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Active and passive What is it?

voice The active voice refers to when in a sentence we place
emphasis on the subject who is performing an action.

Active Characteristic: Example:

The verb is conjugated in such a way that the
subject performs, executes or controls the Mary studies law.
action of the verb

Differences Active/ passive Verb change in tenses

In the active voice, the subject of a sentence is the act. Tiempo verbal/ Voz activa/ Voz pasiva/ Oración en activa/ Equivalente en pasiva
Simple present: keep/ is kept/ I keep the butter in the fridge./ The butter is kept in the fridge.
For example: "Neil Armstrong walked on the moon.
Simple past: kept/ was kept/ Mary kept her schedule meticulously./ Mary's schedule was kept meticulously.
The passive voice acts on the subject. Something like: "The Past continuous: was keeping/ was being kept/ The theater was keeping a seat for you./
moon was walked on by Neil Armstrong." A seat was being kept for you.

Characteristic: Example:
In the passive voice, the subject receives the action of the
verb. "The chestnuts were prepared
by Sofia."
It is used to show interest in the person or thing that is the
object of an action, rather than the person or thing that Passive
performs the action.

What is it?:
It is one that is used to show interest in the person or thing that is the
object of an action, instead of the person or thing that performs said
action. In other words, the most important person or thing becomes the Olliver Romero. 31.026.609
subject of the sentence. Miguelangel Colina. 28.152.721

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