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Ecological Engineering 100 (2017) 157–164

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Removal of pharmaceuticals by a pilot aerated sub-surface flow

constructed wetland treating municipal and hospital wastewater
Hannele Auvinen a,b,∗ , Iva Havran b , Laurens Hubau a , Lize Vanseveren a ,
Wilhelm Gebhardt c , Volker Linnemann c , Dion Van Oirschot d , Gijs Du Laing b ,
Diederik P.L. Rousseau a
Laboratory of Industrial Water and Ecotechnology, Ghent University Campus Kortrijk, Graaf Karel De Goedelaan 5, Kortrijk 8500, Belgium
Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry and Applied Ecochemistry, Ghent University, Coupure Links 653, Ghent 9000, Belgium
The Institute of Environmental Engineering, RWTH Aachen University, Mies-van-der-Rohe-Str. 1, 52074 Aachen, Germany
Rietland BVBA, Van Aerselaerstraat 70, Minderhout 2322, Belgium

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Constructed wetlands are often used as decentralized wastewater treatment and as treatment systems
Received 24 October 2016 for small communities. The effluent is usually discharged in small water courses in which the aquatic
Received in revised form ecosystem can be put at risk by pharmaceutical residues present in the effluent. This study describes
20 December 2016
the performance of a pilot-scale aerated subsurface-flow constructed wetland treating municipal and
Accepted 20 December 2016
hospital wastewater. Especially the effect of active aeration on the removal of selected pharmaceuticals
is assessed. The removal of metformin and valsartan is significantly increased when continuous aer-
ation is applied (99 ± 1% vs. 68 ± 32% for metformin and 99 ± 1% vs. 17 ± 19% for valsartan), although
the micro-organisms can adapt to degrading metformin also in anoxic conditions. At the hospital site
Intensified wetland high concentrations of pharmaceuticals are measured in the influent. Atenolol and bisoprolol are effi-
Aeration ciently removed (>75% and >50%, respectively), although the effluent concentrations of these compounds
remain high (up to 0.5 ␮g/L). Only limited removal of carbamazepine, diclofenac, gabapentin and sul-
famethoxazole is achieved. Intermittent aeration (50%) provides equally efficient removal of the selected
pharmaceuticals as continuous aeration.
© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction et al., 2015, 2014) detected quite a number of pharmaceuticals in

Flemish surface waters and wastewater effluents.
Several studies have shown that effluent from urban wastew- Pharmaceuticals are partly metabolized but not completely
ater treatment is an important source of organic micropollutants degraded by the human body and therefore, the unaltered par-
such as pharmaceutical residues in surface waters (Michael et al., ent compounds and their metabolites are excreted (Ternes et al.,
2013). In Flanders, some rivers were investigated for the occurrence 2004; Trautwein and Kümmerer, 2011). At the wastewater treat-
of selected pharmaceuticals by VMM (the Flemish Environment ment plant these compounds can undergo biological degradation
Agency) in the context of a European project FATE EUMORE. A third in which their molecular structure can be further transformed
(34%) of these samples contained a higher concentration of phar- but they are rarely completely mineralized (e.g. Constructed wet-
maceuticals than the warning level (mostly 100 ng/L) (European lands (CWs)), which are mainly used as decentralized wastewater
Commission, 2015; Loos et al., 2009). Recently, also (Vergeynst treatment and as treatment systems for small communities, can
contribute efficiently to decreasing pharmaceutical load to the
environment. The ecosystem of the small water courses where CWs
∗ Corresponding author at: Laboratory of Industrial Water and Ecotechnology, discharge (Rousseau et al., 2004) can easily be compromised if dilu-
Ghent University Campus Kortrijk, Graaf Karel De Goedelaan 5, Kortrijk 8500, tion in the receiving water is low. Therefore, it is important to study
Belgium. the performance and improve the CW technology towards more
E-mail addresses:, efficient pharmaceutical removal. (H. Auvinen),
Extensive investigations on the effects of different types
(W. Gebhardt), (V. Linnemann),
(D. Van Oirschot), (G. Du Laing), of wetland configurations, plants and treatment strategies on
(D.P.L. Rousseau). the behavior of different pharmaceuticals have already been
0925-8574/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
158 H. Auvinen et al. / Ecological Engineering 100 (2017) 157–164

T-shaped pipe connected to an elbow which discharged the effluent

at a level approximately 5 cm below the gravel surface. As a con-
sequence, the water flow direction was mainly vertical, although
the applied aeration was expected to cause mixing. Two perforated
PVC tubes were positioned in the middle parallel to each other to
allow the measurement of on-site parameters (temperature, pH,
dissolved oxygen) inside the wetland. Aeration of the wetland was
provided with a fish pond air pump (Secoh, JDK-20; design capacity
23 L/min) connected to a perforated aeration tube that was placed
on the bottom of the tank. At setting the flow rate and defining
the HRT, a nominal organic loading rate of 80 g O2 /d/m2 (BOD5 )
was used. The value was chosen based on earlier experiments on
actively aerated CWs (D. Van Oirschot, personal communication,
12.12.2014 and 5.8.2016). An online database was consulted for
the BOD5 data that has been measured earlier regularly at the site
(VMM, 2016).
In March 2015, the pilot CW was placed at the wastewater treat-
ment plant of Aalbeke (Kortrijk, Belgium) which treats combined
sewer municipal wastewater from a small community (design
capacity 450 IE). This treatment plant is the property of Aquafin
N.V. (, the company responsible for municipal
Fig. 1. A schematic representation of the pilot CW. wastewater treatment in Flanders. Wastewater for the pilot CW
was taken batch-wise (10 times per day) from the existing primary
settler by using an immersion pump (POW67915, PowerPlus). The
performed, for example, in Spain (Ávila et al., 2015, 2014a, 2013, operational parameters of the pilot CW can be found in Table 1.
2010; Matamoros et al., 2012; Matamoros and Bayona, 2006; After the measurement campaigns, the pilot CW was kept opera-
Reyes-Contreras et al., 2012; Hijosa-Valsero et al., 2016, 2011a, tional (regular feeding and continuous aeration) until the transfer
2010) and Germany (Ávila et al., 2014b; Carranza-Diaz et al., 2014). to the hospital site.
However, further research on different types of CWs is needed to In October 2015, the setup was transported to the Campus
gain insight into the factors affecting the degradation of pharma- Kennedylaan of the hospital AZ Groeninge (Kortrijk, Belgium). Raw
ceuticals. wastewater was taken directly from the hospital sewer (approx-
The aim of this study was to assess the performance of an aerated imately 300 L/d) by means of a macerator pump (DRK 10-1K,
pilot-scale sub-surface flow (SSF) CW treating municipal and hos- Duijvelaar Pompen) and delivered to a 1 m3 settling tank. The set-
pital wastewater. In the first part of the experiment, the pilot CW tling time was 7 h and the accumulated sludge was removed every
was fed with settled municipal wastewater of a small community. 2–3 days by manually opening a bottom valve. The settled sewage
The effects of active aeration on its pharmaceutical removal effi- was pumped to the pilot CW batch-wise (5 times per day) by using
ciency as well as the robustness of its performance during increased a peristaltic pump (530S, Watson-Marlow). The intake of the pump
hydraulic loading were studied. In the second part of the experi- was attached to a piece of Styrofoam to assure that only the super-
ment, the pilot CW was relocated to a hospital site and its treatment natant was pumped into the experimental wetland. The operational
performance was assessed during continuous and intermittent aer- parameters of the pilot CW can be found in Table 1.
ation. Hospital wastewater has typically a higher concentration In both locations, the aeration was controlled by a timer. In Aal-
of pharmaceutical residues than municipal wastewater. Separate beke, three measurement campaigns were conducted: In the first
treatment of this water would be advisable for several reasons: (AER-HRT1) and second campaign (AER-HRT0.5), the aeration was
firstly, to reduce the load of pharmaceuticals on the wastewater continuously on. The second campaign differed from the first one
treatment plant (WWTP), secondly, to avoid dilution of the wastew- by a lower HRT (0.5 d and 1 d, respectively). The third campaign
ater and thereby, decreased removal efficiency during treatment (N-AER), with no aeration, was started after an adaptation period
and finally, to prevent discharge of pharmaceutical residues to the of one week and an HRT of 1 d was utilized. It lasted for two weeks:
environment due to combined sewer overflows and sewer leakages. N-AER1 indicating the first week of the campaign and N-AER2 the
second. In AZ Groeninge, there were two measurement campaigns:
2. Materials and methods In the first one (AER100), the aeration was continuously on, and in
the second one (AER50), aeration time was reduced to 50%. The
2.1. Experimental setup and location sampling for AER50 was begun after 2 weeks of adaptation.

A transportable pilot-scale subsurface flow constructed wetland 2.2. Sampling

(Fig. 1) was built using a plastic container with an approximate
total volume of 1 m3 . The cubic tank was filled with an 80 cm layer In Aalbeke, influent and effluent samples were taken simulta-
of coarse Rhine gravel (8–16 mm, approximate porosity 40%; Kra- neously, but in AZ Groeninge, the effluent sample was taken 2 days
nendonk N.V.) and evenly planted with mature Phragmites australis (duration of the nominal HRT) after the influent sample, to be able to
plants obtained from laboratory-scale CWs treating WWTP efflu- take the changing composition of the influent into account. Approx-
ent. The plants were allowed to re-root and biofilm to develop for imately 80 mL of influent and effluent samples were collected
8 weeks before the sampling was started. During this adaptation during each feeding/discharge event to obtain a mixed sample from
period the wetland was fed with wastewater (hydraulic retention that day by using a peristaltic pump (Sci-Q323, Watson Marlow).
time (HRT) 1 d) and aerated continuously. The sampling was automated to occur from an overflow beaker
Influent was evenly distributed on the CW surface over the hori- at programmed time points. In Aalbeke, the samples were taken
zontal length of the tank on one side. On the opposite side, effluent every 2.5 h during 24 h (total of 10 feeding/discharge events per
was collected at the bottom of the tank in a perforated inversed day). In AZ Groeninge, there were 6 feeding/discharge events, the
H. Auvinen et al. / Ecological Engineering 100 (2017) 157–164 159

Table 1
Operational parameters during the measurement campaigns.

Measurement campaign Nominal HRT (d) Q (L/d) Aeration (on/off; h) Duration of the experiment (weeks)

Aalbeke – AER-HRT1 1 360 ± 18 24/0 1

municipal wastewater
AER-HRT0.5 0.5 680 ± 15 24/0 1
N-AER1 1 350 ± 17 0/24 1
N-AER2 1 310 ± 35 0/24 1

AZ Groeninge – AER100 2 200a 24/0 2

hospital wastewater
AER50 2 200 4/4 2
One measurement.

difference caused by a long settling time necessary (see 2.1). The used for concentration of the target analytes. The cartridges were
mixed sample was preserved in a cool box protected from sun light conditioned in a first step with 5 mL methanol and in a second step
until the next morning when the sample bottle was replaced. with 5 mL ultra-pure water. Before SPE concentration the samples
In general, the selection of sampling strategy is crucial for valid were filtered by means of 0.45 ␮m membrane filters. The extracted
results. Ávila et al. (2010) presented a strategy based on continuous analytes were desorbed from the SPE material by rinsing the car-
injection of known concentrations of target pharmaceuticals with tridges with three portions of 2 mL MeOH forced by gravity. The
which reliable results on the pharmaceutical removal efficiency cartridge eluates were evaporated to dryness using a gentle stream
could be achieved. In the current study, injection of pharmaceu- of nitrogen at 60 ◦ C in a Turbovap system (Biotage). The dry residues
ticals could not be applied because of the high concentration of were reconstituted in 1 mL methanol–water (1:1 v/v) and 10 ␮L
the target compounds in the influent water. In Aalbeke, the phar- were injected into the LC–MSMS system.
maceutical concentrations in the influent were more stable than LC-separations were carried out with a Hypersil Gold aQ column
in AZ Groeninge and the changes were merely gradual rather than (RP-C18 , 5 ␮m, spherical; 125 × 2.1 mm I.D.) from Thermo Fisher
sharp. For this reason, simultaneous sampling of influent and efflu- Scientific (Runcorn, UK) Gradient elution by means of (A) methanol
ent was chosen as the sampling strategy. In AZ Groeninge however, in combination with (B) Milli-Q-purified water was applied both
much larger daily variations in the concentration of the target com- containing 2 mM ammonium acetate and 0.1% acetic acid. The gra-
ponents were observed. Although the applied aeration is likely to dient was programmed as follows: Starting with 20% A/80% B the
cause mixing and thus some stabilization of the concentration fluc- concentration was increased linearly to 90% A/10% B within 12 min.
tuations, we believe that sampling based on the (nominal) HRT is Up to 22 min the composition was kept constant. The eluent com-
a representative choice in case the stability of the influent concen- position was back to the starting conditions after 23 min and kept
trations is uncertain. until the end of the analytical run (30 min). The overall flow rate
was 0.2 mL min−1 .
2.3. Analysis methods For Quantification the LC MSMS mass spectrometer was used
in selected reaction monitoring (SRM) mode (Thermo Fisher Sci-
2.3.1. Physico-chemical measurements entific LTQ Orbitrap). The collision energy was optimised on the
Temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen (DO) were monitored most abundant product-ion (Schröder et al., 2010; Gebhardt and
in the wetland on site. The measurements were done by using a Schröder 2007) (Table 2).
multimeter (HQ40d, Hach).
Chemical oxygen demand (COD) was measured spectropho- 2.4. Data analysis
tometrically (DR2800, Hach) using test kits according to the
manufacturer’s instructions (LC1500, Hach). The ammonium nitro- Statistical analyses were performed with the SPSS Statistics 22
gen content (Nessler method) was determined using standard software. First, the data on pharmaceutical removal efficiencies
methods (Greenberg et al. 1992). Nitrate concentration was mea- were examined for normal distribution by using the Shapiro-Wilk
sured in the Aalbeke samples by using an ion chromatograph (761, test and homogeneity of variances by using the Levene’s test. If both
Metrohm), and in the AZ Groeninge samples by using test kits assumptions were met, one-way ANOVA was performed together
according to manufacturer’s instructions (LCK340, Hach). with Tukey Post-Hoc test to define the significance of the differ-
ences. In case of normal data but non-homogeneous variances the
2.3.2. Pharmaceuticals Welch test together with Games-Howell Post-Hoc test was per-
A number of pharmaceuticals was selected for the study. In Aal- formed. Non-normal data sets were further analyzed by using a
beke, the selection of the pharmaceuticals was done on the basis of a non-parametric test (Mann-Whitney U Test) to define the signifi-
preliminary investigation of two grab samples taken on consecutive cance of the differences. The significance level was set at p = 0.05.
days. In AZ Groeninge, the pharmaceuticals were selected based on
water quality measurements by the Flemish Environment Agency 3. Results and discussion
in 2014 (VMM, 2016) and drug delivery data obtained from the
hospital pharmacy. In Aalbeke, the studied pharmaceuticals were 3.1. Common water quality parameters
carbamazepine (CBZ), diclofenac (DCF), metformin (MFM), sotalol
(STL), tramadol (TMD) and valsartan (VST). In AZ Groeninge, the Table 3 outlines the water quality parameters measured dur-
studied pharmaceuticals were atenolol (ATL), bisoprolol (BSP), car- ing the experimental period. In Aalbeke, the removal of COD
bamazepine, diclofenac, gabapentin (GBP) and sulfamethoxazole and ammonium nitrogen was efficient during the aerated mea-
(SMX). surement campaigns AER-HRT1 and AER-HRT0.5, but hampered
Directly after sampling, samples were filtered twice (1 ␮m due to oxygen limitation during N-AER. Nitrate concentrations of
and 0.45 ␮m; Whatman GL/B), and preserved frozen until analy- 14.8–25.1 mg N/L were measured in the effluents during AER-HRT1
sis. Commercially available solid phase extraction (SPE) cartridges and AER-HRT0.5 due to high DO and subsequent low denitrification
filled with Oasis HLB material from Waters (Milford, MA, USA) were efficiency. During the non-aerated campaign N-AER, nitrification
160 H. Auvinen et al. / Ecological Engineering 100 (2017) 157–164

Table 2
Mass to charge ratios of the target components.

Precursor ion (m/z) Product ion (m/z) Component

130.10 71.20 Metformin (MFM)

237.14 194.26 Carbamazepine (CBZ)
247.10 204.10 Carbamazepine-D10 Internal Standard
264.18 58.00 Tramadol (TRD)
273.17 133.20 Sotalol (STL)
296.10 214.18 Diclofenac (DCF)
300.00 217.10 Diclofenac-D4 Internal Standard
436.19 207.12 Valsartan (VST)
267.17 145.20 Atenolol (ATL)
326.23 116.10 Bisoprolol (BSP)
172.13 154.20 Gabapentin (GBP)
254.06 156.10 Sulfamethoxazole (SMX)

Table 3
Water quality parameters.

Aalbeke AZ Groeninge


In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out

Conventional water quality parameters

T* (◦ C) 15 ± 2 16 ± 2 17 ± 2 22 ± 2 12 ± 3 7±3
pH* 7.2 ± 0.2 7.0 ± 0.3 7.1 ± 0.5 7.5 ± 0.1 7.3 ± 0.1 7.2 ± 0.1
DO* (mg/L) 8.1 ± 1.6 8.3 ± 1.8 0.5 ± 0.2 0.3 ± 0.1 8.9 ± 0.3 8.7 ± 1.1
COD (mg/L) 168 ± 67 25.8 ± 4.5 222 ± 7 28.8 ± 4.5 223 ± 72 130 ± 36 933 ± 518 60.0 ± 18.8 667 ± 237 113 ± 57 168 ± 67 25.8 ± 4.5
NH4 + (mg N/L) 24.0 ± 9.4 0.0 ± 0.1 33.2 ± 2.3 5.6 ± 11.9 32.4 ± 11.7 33.7 ± 9.7 66.6 ± 10.9 2.1 ± 1.0 41.9 ± 9.2 1.8 ± 0.1 24.0 ± 9.4 0.0 ± 0.1
NO3 − (mg N/L) 0.2 ± 0.1 21.1 ± 4.5 0.2 ± 0.1 15.1 ± 9.1 0.2 ± 0.1 0.2 ± 0.1 4.3 ± 2.2 187 ± 50 2.3 ± 0.4 125 ± 1 0.2 ± 0.1 21.1 ± 4.5

Pharmaceuticals (ng/L)
ATL 8340 ± 4020 450 ± 380 6030 ± 7760 170 ± 130
BSP 2420 ± 1270 350 ± 110 1940 ± 960 520 ± 230
CBZ 320 ± 110 250 ± 150 270 ± 90 300 ± 90 340 ± 30 310 ± 30 1250 ± 150 960 ± 280 5200 ± 1160 4570 ± 690 1730 ± 720 2370 ± 1590
DCF 490 ± 360 260 ± 220 670 ± 220 550 ± 200 1210 ± 420 770 ± 400 2000 ± 400 1870 ± 340 5220 ± 1800 3340 ± 580 2380 ± 630 1420 ± 1030
GBP 2330 ± 1490 1190 ± 860 3660 ± 2420 1660 ± 860
MFM 910 ± 180 <LOD 1210 ± 600 <LOD 1280 ± 320 790 ± 190 3000 ± 250 210 ± 280
STL 540 ± 120 320 ± 180 880 ± 450 680 ± 290 1190 ± 430 860 ± 340 2600 ± 640 2080 ± 320
SMX 60 ± 80 30 ± 30 210 ± 390 50 ± 30
TMD 610 ± 260 600 ± 350 630 ± 220 740 ± 220 440 ± 240 410 ± 290 620 ± 150 740 ± 290
VST 2270 ± 1400 <LOD 2830 ± 980 <LOD 1550 ± 670 1040 ± 470 2700 ± 420 2590 ± 390
Measured inside the wetland LOD: limit of detection (10 ng/L) For pharmaceuticals: n(AER-HRT1, AERHRT0.5, N-AER1) = 4; n(N-AER2, AER100, AER50) = 5 For conventional
parameters: n(AER-HRT1, AER-HRT0.5, N-AER1, N-AER2) = 5; n(AER100, AER50) = 2.

efficiency decreased significantly (p < 0.05). Similar results were tor 5.4 higher for CBZ and factor 3.5 higher for DCF). The results
obtained in AZ Groeninge. COD removal efficiency was decreased on influent concentrations obtained here are in agreement with
there due to intermittent aeration (50%). However, in spite of the similar studies on treatment of municipal and hospital wastewater
reduction in COD removal, still good nitrification was achieved. This (van Nuijs et al., 2010; Vergeynst et al., 2015; Verlicchi et al., 2012).
could be explained by the altered aeration regime: The measured The concentrations of ATL, DCF and GBP are also in the same range
COD is partly particulate and its detachment of the wetland bed can as earlier measured by VMM in a screening study at AZ Groeninge
be influenced by aeration. It is also possible that the altered aera- (VMM, 2016) but the concentrations for CBZ obtained here were
tion regime affected the redox potential within the wetland bed higher than reported earlier (0.05–2.8 ␮g/L). There is no earlier
and therefore also the biotransformations of organic matter and monitoring data available for SMX and BSP.
ammonium. All in all, as nitrification-denitrification is assumed to
be the major pathway of total nitrogen removal in CWs (Saeed and
3.3. Removal efficiency of selected pharmaceuticals
Sun, 2012), its inhibition could be defined as a major bottle-neck of
the treatment efficiency. Nitrate removal is important in Flanders
In Aalbeke, the selected pharmaceuticals can be roughly cate-
because the whole territory is classified as a nitrate sensitive area
gorized in two groups based on their removal efficiency: one group
by the European Commission (European Commission, 1991).
was defined as readily degradable compounds (MFM, VST) which
obtained nearly complete removal; the second group was defined
3.2. Occurrence of pharmaceuticals in the wastewater as recalcitrant compounds (CBZ, DCF, STL, TMD) which had low
removal efficiencies (Figs. 2 and 3).
Table 3 shows the average pharmaceutical concentrations mea- The removal efficiencies of CBZ, DCF and STL were low (<50%)
sured in the settled influent. In Aalbeke, the average influent during the whole experiment and the removal efficiency of TMD
pharmaceutical concentrations varied from 0.27 ␮g/L for CBZ to was mostly negative. Also previously low (and even negative)
2.83 ␮g/L for VST. In AZ Groeninge, the lowest measured average removal efficiencies have been reported for TMD. Breitholtz et al.
concentration (0.60 ␮g/L) was for SMX and the highest (8.34 ␮g/L) (2012) studied the removal of pharmaceuticals in full-scale surface
for ATL. The average concentrations of CBZ and DCF, the two phar- flow CWs and the obtained removal efficiencies ranged between
maceutical compounds analyzed on both sites, were higher at AZ – 12 and 26%. Low removal efficiency together with anomalies
Groeninge than in Aalbeke (the average concentrations were fac- in the sampling caused by daily concentration fluctuations of the
H. Auvinen et al. / Ecological Engineering 100 (2017) 157–164 161

Fig. 2. The removal efficiency of the selected pharmaceuticals in domestic wastewater (Aalbeke). Only negative removal efficiencies were obtained for TMD and hence, the
results are omitted from the figure. The error bars represent standard deviation (Number of mixed samples taken during the campaign n = 4 for AER-HRT1 and AER-HRT0.5;
n = 9 for N-AER).

Fig. 3. The removal efficiency of the selected pharmaceuticals in hospital wastewater (AZ Groeninge). Only negative removal efficiencies were obtained for SMX and hence,
the results are omitted from the figure. The error bars represent standard deviation (Number of mixed samples taken during the campaign n = 5).

influent and the concentrating effect of evapotranspiration can treatment (66%) and tertiary treatment (27–53%) (Breitholtz et al.,
explain the negative removal efficiencies of TMD obtained in the 2012; Conkle et al., 2008; Verlicchi et al., 2013).
current study. Hijosa-Valsero et al. (2010) studied mesocosm- Variable and mainly poor removal was observed for CBZ, DCF,
scale wetlands with various treatment designs, and found also low GBP and SMX. In contrast to the findings in the literature and for
CBZ and DCF removal in planted sub-surface flow CW (24–48% unclear reasons, the average removal of GBP was only 33–37%. GBP
and 17–52%, respectively). Also, Matamoros and Bayona (2006) has been reported to be readily biodegradable during activated
reported in their experiment on horizontal SSF CW low removal sludge treatment (Kasprzyk-Hordern et al., 2009; Yu et al., 2006)
efficiency of DCF (<50%). Similarly to CBZ and DCF, STL has been and removal efficiencies up to 88% were found in a full-scale hor-
classified among the most resistant to biodegradation (Oulton et al., izontal sub-surface flow CW (Chen et al., 2016). Variable results
2010). Research on activated sludge systems shows a reduction of on the removal of SMX have been reported earlier in literature.
less than 30% for STL (Jelic et al., 2011; Gabet-Giraud et al., 2010; SMX was removed in a full-scale tertiary CW for maximum 12%
Oulton et al., 2010). Conkle et al. (2008) reported a removal effi- but also negative removal efficiencies were reported (Breitholtz
ciency of only 20% in a surface flow CW with a hydraulic retention et al., 2012). In pilot-scale tertiary horizontal SSF CWs the removal
time of 27 d. efficiency was 16% (Verlicchi et al., 2013). On the contrary, Hijosa-
At AZ Groeninge, ATL and BSP were moderately degraded (>75% Valsero et al. (2011b) reported that a secondary horizontal SSF
and >50% respectively; Fig. 3, Table 3). The values reported in liter- CW was able to remove 87% of SMX and its primary metabolite
ature for ATL and BSP removal are generally lower than the values N-acetyl-SMX. The variability in the results may be caused by the
found in the current study. ATL has been shown to degrade in acti- retransformation of this metabolite to the parent compound dur-
vated sludge treatment by 14–40% and BSP by 20–50% (Rosal et al., ing wastewater treatment (Göbel et al., 2005). Also, the influent
2010; Wick et al., 2009) with an exception of higher removal for ATL concentration variations and the sampling strategy according to
(94%) (Vieno et al., 2006). Variable removal efficiencies have been nominal HRT are likely to play a role in the current study. Fur-
reported for ATL in CWs as primary treatment (80%), secondary thermore, the detection of low concentrations in influent could be
impaired due to strong matrix effects (Ibánez et al., 2013).
162 H. Auvinen et al. / Ecological Engineering 100 (2017) 157–164

3.4. Effect of aeration on the removal efficiency of under aerobic and anoxic conditions but the degradation was faster
pharmaceuticals when oxygen was present (Pomiès et al., 2015). Also, the removal
of BSP was less efficient in anaerobic conditions than aerobic con-
Although aeration is widely used in CWs to improve the degra- ditions when studied in the laboratory with WWTP sludge (Lahti
dation of organic matter and nitrification (Liu et al., 2016; Wu and Oikari, 2011).
et al., 2014), its effect on the removal of pharmaceuticals is still
inadequately studied. Earlier studies have indicated that pharma- 4. Conclusions
ceutical removal efficiency can be greatly affected by the dissolved
oxygen concentration in the environment (Conkle et al., 2012). In High concentrations of pharmaceuticals from different thera-
CWs, the oxygen status of the filter bed depends on the type of the peutic classes were measured in settled municipal wastewater and
CW and, in general, unsaturated vertical sub-surface flow (VSSF) hospital effluent. Aeration was necessary in both cases to meet the
systems have a higher redox potential than saturated horizontal discharge standards set for COD at the HRT applied (0.5–2 d). The
sub-surface flow (HSSF) CWs. Ávila et al. (2014a,b) who studied results demonstrated that the single stage SSF CW was insufficient
pharmaceutical removal in hybrid CWs concluded that the VSSF in preventing the discharge of pharmaceuticals. Nonetheless, the
stage contributed more to the removal than the HSSF stage. Zhang removal of certain pharmaceuticals could be improved by using
et al. (2012b) tested the influence of batch and continuous feeding active aeration. MFM and VST were significantly better removed
of horizontal sub-surface flow CW on the removal of several phar- when the system was aerated. Although, MFM was also removed
maceutical compounds. They found significant improvement in nearly completely after a lag-phase without aeration, indicating the
the removal of diclofenac, ibuprofen, salicylic acid and ketoprofen adaptation of the microbial community within the CW. Also, com-
with batch mode which suggests the enhancement of biodegrada- parison with literature values suggested that aeration had a positive
tion processes by drain and fill cycles. Similarly, Ávila et al. (2013) impact on the removal of ATL and BSP. Decreasing the hydraulic
found that the occurrence of high redox potentials within the retention time (1 d to 0.5 d) or a reduction of aeration time to 50%
CW due to batch feeding improved the removal of diclofenac and did not significantly affect the removal efficiency of the targeted
ibuprofen significantly. Carbamazepine, naproxen, clofibric acid pharmaceuticals indicating robust performance of the system.
and paracetamol removal was not improved due to batch feed- The pharmaceutical removal efficiency could possibly be
ing in these experiments implicating that their biodegradation is improved by applying a longer HRT since it has been shown to
not dependent on the availability of oxygen or that the alteration enhance the removal of some pharmaceuticals (Zhang et al., 2012a).
in the feeding mode did not result in a change in redox conditions Alternatively, complementary treatment steps, e.g. hybrid CWs,
large enough to improve/decrease removal efficiency of these com- could also improve the pharmaceutical removal efficiency due to
pounds. In a study of Ávila et al. (2014b) active aeration, i.e. more the variability in the degradation processes (Ávila et al., 2014a).
drastic impact on the redox conditions than achieved by feeding To fully explore the capacity of aerated CWs, the effect of these
mode alteration, improved the removal of ibuprofen and triclosan modifications on the pharmaceutical removal efficiency should be
in saturated gravel bed vertical flow (VF) CWs in comparison to examined. In addition, the majority of studies on pharmaceutical
free-draining gravel bed VF CWs. In contrast to the previously removal in CWs is focused on the parent compounds in spite of
mentioned studies, diclofenac was removed better in the less oxi- research showing that they are mostly only partly degraded (Joss
dized wetlands with lower redox potentials, possibly because the et al., 2006). Although some of the microbial metabolites are even
removal of diclofenac is likely to occur via a combination of anoxic more recalcitrant than the parent compound, many of them are
and aerobic microbial metabolic pathways (Ávila et al., 2014b). likely to be biodegradable (Quintana et al., 2005). It should thus be
In the current study, continuous aeration improved the removal investigated whether aeration can promote the mineralization of
efficiency of MFM and VST significantly (p < 0.05) and increased these metabolites and thereby contribute to lowered pharmaceu-
hydraulic loading did not significantly decrease the removal tical load in the water ways.
efficiency of these compounds (p > 0.05). MFM was completely
removed during the aerobic measurement campaigns and it was Acknowledgements
also, interestingly, removed even during the N-AER phase, with
a sharp rise in removal efficiency during the last week of sam- We thank Ghent University for the PhD grant of H. Auvinen and
pling (Fig. 2, Table 3). This might imply that MFM is prone to acknowledge the financial support in the form of a Starting Credit
anoxic/anaerobic degradation as well and that anoxic/anaerobic for D. Rousseau by the Committee for Scientific Research of the Fac-
microorganisms are also capable of transforming this compound ulty of Bioscience Engineering of Ghent University. We are thankful
after an adaptation period (2–3 weeks). Mrozik and Stefaska (2014) to the staff of AZ Groeninge, especially Jo Dendauw, Joyce De Cokere
obtained similar results when studying the biodegradation of MFM and Brecht Tyberghien, for the co-operation and their advice and
in aerobic and anaerobic soils. The degradation efficiency of MFM help during the experiment. We would also like to thank Ann-Sofie
was lower in anaerobic conditions but had a rising trend during Vandendriessche and Filip Dewaele from Aquafin for giving the
the 60 days of observation. VST was removed completely in aerobic opportunity to set up our experiment on Aquafin site.
conditions but the removal decreased significantly when aera-
tion was stopped. The earlier reported results on superior removal References
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