BOOKLET Intermediate English Course

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Intermediate – Advanced

English Program
Would you like to discuss it over dinner tonight?
Managing Meetings
Business Meetings People may be afraid of attending staff meetings — often because the
purpose or objective of the meeting hasn't been clearly defined. It's important to express
the meeting's objectives in advance so that participants know what to expect and how to
prepare. Each staff meeting may have a different objective, depending upon what you're
trying to achieve; the meeting may be designed to provide information, encourage
discussion, boost* morale or inspire creativity. A staff meeting may contain one or more of
these objectives: Informational: The primary purpose of an informational staff meeting is
to disseminate information to meeting participants. If there's a significant amount of
information or it's a complex subject, the chair* of the
meeting should develop an outline* before the meeting
to use as a guide. This helps limit misunderstandings in
communication and provides meeting participants with
a reference after the meeting has ended. Discussion
Oriented: A staff meeting may be discussion oriented:
Participants offer ideas to solve a problem or address a
problem. It's important to provide participants with the
problem in advance of the meeting so that they may
come prepared.
The chair engages all participants so that the widest range of views and solutions are
collected. Motivational: If you need to address change or improve attitude, a motivational
meeting is useful. It's important to keep morale high during times of change and motivate
participants to take specific actions to address the change or particular action you're trying
to accomplish*. If you want to hold a high-energy meeting, consider hiring a motivational
speaker. This type of guest communicates your message in a clear and concise manner and
helps those in attendance see the future in a positive light. Creative Session: A creative
session, sometimes referred to as a brainstorming meeting, is used to generate new ideas.
Participants are free to generate as many ideas as possible free of criticism or judgment
from fellow participants. Use a whiteboard or flip chart to write everyone's ideas. If the
discussion starts to slow down, ask participants to inspire additional ideas. Use the end of
the meeting to evaluate all suggestions; implement the ones that are most appropriate to
the situation you're trying to remedy.

To boost: To improve.

*Chair: The leader of the meeting.

*Outline: Preliminary or schematic plan.

*To accomplish: To succeed in doing something.

Reading comprehension: Choose the answer which best fits according to the text.

1) The objectives of a meeting _____________________

a. are never clearly defined.

b. are usually expected by the participants.

c. should be communicated to the participants some time before the meeting occurs.

2) According to the text, which of the following statements is TRUE?

a. Increasing low morale levels can be the purpose of a meeting.

b. Everybody in the meeting has her / his own objectives.

c. Employees always get creative ideas in meetings.

3) The chair of a meeting should _____________________

a. start by providing a summary when the nature of the meeting requires it.

b. avoid providing a plan of the meeting when the staff do not have much time.

c. deal with difficult outlines when s/he expects to provide adequate information.

5) Misunderstandings in communication ________________________________.

a. only occur in informational meetings.

b. can be avoided by the meeting chair.

c. is the fault of the meeting participants.

Will the company accept the offer?
Business Cycles

It might seem somewhat random when the economy encounters a downturn,

companies struggle, and prices rise, but the process is actually the direct result of a
number of specific factors, including business cycles. Business cycles refer to the
periods of various success, struggle, and medium-quality profits encountered by
companies in the normal course of the economy; these periods affect every
individual. In other words, businesses may offer a service at an affordable price at
one point in time and fail to become profitable, but may then see this same service
bring in tons of cash at a later point; the difference isn’t the business, but rather, is
the economy.

When the economy is “’good” - something that’s characterized by low

unemployment, low inflation, rising wages, and more - most businesses experience
a boom, or an increase in profits and success. There are once again a variety of
factors that contribute to booms (some of which are uncontrollable), but the short
explanation of the occurrences is that when people have more money to spend,
businesses have more money to make.

Similarly, businesses experience a bust, or a decrease in profits and success, when

the economy falters. For most people, a sagging economy means it might be hard
to find work and pay bills; for businesses, a sagging economy means it might be
difficult to stay in operation.

Business contractions, or normal periods of reduction in business after prolonged

growth, occur regularly and vary in severity. Eventually, employers will require a
smaller amount of help because consumers are purchasing less (after all, almost
nobody buys new and expensive things all the time), unemployment will accordingly
increase, wages will fall, and so on and so forth.

Recessions, or multi-month-long declines in wages, general economic activity, and

most importantly, GDP, are more serious than business contractions. Recessions
last longer than business contractions, can be more severe, and can signal larger
problems in the economy.

Reading comprehension: Choose the answer which best fits according to the text.

1. What are business cycles?

a. The periods of various success, struggle, and medium-quality profits encountered by

companies in the normal course of the economy.
b. Times when businesses have record profits in an economy with full employment and
stable growth rate.
c. The times when business are recording record losses.
d. The periods wherein businesses neither lose nor make money.

2. What is the difference between a boom and a bust?

a. Booms feature economic growth; busts feature economic downturn.

b. Booms help businesses and consumers financially: busts harm them.
c. Booms and busts are basically the same.

3. Which of the following are affected by boom and bust cycles?

a. Only businesses are affected.

b. Both businesses and consumers are affected.
c. Only consumers are affected.
d. Neither businesses nor consumers are affected.

I should have never quit!
Soft Skills

When thinking about careers, professional advancement, or even job hunting, we

usually emphasize so-called “hard skills,” meaning skills that are directly connected to
our ability to perform a particular task or do a certain job. These skills can be evaluated
or measured, as they are the result of degrees, certificates, specialized knowledge,
seminars, continuing education, vocational training, and so on.

“Soft skills,” on the other hand, are more difficult to measure or quantify, as they usually
do not come from a degree or specialized training, but from life experience, personality,
and attitude. They are often called “people
skills,” as they typically relate, in some form,
to how we deal or interact with other people.
For example: Are we able to motivate and
lead people? Can we communicate well with

Some commonly mentioned soft skills would

include, among others: creativity, team work,
written and verbal communication,
management and leadership, flexibility, and
organization. These types of skills are
important, as they help to form a well-
rounded person and employee. They can
provide a competitive edge in a job search.
Soft skills are relevant to just about every industry or job, because people are always
key, in one way or another.

For both a job-seeker and an employer, these are so-called “transferable skills,” and are
highly sought after. The employee can utilize these soft skills across various jobs or
settings, and this is also a plus for employers, which look favorably on adaptability and
strong interpersonal skills.

Reading comprehension: Choose the answer which best fits according to the text.

1. Hard skills are directly connected to performing…

a. A particular task or certain job.

b. Measurements
c. Quantities
d. Motivation

2. Soft skills are often called…

a. People skills
b. Vocational skills
c. Irrelevant
d. Light skills

3. Another soft skill would be when one...

a. Gets a college degree
b. Motivates and leads people
c. Goes to a seminar
d. Transports people

Have you had a promotion this year?
Applying for a Job
The perfectly composed resume will fail to impress an HR professional unless it underscores the
skills and experience your prospective employer needs. To determine what the company is looking
for, you must learn how to search for the clues in the job posting. Then, you can tailor
your resume and cover letter.

To test your job post comprehension, read the following advertisements and answer the questions

1. Needed: Full-time secretary position available. Applicants should have at least 2 years
of experience and be able to type 60 words a minute. No computer skills required. Apply in
person at United Business Ltd., 17 Browning Street.
2. Are you looking for a part-time job? We require 3 part time shop assistants to work during
the evening. No experience required, applicants should between 18 and 26. Call 366 - 76564
for more information.
3. Computer trained secretaries: Do you have experience working with computers? Would
you like a full-time position working in an exciting new company? If your answer is yes, give
us a call at 565-987-7832.
4. Teacher Needed: Tommy's Kindergarten needs 2 teacher/trainers to help with classes from
9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Applicants should have appropriate licenses. For more information visit
Tommy's Kindergarten in Leicester Square No. 56.
5. Part Time work available: We are looking for retired adults who would like to work part-
time at the weekend. Responsibilities include answering the telephone and giving
customer's information. For more information contact us by calling 897-980-7654.
6. University positions open: The University of Cumberland is looking for 4 teaching assistants
to help with homework correction. Applicants should have a degree in one of the following:
Political Science, Religion, Economics or History. Please contact the University of
Cumberland for more information.

Comprehension Questions

Which position is best for these people? Choose ONLY ONE position for each person.

• Jane Madison. Jane recently retired and is looking for a part-time position. She would like
to work with people and enjoys public relation work. The best job for Jane is _____

• Jack Anderson. Jack graduated from the University of Trent with a degree in Economics
two years ago. He would like an academic position. The best job for Jack is _____

• Margaret Lillian. Margaret is 21 years old and would like a part-time position to help her
pay her university expenses. She can only work in the evenings. The best job for Margaret
is _____

• Alice Fingelhamm. Alice was trained as a secretary and has six years of experience. She is
an excellent typist but does not know how to use a computer. She is looking for a full-time
position. The best job for Alice is _____

• Peter Florian. Peter went to business school and studied computer and secretarial skills.
He is looking for his first job and would like a full-time position. The best job for Peter

• Vincent san George. Vincent loves working with children and has an education license
from the city of Birmingham. He would like to work with young children. The best job for
Vincent is _____

Did you hear Sarah got promoted?
What fresh graduates should know about their
first jobs

For recent graduates, internships may become a stepping stone to full-time, paid employment.
Before accepting an offer to work as an intern you should get some information about the
company’s reputation of procuring their interns and decide accordingly. If they usually hire one
intern but have tons of employees working day and night, it is better to look for other companies.
The best place to have an internship position is an organization that gives you an opportunity to
gain real work experience and develop your skills instead of using you as a cheap worker.

Another thing that should be considered is the size of the company. Sometimes bigger and more
established organizations are better as they have a clear hierarchy and therefore it gives you a clear
idea of your position and the job description and most importantly, it will be easier to get a mentor.
Startups with only five employees are usually more flexible in terms of job responsibilities and
therefore it makes it harder to define your position and get mentors.

After you choose a company, do a little research on the company including the people who work
there. You can do a Google search and comb social media such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter to
dig deep about the company’s hiring managers and what they expect from a new employee.

Social media is also very useful to keep in touch with as many people as you can and build your
network. Do not hesitate to maintain any personal connection you have because those connections
could be the first ones who inform you about a new job opening or any vacant positions you can
apply for.

If you aim for a dream job, do not overlook an entry-level position just because it offers mediocre
salary. Entry-level employees are more likely to be given room to grow and learn from their
mistakes. They will also be able to figure out the job routines and get used to them when they
actually get the position they have been dreaming about.

As your first few jobs might be very demanding yet less rewarding, remember to have fun and enjoy
your life. Working overtime may not always be a good idea to accelerate your career, especially if
you have to be more stressed than your seniors who earn bigger salaries. Setting the time for
exercise and social life will make your life more balanced and stress free.

Comprehension Questions: Choose the answer which best fits according to the text.

1) What should a fresh graduate take into account when finding an internship?
a. Company´s recruitment procedure.
b. Company’s reputation procedure.
c. Company´s worker union.
d. Internship salary.

2) Why is a more established organization a better place to work as an intern?

a. It has flexible work hours.

b. It offers higher salary.
c. It has clear job descriptions.
d. It offers full-time positions.

3) What are the recommended media for doing research on the company?
a. Google search, Facebook, LinkedIn
b. Google search, Twitter, Yahoo.
c. Google search, Twitter, Gmail.
d. Google scholar, LinkedIn, Twitter.

It´s a Deal!
Customer service: problem solving

Informing a Customer that an Ordered Item Isn’t Available

As any industry specialist will attest to, the business world is naturally
unpredictable; unforeseen obstacles and dilemmas are common, and can affect
even the best-prepared individuals. Accordingly, it’s how one responds to
unexpected business setbacks that defines his or her career.

The importance and prevalence of phone calls in business has been detailed in
previous lessons, but the process of using a phone call to inform a client of an order
mishap has not.

In short, in the situation that an item (or items) ordered by a customer is unavailable
and/or cannot be delivered as scheduled, it’s the duty of the business professional
responsible for overseeing the transaction to promptly call this customer and fill
him or her in. Phone calls are the best form of
communication in this instance, as they are
inherently personal and demonstrate focus and
compassion. Moreover, high-quality customer care
is arguably the most significant part of a successful
company-client relationship.

Consider the following example, wherein a

customer support professional contacts a client to
inform her that her order cannot be fulfilled as was
initially planned:

Customer support: Hello, Mrs. Davis? This is Todd Jasper from LDT Appliances, how
are you doing?

Mrs. Davis: I’m doing well, thank you for asking. How can I help you? Customer
support: I’m calling in regards to the order you placed last week. Unfortunately, we
encountered an unexpected delay from one of our suppliers, and we won’t be able
to deliver your product as scheduled.

Mrs. Davis: Really? I was hoping to have my stuff here on the scheduled delivery
date—I was planning on it.

Customer support: I understand, and I wholeheartedly apologize for the
inconvenience. We’ve already spoken with our supplier, and the earliest we can
deliver your current order is next Thursday. Will that work?

Mrs. Davis: Thank you for your apology, but I really need the order here by this
Friday. I might have to purchase through another company.

Customer support: Your business means a lot to us, Mrs. Davis, and to meet your
schedule’s needs, I can offer you a similar product—in fact, a newer model that we
briefly discussed when you were ordering—to be delivered by this Friday at no
additional cost, as we have it in stock. I can also offer you a full refund, if you’d like.

Mrs. Davis: Really? That’d be great—the other product, that is. Thank you so much
for getting this worked out! I don’t know what I’d do without the item!

Customer support: It’s my pleasure. I’ll have one of our delivery professionals
contact you soon.

Mrs. Davis: Fantastic. Thanks again!

It should be expected that customers, when informed that their order will not be
fulfilled, will be upset—in fact, something would be wrong if they weren’t upset! But,
if customer support professionals remain calm and courteous during the
corresponding conversation, the situation can be resolved and a solution that works
for everyone involved can be reached

Comprehension Questions

1. What should a business professional do if an order cannot be fulfilled as scheduled?

a. Nothing – wait for the customer to call.

b. Cancel the transaction immediately.
c. Contact the customer by phone and explain the situation, with the goal of reaching a
helpful solution.

2. What is the typical tone of customers faced with an unexpected order delay?

a. Happy
b. Frustrated
c. Relieved
d. Excited

3. If a client is uninterested in receiving his or her order with a delay, what should the customer
support professional do?

a. Hang up the phone

b. Offer a full refund
c. Offer a similar product
d. B and C

The Marketing Trick of the Century

What do North Americans, Australians, New Zealanders, and Western Europeans pay up to 10,000
times the price for even though it’s available for free? The answer is bottled water, and the success
of this $13-billion-dollar industry (in the U.S.) is what some people call the marketing trick of the

From a marketing perspective, bottled water giants such as Coke and Pepsi have taken advantage
of people’s desire to live healthier with slogans such as ‘hydration is healthy’ (Dasani) or ‘a naturally
pure and mineral-balanced water supports your body’s youth’ (Evian). These slogans are often
accompanied by images of glaciers that give consumers the idea the water is taken fresh from a

The truth is that nearly half of bottled water in the US, Canada, and U.K., is just treated tap water
from municipal sources. This message, originally hidden, can now be seen in the small print on
bottles since companies are now required by law to reveal

If it is ‘treated’ tap water though, doesn’t this mean its

better? Not really, according to a 2008 study by the
Environmental Working Group that found that bottled water
had the same level of contaminants as tap water. Also, in
the U.S, U.K, and Canada, tap water has stricter health
standards than those imposed on bottled water
manufacturers, suggesting bottled water may be even
unhealthier. Lastly, regarding taste, countless blind taste
tastes (one conducted by the New York Times) have shown
that tap water was equal or better tasting to consumers.

The victim of the bottled water industry is not only the consumer. The majority of the 3 million tons
of plastic used yearly worldwide ends up in garbage dumps or the ocean. Additionally, it takes 3
liters of water to package one bottle, which can take 700 years to begin to decompose.

What’s more ridiculous, consumers are paying high prices for a product that, being municipal water,
they have already paid for with their own tax money. The resource is also unbelievably cheap. For
example, the province of British Columbia only charges companies $2.50 for every 1 million liters of
water. Considering a single bottle of water is sold for approximately the same price, it’s no
wonder giant corporations like Nestle are eager to tap into this profitable market.

Match the words with their meaning as used in the article.

1. perspective A. a phrase used to advertise a product

2. to take advantage of B. point of view; viewpoint
3. a slogan C. a slowly moving mass of ice found in mountains
4. a glacier D. to break down; to decay or become rotten
5. municipal E. to put something in place, often by force
6. contaminant F. silly; stupid; unbelievable
7. to impose G. it’s not surprising; obviously
8. to decompose H. to use something for your own benefit
9. ridiculous I. relating to a city or town or its government
10. no wonder J. impurity; a polluting substance








- Beare, Kenneth. "Reading Comprehension When Applying for a Job." ThoughtCo, Feb. 11, 2020.
- ©2017-2020
- Images:
- This English course was issued and designed by Evelyn Gaitan and Maylin Linton, 2020.


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