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2307 Lebanon Road Nashville, TN 37214 Non-Profit Org US Postal Paid Nashville, TN Permit 2464

Lebanon Road

Church of Christ
2307 Lebanon Road; Nashville, TN, 37214 * (615) 883-6918

Current Resident or

Volume 59, No.41

October 09, 2011 Elders

Joe Adams 773-2331 Johny Baker 758-7654 Ralph Brewer 871-4849 Wayne Davidson 758-2705 Earl Flynn 889-1659 Steve Ledbetter 889-8614 Jim Schroeder 754-8990 Cliff Wilson 889-6477

As we were singing the invitation song on Sunday night, two precious souls responded to the Lord, asking Him for forgiveness and asking us to pray with and for them. Miranda Taylor responded, stating that she just needed to do better in her walk with the Lord. She knows that she needs to be more regular in her attendance and dedication. The Lord is so good to us, and we know that, with His help, Miranda will be stronger. Also, Jim Sawyers came to the front of the auditorium, and tearfully stated that he was rededicating his life to the Lord and to His work. This is a decision for which many have prayed for some time, and which Jim has been considering for some time, as well. We rejoice with these two who publically stated not only their struggles, but also their need for strength and encouragement. One of our elders, Steve Ledbetter, led us in prayer in behalf of these two wonderful individuals. It was also a joy to see so many come up and give hugs and words of encouragement following our worship to-

Adam Faughn
gether. Further, it was a great encouragement to see someone come and sit with each of these as they waited for the invitation song to end. What a source of encouragement! Above all, it is great to know that God forgives and that He cares about us. What a glorious God we serve! Why not tell someone about Him, even this week? It has been some time since we have had a Question and Answer night, but we will have one tonight, which will be our final one for some time. The boxes for questions have been removed from the lobby. The reason for the change is simply that we were not getting as many questions, so we decided to stop this, but only for a time. Hopefully, in the future, we will again have Q&A nights, but we do not want to have something like this just because we always have. Tonight, we will discuss the final two questions (that followed the guidelines). One deals with the concept of two Israels, while the other deals with Christs carrying of the cross.

Worship With Us Sunday: Worship 9 AM & 6 PM * Bible Classes 10:20 AM Wednesday: Bible Classes 7 PM

College Students

We have printed out a list of our college students and their addresses. We encourage you to pick up a copy and occasionally send them an encouraging word. Its a great time to send a little note. Most students are heading into mid term exams and would really appreciate our thoughts and prayers.

Pulpit Minister
Adam Faughn 973-4483

Outreach Minister
Harry Middleton 292-3164

Sunday Sermon Preview

AM: What is the Point? (2 Corinthians 9:1-7) PM: Q&A Night

Youth Minister
JD Buckner (731) 336-4768

Sick List
Gail Crews, sister of Gail Simpson, is recovering at home. Tom Steen is at West Meade Place in rehab. Hilda Thomas is at McKendree, room 261. No Visitors Please.

Worship Leaders
Sunday Morning (Contact: Bill 847-1113) Opening Prayer: Joel Greene Read Scripture: Billy Hutchens Closing Prayer: Johny Baker Sermon: Adam Faughn Song Leader: John Smith Serving Lords Supper: (Contact: David 754-7085) Gavin Hammers 1 Joe Steelman 2 Sammie Windsor 3 Jack Vannatta 4 Fred Williams 5 Paul Tramel 6 Bruce Reid 7 Paul Woods 8 Sunday Evening (Contact: Tony 885-6391) Opening Prayer Wes Carnahan Closing Prayer: Nelson Cluck Read Scripture: Richard Roberson Sermon: Adam Faughn Song Leader: Lynn Wright Serving Lords Supper (Room) Jim Schroeder 1 Bill Myers 2 Wednesday, October 12th (Contact: Tim 885-2009) Read Scripture: Parker Mullican Opening Prayer: Tim Roberts Speaker: JD Buckner Song Leader: Richard Roberson Announcements: Harry Middleton - Earl Flynn Nursery Attendant: Debbie & Madelyn Hill

by Harry Middleton
Once there was a politician who did the best job he could. But being human, he made mistakes and was criticized. Reporters repeated his errors in the newspaper. Well, he became so upset that he drove out into the country to visit his dear friend, a farmer. What am I going to do? the politician cried. Ive tried so hard. Nobody has tried harder than I have to do more good for more people, and look how they criticize me! But the old farmer could hardly hear the complaint of his persecuted politician friend because his hound dog was barking up a storm at the full moon. The farmer rebuked his dog, but the dog kept barking. Finally the farmer said to the politician. Do you want to know how you should handle your unfair critics? Heres how. Listen to that dog; now, look up at the moon. And remember that people will keep yelling at you --- theyll nip at your heels, and theyll criticize you. But heres the lesson: The dog keeps howling, but the moon keeps shining! This is good advise regardless of what profession or position you may find yourself!!

JDs Jargon
Hello everyone, It is hard not to be happy about the very pleasant weather we have had this week. The days have been so cool and beautiful. I love days like these! October is a very good month for the youth group. We have many great activities for our students to be a part of. I want to remind our youth about the devotional this Sunday evening after services. We will be enjoying a meal hosted by the Campbell and Adams families as well as a devo. Next Sunday, October 16, will be a Heartland service at 4 PM. I need some young men to help me lead prayers and serve the Lord's supper. I also need several young ladies to lend their beautiful voices in worship as we sing. Please come to the Heartland service! October 28 to 29 will be our annual costume party and lockin. We will meet at the building at 8 PM on Friday and go home at 6 AM on Saturday. EVERYONE must wear a costume as it is essential for a costume party! We will also have a special activity involving our costumes which I am sure everyone will enjoy. There is a sign up sheet by the teen room if you plan to attend the party. Our Young Men's Service is Sunday evening, October 30. I also want to meet with our young ladies about teaching the children's classes for that evening. Please encourage our young people to participate in worship! There is also a sign up sheet by the teen room for our Fall Retreat. This annual event is November 4-6 and this year is full of surprises you will love! Parents and students, please join us for the weekend! Thank you very much! --JD :)

We express our sympathy to the family of Evelyn Mosier. Her funeral was Tuesday at Woodlawn.

Thank You

Lebanon Road Family, Thank you for all of the expressions of sympathy following the death of my granddaughter, Chris Adams. Sam Bradley To my Christian family, Thank you for all the get well wishes, cards and prayers. I am getting along very well without the cane or walker! The Lord has been good to me. Thank you all so much. Ester Lawson

Ladies Bible Class

Tuesday, October 11th 10:00AM

Ladies Retreat
October 21-23 A Worthy Walk Sign up by October 5th if you plan to attend. Ladies are in the foyer with additional information.

Mark Your Calendar...

Tonight: Visitation team #2 and letter writers will meet tonight. October 21-23: Ladies Retreat October 26: Time Saver Supper October 28: Youth Lock-in October 30: Trunk or Treat November 4-6: Youth Retreat November 11-13: Family Retreat November 18: Harvest Banquet

Van for Sale

The elders have decided to sell the 15 passenger van that we currently own and replace it with a newer van. If you know of anyone wanting to purchase it with 65,000 miles, for $12,000.00 please see Paul Woods or one of the elders.

The Record
Wednesday Night 09/28: Sunday Morning Worship Sunday Evening Worship: Sunday Bible Study: Contribution:
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223 275 243 221 $11,761.50

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