requirements - Utility

updvpy double 53 Preference Dividend Requirements - Utility

upmcstkq double 53 Premium On Common Stock - Utility

upmpfq double 53 Premium On Preferred Stock - Utility

upmpfsq double 53 Premium On Preference Stock - Utility

upmsubpq double 53 Premium On Subsidiary Preferred Stock - Utility

upstkcq double 53 Preference Stock At Carrying Value - Utility

upstkq double 53 Preferred Stock At Carrying Value - Utility

uptacy double 53 Utility Plant - Gross Additions (Cash Flow)

urectq double 53 Receivables (Net) - Utility

uspiq double 53 Special Items - Utility

uspiy double 53 Special Items - Utility

ustdncy double 53 Net Decr in ST Debt (FOF)

usubdvpq double 53 Subsidiary Preferred Dividends - Utility

usubdvpy double 53 Subsidiary Preferred Dividends - Utility

usubpcvq double 53 Subsidiary Preferred Stock At Carrying Value - Utility

utemq double 53 Maintenance Expense - Total

utfdocy double 53 Total Funds From Ops (FOF)

utfoscy double 53 Tot Funds Frm Outside Sources (FOF)

utmey double 53 Maintenance Expense - Total

uwkcapcy double 53 Dec(Inc) in Working Capital (FOF)

wcapchy double 53 Working Capital Changes - Total

wcapcy double 53 Working Capital Change - Other - Increase/(Decrease)

wcapq double 53 Working Capital (Balance Sheet)

wdaq double 53 Writedowns After-tax

wday double 53 Writedowns After-tax

wddq double 53 Writedowns Diluted EPS Effect

wddy double 53 Writedowns Diluted EPS Effect

wdepsq double 53 Writedowns Basic EPS Effect

wdepsy double 53 Writedowns Basic EPS Effect

wdpq double 53 Writedowns Pretax

wdpy double 53 Writedowns Pretax

xaccq double 53 Accrued Expenses

xidocy double 53 Extraordinary Items and Discontinued Operations (Statement of Cash Flows)

xidoq double 53 Extraordinary Items and Discontinued Operations

xidoy double 53 Extraordinary Items and Discontinued Operations

xintq double 53 Interest and Related Expense- Total

xinty double 53 Interest and Related Expense- Total

xiq double 53 Extraordinary Items

xiy double 53 Extraordinary Items

xoprq double 53 Operating Expense- Total

xopry double 53 Operating Expense- Total

xopt12 double 53 Implied Option Expense - 12mm

xoptd12 double 53 Implied Option EPS Diluted 12MM

xoptd12p double 53 Implied Option 12MM EPS Diluted Preliminary

xoptdq double 53 Implied Option EPS Diluted

xoptdqp double 53 Implied Option EPS Diluted Preliminary

xoptdqpy double 53 Implied Option EPS Diluted Preliminary

xoptdy double 53 Implied Option EPS Diluted

xopteps12 double 53 Implied Option EPS Basic 12MM

xoptepsp12 double 53 Implied Option 12MM EPS Basic Preliminary

xoptepsq double 53 Implied Option EPS Basic

xoptepsqp double 53 Implied Option EPS Basic Preliminary

xoptepsqpy double 53 Implied Option EPS Basic Preliminary

xoptepsy double 53 Implied Option EPS Basic

xoptq double 53 Implied Option Expense

xoptqp double 53 Implied Option Expense Preliminary

xoptqpy double 53 Implied Option Expense Preliminary

xopty double 53 Implied Option Expense

xrdq double 53 Research and Development Expense

xrdy double 53 Research and Development Expense

xsgaq double 53 Selling, General and Administrative Expenses

xsgay double 53 Selling, General and Administrative Expenses

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