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Materials and Structures (2018) 51:115 (0123456789().,-volV)


Eggshell waste to produce building lime: calcium oxide

reactivity, industrial, environmental and economic
Eduardo Ferraz . José A. F. Gamelas . João Coroado . Carlos Monteiro .
Fernando Rocha

Received: 3 May 2018 / Accepted: 23 August 2018 / Published online: 3 September 2018
Ó RILEM 2018

Abstract Eggshells wastes are produced in huge that the calcium oxide from eggshell waste belonged
amounts worldwide. The recycling or valorization of to the most reactive class (R5—60 °C within 10 min),
this waste, which otherwise is usually disposed in the same of the calcium oxide from limestone.
landfills, represents an opportunity within a circular However, different times were obtained to reach
economy perspective. In the present work, the poten- 60 °C (25 s and 4:37 min:s) and for 80% of the
tial of chicken eggshell waste to produce calcitic lime reaction (28 s and 5 min) for calcium oxide from
was explored. After collection from an industry limestone and eggshell waste, respectively. The lower
supplier, the waste was thoroughly characterized for reactivity of calcium oxide from eggshell waste was
its mineralogical, chemical, and thermal properties. related to its larger size particles with smoother
The material was calcined at 1000 °C, and the surfaces and lower specific surface area in comparison
obtained calcium oxide was evaluated for its reactivity to limestone calcium oxide. Industrial, environmental
in wet slaking tests. Comparison was made with and economic implications concerning the use of this
commercial limestone used as reference. It was found waste to produce lime were also evaluated. The
eggshell waste could be all consumed at an industrial
scale in Portugal allowing for approximately 2.6%
E. Ferraz  J. Coroado partial substitution of limestone in a lime factory.
Techn&Art R&D Unit, Polytechnic Institute of Tomar,
Quinta do Contador, Estrada da Serra, 2300-313 Tomar,
Portugal Keywords By-product  Quicklime  Wet slaking 
e-mail: Hydration rate  Induction periods  Colour
J. A. F. Gamelas (&)
CIEPQPF R&D Unit, Department of Chemical
Engineering, University of Coimbra, Pólo II. R. Sı́lvio
Lima, 3030-790 Coimbra, Portugal 1 Introduction

C. Monteiro
Egg-laying female animals of many different species,
CaCO3 - Conservação do Património Artı́stico, Lda, Vale including birds, reptiles, amphibians and fishes are
Cabrito - Madalena, 2305-441 Tomar, Portugal kept throughout the world to produce eggs that are
eaten by humankind since ancient times. Nowadays,
F. Rocha
Geobiotec R&D Unit, Department of Geosciences,
egg from chicken or hen (Gallus gallus domesticus,
University of Aveiro, Campus Universitário de Santiago, Linnaeus, 1758) represents a global mass production
3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal
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industry, and other worldwide choices for consump- hydration, and transformed into Ca(OH)2 (port-
tion are quail, duck, goose, turkey and ostrich eggs. landite). In ‘‘dry slaking’’, quicklime is slaked with
Bird eggs consist of an eggshell (biomineralized just enough water to obtain the hydrated lime in
protected material), eggshell membrane, albumen powder form. In ‘‘wet slaking’’, the hydrated lime is
(white) and vitellus (yolk). An eggshell is constituted obtained in suspension form. When the suspension
by a three-layered structure: cuticle, spongeous and settles, it is obtained a clear supernatant solution (lime
lamellar layer. The cuticle layer represents the outer- water) saturated with Ca(OH)2 colloidal particles and
most surface composed mainly by proteins. Spon- dissolved Ca2? and OH- ions.
geous and lamellar layers form a matrix constituted by To evaluate the reactivity of a lime in wet slaking
protein fibres bonded to calcium carbonate crystals. process, the temperature, in the reaction of mixing
The eggshell is generally composed by 94 wt% of quicklime with water, is measured as a function of
calcium carbonate, 1 wt% of calcium phosphate, time, thus providing the wet slaking curve. The wet
1 wt% of magnesium carbonate and 4 wt% of organic slaking curves have been used by Frank [14], Potgieter
matter [1]. Two thin eggshell membranes constituted et al. [15], Hogewoning et al. [16], Ferraz et al. [17],
mainly by collagen, alkynes, alkanes, amines, and and others to study de hydration behaviour of calcium
amides of proteins and carboxylic acids [2] exist oxide from various origins.
between the eggshell and the albumen. The eggshell The general wet hydration mechanism of quick-
waste is composed by the three layers and the two lime was stated by several authors [18–24]. This
membranes. mechanism stipulates two ‘‘retardant periods’’ during
Quina et al. [3] and Oliveira et al. [4] collected the wet slaking. Briefly, first the consumption of
some technological options for recycling eggshell as CaO occurs with the formation of thin layers of
raw material in food additives for human and animal Ca(OH)2 on the surface of the CaO crystals. This
feed, soil amendment, cosmetics and biomaterials transformation is controlled by the diffusion of Ca2?
composites, and in operating supplies, such as, catalyst and OH- ions in the solid–liquid interface from the
and sorbent applications. Pliya and Cree [5] reported solution onto the CaO reacting surface. Also, some
the use of chicken eggshell waste as limestone filler in Ca(OH)2 dissolves providing Ca2? and OH- to the
a Portland cement mortar. The role and performance solution. The speed of the diffusion directly affects
of eggshell membrane in engineering applications was the first retardant period. Then, a second retardant
reviewed by Park et al. [2], and Baláž [6] made a period occurs in which the precipitation of Ca(OH)2
compilation on the eggshell membrane as a platform from the supersaturated liquid phase occurs. The
for applications in materials science. duration of these ‘‘induction periods’’ depends much
Calcined chicken eggshell waste, as source of on the lime reactivity.
calcium oxide, has been studied for some applications: In Portugal, according to the FAO [25] official data,
catalyst in biodiesel production [7], green synthesis the average annual production of chicken eggs has
[8], CO2 sorbent [9], mortar based on eggshell lime been 131318 t, for the years between 2012 and 2016.
[10], polyethylene composite [11], transesterification The potential amount of eggshell waste is 15758
[12], thermoluminescence [13], and many others. t/year, considering as * 12 wt% the content of
The calcium carbonate present in the eggshell can eggshell waste (eggshell plus membrane) in chicken
be transformed into calcium oxide, afterwards into egg with an average mass of * 61 g/egg. The
calcium hydroxide (calcitic lime), and finally used as industrial row of pasteurized and derivative egg
binder (construction material) on a mortar. products is constituted by four (two medium and two
Limestone, as the most common georesource of small-sized) enterprises which produce chicken pas-
CaCO3 (calcite), is submitted to thermal decomposi- teurized liquid egg, white and yolk, boiled egg, peeled
tion (heating) between 950 and 1000 °C on a process egg, egg in spray, and other egg derivatives. The
called calcination (or lime-burning) to liberate the process for obtaining the referred products generates
CO2 and convert the CaCO3 into CaO (quicklime). chicken eggshell waste, that is classified as animal by-
Quicklime is very unstable at ambient pressure and product [26] in category 3 [27].
temperature. To minimize this constraint, it must be The present research aimed at finding a sustainable
combined with water, on a process called slaking or solution for the recycling/valorization of eggshell
Materials and Structures (2018) 51:115 Page 3 of 14 115

waste, by exploring its potential to produce calcitic mode. An acceleration voltage of 2 kV and working
lime. The recycling will transform the eggshell waste distance of 6.6 mm were used. Samples were previ-
into a high value-added eco-binder construction ously sputter-coated with gold using an Edwards EXC
product and reduce the problems associated to waste 120 turbo vacuum pump controller coupled with a
deposition in landfill. Additionally, it will contribute Huttinger PFG 1500 DC generator for direct current
to the reduction of the exploitation of georesources, sputtering. The thickness of the gold layer was
commonly associated to the industrial production of approximately 25–30 nm.
lime. The quicklime powder, previously sieved under
250 lm, was submitted to the wet slaking reactivity
test according to NP EN 459-2 standard. The exper-
2 Materials and methods imental description of the wet slaking test is detailed
elsewhere [17]. This reactivity test measures the
The industrial chicken eggshell waste (shell plus temperature increase in the reaction of mixing quick-
membrane) used in this work was provided by a lime with water as a function of time, enabling to
factory located in Portugal producing pasteurized obtain the wet slaking curve. Additionally, the time
liquid eggs and boiled eggs. A commercial limestone, necessary to reach a threshold temperature (60 °C or
collected from an industrial rock plant, was used as 50 °C) allows to set the reactivity class of the calcined
reference material. material. The slaking reaction of the quicklime is
The weight ratio of the eggshell waste to the total assumed to be 100% complete when is reached the
egg was determined in household eggs (A category maximum temperature of the test (T0 maximum).
and M class). The water content of the corresponding Tmaximum (°C) represents the maximum temperature
household eggshell waste was evaluated by gravime- of the reaction and is calculated from the maximum
try after drying the waste at 105 ± 5 °C. For the temperature reached during the test (T0 maximum), as
industrial eggs, this value was taken from the litera- follows in Eq. 1:
ture [28].
Tmaximum ¼ ð1:1  T0 maximumÞ  2 ð1Þ
The industrial eggshell waste was dried at
105 ± 5 °C (Memmert UF 110), crushed in a porce- The reactivity of the quicklime may also be
lain mortar, milled in a tungsten grinder (Retsch RMO reported as the time (tu) required for the reaction to
100) for 3 min and sieved at 38 lm. be 80% complete. The temperature (Tu) at which the
The powders were characterized by mineralogical reaction is 80% complete is calculated using the Eq. 2,
analysis using X-ray diffraction (XRD), chemical where T0 (°C) is the initial temperature of the test:
analysis by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometry,
Tu ¼ ð0:8  T0 maximumÞ þ ð0:2  T0Þ ð2Þ
thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), differential scan-
ning calorimetry (DSC), Fourier Transform Infrared- After calculating the Tu value, the tu value is
Attenuated Total Reflection (FTIR-ATR) spec- obtained directly from the wet slaking curve.
troscopy, and Raman spectroscopy, following previ- The free water content and the expansion behaviour
ously published methodologies [17]. were evaluated on the suspensions obtained after the
The eggshell waste was calcined at 1000 °C with wet slaking test, according to NP EN 459-2 standard.
2 h soak time in a Nabertherm N 100/H laboratory Hydrated lime powder samples were obtained after
kiln. The quicklime was milled in a porcelain roller drying (105 ± 5 °C) the lime suspensions.
ball mill during a maximum of 30 min. This material was submitted to fundamental char-
The specific surface area of the quicklime samples acterization and to colour evaluation measurements
was determined by N2 adsorption at 77 K in a [17]. The colour results expressed in CIE L*a*b*
Micromeritics ASAP 2000 instrument, using the colour space were calculated with the data of four
BET theory. Samples were previously treated in a replicates.
vacuum at room temperature before analysis. The
morphology of the particles was evaluated by field
emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) in a
Carl Zeiss Merlin microscope, in secondary electron
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3 Results and discussion the main crystalline phases, are presented in Fig. 1.
The mineralogical composition of the eggshell and the
3.1 Characterization of the eggshell waste commercial limestone is similar. Commercial lime-
stone was mainly composed by calcite, as expected,
The decomposition of the organic matter present in the and vestigial dolomite. Calcite was the only mineral
wet eggshell waste emanates an intense odour, that identified in eggshell.
was somewhat noticed during the drying stage. The XRF spectroscopy data of the major elements
The X-ray diffraction patterns of the eggshell and (Table 1, expressed in the oxide form) showed, for
the commercial limestone, with the identification of both materials, the prevalence of Ca (54–55 wt%)

Fig. 1 X-ray diffraction patterns of the raw and lime materials from eggshell and limestone
Materials and Structures (2018) 51:115 Page 5 of 14 115

Table 1 XRF data (major elements) of the raw and lime materials from eggshell and limestone
Sample CaO MgO Na2O K2O SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 MnO TiO2 P2O5 SO3 LOI
(wt%) (wt%) (wt%) (wt%) (wt%) (wt%) (wt%) (wt%) (wt%) (wt%) (wt%) (wt%)

Raw 55.25 0.38 0.04 0.01 0.20 0.12 0.06 nd nd 0.01 0.06 43.88
Raw 53.51 0.66 0.12 0.03 0.02 0.01 nd nd nd 0.30 0.55 44.79
Lime 81.73 1.25 0.09 0.04 0.22 0.11 0.17 nd nd 0.01 0.16 16.24
Eggshell 76.77 0.86 0.10 0.03 0.07 0.02 nd nd nd 0.33 0.18 21.65
LOI loss on ignition, nd not detected

corroborating the dominant presence of calcite iden- carbonate-based materials, the main weight loss, due
tified by XRD. The commercial limestone had to the thermal degradation of calcium carbonate to
0.4 wt% of Mg that is related with the vestigial calcium oxide with the release of CO2, occurred from
dolomite identified by XRD. In eggshell, the magne- * 650 8C to * 900 °C: 41.5 wt% for eggshell and
sium (0.7 wt%), sulphur (0.6 wt%) and phosphorus 43.9 wt% for limestone; this corresponded to an
(0.3 wt%) contents are probably associated to impu- intense endothermic reaction. The theoretical CaCO3
rities in the lattice, or even present in the organic content was calculated as 99.8 wt% for limestone and
phase. No mineral containing these elements was 94.4 wt% for eggshell (Table 2). The total weight loss
detected by XRD. (20–1000 °C) was of 44.2 wt% and 46.6 wt%, for
The loss on ignition values were 43.9 wt% for limestone and eggshell, respectively, being these
limestone and 44.8 wt% for eggshell, mainly related values in reasonable agreement with the LOI values
with the CO2 release from calcite (in limestone and obtained by XRF.
eggshell) and dolomite (limestone) identified by XRD. Figure 3 shows the FTIR spectra of the raw
For eggshell, loss on ignition also includes the release materials. The spectra of the limestone and eggshell
of organic matter present in the shell structure. (previously dried at 105 °C) were reasonably similar
As for the minor elements (Appendix, Table 4), the showing three high-intensity bands at 1392/1396, 872
most noticed ones were chlorine in eggshell (184 ppm) and 712 cm-1 corresponding to the asymmetric
and strontium in both limestone (101 ppm) and stretching (m3), out-of-plane bending (m2) and in-plane
eggshell (98 ppm). bending (m4), respectively, of the carbonate groups.
The thermogravimetric (TG and DTG) and differ- Two low-intensity bands at 2514 and 1795 cm-1 were
ential scanning calorimetry (DSC and DDSC) plots of also observed, due to harmonic vibrations (2m2 ? m4
the raw materials samples are presented in Fig. 2 and and m1 ? m4, respectively) of the fundamental modes
in Appendix, Fig. 6, respectively. The weight loss [29]. For the eggshell raw material two additional
(Table 2) for eggshell occurred in three steps. The first bands at 1647 and 1085 cm-1 were observed. The
step up to * 125 °C could be attributed to the release broad band at 1647 cm-1 can express the presence of
of residual adsorbed moisture (0.6 wt%). The second carbonyl groups (–C=O stretching) associated to
step between * 125 and * 650 °C corresponding to amides [30] present in the membranes of eggshell.
a weight loss of 4.4 wt% is attributed to the release of The band at 1085 cm-1 could be attributed to
organic matter present in the eggshell waste (shell plus asymmetric stretching of phosphate groups [31].
membrane). This value is in accordance with the value The Raman spectra of both the natural eggshell and
of 4 wt% reported previously by Rivera et al. [1]. On limestone (Appendix, Fig. 7) showed bands at 155 and
the other hand, the exothermic peak at * 357 °C 280 cm-1 (translational lattice vibrations), 711 cm-1
observed in the DSC expresses the thermal decompo- (m4), 1085 cm-1 (m1), 1435 cm-1 (m3) and 1747 cm-1
sition of the organic matter. As expected for calcium (m1 ? m4), which confirm the presence of calcite
115 Page 6 of 14 Materials and Structures (2018) 51:115

Fig. 2 Thermogravimetric
(TG) plot and derivative
curve (DTG) for the raw
eggshell and limestone

Table 2 Weight losses in the thermogravimetric analysis and CaCO3 content for the raw eggshell and limestone
Sample Weight loss CaCO3 (wt%)
Moisture (wt%) Organic matter (wt%) CO2 (wt%) Total (wt%)
20–125 °C 125–650 °C 650–900 °C 20–1000 °C

Raw limestone 0.1 0.1 43.9 44.2 99.8

Raw eggshell 0.6 4.4 41.5 46.6 94.4

Fig. 3 FTIR spectra of the

raw and lime materials from
eggshell and limestone
Materials and Structures (2018) 51:115 Page 7 of 14 115

[29, 32]. Within the region of 4000–1800 cm-1 (not and angular surfaces in the case of CaO from
presented in Appendix, Fig. 7) no bands were limestone (Fig. 4c). CaO particles from eggshell show
observed in the spectra of any of the analysed higher agglomeration, revealing the merge of individ-
materials. ual units into an interconnected skeleton structure.
The general absence of pores for both samples is
3.2 Wet slaking behaviour of the calcium oxide observed.
from eggshell waste The BET specific surface area values of the
calcined materials were 5.2 and 1.4 m2/g, for calcium
Samples of eggshell waste and limestone were oxide from limestone and calcium oxide from egg-
calcined at 1000 °C. An incipient blasting, inside the shell, respectively. These results agree with FESEM
laboratory kiln, was noted during the calcination of the microphotographs, with the lower size and less
eggshell waste. agglomerated particles of CaO from limestone show-
Previously to the wet slaking experiments, the ing a higher BET surface area.
calcium oxide samples were characterized for their It should be noted that the fresh quicklimes easily
morphology and specific surface area. Figure 4 shows react with atmospheric CO2 in the cooling process
the FESEM microphotographs of CaO samples inside the kiln, or during the further milling and
obtained after calcination of the CaCO3 materials at sieving stages, as proven by FTIR-ATR and XRD,
1000 °C for 2 h. The results revealed that depending producing therefore residual amounts of calcium
on the origin, the particles differed significantly in carbonate in the calcined samples.
size, shape and agglomeration. In general, it can be The calcined eggshell and calcined limestone
observed that CaO from eggshell (Fig. 4b) presents samples, after milled and sieved, were submitted to
particles with larger size than CaO from limestone wet slaking to obtain the wet slaking curves (Fig. 5)
(Fig. 4a). CaO from eggshell presents rounded crys- and the reactivity parameters (Table 3) of each
tals with smooth and wavy surfaces (Fig. 4d) by calcium oxide material.
opposition to crystals with irregular shape and rough

Fig. 4 FESEM micrographs of the calcium oxide particles from limestone and eggshell at 5000 (a and b, respectively) and 20,000
(c and d, respectively) magnifications
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Fig. 5 Wet slaking curves

of the calcined eggshell and
calcined limestone

Table 3 Wet slaking parameters and free water for the calcined eggshell and calcined limestone
Sample t60 Reactivity T’maximum Tmaximum Tu, 80% tu, 80% Free water
(min:s) class (°C) (°C) reaction (°C) reaction (min:s) (wt%)

Limestone CaO 00:25 R5 76.6 82.3 65.3 00:28 72.0

Eggshell CaO 04:37 R5 76.2 81.9 65.0 05:00 73.1
t60 time to reach 60 °C, T’maximum maximum temperature reached during the slaking process, Tmaximum maximum temperature
reached during the slaking process corrected using Eq. 1, Tu, 80% reaction temperature at which the slaking process is 80%
complete, calculated by Eq. 2, tu, 80% reaction time required for the slaking process to be 80% complete, obtained by the wet curve

The resulting suspensions reached the threshold fact was related with the tu parameter: for the CaO
temperature of 60 °C for R5 and R4 reactivity class. from limestone the slaking reaction was 80% complete
As expected, CaO from limestone showed a faster in 28 s, but the CaO from eggshell required more time,
slaking time (60 °C in 25 s), which classifies this 5:00 min.
material on the class of the most reactive materials, It was not detected the formation of any kind of
that is R5 class (reach 60 °C up to 10 min). The CaO lumps during the slaking of calcium oxide from
from eggshell was also classified on R5 class, but with eggshell. Previously, it was claimed that the presence
a slaking time at 60 °C much higher (04:37 min:s) of Mg in the raw carbonate material could give rise to
than that obtained for CaO from limestone. Concern- that behaviour [17, 33], but in the present case,
ing the duration of the plateau temperature there was 0.7 wt% of magnesium, as determined by XRF, did
no significant difference between the two tested not promote the formation of lumps.
materials, as well as, for the cooling stage of the Potgieter et al. [33] also proposed that the increas-
suspensions (not drawn in Fig. 5). The difference ing addition of magnesium oxide to limestone contin-
between the calcined limestone and calcined eggshell uously reduces the reactivity of the lime produced with
for the parameters Tmaximum (0.4 °C) and Tu, 80% the admixtures. In the present work, the natural
reaction (0.3 °C) was negligible. Another important eggshell has a Mg content higher than the natural
Materials and Structures (2018) 51:115 Page 9 of 14 115

limestone (0.7 and 0.4 wt%, respectively) and the It should be remarked that for calcined limestones
calcined eggshell presented lower reactivity than the and dolomites, the rapid slaking is not necessarily the
calcined limestone. It is very likely that the presence of most desirable, because other variables will affect the
larger particles in the calcium oxide from eggshell, real performance of the lime when used in a mortar
with ca. 4 times lower specific surface area, con- system [34]. In this context, future work focused on
tributes to its lower reactivity. Additionally, their the formulation of mortars with lime from eggshell,
agglomerated structure and smoother surface can be and on the evaluation of their mechanical properties
an evidence of some sintering process, which could will have to be done.
affect negatively the wet slaking reactivity. Other It was not noted any important variation in the
specific parameters of the samples’ surface physical- thickening of the suspensions during the slaking of the
chemistry such as the surface energy, acid–base calcium oxide samples, namely after reaching the
character, among others, can also influence the wet temperature of 60 °C.
slaking reactivity. This will be addressed in forth- The suspensions obtained after the wet slaking test
coming studies, where surface sensitive tools will be presented similar free water content, of 72 and 73 wt%
used to probe differences between calcium oxides for CaO from limestone and eggshell, respectively
obtained from calcination of different raw materials. (Table 3). The free water content upper to 70 wt%
The slaking behaviour of the calcined eggshell was classifies these suspensions as milk of lime, according
completely different from that of the calcined lime- to NP EN 459-1 standard. This is a consequence of
stone. The calcium oxide from limestone exhibits a having been used a 1:4 (w/w) proportion of CaO:water
slaking curve with ‘‘line’’ pattern by opposition to a for carrying out the reactivity test.
‘‘S’’ pattern of the calcium oxide from eggshell Concerning the expansion test, it was not observed
(Fig. 5). The hydration rate of the calcined materials expansion cracks in the cylindrical test specimens
is influenced by the two induction periods underlying moulded with the lime slurries and subsequently dried
the slaking process. As previously reported [17], the at 150 °C.
slaking of the CaO from limestone is developed in one
step, with a very high hydration rate (97.7 °C/min) 3.3 Characterization of the hydrated lime powder
from 00:00 to 00:30 min:s. In this case, it is not from eggshell waste
evidenced the manifestation of any induction period in
the slaking curve. On the other hand, the calcined A subsample of the lime suspension was dried to
eggshell presented lower hydration rate than the obtain a hydrated lime in the form of powder, that was
calcined limestone. In detail, the hydration rate of submitted to mineralogical, chemical, FTIR and
the CaO from eggshell could be divided in three steps colour characterization to evaluate its own quality.
with three distinct rates. The first with a value of The limes were mainly composed by portlandite, as
20.1 °C/min (from 00:00 to 00:30 min:s), the second expected, with vestigial contents of calcite (Fig. 1).
with a value of 4.2 °C/min (from 00:30 to Calcite rose from the inevitable carbonation of these
03:00 min:s) and the last with a value of 11.6 °C/ materials occurring first in the suspension, during the
min (from 03:00 to 05:30 min:s). It must be noted that wet slaking test, and then in the drying process. Traces
the hydration rate in the second segment has the lowest of a phase containing phosphate were detected in the
value, which could be an indicator of the first lime from eggshell. For the two limes, traces of
induction period. It is less evident the discrimination brucite, [Mg(OH)2], were also detected, formed by the
of the second induction period in the wet curve, since it hydration of vestigial MgO present in the calcined
can occur at a later stage of the hydration process but materials.
in parallel with the first one. However, for CaO from The chemical analysis (major elements) of the lime
eggshell, the hydration rate in the third segment materials by XRF (Table 1) showed a Ca content of 82
presented lower value when compared with that of the and 77 wt% for lime from limestone and lime
first segment, which could be an evidence of the from eggshell, respectively, related with the presence
second induction period. If this second induction of portlandite as main phase, and calcite as vestigial
period did not occur, the hydration rate for the first and phase. The Mg content (1.3 wt% for lime from
third segments of the wet curve would be similar. limestone and 0.9 wt% for lime from eggshell) was
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in line with the brucite traces identified by XRD consumption of limestone in the lime factory. If
(Fig. 1). The P content (0.3 wt%) present in the lime taking into consideration only the eggs forwarded for
from eggshell can be associated to the phosphate- industrial processing, by considering for that the
containing phase identified by XRD. The loss on ‘‘processing factor’’ of 0.24 [37], the obtained value
ignition values were 16 wt% for lime from limestone for industrial eggshell waste is 10.4 t/day. In this
and 22 wt% for lime from eggshell, which are related scenario, this could represent around 0.6 wt% of the
to the dehydroxylation of portlandite (and brucite in a limestone used in the factory.
minor extent) and to the decarbonation of calcite. The industrial eggshell waste has costs around 130
The FTIR spectra of the limes (Fig. 3) showed the €/t, for a maximum delivery distance of 160 km,
characteristic band of portlandite at 3639 cm-1 (OH which cover operation expenses to treat (centrifuga-
vibration). Band of carbonate groups from calcite, as tion and fragmentation), store (maximum 2 days),
contaminant phase, at 872/875 cm-1 (m2) was also load, transport and deposit in appropriated landfill.
present. The m4 bending band was also observed as a This type of elimination has the consequent ecological
very weak band at 713 cm-1 in the spectrum of lime and economic constraints. The costs related with the
from eggshell, confirming the low content of the newly exploitation and transport of limestone (30/120 mm
formed calcite. The broad band within the grain size), from the quarry to the lime factory, were
1400–1500 cm-1 region had several peak compo- estimated to be around 6–8 €/t, for a maximum
nents, fact that could indicate the presence of several delivery distance of 100 km.
types of carbonate, besides the carbonate in calcite (m3 The water content present in the household eggshell
band). Additionally, in the spectrum of lime from waste (* 9 wt%) or in the industrial eggshell waste
eggshell (Fig. 3), a weak band at 1093 cm-1 was (* 15% wt% [28]) will not be a critical parameter
observed, probably related with the phosphates pres- regarding the control of the industrial calcination
ence already mentioned. In the OH stretching vibra- conditions, since, in general, the portuguese lime
tion region, for the two lime samples, besides the factories have installed parallel-flow kilns, which
strong band at 3639 cm-1 related to portlandite [35], a allow a previous drying of the raw material, before its
weak band at 3693 cm-1 occurred, ascribed to brucite calcination.
[36], both minerals identified by XRD. Recycling the eggshell waste in the manufacture of
The lime from limestone presented the following lime has some benefits, such as: reduce the waste
colour coordinates: L* = 97.39, a* = - 0.02, disposal costs, which are likely to rise due to the
b* = 1.21; and the lime from eggshell: L* = 98.51, landfill tariff; extend the landfill life, helping to
a* = - 0.01, b* = - 0.03. The shift to the green conserve the countryside; conserve the environment,
(a* \ 0) was negligible for both materials. The lime promoting a rational exploitation of limestone, a non-
from limestone showed a slight deviation to the yellow renewable resource.
(b* [ 0) by opposition to the lime from eggshell that The slight blasting of the eggshell waste that occurs
showed a negligible deviation to the blue (b* \ 0). during de calcination could be a constraint at industrial
The lime from eggshell showed a white tonality scale. Another disadvantage could be related with the
superior that of the lime from limestone used as decomposition of the organic matter (4.4 wt%) present
reference material. in the eggshell waste during the industrial calcination
stage, which would promote an expected increase in
the volatile organic compounds emissions. The man-
4 Industrial, environmental and economic ifestation of intense and/or malodorous odour, related
implications with the decomposition of the organic matter, during
the storing of the waste in the lime factory, can be
In Portugal, a lime factory can reach an average minimized with the addition of an odour inhibitor (e.g.,
production of 920 t/day of quicklime. To do this, it enzymatic agent). The lime factory must be legally
must be supplied with approximately 1643 t/day of authorized to the management of this type of waste and
limestone. The amount of eggshell waste produced in needs to make the necessary industrial lay-out adap-
Portugal of 43.2 t/day (average between 2012 and tation to receive, store and manipulate the waste
2016) represents approximately 2.6 wt% the concerning hygiene and safety conditions.
Materials and Structures (2018) 51:115 Page 11 of 14 115

Although the present study showed that the quick- eggshell waste. This distinct behaviour could be
lime from eggshell waste was less reactive than the partially related with differences in the morphology
quicklime from limestone, it is not expected that the and specific surface area of the calcium oxide
mixture of eggshell waste and limestone would highly particles. Larger size particles with smoother surfaces
reduce the quality of the final produced lime, since the for calcium oxide from eggshell waste, induced a
eggshell waste would be combined at the process in a lower reactivity in wet slaking, in comparison to
small proportion relatively to limestone (\ 3%). This limestone calcium oxide.
would allow for the total consumption of the eggshell The hydrated lime powder from the eggshell waste
wastes produced in Portugal without predictable loss obtained after drying the slurry at 105 °C did not
of the quality of lime. In addition to the application in present any physico-chemical constraint and had a
the construction industry, which is the scope of the white tonality superior that of the hydrated lime
present work, other potential applications can be powder obtained from the commercial limestone used
envisaged for eggshell lime, namely in the iron and as reference.
steel industry, chemical industry, environmental pro- The use of eggshell waste in an industrial process of
tection and agriculture. lime production enables some opportunities: (i) val-
Recycling the eggshell waste in the production of orization of eggshell waste in the construction indus-
an ecological binder material, contributes, at the same try, which otherwise would be commonly disposed in
time, to a sustainable construction. landfill; (ii) rationalization of natural limestone
Finally, all this process increases private and public exploitation, by incorporating a small amount (max-
companies’ awareness, as well as that of governmental imum 2.6 wt%) of eggshell waste in the process; and
institutions for sustainable waste elimination, and (iii) and probably the most important, an interesting
could be an opportunity within the context of the perspective within the circular economy context
development of a circular economy. associated to the economic, environmental and soci-
etal advantages.

5 Conclusions Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to Derovo -

Derivados de Ovos, S.A. (Pombal, Portugal) and VAC Minerais,
S.A. (Rio Maior, Portugal) for the supply of industrial chicken
The present work aimed at valorizing eggshell waste eggshell waste and commercial limestone, respectively. This
by exploring its potential to produce calcitic lime. The research was supported by Sistema de Incentivos à Investigação
characterization of eggshell waste (after previous e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico through Quadro de Referência
Estratégica Nacional (QREN) and by Geobiotec R&D Unit
drying at 105 °C) showed it to be composed of calcite (UID/GEO/04035/2013) financed by the Fundação para a
(* 94 wt%), with a minor amount of organic matter Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT).
and phosphates.
It was found that the quicklime obtained from Compliance with ethical standards
calcination of eggshell waste at 1000 °C belonged to
Conflict of interest The authors declare no competing finan-
the most reactive class (R5), the same of calcium oxide cial interest.
from limestone. However, the wet slaking pattern with
‘‘S’’ design for CaO from eggshell waste was
completely different from the ‘‘line’’ design developed Appendix
in the wet slaking of the CaO from limestone. Also, the
time to reach 60 °C and the time for 80% of the See Table 4, Figs. 6, 7.
reaction was much higher for the calcium oxide from
115 Page 12 of 14 Materials and Structures (2018) 51:115

Table 4 XRF data (minor elements) of the raw and lime materials from eggshell and limestone
Raw material Lime
Limestone Eggshell Limestone Eggshell

Cl (ppm) nd 184 185 82

Sc (ppm) 9 9 8 9
Cr (ppm) 7 3 8 9
Mn (ppm) 27 nd 61 nd
Co (ppm) 8 nd nd nd
Ni (ppm) nd nd nd 4
Cu (ppm) 11 16 12 6
Zn (ppm) 3 3 nd nd
Se (ppm) nd 1 nd nd
Br (ppm) nd 2 1 nd
Rb (ppm) 4 3 3 2
Sr (ppm) 101 98 160 124
Y (ppm) 1 nd 3 nd
Mo (ppm) 2 2 2 2
Cs (ppm) 9 nd nd 7
La (ppm) 15 10 11 17
Ce (ppm) 31 32 46 41
Nd (ppm) 16 15 25 26
W (ppm) 11 nd nd nd
Pb (ppm) 9 4 4 7
U (ppm) 3 nd 1 nd
V, Ga, Ge, As, Zr, Nb, Ag, Cd, Sn, Sb, Te, I, nd nd nd nd
Ba, Sm, Yb, Hf, Ta, Tl, Bi and Th (ppm)
nd not detected

Fig. 6 Differential
scanning calorimetry (DSC)
plot and derivative curve
(DDSC) for the raw eggshell
and limestone
Materials and Structures (2018) 51:115 Page 13 of 14 115

Fig. 7 Raman spectra of

the raw eggshell and

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