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VLSI Design & Fabrication

Important Questions with Answers

Q1. Define Moore's law.

Ans: Moore’s law states that number of transistors in an IC will double in every 18 months.

Q2. What is the difference between 'VLSI Design' and 'Chip Fabrication'?

Ans: In VLSI design process, an analog or digital logic is implemented using a CAD tool such as
Xilinx Vivado, PSPICE, etc, whereas in a fabrication process, the devices are created on the chip
in a fab lab.

Q3. Name different Design Entry styles used in designing of VLSI circuits.

Ans: HDL Programming, Schematic Design, Layout Design

Q4. What is the difference between simulation and synthesis?

Ans: Simulation is the process of applying test vectors (stimulus) to the input pins of a design and
observing/recording the response on the output pins to verify the functionality of the design under
test. Synthesis on the other hand, is the process of converting your code (program) into a circuit.

Q5. Name various hardware description languages.

Ans: VHDL, Verilog

Q6. Name one verification language used in VLSI.

Ans: System Verilog

Q7. Verilog is case sensitive language (True or false).

Ans: True

Q8. In which year, Verilog is adopted as official IEEE standard.

Ans: 1995
Q9. What are the various steps in a VLSI Design flow?

Q10. Differentiate between ASIC and FPGA.


Q11. Name various Programmable Logic devices (PLDs).

Ans: PROM (Programmable ROM), PLA (Programmable Logic Array), PAL (Programmable Array Logic),
SPLD (Simple PLD), CPLD (Complex PLD), FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array)

Q12. Name various steps of VLSI fabrication process.

Q13. Name various types of MOSFETs.

Ans: N-MOSFET (N-channel MOSFET), P-MOSFET (P-channel MOSFET), C-MOSFET (Complementary


Q14. What is the advantage of CMOS over other MOSFET technologies?

Ans: The main advantage of CMOS is that static power dissipation/consumption is very low.

Q15. Name some of the CAD tools used for VLSI design.

Ans: Xilinx Vivado Design suite, Intel Quartus Prime (formerly known as Altera Quartus), PSPICE,
Cadence Virtuoso.

Q16. Draw the Voltage transfer characteristics of CMOS Inverter.

Q17. What is the difference between VHDL and Verilog?


Q18. What is the difference between ASIC, FPGA and DSP?

Q19. What are the performance parameters in VLSI design?

Ans: Processing speed, Power consumption, Area

Q20. Explain the different types of ports used in Verilog.

Ans: There are three different types of ports used in Verilog:

1. Output port (output): With the output port, the module can only direct values from output
2. Bidirectional port (inout): With the help of inout ports, the module can both send and receive
data from outside.
3. Input port (input): With the input port, the module accepts data from outside from input ports.

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