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Chapter 10 has a focus on the last P of the 4Ps that is promotion. After careful
research, developing product, making pricing and distribution decisions, businesses finally
face another important task that is how to promote the product. Promotion is not limited to
five promotion tools (Advertising, Public Relations, Sales promotion, Direct Marketing and
Personal Selling) but also extends to issues in implementing those tools.

Study objectives
After the chapter, learners will be able to:
 understand terms, concepts and explanation of promotion topics including above
and below the line, outdoor advertising, sampling, point of purchase, corporate
values and identities, media relations, crisis communication, etc.
 develop and master the use of key terminology in promotional activities

10.1 Above, below and through the line

Key Above the line, below the line, through the line

Starting Discuss
up 1. What is the role of promotion in the marketing mix?
2. What are common ways to promote a product/service?
Reading I: What is ‘the Line’ and where did it come from?
These definitions of approaches to marketing were first used in 1954 when Proctor and
Gamble began paying different firms separately and at a different rate, for direct
promotional activities and wider advertising campaigns, separating the two approaches. In
this way, ‘the Line’ in marketing is that which separates direct, targeted campaigns from
those more general and widespread aimed at brand awareness, and those with the presence
or absence of direct results, and direct return on investments. There is cause to wonder if
‘the Line’ is now blurring, for instance the massive use of social media today and the wide
exposure given means that advertising here should be ATL, though it can also be highly
targeted (BTL) so is all social media TTL? One key is to consider intent. If you are offering
a promotion or something that has a direct response element it cannot be ATL, while to be
TTL the promotion should show but on a page that is not as targeted. (Kotler, Principles of
1. Who is Proctor and Gamble? Gather some information about the company.
2. Is “the Line” being blurred by Social media?
Reading II: Advantages and disadvantages of ATL advertising
Advantages of Above the Line Marketing
Reach: If marketers and business owners effectively use ATL advertising campaigns,
they can enjoy a wider reach. For example, retail business advertises on regular basis using
ATL campaigns to enhance brand visibility and awareness.
Grab Customer Attention: Audio visual ads like TV and Radio have a great impact on
consumer minds and affect consumer decision making process. People have more
involvement while watching movies, dramas and news on television and listen to music,
live call on the radio. During this process the also watch and listen to commercials and it
affects their decision making. The same commercials if they see in the newspapers and
magazines increase the customers’ attention.
Brand Building. Mass media advertising campaigns are very important to increase
brand visibility. One of the important roles of marketers is to spread the brand message to
the masses using a variety of ATL media campaigns. It is not necessary to start using all
ATL channels at once but gradually start meanwhile measure your brand success.
Disadvantages of Above the Line Marketing
Any mass media advertisement is costly activity. As it is not a one time activity, so
continuously running these campaigns are impossible for small and medium businesses.
There was time when TV, Radio, Newspaper and magazine were the only media for
advertisement. But now trends are already shifted to towards social media like Facebook,
Twitter, Instagram, online magazines.
There is no sound mechanism to measure the effective of ATL campaigns. There is
no guarantee the TVC will attract a customer to come at and buy a product.
1. In which contexts or situations companies should employ ATL approach?
2. Give a specific example for your above answer.
3. Is this better to target a mass audience for your promotion campaign or to focus on a
smaller group

Above the line. ATL strategies focus at ATL (viết tắt của Above the line). Các chiến
directing the communication towards the lược truyền thông có độ phủ rộng, hướng tới
mass market. All promotional messages đối tượng công chúng đại chúng. Các thông
are untargeted, meaning they do not focus điệp truyền thông không được xây dựng để
on a specific target group. nhắm tới một nhóm đối tượng công chúng mục
tiêu cụ thể nào.

GỐC: Các loại hình marketing có độ phủ rộng,
đối tượng sẽ là mass audience (số đông khách
hàng) và nhắm vào mục đích xây dựng hệ
thống nhận diện, gia tăng độ nhận biết và xây
dựng hình ảnh của thương hiệu.
Below the line. BTL activities are more BTL (viết tắt của Below the line). Các loại
focused and they are directed towards hình truyền thông tập trung hơn và hướng tới
specific groups of customers. các nhóm khách hàng mục tiêu cụ thể. Mỗi
đoạn thị trường có thể được chia thành nhiều
nhóm công chúng mục tiêu nhỏ hơn.
Through the line. TTL advertising TTL (viết tắt của Through the line). Hình thức
involves an integrated approach where quảng cáo áp dụng phương pháp tích hợp cả
both ATL and BTL strategies are hai cách tiếp cận ATL và BTL. Mục tiêu của
combined. The objective here is to get a TTL nhằm tiếp cận thị trường trên phạm vi
holistic view of the market and rộng và tương tác với khách hàng bằng mọi
communicate with customers in every cách thức.
way possible.


Ex 10.1 Read the following sentences and decide whether these sentences are true or false.
Write T for True, F for False in the left column.
1. BLT is a good way to promote your brand but it’s difficult to measure the exact
impact and return on investment.
2. TTL is the approach most used to build brand awareness and establish good will.
3. Example of BLT is a widespread campaign like a national TV ad shown to
people of all demographics.
4. A good example of ATL marketing approach is radio broadcasts which reach a
large number of people over a large area.
5. Unlike ATL, BTL is more focused on raising awareness for a mass audience.
6. TTL is more expensive to use than either ATL or BTL alone.
7. An example of BTL is where you not only have a national TV campaign but
supplement this with targeted flyers and newspaper ads
8. BTL is designed to ensure direct consumers for the product or brand, by
focusing directly on the user and their wants.
9. These 3 types of marketing have their own pros and cons and are better suited to
different companies and their needs at different times.

10. A small start-up will usually begin with ATL instead of BTL due to limited
financial capabilities.

Ex 10.2 Match each of the items in column A with its definition in column B

1. Above the line a. Promotion efforts to gain both widespread brand awareness and
focused, targeted returns

2. Below the line b. Massive campaigns to raise brand awareness

3. Through the c. Smaller and highly targeted world of ads, aimed at individuals

Ex 10.3 Complete the sentences using the words from the box.
Through the Line strategies visibility recall
cost enable Above the Line experience Below the Line

(1)…………… promotion combines both (2) …………… and (3) …………… marketing
strategies. Integration of both ATL and BTL (4) …………… is crucial in era of
technological advancement and competition. These days, marketers really want to build
brands (5) …………… and brand (6) …………… at the same time that is why they use
TTL advertising strategies.
The major challenge TTL activities face is the (7) …………… of different campaigns.
Financially stable companies like Coke, Pepsi, KFC can better use the TTL campaigns and
attain the desired results. 360 Marketing campaigns are considered a creative campaign
strategy that let you (8) …………… both ATL strategy and BTL Strategy. When using
TTL channels it enhance user (9) …………… due to the brand presence across channels
like TV, Radio, Magazines, PPC, Social Media, Email Marketing.
10.2. Advertising
Key terms Informative advertising, persuasive advertising, reminder advertising,
identified sponsor, advertising strategy, advertising message, message
strategy, message execution, advertising appeals, slice of life, lifestyle,
fantasy, mood or image, musical, testimonial evidence, reach, frequency,
impact, outdoor.

Readings III: Advertising defined: You have been watching it all your life, but exactly
how do you define it?

Advertising is everywhere! In some ways, you are probably already a bit of an

advertising expert as you have seen examples all of your life. As a child, you would have
seen outdoor advertising flashing past from your baby booster seat in the back of the car,
grown up watching movies and television, flicked through the local newspaper, and seen
sponsored content while scrolling online. You are one of the first generation to observe
advertising from the totally different viewpoint of a digital native, having played your

first computer game while your parents struggled to find the on/off switch. So with all
this wealth of viewing experience, what exactly is advertising? When we watch
television at home, or check out our Facebook page, or drive to the cinema listening to
the car radio, we see/hear advertising messages from our perspective as a consumer. We
do not analyze ads in relation to their target markets, or their competitors or previous
campaigns. We either like it or we don’t even bother remembering it. It engages us, or
we mentally switch off. So on our journey to understanding advertising in this textbook,
we are going to see advertising and marketing communication in general from several
different perspectives—from the consumer’s perspective, from the agency’s perspective,
from the client’s perspective, and from the perspective of integrated marketing
communication (IMC), which is the term used to denote the strategic mix of
communication elements (
1. What is “Advertising” in your own words?
2. Where can we see advertisements and how do we usually react to them?
3. What is the role of Advertising in IMC?
Informative advertising. Informative Quảng cáo thông tin. Quảng cáo thông tin là
advertising is advertising that is carried một loại quảng cáo truyền nhiều thông tin về
out in a factual manner. This form of sản phẩm đến người tiêu dùng. Hình thức
advertising relies solely on the goods or quảng cáo này chỉ dựa vào thế mạnh và tính
services strengths and features, rather năng của hàng hóa hoặc dịch vụ, thay vì cố
than trying to convince customers to buy gắng thuyết phục khách hàng mua một sản
a product using emotion. phẩm bằng cách sử dụng cảm xúc.
Persuasive advertising. Persuasive Quảng cáo thuyết phục. Quảng cáo thuyết
advertising is a method of advertising phục là một phương pháp quảng cáo cố gắng
that attempts to convince a consumer to thuyết phục người tiêu dùng mua một sản phẩm
purchase a product or service by hoặc dịch vụ bằng cách thu hút nhu cầu và
appealing to their needs and desires. mong muốn của họ.
Reminder advertising. Reminder Quảng cáo nhắc nhở. Quảng cáo nhắc nhở
advertising is the process of creating ads thường bao gồm các thông điệp ngắn gọn gửi
that are meant to remind your audience với mục đích nhắc nhở một nhóm khách hàng
that your product or service is available. mục tiêu về một sản phẩm hoặc dịch vụ hiện
Identified sponsor. Identified sponsor is Nhà tài trợ chính thức. Nhà tài trợ chính thức
an individual, company, institution or là một cá nhân, công ty, tổ chức hoặc tổ chức
organisation which takes responsibility chịu trách nhiệm về việc khởi tạo, quản lý và /
for the initiation, management and/or hoặc cấp tiền cho hoạt động quảng cáo.
financing of the advertisment.

Advertising message. An advertising Thông điệp quảng cáo. Thông điệp quảng cáo
message is the general idea that an ad là những nội dung doanh nghiệp muốn truyền
will convey to the target audience. tải tới khách hàng.
Message strategy. Message strategy tells Chiến lược thông điệp. Chiến lược thông điệp
us what we should say to our target là chiến lược giúp các nhà marketing tìm được
market. điều họ muốn truyền tải tới công chúng nhận
tin mục tiêu.
Message execution. The framework of Triển khai thông điệp. Khuôn khổ triển khai
execution refers to the message approach thông điệp đề cập đến cách tiếp cận thông điệp
that will be used to present the sẽ được sử dụng để thể hiện sự hấp dẫn của
advertising appeal or communicate the quảng cáo hoặc truyền thông thương hiệu. Theo
brand. Within the executional frame an đó, lời kêu gọi quảng cáo được sử dụng để thể
advertising appeal is used to express the hiện thông điệp.
Advertising appeals. Advertising Các phương thức thu hút của quảng cáo.
appeals are communication strategies that Các phương thức thu hút của quảng cáo là các
marketing and advertising professionals chiến lược truyền thông mà các nhà marketing
use to grab attention and persuade people và quảng cáo sử dụng để thu hút sự chú ý và
to buy or act. thuyết phục mọi người mua hoặc hành động.
Slice of life. Slice-of-Life Advertising is Lát cắt cuộc sống. Lát cắt cuộc sống đặc tả
an advertising technique in which a real một hoàn cảnh, một tình huống trong cuộc sống
life problem is shown in a dramatic thường ngày khi người tiêu dùng sử dụng sản
presentation and the product advertised phẩm như một giải pháp cho nhu cầu của khách
represents the solution to the problem. hàng.
Lifestyle. Lifestyle Marketing is a Lối sống. Lối sống là một hình thức thu hút của
marketing technique that positions the quảng cáo trong đó xây dựng sản phẩm với
product or service to possess ideals, những lý tưởng, mong muốn và giá trị mà công
aspirations, and aesthetics that the target chúng nhận tin mục tiêu muốn hướng tới.
audience identifies with.
Fantasy. Fantasy Advertising is a form Trí tưởng tượng. Quảng cáo với hình thức thu
of advertising that describes a hút bằng trí tưởng tượng là một hình thức
product/service in a manner that so quảng cáo mô tả sản phẩm / dịch vụ theo cách
deviates from reality, or real-life khác với thực tế hoặc mô tả thực tế đến mức
portrayal that no reasonable consumer không người tiêu dùng nào có thể hiểu quảng
could interpret the advertisement as cáo đang mô tả khả năng thực tế hoặc cách sử
portraying an actual capability or dụng hợp lý của sản phẩm (sử dụng sự nói
appropriate use of the vehicle. quá).
Mood or image. Mood or image Tâm trạng hoặc hình ảnh. Quảng cáo tâm

Advertising is an approach to advertising trạng hoặc hình ảnh là một cách tiếp cận quảng
that is designed to cultivate positive cáo được thiết kế để nuôi dưỡng thái độ tích
attitudes about a brand, company, or cực về thương hiệu, công ty hoặc khái niệm.
Musical advertising. Generally, music Quảng cáo âm nhạc. Quảng cáo âm nhạc là
ads are commercial tracks integrated into các bản nhạc thương mại được tích hợp vào các
electronic media advertisements for quảng cáo trên phương tiện truyền thông điện
selling a product or business tử để bán sản phẩm hoặc quảng cáo cho các
advertisement to the masses. doanh nghiệp tới công chúng đại chúng.
Testimonial evidence. Testimonial Bằng chứng chứng thực. Quảng cáo qua bằng
evidence is where a person praises the chứng chứng thực là cách tiếp cận rất hiệu quả
product or service on the basis of his or khi người cung cấp lời chứng thực là người mà
her personal experience with it. công chúng nhận tin mục tiêu có thể xác định
Testimonial executions can have ordinary hoặc người có một câu chuyện thú vị để kể. Lời
satisfied customers discuss their own chứng thực phải dựa trên thực tế sử dụng sản
experiences with the brand and the phẩm hoặc dịch vụ để tránh các vấn đề pháp lý
benefits of using it. và người phát ngôn phải đáng tin cậy.
Reach. The number of different persons Lượt tiếp cận. Số người hay hộ gia đình khác
or households that are exposed to a nhau nhận được thông điệp ít nhất một lần
particular media schedule at least once trong khoảng thời gian triển khai chiến dịch.
during a specified time period.
Frequency. The number of times within Tần suất tiếp cận. Số lần trong khoảng thời
the specified time period that an average gian cụ thể mà một người hoặc hộ gia đình bình
person or household is exposed to the thường nhận được thông điệp.
Impact. The qualitative value of an Tác động. Giá trị định tính của việc khách
exposure through a given medium. hàng tiếp cận được thông tin trên một phương
tiện nhất định.
Outdoor advertising. Outdoor Quảng cáo ngoài trời. Quảng cáo ngoài trời,
advertising, also known as out-of-home còn được gọi là quảng cáo bên ngoài nhà, là
advertising, is advertising that reaches quảng cáo tiếp cận người tiêu dùng khi họ ở
consumers when they are outside their không gian bên ngoài nhà của họ.


Ex 10.4 Read the following sentences and decide whether these sentences are True or
T/F Slice of life, lifestyle, and personality symbol are all execution styles used in public
T/F Technical expertise, scientific evidence, and testimonial evidence are all examples of
the execution styles that creative teams use in advertising products.
T/F Scientific evidence is the execution style used when Subway advertises six subs for
under six fat grams.
T/F Reach is a measure of how many times the average person in the target market is
exposed to the message.
T/F Direct mail is one of the least expensive media on a per exposure basis.
T/F The communication effects of advertisements and ad campaigns are more difficult to
measure than the sales and profit effects.
T/F In small and large companies, advertising is typically handled by an individual or
team in the sales department.
T/F Recently, the increased use of online social networks and video sharing has reduced
the need for advertising standardization for global brands.
T/F A company's Web site can be an important public relations vehicle.

Ex 10.5 Fill-in the blanks with words from the box

advertisements advertising mix campaign catalogue
commercials competition consumer awareness direct mail
hard sell impulse buying mailshot online website
Advertising plan
Our plan is to sell products through a (1) _____________ and mail order service. We will use
high pressure, (2) ____________ approach. We can attract customers to order the goods by
offering special (3) _____________ prizes. Once the catalogue arrives, consumers will order
goods which have an instant appeal. We will depend on (4) ____________.
Another approach is to run a long advertising (5) ____________ to increase (6)
___________ of our products. We plan a variety of advertising techniques: this (7)
______________ will consists of television (8) ______________, newspaper (9)
______________, and street advertising. We have a good target customer database, so we
will use (10) ______________. We plan to do a (11) _____________ twice, to put extra
pressure on those who do not answer the first time.
We also have a company (12) _____________ where we advertise our products. Customers
can also order goods (13) ______________.

Ex 10.6 Complete the texts about out of home advertising using words from the box.
information banners catching coverage
graphics logo stations pedestrians

Commuters in Bristol were surprised by an invasion of out-of-home advertising last

Tuesday. The opening of a new concert hall was announced by huge (1) …………… on
prominent sites around the city. Buses were painted in the concert hall’s (2) ……………
and colors. Bus (3) …………… were treated to new eye-…………… interactive ads that lit
up and made noises as (4) …………… walked past. A spokesperson for the new concert
hall said that the public reaction had been good. “We got greater (5) …………… than we
had imagined” he added. One commuter said that she had been pleasantly surprised to find
(6) …………… on the new concert hall and she wanted to visit it sometime.

Act 1.1 Work in pair to make word combination with advertising using suggested
words in the box. Then use some of the combinations to complete the sentence by filling
the gap.
Humor Appeal Musical Mood Lifestyle Slice of life
Animation Demonstration Strategy Endorsement Fantasy
Mood Message Testimonial evidence Informative


The first advertising technique we’ll talk about is (1) ……………...... This is where you show
regular people using your product as if it is their everyday life. For example, if you are Tide,
you may show a mom using Tide to Go on a child’s shirt at dinner.
Another approach which is extremely common, is (2) ……………...... This approach is great
at generating attention for your product or service. Many brands choosing to use this
approach have hit or miss advertisements, which is why it is crucial to ensure you are
protecting your brand image at the same time.
(3) ……………..... is another common technique to use in your advertising. This is where you
set the tone around your offering in the advertisement. If you are a high-end hotel, you
would want to use very scenic, extravagant imagery and backgrounds for the ad.
When an ad actually shows how a product is used, you are using a (4) …………….....
approach. Think of brands like Swiffer who almost always show their products picking up a

(5) ……………..... approaches can be used to psychologically connect with viewers. Many
times, songs are played in the background throughout an ad campaign, and by the end of the
campaign the song is considered household. People may not realize it but they are being
influenced by the music.
Another way to get a leg up on your competition? Find an Influencer! This is called (6)
……………...... Find a recognizable figure and place them in a position of authority while
supporting your product or service. Influencer marketing has rapidly grown over the years
and is now one of the top advertising techniques used by all brands.
(7) ……………..... approaches also have a great connection with viewers. Everyone
attempts to picture how a product will fit into their choice of life. Car, alcohol, and jewelry
companies all try to frequently display how customers having the same way of living life
will be using their product.
Some companies will use a (8) ……………..... to show how it would be if a customer were
using their product. Olong Tea Plus has recently used this tactic very well in its “Uống cho
ngày thêm nhẹ” ad campaign. They show people drinking Olong Tea Plus, resulting in being
lifted, almost like flying in the sky to show how “light” the drink can feel.
(9) ……………..... are used in many ads as well. Many times these characters are used as
spokespersons for the brand. Vinamilk and Zinzin are two examples of brands who have
done this and kept the character beyond the individual campaign’s life.
10.3. Sales promotion
Key terms Consumer promotion, trade promotion, samples, coupons, cash refunds,
premiums, point of purchase promotion, contest.
Readings IV. Types of sales promotion
Sales promotion may take any or all of the three forms – consumer promotion, trade promotion
and sales force promotion. These forms of sales promotion are also known as tools or methods
of sales promotion.
Consumer promotion includes samples, coupons, money-refund offers, prices-off,
premiums, contests, demonstrations and trading stamps. These tools are well utilised by
marketing management. Samples are free distribution of a product for the purpose of obtaining
consumer acceptance. Coupons offer a discount on new purchases of a product. They are
certificates entitling the bearer to a discount on the purchase of a specific product. Money-
refund offers are granted to cash purchasers.
Trade promotion encourages buyers to buy a larger quantity of the product. It is also
known as buying allowance because it is an offer of some discount on each item of purchase
above a minimum quantity. Trade promotion may take the form of free goods, merchandise
allowances, co-operative advertising, dealer sales contests, and push money. Free goods are
offered to public and dealers after the purchase of certain items. They boost the sales of a
commodity by offering some additional commodities free of cost.
For sales force promotion, salesmen are motivated to sell products by offering bonuses,
contests and sales rallies. They are offered a bonus if the sale increases above the minimum
level. Sales contests are organized as an effective measure of sales promotion. The main

purpose of sales contests is to increase the sales through retailers or sales persons. The contest
prizes may be cash awards, merchandise prizes, travel and special honors. Merchandise prizes
are more effective than the cash awards because more contestants are attracted to participate in
the contest (
1. What is the basis of dividing sales promotion into three types as above?
2. When you go to a supermarket and see your favorite snack is on sale, what kind of sales
promotion is that?
3. If possible, give a brand-specific example of each type of sales promotion.

Consumer promotion. Consumer Xúc tiến bán tới người tiêu dùng. Xúc tiến
promotions are tactics or techniques bán tới người tiêu dùng là các chiến thuật
designed to help a business find new hoặc kỹ thuật được thiết kế để giúp doanh
customers or reward current customers. nghiệp tìm kiếm khách hàng mới hoặc
thưởng cho khách hàng hiện tại.
Trade promotion. Trade Promotions Xúc tiến bán thương mại. Xúc tiến bán
provide incentives for intermediaries to thương mại cung cấp các ưu đãi cho các bên
encourage them to sell more. trung gian để khuyến khích họ bán nhiều
Samples. Offer of a free amount of a Mẫu hàng dùng thử. Mẫu hàng dùng thử là
product or service. một lượng sản phẩm nhỏ được phát miễn phí
cho người tiêu dùng.
Coupons. Certificates offering a stated Phiếu giảm giá. Giấy chứng nhận ghi rõ
saving on the purchase of a specific product. khoản tiền người sở hữu nó tiết kiệm được
khi mua một sản phẩm cụ thể.
Cash refunds. A sales promotion tool in Hoàn tiền mặt. Hoàn tiền mặt là một công
which consumers are offered a cash cụ xúc tiến bán hàng trong đó người tiêu
incentive to buy; a small part of the dùng được hưởng ưu đãi bằng tiền để
purchase price is refunded when a coupon khuyến khích mua hàng; một phần nhỏ của
attached to the product is returned to the giá mua được hoàn lại khi khách hàng xuất
manufacturer; also referred to as a Cash- trình cho người bán một phiếu mua hàng
Back Offer or Cash Rebate. gắn kèm với sản phẩm; còn được gọi là Ưu
đãi Hoàn tiền hoặc Hoàn lại tiền mặt.
Premiums. In marketing, premiums are Qùa tặng. Trong marketing, thuật ngữ này
promotional items: toys, collectables, được dùng để chỉ các mặt hàng khuyến mãi:
souvenirs and household products — that đồ chơi, đồ sưu tập, đồ lưu niệm và các sản
are linked to a product, and often require phẩm gia dụng – được tặng kèm với một sản
proofs of purchase such as box tops or phẩm và thường yêu cầu bằng chứng mua
tokens to acquire. hàng, ví dụ vỏ hộp hoặc mã thông báo.

Point of purchase promotion. Sale Xúc tiến bán tại điểm mua hàng. Đây là
promotions tool that is intended to draw the những hình thức trưng bày tại điểm mua
customers’ attention to products. These may hàng nhằm thu hút sự chú ý của khách hàng.
be new products, a special offer, or may Đó có thể là những sản phẩm mới, ưu đãi
promote special events, such seasonal or đặc biệt, hoặc có thể quảng bá cho các sự
holiday-time sales. POP displays can kiện đặc biệt, chẳng hạn như giảm giá theo
include: shelf edging, window display, mùa hoặc dịp lễ. Các trưng bày POP có thể
banners, etc. bao gồm: viền kệ, trưng bày tại cửa sổ cửa
hàng, biểu ngữ, v.v.
Contest. Contests are promotion tool that Cuộc thi. Các cuộc thi là hình thức xúc tiến
capitalizes on the consumer desire for free bán
stuff. khai thác mong muốn có những thứ miễn
phí của người tiêu dùng.

Ex 10.7 Matching: Match each of the items in column A with its definition in column B

1. contest a. A small amount of a product for trial

2. premiums b. A certificate that gives buyers a saving when they purchase a

specified product

3. refund c. Promotion events that give consumers the chance to win

something such as cash, trips or goods

4. coupons d. If the purchaser is not satisfied with the product, the whole
price or part of it will be

5. samples e. Goods offered either free or at low cost as an incentive to buy

a product
Ex 10.8 True/False. Read the following statements and decide whether they are true or
Coupons are a particularly good way to encourage product trial and repurchase.

Premiums reinforce the consumer’s purchase decision, increase consumption, and

persuade nonusers to switch brands.

Some companies attach a refund to the product’s package, such as a small sample of
a complementary hair product attached to a shampoo bottle.

Promotions in which participants use some skill or ability to compete for prizes.

Sampling allows the customer to try a product risk-free.

Point of purchase displays include signs attached to store shelves, attachments that
extend shelves so products stand out, ads on grocery carts and bags, end-aisle and
floor-stand displays, television monitors at supermarket checkout counters, instore
audio messages, and audiovisual displays.

A consumer sample usually requires entrants to answer questions, complete

sentences, or write a paragraph about the product and submit proof of purchase.

A longstanding example of the use of premiums is the McDonald’s Happy Meal,

which rewards children with a small toy.

Samples can be directly mailed to the customer, delivered door-to-door or packaged

with another product.

Ex 10.9 Complete the texts about consumer sales promotion using words from the box:

sample coupons cash refunds price packs

premium point of purchase promotion contests free samples

Do you like (1) …………….? Most people do. A (2) ……………. is a sales
promotion in which a small amount of a product that is for sale is given to consumers to try.
This type of sales promotion encourages trial and an increases awareness of the product.
You have probably purchased a product that included this sales promotion type with it—for
example, a small amount of conditioner packaged with your shampoo. The motivation
behind giving away these small products is to get people to buy a full-size product.
Often paired with samples are (3) ……………. They provide an immediate price
reduction off an item. The amount of the price reduction is later reimbursed to the retailer by
the manufacturer. When the economy is weak, more consumers collect these types of sales
promotion and look for special bargains like buy-one-get-one-free (BOGO).
(4) ……………. encourage consumers to buy a product immediately. These displays
draw attention to a product by giving it special placement and signage. Coupon machines
placed in stores are a type of point-of-purchase display. When a consumer sees a special
display or can get a coupon instantly, manufacturers hope the easy availability or the
discount will convince them to buy, increasing overall sales in the process.
Another very popular sales promotion for consumers is a premium. A (5)
……………. is a product or offer a consumer receives when they buy another product.
Those products may be offered free or for a small shipping and handling charge with proof
of purchase (sales receipt or part of package). Remember wanting your favorite cereal
because there was a toy in the box? The toy is an example of a premium. Some premiums
are designed to motivate consumers to a buy product multiple times. What many people
don’t realize is that when they pay the shipping and handling charges, they may also be
paying for the premium.
(6) ……………. and sweepstakes are also popular consumer sales promotions. The first
ones are games of skill offered by a company, that offer consumers the chance to win a prize.
Cheerios’ Spoonfuls of Stories contest, for example, invited people to submit an original
children’s story and the chance to win money and the opportunity to have their story
published. Sweepstakes are games of chance people enter for the opportunity to win money
or prizes. Sweepstakes are often structured as some variation on a random drawing. The
companies and organizations that conduct these activities hope consumers will not only enter
their games, but also buy more of their products and ideally share their information for future
marketing purposes.

Ex 10.10 Match a type of discount on the left with its correct definition on the right:

1. Trade discount a. A discount given to buyers purchasing a large amount

2. Bulk discount b. A discount for payment cash

3. Promotional discount c. A reduced price offered on goods sold at the ‘wrong’ time
of the year
4. Cash discount d. A discount to people in a particular field (cheaper drugs
for doctor)
5. Professional discount e. A discount for staff
6. Employee discount f. A fixed percentage offered to a distributor
7. Seasonal discount g. A lower retail price for a special sale


Act 1.2 Work with your group to identify the type of consumer sales promotion from each
photo below:

10.4. Direct marketing

Key terms Direct marketing, customer database, direct-mail marketing, telephone
marketing, direct-response television marketing, kiosk marketing, mobile
phone marketing, online marketing.
Readings V. Direct marketing effectiveness
For direct-marketing programs that do not have an objective of generating an immediate
behavioural response, traditional measures of advertising effectiveness can be applied. In those
situations requiring a direct response, measuring the effectiveness should include specific
behavioural measures in addition to the communication measures. Using the cost per order
(CPO), advertisers can evaluate the relative effectiveness of an ad in only a few minutes based
on the number of calls generated. By running the same ad on different stations, a direct
marketer can determine the relative effectiveness of the medium itself. For example, if the
advertiser targets a $5 return per order and a broadcast commercial (production and print) costs
$2,500, the ad is considered effective if it generates 500 orders. Similar measures have been
developed for print and direct mail ads.
Another measure of effectiveness is Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV). CLTV calculates
potential profitability the company can generate from a customer associated with the brand over
the course of the long-term relationship. The value is used to determine whether or not a
customer should be acquired and what service level to provide to existing customers.
Companies use CLTV to assist them in assessing future revenues and profit streams from the
customer, so that they can focus more on the satisfaction and retention of their more profitable
customers. Thus, the company can focus its promotional budget on profitable customers while
spending less on those with a lower CLTV score (Belch, Advertising: An integrated marketing
communication approach).
1. What do you think direct marketing is?
2. According to this article, what are the some of the measures of effectiveness of direct
marketing programs?
3. What is CLTV? How is CLTV better in measuring the effectiveness of direct marketing

Direct marketing. A system of marketing Marketing trực tiếp. Marketing trực tiếp là
by which an organization communicates việc thực hiện các chiến dịch marketing
directly with customers to generate a thông qua việc tương tác trực tiếp với khách
response and/or transaction. hàng, mà không thông qua bất cứ công cụ
gián tiếp nào.
Customer database. A customer database Cơ sở dữ liệu khách hàng. Cơ sở dữ liệu
is the collection of information that is khách hàng là tập hợp thông tin được thu
gathered from each person. The database thập từ mỗi khách hàng. Cơ sở dữ liệu này

may include contact information, like the có thể thu thập thông tin liên hệ, như tên, địa
person’s name, address, phone number, and chỉ, số điện thoại và địa chỉ e-mail của
e-mail address. The database may also người đó. Cơ sở dữ liệu cũng có thể bao
include past purchases and future needs. gồm các lịch sử giao dịch trong quá khứ và
nhu cầu trong tương lai.
Direct mail marketing. A strategy is used Marketing qua thư trực tiếp.
by marketers to engage prospects and Một chiến lược được những người làm
customers offline by sending printed marketing sử dụng để thu hút khách hàng
mailers, dimensional packages, perishable tiềm năng và khách hàng ngoại tuyến bằng
items, corporate swag, or other physical cách gửi cho họ các ấn phẩm in, các gói
items. hàng, các mặt hàng dễ hỏng, các sản phẩm
truyền thông thương hiệu công ty hoặc các
mặt hàng vật lý khác.
Telephone marketing/Telemarketing. Marketing qua điện thoại. Marketing qua
Telephone marketing is a form of direct điện thoại là một hình thức marketing trực
marketing, which means that rather than tiếp trong đó, thay vì sử dụng một số hình
using some form of mass media to reach thức truyền thông đại chúng để tiếp cận
consumers, companies contact consumers người tiêu dùng, các công ty liên hệ với từng
individually by mail, telephone, voice mail, người tiêu dùng riêng lẻ bằng thư, điện
or email. thoại, thư thoại hoặc email.
Direct-response television marketing. Marketing truyền hình phản hồi trực
Direct response television (DRTV) tiếp. Marketing truyền hình phản hồi trực
marketing refers to any television tiếp (DRTV) là bất kỳ quảng cáo truyền
commercial which prompts viewers to hình nào có nhắc nhở người xem liên hệ trực
contact the company directly. tiếp với công ty.
Kiosk marketing. A kiosk refers to a small, Kiosk Marketing. Kiosk Marketing là hình
temporary, stand-alone booth used in high- thức quảng bá sản phẩm và dịch vụ thông
traffic areas for marketing purposes. qua các máy, hay bốt phương tiện nhỏ được
đặt ở những nơi công cộng có mật độ người
qua lại cao nhằm các mục tiêu marketing.
Mobile phone marketing. Mobile Marketing qua điện thoại di động.
marketing is any advertising activity that Marketing qua điện thoại di động là bất kỳ
promotes products and services via mobile hoạt động quảng cáo nào nhằm quảng bá sản
devices, such as tablets and smartphones. phẩm và dịch vụ thông qua thiết bị di động,
chẳng hạn như máy tính bảng và điện thoại
thông minh.
Online marketing. Online marketing is the Marketing trực tuyến. Marketing trực
practice of leveraging web-based channels tuyến là hình thức marketing tận dụng các

to spread a message about a company’s nền tảng web để truyền bá thông điệp về
brand, products, or services to its potential thương hiệu, sản phẩm hoặc dịch vụ của
customers. công ty tới khách hàng tiềm năng.

Ex 10.11 Matching: Match each of the items in the left column with its definition in the
right column.
1. telephone marketing a. persuasively describing a product and give customers a free
number for ordering

2. mobile phone marketing b. art and science of selling products and services over the

3. online marketing c. using the telephone to sell directly to consumers

4. direct-response d. any physical correspondence you send to customers in the

television marketing hopes of getting them to patronize your business

5. direct-mail e. a small, temporary booth used in high-traffic areas to market a


Ex 10.12 Complete the texts about direct marketing using words from the box:
database marketing one-to-one Segmentation potential customers
Direct marketing repurchase information prospects

Market (1) ____________ and targeting are critical components of any promotional program.
(2) _____________programs employ these principles even more than others, since the
success of a direct-marketing program is in large part tied to the ability to do (3)
____________marketing. To segment and target their markets, direct marketers use a
database, a listing of customers and/or (4) _____________. This database is a tool for (5)
_____________—the use of specific information about individual customers and/or prospects
to implement more effective and efficient marketing communications.
Once a purchase has been made, the customer’s name and other (6) ______________are
entered into the database. These people are proven direct-marketing users who offer high
potential for (7) _____________and a greater likelihood of responding to an offer. Direct
marketers often lose money on lists of (8) _____________purchased, but generally find those
based on their own database to be profitable. Companies from window cleaners to carpet
cleaners to car dealers build a base of customers and contact them when they are “due” to


Act 1.3 Read the following letter as a direct marketing mail for a hand-held scanner and
answer the questions
Dear Ms Christie,
We are writing to introduce a faster and more effective way to let your customers pay for
their purchases. Our new hand-held barcode scanners allow your customers to pay for their
purchases where they are, without having to find a till.
Our scanners will collect remotely to verify credit or debit card payment. Customers can
sign for their purchases on the scanner itself. And the scanners come with a handy
adjustment belt, so your shop assistants can easily carry them at all times. The easy-to-read
display is visible in all lighting conditions.
The machine automatically prints out a “paid” sticker with the name of the product and the
date, to ensure that only products which have been paid for are taken from the store. This is
a feature that no other scanner on the market offers.
To learn more about the scanners, view our web presentation on our website
( or call us on 02459839.
We look forward to doing business with you!
Best wishes
Your Geldsburg Team.
1) What are the benefits of the hand-held scanner as mentioned in the mail?
2) What kind of customers should be receiving this mail?
3) Point out the pros and cons of the letter.
Act 1.4 Below are some tips on direct marketing. Work with a partner to rank the tips
from most (1) to least (7) important. Which of these tips does the letter in Act 1.3 follow?
Emphasize what makes you different from the competition (such as price, delivery
services, after-service sales).
Use words that sell, such as new and free (Trial periods and money-back guarantees
can encourage customers to try a new product).
Use white space (Keep the letter to the point and use short paragraphs and bulleted
or numbered lists to make points. Make it easy for the reader to get through the
whole letter).
Put yourself in your customer’s shoes. (Focus on benefits, not product features, and
build rapport by saying you and your).
Use product endorsements (quotes from satisfied customers).
Call to action! Tell the reader what to do, e.g. Call now to….
Restate your USP in your P.S. (Response rate testing indicates that the typical
reader’s eye moves down the page to the P.S. before he or she reads the rest of the


Act 1.5 The Geldsburg marketing team has called Direct Sales with some feedback on the
letter above. Use the notes below and the 7 tips above to write a second draft. (Or write a
first draft of your own direct marketing letter). Try to use phrases from the Useful
phrases below.
From: Geldsburg
About: Feedback on letter
1) Highlight bulk discount offered to retailers ordering 20 or more scanners
2) Emphasize security features for the credit card check
3) Include a customer quote (two below, more available):
Jennifer Thomas, manager at Shopsave: “I can’t believe how easy it is to operate. The
options are right in front of you.”
Chris Creswell, Senior manager at Handy DIY, says: “Geldsburg’s scanners have all the
features we need and are also simple to use. We definitely made the right decision.”

Useful phrases for writing to the customer (direct mailing)

- We are writing to introduce/tell you about/announce (a new product).
- To learn more about (our product), visit or call us on 02459839.
- When you receive your trial model, you’ll quickly see the benefits of (our product).
- If you contact us before 10 March, you’ll receive a free sample.
- We look forward to hearing from you soon!

10.5. Personal selling

Key terms Personal selling, salesperson, salesforce management, territorial sales force
structure, product sales force structure, customer sales force structure,
complex sales force structure, selling process, prospect and qualifying, pre-
approach, approach, presentation and demonstration, handling objections,
closing, follow-up

Readings VI. The nature of Personal Selling

Personal selling is one of the oldest professions in the world. The people who do the
selling go by many names, including salespeople, sales representatives, agents, district
managers, account executives, sales consultants, and sales engineers. most salespeople are well-
educated and well-trained professionals who add value for customers and maintain long-term
customer relationships. They listen to their customers, assess customer needs, and organize the
company’s efforts to solve customer problems.

Some assumptions about what makes someone a good salesperson are dead wrong.
There’s this idea that the classic sales personality is overbearing, pushy, and outgoing—
the kind of people who walk in and suck all the air out of the room. But the best salespeople are
good at one-on-one contact. They create loyalty and customers because
people trust them and want to work with them. It’s a matter of putting the client’s interests first,
which is the antithesis of how most people view salespeople. The most successful salespeople
are successful for one simple reason: They know how to build relationships. You can go in with
a big personality and convince people to do what you want them to do, but that really isn’t
selling; it’s manipulation, and it only works in the short term. A good salesperson can read
customer emotions without exploiting them because the bottom line is that he or she wants
what’s best for the customer.
The term salesperson covers a wide range of positions. At one extreme, a salesperson
might be largely an order taker, such as the department store salesperson standing behind the
counter. At the other extreme are order getters, whose positions demand creative selling and
relationship building for products and services ranging from appliances, industrial equipment,
and locomotives to insurance and information technology services. In mordern marketing, we
focus on the more creative types of selling and the process of building and managing an
effective sales force (Kotler, Principles of marketing).
1. What are the roles of the salesperson?
2. What are some of the assumptions of a salesperson?
Readings VII. Fair competition in Personal Selling
A company’s salespeople must follow the rules of “fair competition.” Most states have
enacted deceptive sales acts that spell out what is not allowed. For example, salespeople may
not lie to consumers or mislead them about the advantages of buying a particular product.
To avoid bait-and-switch practices, salespeople’s statements must match advertising
Different rules apply to consumers who are called on at home or who buy at a location
that is not the seller’s permanent place of business versus those who go to a store in search
of a product. Because people who are called on may be taken by surprise and may be especially
vulnerable to high-pressure selling techniques, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
has adopted a three-day cooling-off rule to give special protection to customers who are not
seeking products. Under this rule, customers who agree in their own homes, workplace,
dormitory, or facilities rented by the seller on a temporary basis—such as hotel rooms,
convention centers, and restaurants—to buy something costing more than $25 have 72 hours
in which to cancel a contract or return merchandise and get their money back—no questions
Much personal selling involves business-to-business trade. In selling to businesses,
salespeople may not offer bribes to purchasing agents or others who can influence a sale.

They may not obtain or use technical or trade secrets of competitors through bribery or
industrial espionage. Finally, salespeople must not disparage competitors or competing products
by suggesting things that are not true (Kotler, Principles of marketing).
1. What is considered unethical in personal selling?
2. What are some ways government and business can protect the consumers?

Personal selling. Personal presentations by Bán hàng cá nhân. Bán hàng cá nhân là
the firm’s sales force for the purpose of việc thuyết trình mang tính cá nhân được
engaging customers, making sales, and thực hiện bởi lực lượng bán hàng của doanh
building customer relationships. nghiệp, với mục đích tạo sự hợp tác của
khách hàng, bán hàng và xây dựng mối quan
hệ với khách hàng.
Salesperson. A salesperson are enthusiastic Nhân viên kinh doanh. Nhân viên bán hàng
individuals with resilience and they take the là những người nhiệt tình, không dễ nản
time to get to know their customers’ needs, lòng và họ dành thời gian để tìm hiểu nhu
show empathy, and deal in a product in cầu của khách hàng, thể hiện sự thấu cảm và
confidence. They also know how to handle tự tin trong việc bán sản phẩm. Họ cũng biết
rejection, and learn from both their most cách xử lý những lời từ chối và học hỏi từ
successful deals and ones lost. những giao dịch thành công nhất và những
giao dịch thất bại.
Salesforce management. It is the Quản trị lực lượng bán hàng. Quản trị lực
development of a sales force that includes lượng bán hàng là việc phát triển lực lượng
coordination of sales operations, as well as bán hàng bao gồm sự phối hợp của các hoạt
the training and application of sales methods động bán hàng, cũng như việc đào tạo và áp
that result in achieving sales goals and dụng các phương pháp bán hàng giúp đạt
objectives. For the business to make được các mục đích và mục tiêu bán hàng.
revenue, a sales force management strategy Đối với doanh nghiệp để tạo ra doanh thu,
is critical. một chiến lược quản lý lực lượng bán hàng
là rất quan trọng.
Territorial sales force structure. Cấu trúc lực lượng bán theo lãnh thổ. Cấu
Territorial sales force structure refers to a trúc lực lượng bán theo lãnh thổ là tổ chức
sales force organization that assigns each lực lượng bán bằng cách phân công mỗi
salesperson to an exclusive geographic nhân viên bán phụ trách hẳn một khu vực
territory in which that salesperson sells the địa lý; trong đó, nhân viên chịu trách nhiệm
company’s full line of products or services chào bán toàn bộ dòng sản phẩm hay dịch
to all customers in that territory. vụ của công ty tới tất cả khách trong khu

vực đó.
Product sales force structure. Product Cấu trúc lực lượng bán hàng theo sản
sales force structure refers to a sales force phẩm. Cấu trúc lực lượng bán hàng theo sản
organization in which salespeople specialize phẩm là việc tổ chức lực lượng bán hàng
in selling only a portion of the company’s trong đó nhân viên bán hàng chỉ chuyên bán
products or lines. một phần sản phẩm hoặc dòng của công ty.
Customer sales force structure. Customer Cấu trúc lực lượng bán hàng theo khách
(or market) sales force structure refers to a hàng. Cơ cấu tổ chức theo khách hàng (hoặc
sales force organization in which thị trường) dùng để chỉ cách tổ chức lực
salespeople specialize in selling only to lượng bán hàng trong đó nhân viên bán hàng
certain customers or industries. chỉ chuyên bán cho một số khách hàng hoặc
ngành nhất định.
Complex sales force structure. Complex Cấu trúc lực lượng bán hàng tổng hợp.
sales force structure refers to a structure Cấu trúc lực lượng bán hàng tổng hợp là cấu
where a wide variety of products is sold to trúc trong đó nhiều loại sản phẩm được bán
many types of customers over a broad cho nhiều nhóm khách hàng trên một khu
geographic area. This structure combines vực địa lý rộng lớn. Cấu trúc này có thể tích
other kinds of sales force structures. hợp nhiều cấu trúc khác.
Selling process. The interaction between a Quy trình bán hàng. Quy trình bán hàng
seller and a potential buyer or client. The của doanh nghiệp là trình tự các bước thực
selling process for all salespeople generally hiện hoạt động bán hàng đã được doanh
follows seven steps that can lead to nghiệp quy định, mang tính chất bắt buộc,
increased sales and greater customer đáp ứng những mục tiêu cụ thể của hoạt
satisfaction. động quản trị bán hàng trong doanh nghiệp.
Prospect and qualifying. Before planning a Xác định khách hàng tiềm năng. Trước
sale, the company studies to identify the khi lập kế hoạch bán hàng, công ty thực hiện
people or companies who might be việc nghiên cứu nhằm xác định những cá
interested in its product or service. nhân hay công ty có thể quan tâm đến sản
phẩm/ dịch vụ của mình.

Pre-approach. Before making a sales call, Tiền tiếp cận. Trước khi thực hiện một cuộc
email or visit, it is important to research the gọi bán hàng, gửi email hoặc ghé thăm, đây
customer and planning what should be said. là bước nghiên cứu khách hàng và lập kế
hoạch những gì nên nói với khách hàng.
Approach. The sales step in which a Tiếp cận. Tiếp cận là bước bán hàng trong
salesperson meets the customer for the first đó nhân viên bán hàng lần đầu tiên gặp gỡ
time. khách hàng.
Presentation and demonstration. When Giới thiệu và trình bày. Giới thiệu, trình
salespeople are going to present their bày về sản phẩm, dịch vụ là bước bán hàng
product or service to the target market; then trong đó nhân viên bán hàng kể câu chuyện
they should communicate the effectiveness giá trị của sản phẩm và cách mà sản phẩm
of the product that how it’ll add value in giải quyết được vấn đề của khách hàng.
their lives.
Handling objections. The sales step in Xử lý các phản đối. Bước bán hàng trong
which a salesperson seeks out, clarifies, and đó nhân viên bán hàng tìm kiếm, làm rõ và
overcomes any customer objections to vượt qua tất cả lời phản đối/ từ chối mua
buying. hàng của khách hàng.
Closing. The sales step in which a Chốt giao dịch/ Chốt đơn. Bước bán hàng
salesperson asks the customer for an order. trong đó nhân viên bán hàng đề nghị khách
hàng đặt hàng.
Follow-up. Theo dõi sau bán. Bước bán hàng trong đó
The sales step in which a salesperson nhân viên bán hàng thực hiện các hoạt động
follows up after the sale to ensure customer sau bán để đảm bảo khách hàng hài lòng và
satisfaction and repeat business. mua lặp lại.

Ex 10.13 Read the following sentences and decide whether these sentences are True or
1. If the company sells many products to many types of customers, it might
need a territorial sales force structure.
2. Sales force management includes designing sales force strategy and
structure and recruiting, selecting, training, compensating, supervising, and
evaluating the firm’s salespeople
3. Pre-approach involves finding and qualifying potential buyers or clients.
4. Salespeople can probe customers to learn more about their problems and
then adjust the marketing offer and presentation to fit the special needs of
each customer.
5. Given its role in linking the company with its customers, the salesforce must
be strongly customer-solutions focused.
6. It's important to have all the information, such as product descriptions,
prices, payment options, competitor rates and dates for specific sales after
7. After you complete your presentation, your prospect might have some
questions, concerns or objections.
8. The presentation might involve a tour, product demonstration, video

presentation or other visual or hands-on experience
9. The idea of prospecting is to get the potential buyer or client to interact with
10. Before planning a sale, the company only needs to identify the end-users
who might be interested in its product or service.
Ex 10.14 Complete the sentences using the words from the box.
call prospect trust prospecting buying process background
lead presentation needs warm-up offer researching
impression cross selling benefits interact Follow-up
demonstration expectations closing objections convinced
Before planning a sale, do your research to identify the people or companies who might be
interested in your product or service. This step is called (1) ……………, and it’s the
foundational step for the rest of the sales process. A (2) …………… is a potential buyer.
A (3) …………… is a lead that is qualified or determined to be ready, willing and able to
buy. The prospecting and qualifying step relates to the needs awareness step in the (4)
Before making a sales (5) ……………, email or visit, it is important to do your homework
by (6) …………… your customer and planning what you are going to say. A good
salesperson researches a prospect, familiarizing with the customer’s needs and learning all
the relevant (7) …………… information about the individual or business.
This is where you make a first (8) ……………. You do this by introducing yourself,
explaining the purpose of your call or visit, and establishing a rapport with your prospect.
First impressions are crucial to building the customer’s (9) ……………. You work to
establish a rapport with the customer first. This usually involves introductions, making small
talk, asking (10) …………… questions, and generally explaining who you are and whom
you represent.
By the time you are ready to present you will understand your customer’s (11) ……………
well enough to be sure you are offering a solution the customer could use. The (12)
…………… should be tailored to the customer, explaining how the product meets that
person or company’s needs. Now is the time to focus on the (13) …………… of your
product or service. This might involve a product (14) ……………, videos, PowerPoint
presentations, or letting the customer look at or (15) …………… with the product.
At this point, the customer is using the information being shared as part of a suite of possible
solutions. They might be researching your (16) …………… compared to others. It is during
this part of the sale where you can use upselling and (17) …………… to engage the
customer further.
After you’ve made your sales presentation, it’s natural for your customer to have some
hesitations or concerns, known as (18) ……………. Good salespeople look at objections as

opportunities to further understand and respond to customers’ needs.
The important – and sometimes challenging – part of the sale is (19) …………… it! This is
where you actually have to ask if the potential customer is willing to make the purchase. If
your customer has been (20) …………… your product or service will meet their needs, you
close the sale by agreeing on the terms of the sale and finishing up the transaction.
So you’ve made the sale. While it might seem like you’ve accomplished your goal, the
customer journey continues. (21) …………… is an important part of assuring customer
satisfaction, retaining customers and prospecting for new customers. This might mean
sending a thank you note, calling the customer to make sure the product was received in
satisfactory condition, or checking in to make sure a service has met the customer’s (22)

Act 1.6 Look at the exhibit below then answer the question.

Based on the information from the exhibit, please write down the main ideas in an essay-
format paragraphs (do not use bullet points)

10.6. Public Relations

Key terms Public relations, publication, events, news, community involvement, identity
media, lobby.

Reading VII Brand activation at TIFF

Usually the red carpet at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) is reserved
for the movie stars, but TIFF executives rolled out an impressive recruitment drive for
sponsors. TIFF is held in September and it is the largest film festival in the world after the
famous Cannes festival held in May each year. TIFF is a non-profit organization and it
doubled its sponsorship revenue the past five years and hit $13 million with a concerted
effort to attract lucrative brands for which TIFF could fulfill sponsorship requirements.
Despite the drive for more sponsors, satisfied brands have returned, such as Visa for 18
years RBC for eight years Moët & Chandon for eight years, L'Oréal for four ye McDonald's
for four years (as the official coffee!), and brands like Bell, Hugo Boss, and Jackson-Triggs
for an undisclosed number of year. The recent trend is toward innovative on-site brand
activation strategies by these brands.
L'Oréal's beauty team prepped the celebrities, offered tips to fans on social media,
and put together a video montage featuring people using their new product line. L'Oréal
also set up a location where consumers could use the brand's virtual reality app to test out
different make-up looks they could apply on themselves. L'Oréal claimed its sales grow
noticeably after a TIFF sponsorship. Visa established the Visa Screening Room at the Elgin
Theatre where fans who asked question to stars on Twitter could hear the replies om the
stars. The theatre featured the Infinite and Infinite Privilege private lounges for cardholders.
It also enabled fans to have their photo taken, to be shown later on the giant on-location
screen and shared by fans on social media. Finally, Visa opened a story-telling game in its
Infinite Story Booth where fans could contribute after the initial premise was begun by
actor Morgan Freeman. Visa expected that consumers would find the experiences unique
and hoped the activities would contribute to greater acceptance of its new Infinite line of
credit cards (Kotler, Principles of marketing).
Discussion questions:
1. Why are Tiff sponsors interested in brand activation at this cultural event?
2. Summarize some of the main ways brands use to promote their brand in the reading.
Reading VIII Traditional view of PR
Public relations is the management function that evaluates public attitudes,
identifies the policies and procedures of an organization with the public interest, and
executes a program of action and communication to earn public understanding and
acceptance. 1 In this definition, public relations requires a series of stages: the
determination and evaluation of public attitudes, the identification of policies and
procedures of an organization with a public interest, and the development and execution of
a marketing communication program designed to achieve public understanding and
acceptance. An effective public relations program continues over months or even years as it
builds public trust between citizens and the organization.
This definition reveals that public relations involves marketing communication
activities beyond advertising and promotion that are designed to influence consumers to
buy a product. The PR program may also involve promotional program elements previously
discussed but use them in a different way. For example, a press release may announce a
new product launch or an organizational change, a special event may be organized to create
goodwill in the community, and advertising may be used to state the firm's position on an
issue. In addition, the management aspect means that public relations is not limited to
business management but extends to other types of organizations, including government
and non-profit institutions.
While the tools of public relations have changed significantly over the past two
decades with digital media, practitioners believe the fundamental purpose remains
consistent over time with the PR function being required to align corporate communications
with the organization's goals. However, the digital media clutter and demand for timely
messages puts pressure on PR professionals to deliver top-notch writing with visual
storytelling. One avenue where this is especially important is the social media image and
presence of the corporate leaders as their personal brand becomes the face of the corporate
brand. The changes contribute to the significance of marketing and PR working in tandem
(Kotler, Principles of marketing).
Discussion questions:
1. How has Public Relations changed over time?
2. In your opinion, what brings the most significant change to PR?

Public relations. Building good relations Quan hệ công chúng. Quan hệ công chúng
with the company’svarious publics by là việc xây dựng mối quan hệ tốt đẹp với các
obtaining favorable publicity, building up a nhóm công chúng khác nhau của doanh
good corporateimage, and handling or nghiệp bằng cách dành được sự hiểu biết
heading off unfavorable rumors, stories, and thiện chí của cộng đồng, xây dựng hình ảnh
events. tích cực cho doanh nghiệp, xử lý và dẫn dắt
các tin đồn, câu chuyện hay sự kiện bất lợi
cho doanh nghiệp.
Publication. Published materials to reach Ấn phẩm. Ấn phẩm là các tài liệu đã xuất
and influence target markets, including bản để tiếp cận và tác động đến thị trường
annual reports, brochures, articles, printed mục tiêu, bao gồm báo cáo hàng năm, tài
and on-line newsletters and magazines, and liệu quảng cáo, bài báo, tạp chí và bản tin in
audiovisual materials. và trực tuyến, và tài liệu nghe nhìn.
Events. A public relations tool that draws Sự kiện. Các công ty có thể thu hút sự chú ý
the attention of target audience by hosting đến các sản phẩm mới hoặc các hoạt động
special gatherings/activities like press khác của công ty bằng cách tổ chức các sự
conference, customer appreciation events, kiện đặc biệt như họp báo, trò chuyện trực
seminars, etc. tuyến, hội thảo, triển lãm, cuộc thi và cuộc
thi cũng như tài trợ thể thao và văn hóa sẽ
tiếp cận công chúng mục tiêu.
News. A public relations tool that utilizes Tin tức. Các thông tin tốt, có lợi cho công

news articles writing on the company or its ty, cho nhân viên và các sản phẩm của công
products in a favorable way. ty, các thông tin này được nhắc tới hàng
ngày một cách tự nguyện trên các bản tin.
Community involvement. Community Quan hệ cộng đồng. Các hoạt động quan hệ
involvement is meaningful, consistent cộng đồng là sự tham gia có ý nghĩa và nhất
participation in activities that support and quán vào các hoạt động hỗ trợ và cải thiện
improve upon social wellbeing. phúc lợi xã hội.

Identity media. Distinctive visual identity Phương tiện nhận dạng. Các vật phẩm có
of a company, especially used in other liên quan tới công ty như business card,
public relations tools like events or phong bì, văn phòng phẩm, danh thiếp, qui
community involvement. định về đồng phục…thường được sử dụng
trong các hoạt động quan hệ công chúng
khác như sự kiện và quan hệ cộng đồng.
Lobby. Lobbying is a discipline within Vận động hành lang. Vận động hành lang
public relations where the general intention là một kĩ thuật PR rất quan trọng với mục
of the activity is to inform and influence tiêu là gây ảnh hưởng đến sự ban hành các
public policy and law. đạo luật và quyết định của Chính phủ theo
những mức độ khác nhau.
Sponsorship. A company spends money to Tài trợ: Doanh nghiệp bỏ tiền để ủng hộ
support an issue, cause, or event that is một vấn đề, hoạt động xã hội hay sự kiện.
consistent with corporate objectives, such as
improving brand awareness or enhancing
corporate image.

Ex 10.15 Read the following statements and decide whether they are True or False.
Print or emailed newsletters are not a good way to promote a business,
communicate with customers and keep them informed of new products and
Public relations is used to promote products, people, places, ideas, activities,
organizations, and even nations.
Events are opportunities for business people to gain exposure for their businesses,
promote new products or services and make sure accurate information reaches
targeted customers.
Building good relationships with members of the community where you do
business helps build customer loyalty.

Sponsorship is building and maintaining relations with legislators and government
officials to influence legislation and regulation.
Public Relations is a deliberate, planned, and sustained effort to establish and
maintain mutual understanding between an organization and its publics.
The house journals, annual reports, brochures, catalogs, booklets, leaflets, annual
reports, direct mail, etc. comprise publications.
Events are are entertaining but should not be informative
Public relations is an ongoing process requiring formalized policies and
procedures for dealing with problems and taking advantage of opportunities.
When doing community activities, employees should not use identity media
because they should not be recognized by the publics.
Lobbyists work closely with government agencies.
Public relations is not a promotion tool, it should stand alone since it is not used to
promote any product or service.
Company can arrange activities to support and improve upon social wellbeing but
can not influence the public policy and law formation or changes.
One of PR department’s jobs is to handle the disadvantegous rumors or
troublesome stories about the company.
Events’s main puposes are to provide a great place to meet up with and get contact
of potential business partners instead of marketing a product or service.

Ex 10.16 Choose the best answer.
 product publicity
 development
 public affairs
 media vehicle selection
 Public relations departments
are typically small divisions
within corporations.
 The time and costs associated
with public relations can be
 Public relations specialists lack
the skills necessary to work with
marketing experts.
 Many public relations
professionals see their jobs as
simply communicating, not
necessarily brand building
 direct marketing
 social marketing
 public service activities
 corporate identity materials
 public service activities
 special events
 social networking
 development
 social networking
 public service ads
 endorsements
 product publicity
 Advertising agencies
 Advertising specialists
 Public relations professionals

English term Thuật ngữ tiếng English term Thuật ngữ tiếng
Việt Việt
Above the line ATL Cash refund Hoàn tiền mặt
Below the line BTL Premiums Quà tặng
Through the line TTL Point of purchase Xúc tiến bán tại
promotion điểm mua hàng
Informative Quảng cáo thông Contest Cuộc thi
advertising tin
Persuastive Quảng cáo thuyết Direct marketing Marketing trực tiếp
advertising phục
Reminder advertising Quảng cáo nhắc Customer database Cơ sở dữ liệu khách
nhở hàng
Identified sponsor Nhà tài trợ chính Direct mail Marketing qua thư
thức marketing trực tiếp
Advertising message Thông điệp quảng Telephone Marketing qua điện
cáo marketing/ thoại
Message strategy Chiến lược thông Direct response Marketing truyền
điệp television marketing hình phản hồi trực
Message execution Triển khai thông Kiosk marketing Kiosk marketing
Advertising appeals Phương thức thu Mobile phone Marketing qua điện
hút marketing thoại di động
Slice of life Quảng cáo qua lát Online marketing Marketing trực tuyến
cắt cuộc sống
Lifestyle Quảng cáo qua lối Personal selling Bán hàng cá nhân
Fantasy Tưởng tượng Salesperson Nhân viên kinh
Mood or image Tâm trạng hoặc Salesforce Quản trị lực lượng
hình ảnh management bán hàng
Musical advertising Quảng cáo âm nhạc Territorial sales Cấu trúc lực lượng
force structure bán theo lãnh thổ

Scientific evidence Quảng cáo qua Prospect and Xác định khách hàng
bằng chứng khoa qualifying tiềm năng
Testimonial evidence Quảng cáo qua Pre-approach Tiền tiếp cận
bằng chứng chứng
Reach Lượt tiếp cận Approach Tiếp cận

Frequency Tần suất tiếp cận Presentation and Giới thiệu và trình
demonstration bày
Impact Tác động Handling objections Xử lý các phản đối

Outdoor advertising Quảng cáo ngoài Closing Chốt giao dịch/ chốt
trời đơn
Consumer promotion Xúc tiến bán tới Follow-up Theo dõi sau bán
người tiêu dùng
Trade promotion Xúc tiến bán Public relations Quan hệ công chúng
thương mại
Samples Mẫu hàng dùng thử Publication Ấn phẩm
Coupons Phiếu giảm giá Events Sự kiện
Product sales force Cấu trúc lực lượng News Tin tức
structure bán hàng theo sản
Customer sales force Cấu trúc lực lượng Community Quan hệ cộng đồng
structure bán hàng theo involvement
khách hàng
Complex sales force Cấu trúc lực lượng Identity media Phương tiện nhận
structure bán hàng tổng hợp dạng
Selling process Quy trình bán hàng Lobby Vận động hành lang
Price Giá cả Market skimming Định giá hớt váng
Competition-based Định giá theo đối Market penetration Định giá thâm nhập
pricing thủ pricing thị trường
Cost-based pricing Định giá dựa vào Product line Định giá cho dòng
chi phí pricing sản phẩm
Value-based pricing Định giá dựa vào Optional product Định giá cho sản

giá trị pricing phẩm phụ
Fixed cost Chi phí cố định Captive product Định giá cho sản
pricing phẩm bắt buộc
Variable cost Chi phí biến đổi By product pricing Định giá cho sản
phẩm phụ của quá
trình sản xuất
Total costs Tổng chi phí Discounted pricing Định giá giảm giá
Psychological pricing Định giá tâm lý Allowance Trợ giá
Break-even pricing Định giá điểm hòa Segmented pricing Định giá phân biệt
Target costing Định giá theo chi Psychological Đơn vị mẫu
phí mục tiêu pricing

Revision units
1 Complete the texts about Customer-centric marketing using words from the box
multichannel customer loyalty direct mail relationship
intrusive marketing long-term customers market share
word-of-mouth referrals customer experience

Most retailers cling to product-focused and promotion-centric models. However, there

is increased consumer resistance to (1) ____________, such as unsolicited emails and
(2) __________.
In response, some retailers are beginning to pay more attention to the (3)
___________ and have adjusted their marketing practices so that they are delivering
fewer, more relevant messages that reflect the (4) ___________ they have with the
customer, e.g. retail stores, website or catalogs.
Switching to a customer-centric marketing approach helps to increase (5)
____________ and as a result, customers will buy more from you over a longer period
of time. Research by Bain and Harvard Business School shows that the longer a
customer stays with you, the greater the annual profit generated from the customer.
These increased profits come from a combination of increased purchases, cost savings
in marketing, and (6) ___________.
The majority of multichannel retailers do not design their marketing programs
around acquiring new customers that have the best potential to become (7) __________
and rewarding existing high-value, loyal customers with special treatment in order to
retain them. Instead, they wrongly focus on (8) ____________ as the key measure of

2 Based on the paragraph above, discuss the following questions with a partner

1. Do you think being more customer-centric leads to greater business success? Why or
Why not?
2. Which of the following do you think make a business more customer-centric? Are
there any drawbacks to any of these?
3. Which of the following do you think make a business more customer-centric? Are
there any drawbacks to any of these?
 Emailing customers with personalized special offers
 Using marketing intelligence to figure out the best time to phone customers
Sending customers a discount voucher or gift as a gesture of goodwill when resolving a

3 Match each word on the left with an appropriate word on the right to make a
collocation from the dialogue:
1. eyecatching a. an issue to something
2. to devote b. channels
3. good c. exposure
4. to make d. images
5. print e. media
6. repeat f. opportunity
7. traditional g. sense

4 Use the correct form of the collocations above to complete the sentences
1. Our area newspaper often _________________ to presenting local businesses, and
many of the shop owners see this as a ________________ to advertise.
2. ________________ is essential for getting your message across to the customers.
If they only see your advertisement once, they won’t remember it.
3. We operate on a very tight budget, so for us it doesn’t _______________ to
advertise on _____________ such as radio or television. We focus on online
marketing instead.
4. What I like most about our new ad campaign are the ______________. No one
could forget that picture of the penguin and the dog!
5. One of the disadvantages of advertisements in ________________ is sometimes
your ad gets “lost”, for example when there are several of them on the same page.

5 Fill each gap in the sentences with a word or phrase from the box

consumers emotional appeals image promotes

publicity rational appeal targets unique selling proposition

1. A set of characteristics that make a product different from its competitors is its
2. Any activity which increases consumer awareness of a company or its products is
3. Promotional techniques based on giving the consumer facts and technical
information are concerned with ____________.
4. Promotional techniques aimed at people’s fears, ambitions, feelings, likes and
dislikes are concerned with _____________.
5. Advertising ____________ consumers and ____________ products.
6. Companies use websites and e-commerce strategies to appeal to new consumers and
to promote state-of-the-art _____________.
7. Mass media promotion aims to influence public perception, not only target
6 Choose the correct alternative for each sentence. In one case, both/all the
alternatives are possible.
1. direct mailing/mail order/postal advertising
Sending product or service information by post to specific individuals or companies is
called ______________.
2. personal selling/direct selling
A selling techniques based on making a personal call to an individual or company is
called ____________.
3. an in-store promotion/ a special offer
A promotion based on advertising in the actual shop is _____________.
4. point-of-sale advertising/ on-pack promotion
A promotion method that involves the packaging of a product, such as including a free
sample or coupons, is called ____________.
5. sponsorship/perimeter advertising
Advertising around the playing area at sports grounds is called ____________.
6. bargain selling/ BOGOF
A promotion method for fast moving consumer goods which involves buying one and
getting one free is called ____________.
7. online advertising/ advertising on the web/ Internet advertising
Promoting your activities or your company and its products or services on the Internet
is called _____________.
8. Cold calling/door-to-door selling
Telephoning direct to homes or businesses to try to interest people in your products or
services is called ____________.

Reference list

1. Cate Farrall, “Professional English in use - Marketing”, Cambridge University Press,
2. HNC/HND, Marketing, Supporting foundation degree, BPP Professional Education,
3. Lamb, Charles W., Joseph F. Hair, and Carl D. McDaniel, Principles of marketing,
4. M. Pride William, Marketing concept and strategies, USA: Houghton Mifflin
Company, 2000
5. Naresh K. Malhotra David F. Birks (2007) Marketing Research An Applied Approach,
pp. 724
6. Nina O’Driscoll, “Market leader – Marketing”, Pearson Education Limited, 2010
7. Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong, "Principles of Marketing", 17th edition, Pearson
Education, 2017
8. Philip Kotler, Gary Amstrong (2018), Principles of Marketing, Pearson., pp 122-140
9. Simon Sweeney, “Test your Professional English – Marketing”, Pearson Education
Limited, 2002.
10. Sylee Gore, “English for marketing and advertising”, Oxford


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