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1. Tres actividades que realizas durante el año/ three activities you do during the year
 In August celebrate my birthday
 In september commemorate the day of the dependence of mexico
 In december celebrate my nephew birthday

2. Suceso o actividad general que realizas o que sucede duante cada una de las estaciones
del año.
 In spring my family has picnics
 In autumn the leaves of the trees fall
 In winter christmas is celebrate and the family gets tofether
 In summer it is very hot

3. Horario general incluyendo 8 actividades

 I get up at six thirty and make my bed and i dress my self
 At eight i start cleaning my house
 At ten fifteen breakfast
 At twelve o´clock i pick up my nephew
 At one o´clock lunch
 At five fifteen i go to the gym
 At seven thirty i return to my house
 At eight i do my school homework

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