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Experiments in Fluids 20 (1996) 257-265 9 Springer-Verlag 1996

Turbulence production in flow over a wavy wall

J. D. Hudson, L. Dykhno, T. J. Hanratty


Abstract Measurements of the spatial and time variation U,V streamwise, normal velocity components
of two components of the velocity have been made over U, V streamwise, normal velocity fluctuations
a sinusoidal solid wavy boundary with a height to length ratio X, y streamwise, normal Cartesian coordinates
of 2a/2 = 0.10 and with a dimensionless wave number of ~ + =
(27t/2) (v/u*)= 0.02. For these conditions, both intermittent Greek
and time-mean flow reversals are observed near the troughs c~ wave number (2x/Z)
of the waves. Statistical quantities that are determined are 2 wave length
the mean streamwise and normal velocities, the root-mean- ~c von Karmon's constant
square of the fluctuations of the streamwise and normal veloc- v kinematic viscosity
ities, and the Reynolds shear stresses. Turbulence production p fluid density
is calculated from these measurements. r shear stress
The flow is characterized by an outer flow and by an inner
flow extending to a distance of about c~- 1 from the mean level
of the surface. Turbulence production in the inner region is
b bulk quantity
fundamentally different from flow over a flat surface in that it
f/ fiat channel quantity
is mainly associated with a shear layer that separates from the
0 reference quantity
back of the wave. Flow close to the surface is best described by
t total drag
an interaction between the shear layer and the wall, which
w wave wall quantity
produces a retarded zone and a boundary-layer with large wall
shear stresses.
Measurements of the outer flow compare favorably with Superscripts
measurements over a flat wall if velocities are made dimen- * friction velocity (u*)
sionless by a friction velocity defined with a shear stress ob- + quantity made dimensionless with u* and v
tained by extrapolating measurements of the Reynolds stress to
the mean levels of the surface (rather than from the drag on the Other
wall). Over bar time averaged quantity
() wave-averaged quantity defined such that
List of symbols (~b) = 1/2 S0~ q5dx
a wave amplitude
e natural logarithm constant
h channel half height
k sand roughness length scale
If a turbulent fluid passes over a periodic train of solid waves
p pressure
with large enough steepnesses (wave height to length ratio),
separated regions with a time-mean reversed flow can exist
in the troughs. An understanding of this flow has been
Received: 15 December 1994~Accepted: 9 September 1995 a continuing interest of this laboratory.
Zilker and Hanratty (1979) measured the variation of the
I. D. Hudson 1, L. Dykhno, T. I. Hanratty surface stress along a solid wavy boundary with electrochemi-
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Illinois,
cal probes. Buckles et al. (1994) used a single-component
Urbana, IL 61801, USA
laser-Doppler system to measure the time mean, [7, and the
Present address: root-mean-square of the velocity fluctuations, u 2, in the
1Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, WA streamwise direction. They found a layering of the maxima in
u 2, associated with the formation of shear layers behind the
Correspondence to: T. J. Hanratty
crests of the waves. The flow over each wave was described
This work is being supported by the National Science Foundation under as consisting of four zones: an outer flow, a shear layer,
NSF CTS 92-00936. a separated region and a thin boundary-layer which is initiated
close to the point where the separated flow reattaches to the Two TSI IFA 550 signal processor performed the signal
surface. Kuzan et al. (1989) used LDV to investigate the validation and recording. A dedicated IBM PC/AT controlled
transition from a turbulent separated flow to a turbulent the processing, acquisition and intermediate data storage.
non-separated flow with increasing Reynolds number. McLean These data were later transferred to a computer for statistical
(1983) developed a computational method to calculate the analysis. Sets of 30000 instantaneous pointwise measurements
behavior of a turbulent boundary-layer in the presence of of two components of the fluid velocity were obtained at 500
a train of solid waves. Kuzan et al. (1989) and Frederick and locations that covered a region from near the wave surface to
Hanratty (1988) modified this code to describe flow in an the channel center. The time between measurements (2 ms)
enclosed channel. Both computations employed models for the was short compared with the characteristic period of tur-
Reynolds shear stress based on studies of turbulent flow over bulence; the period over which the measurements were taken
a flat plate. The agreement between the calculations and (60 s) was longer than the temporal macroscale of the
258 measurements is not satisfactory. turbulence.
A flaw in previous experimental studies is that no results on Statistical quantities that were calculated include the mean
the Reynolds shear stress were obtained. This limited the streamwise (~7) and normal (!7) velocities, the root-mean-
possibility of obtaining a physical understanding of the flow square (rms) values of the streamwise, (u 2)1/2, and normal
and of identifying inaccuracies in numerical calculations, since (v2) v2 turbulent velocity fluctuations and the mean Reynolds
models of the Reynolds stresses were tested indirectly by
shear stress (uv). Other properties of interest are calculated
comparing computed and measured mean velocity profiles.
from these mean values and their derivatives.
The experiments described in this paper provide results on two
The wave steepness was 2al2 = 0.1. The Reynolds number,
components of the velocity at 50 locations normal to the
Reh = ~ Ub)hlv, was set at 3380 so as to be in a region where
surface and at 10 streamwise locations under conditions that
separation of the mean flow occurs, according to the map of
a separated flow existed. Such complete mappings of the mean
Zilker (1979). Here { Ub) is the bulk-averaged velocity, equal to
flow and of the Reynolds stresses are rare. To the authors
12.0 cm/s, and h is the half-height of the channel. The Reynolds
knowledge, these are the first such detailed results for flow over
number based On the hydraulic diameter would be 13360. It
a wavy boundary.
was chosen for an initial study because a direct numerical
This physical picture presented in the previous paper by
simulation could be carried out for the same
Buckles et al. (1994) is greatly advanced. In particular, the
locations of regions of turbulence production are clearly
defined. Turbulence near the boundary is demonstrated to be
fundamentally different from what is found for flow over a flat 14 ' I I i , .
' ' I ' ' ' I ' ' ' I ' '
wall in that production is not associated with the flow-oriented
vortices described by Brooke and Hanratty (1993) and by Kline I
and Robinson (1989). However, turbulence quantities in the 10
outer flow are the same as for a flat wall, if scaled with an
appropriate friction velocity. This suggests that turbulence in 8
the outer flow could have a universal character, independent of 6
o 0.0 9 0.5

how it is produced at the wall.
o 0.1 0.6 -
9 0.2 0.7
2 2 ,, 0.3 0.8
Experimental 9* 0.4 0.9
The measurements were made in a rectangular water channel 0
with a cross section of 5.08 x 61 cm. The test section was
-2 i i ! I i I l i l J i l l a l l I I I
preceded by a developing section of approximately 100 channel 2.0 I l
' I ' ' l ' ' ' l ' ' l I ' ' '
heights in length to insure a fully developed flow. The lower
wall was constructed with removable Plexiglas plates on which
were milled sinusoidal waves of length 5.08 cm and amplitude 1.5
approximately equal to 0.05 2. The measurements were made
above the 31st of 36 waves to insure a fully periodic flow field. T I.0
Details on the channel construction are given by Niederschulte "5
The LDV system used in the experiments is described by i ~ 0.5
Niederschulte et al. (1990). It consisted of a 35 mW Spectra
Physics He-Ne laser and TSI optics which used polarization
rotation to achieve channel separation. The three beam,
two component system was operated in the forward scatter ~ I ~ . x
-0.5 r ~'I ~ ' ~ , J ~ I , , , I , , I I I I
mode. Flow reversals were detected by the use of a Bragg
(acousto- optic) cell with electronic downmixing. Measure- -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
ments with this system in a channel flow have been used (Y-Y0)/h
to check the accuracy of direct numerical simulations Fig. I. The mean streamwise (top) and normal (bottom) velocity
(1990). profiles
conditions and because details of the flow very close to the wall turbulent velocity fluctuations and the Reynolds shear (1.6)
could be resolved. All of the measurements of U, if, u 2, v 2 and u stress occur near (y-yo)/h =0.1.
are tabulated in the thesis by Hudson (1993). A description of the outer flow requires an appropriate
The exact location of the crest of the waves relative to the velocity scale analogous to the friction velocity defined by the
optical measurement volume was difficult to determine; Blasius equations for flow over a flat plate:
therefore, the x = 0 reported in the experimental results need u~ ~f /O.0612Reh ~
not correspond exactly to the crest. The wave profile, (Ub) -- X/2- = X/ 2 (2)
determined by the intersection of the laser beams with the
surface is listed below:

(y-yo)/h 0.200 0.178 0.132 0.072 0.019 0.003 0.039 0.101 0.157 0.190 0.200
x12 0.000 0.100 0.200 0.300 0.400 0.500 0.600 0.700 0.800 0.900 1.000

where y corresponds to the measured distance above

the average location of the wall and h is the half-height of where ( U s ) is the bulk velocity given by
the channel. These data can be fitted by the following
equation: ( Ub>_ Ioaj'~ ~2dYdx
y0a yg dy dx (3)
Ho 01o +o, os( x
h --+0.144 ) (1) Equation (2) has been verified by measurements in the channel
with two flat walls. For flow over a large amplitude wave this
Thus, x/2 = 0 is approximately 1.2 m m downstream of the relation underestimates the friction velocity as indicated
wave crest, according to this fit. below.

The measurement of Reynolds shear stresses allows direct

3 calculation of a more appropriate friction velocity, u w.
* A shear
Results for the outer flow stress z which includes both the Reynolds shear stress and the
Figure 1 presents distributions of the streamwise and normal viscous shear stress is defined by
mean velocities at 10 locations along the wave. These velocities
are normalized by a friction velocity (u~) which is defined v dU uv
r + --
from the Reynolds stress measurements (Eqs. (4, 5)). The u dy u,, 2 , (4)
abscissa gives the distance from reference height Yo, made
dimensionless with the channel half-height. This reference is where z + is made dimensionless with puff. The averages ofz +
chosen as the mean location of the wavy surface. The stress in over a wavelength, ( r + ), are presented as the open symbols in
the fluid above the crest varies linearly with y AP/Ax, where Fig. 3. The approximately linear variation in the outer region
AP/Ax is the average pressure gradient in the fluid. The force indicates these data can be used to define
on the wavy surface equals the sum of contributions due to
drag and due to AP/Ax. For a sinusoidal surface this latter *- ~ 7 , (5)
force equals a (AP/Ax) or yo(AP/Ax). A force balance on
a control volume whose front and back faces are located at the by extrapolating r + to Y=Yo. A value of u~*2=2.91uff is
troughs of two successive waves and whose upper boundary is obtained in this way. From an extrapolation toward the
located where the stress equals zero gives the total force on the channel center, the zero value of z is located n e a r y - y o / h = 1.3.
wave surface. A linear extrapolation of measurements of z, to Since u~=0.76 cm/s, a value of u~= 1.30 cm/s is obtained.
y = 0 gives the total force; a linear extrapolation to Y0 gives the This is approximately 60 % higher than the friction velocity
form drag. given by (2).
The variations of the mean velocities shown in Fig. 1 are Another possible choice of the velocity scale may be defined
small for (y-yo)/h > 0.3, which is described as the outer from the wave-averaged total drag. Mean velocities U and
region. Inner and outer regions can also be recognized from g also make significant contributions to momentum transport.
profiles of the turbulent velocity fluctuations and the Reynolds The phase relation of the two quantities is such that the
stresses, which are presented in Fig. 2. As with the mean wavelength average of - p ( U V ) ,
streamwise velocities, a boundary between the inner and an
outer regions can be defined as (y-yo)lh ,~ 0.3. The inner
( O f f ) = ~ i (UV)dx, (6)
region is characterized by large spatial variations of the
turbulence and distinct maxima. There are small wave-induced
is not zero. This contributes to a net momentum flow in the
variations in u 2 and C in the outer region; the spatial averages
y-direction or an effective stress equal to - p ( U f f ) . A total
of these quantities are affected by the presence of the wavy
shearing stress z, may be defined by
surface through the values of uw. * The magnitudes of the
turbulence quantities slowly decrease with distance from the
wave to the values at the channel center. The maximum values v dU uv UV
T? (7)
of the dimensionless streamwise (2.5) and normal (1.25) dy -u;r
2.5 4.5 k , , , , I . . . . J . . . .
4.0 F',,,.
~ 3.0
._ - 0o o
1.5 -~ 2.5 : * 000-

1.0 " 2.0

~ . 9

~, 1.5

0.5 1.0

05 , , ,

0.0 0 0.5 1 1.5

1.4 (y-yo)/h ,-

1.2 Fig. 3. Wave-averaged shear stress profiles. The open symbols (O) are
1.0 the sum of the viscous and Reynolds shear stress terms (as in Eq. (4)).
The closed symbols (e) are a sum of these terms plus the mean
0.8 momentum transport term (as in Eq. (7))

12_ ' ...... i ' .',a* . . . . . .
0.4 11 ~**
, r

0.2 10 <u"+>= 5.75log(y*)- 2.94 /

0.0 m 9 /

1.5 I'~ 7 - 0"

6- *

I 1'0 5- .o0"
A I I I I I I I I[ I ' ' ' ' ' '

~0.5 0 100 10 3
(Y-Y,) u*/v
Fig. 4. Wave-averaged mean streamwise velocities near the log-law
region of the outer flow
-0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
(Y-Yo)/h , fluctuations for the wave surface are close to the values for
Fig. 2. Profiles of the mean streamwise (top), normal (middle) a fiat wall; the normal fluctuations and Reynolds shear stresses
turbulent velocity fluctuations and the mean Reynolds stress (bottom). are slightly higher. Somewhat better agreement could be
Curves plot the data of Niederschulte et al. (1990) obtained in a flat obtained by offsetting the fiat channel data slightly from the
channel wavy surface (approximately Ay/h=0.2) so that the zero-
stress location for the fiat plate (the channel center, or
y-yo/h = 1.0) and the zero-stress location for the wavy surface
The wave-averaged mean total effective stresses ( r t +) are (approximately y-yo/h = 1.2 as defined by Fig. 3) coincide.
presented as the closed symbols in Fig. 3. A straight line fit of The approximate agreement between the data for the flat
these data extrapolates to a value of 4.3 + 0.5 u~2 at y =Y0 and to and wavy walls in Fig. 2 indicates that u~ is a better scaling
zero near (y-yo)/h = 1.5. The square-root of the value a t y =Y0 than ut*.
gives ut*= 1.58 cm/s, which is twice the flat channel friction The effects of the wavy surface on the wave-averaged
velocity u~. This intercept is the dimensionless drag of the wall velocities are felt in the log-law region through the change in
given by (D/;tW)(1/uff), where D is the drag force, the friction velocity u~. The wave-averaged mean streamwise
The turbulent velocity fluctuations and the Reynolds shear velocities in the outer flow region are presented in Fig.. 4.
stresses normalized by the friction velocity u~ are compared to These velocities agree approximately with the equation
the data obtained with a fiat channel by Niederschulte et al.
(1990), at a similar Reynolds number (RG= 2470) in Fig. 2 (the U - e log ( y - y ~ u~ 2.94 (8)
solid curves). The dimensionless streamwise turbulent velocity Uw
~ ~c v
(shown as a solid line) in the log-region, 70 < (Y-Yo)U~w/ tegration of the mean streamwise velocities
v < 250. Within the accuracy of the measurements an y'

argument cannot be made that the log region is different ~b(x,y') = j U(x,y')dy' (10)
from what is found for a flat wall; e/K=5.75, where e is the 0
natural logarithm constant and ~c= 0.4 is the yon Karman where y' is the distance above the wave surface at a given x.
constant. Contours of the mean Reynolds shear stress are presented in
These data also agree well with an equation of the form Fig. 6.
The separated region is bounded by the ~b= 0 streamline and
0 - _el o g g Y 0 + B the wavy boundary between xDl = 0.3 and x/,~ = 0.5. A region of
Uw ~ K s
large velocity gradients close to the wall, a boundary layer,
forms immediately downstream of the separated region (near
suggested by Schlichting (1979) to describe the outer flow x/2 = 0.6) and extends almost to the next wave crest. All the 261
region above a roughened surface. An equivalent sand terms in the momentum equations were measured, except the
roughness for the wavy surface of 0.5 cm is calculated from pressure, so an integration gives the pressure at the wave
Eq. (9) by using (e/K) = 5.75 and B = 8.6, the value suggested by surface (Hudson, 1993). The boundary upstream of the crest is
Nikuradse (as referenced in Schlichting 1979) for a completely influenced by the accelerating outer flow, that is, a favorable
roughened surface. This roughness is approximately the total gradient of (p + uZ). It has a thickness of the order of 1 ram. As
wave height, 2a =0.51 cm. The dimensionless equivalents and the boundary layer thickens, instabilities occur when the fluid
roughness, k~+ = ksuw/v, therefore, is on the order of 70. This
near the wall begins to decelerate. These instabilities grow in
justifies the use of B = 8.6.
the presence of the adverse gradient of (p + u 2) which occurs
The slope of the streamwise log-layer data normalized by the
beyond x/)~= 0.9. Downstream of the crest, the flow at the wall
friction velocity u~ is consistent with the e/~ slope obtained for
separates. As seen in Fig. 5, an inflection point with a large
a variety of wall bounded flows. For an alternate choice of the
velocity gradient develops away from the wall. The region
friction velocity, such as u;, the value of the von Karman
surrounding this inflectional point is called a "shear layer"; it
constant K would be defined as ~(ut/uw) for a good fit of the x- x-

resembles a classical free shear layer or mixing layer. This layer

data. That is, it would require a 20 % increase in the accepted
begins close to the wavy surface near x/,~ = = 0.1 and develops
value of ~ if u ~ = 1.58 cm/s is used instead of u~. This ob-
downstream so that its effects are experienced for several
servation, and the good agreement of the measurements of the
wavelengths (Buckles et al. 1984). Its outer extent can be
turbulence quantities in Fig. 2 with the results of Niederschulte
defined by an outer inflectional point in the mean velocity
are used as a justification for the choice of u~ as the velocity
profiles. The center of the shear layer is defined by the loci of
maxima in the Reynolds shear stress, shown as a dashed curve
in Fig. 6. The lower part of the shear layer differs from the
4 upper part because of the interaction with wall. The definition
Inner region of this interaction is a critical theoretical problem. In fact, the
separated region and the boundary layer may be considered as
4.1 manifestations of this interaction.
Features of the inner region
The main focus of this paper is the inner region where the 4.2
effects of the wavy wall are the most evident. Following the The Reynolds shear stress
discussion of Buckles et al. (1994), the flow features are The time-averaged Reynolds shear stresses are presented as
described by considering it to consist of a separated region, contours in Fig. 6. The abscissa is the distance from the crest in
a boundary layer and a shear layer. the streamwise direction normalized by the wavelength )~. The
The mean velocity field in the inner region is presented in contour values are made dimensionless with the friction
Fig. 5 in vector form and as streamlines, obtained by in- velocity u~*.

0.4 r


9 ~ ~ ~ - . _ ~ a L - - , ~ , ~ ~ ~

Fig. 5. The mean velocity field with
, , , i I " J "1600, , , , I i i , , I f , i i streamlines
0.2 0.4 0,6 0.8 1.0
0 . 4 . . ~ , . , ~ r 9 . . . . , . .

0 4 1,2 ,.. 0.6 __._____-

" _ _ _ -- -- ~ ,.,. 0.4 0.2__

Fig. 6. Contours of Reynolds shear stress

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

As Fig. 6 indicates, the values of the time-averaged Reynolds mean flow and the turbulence do not vary in the z-direction:
shear stress vary from a maximum just above 1.6 to small
negative values. The areas of negative stresses which occur on
the upstream and downstream sides of the wave are artifacts of
Etk ~- -- ldV - ~ -- U -VUyx-V (11)

calculating the Reynolds shear stress in a Cartesian coordinate

system. As is shown in the thesis of Hudson (1993), Reynolds Here the turbulent kinetic energy per unit mass is defined as
shear stresses assume positive values in these regions if they the sum of three components (u 2 + v2+ w2)/2, of which only u 2
are calculated in a boundary-layer coordinate system. and ~5 are measured. The first two terms represent a direct
A region of maximum values of the time-average Reynolds transfer of energy from the mean flow to the streamwise
shear stress begins to develop near x / 2 = 0 . 1 , (,v-,vo)/h =0.1 component of the turbulent kinetic energy (u2/2). The third
with a value of approximately 0.5. Downstream it rapidly
and fourth represent a direct transfer to (vZ/2). For flow above
increases in extent until it reaches a global maximum (1.66) at
a flat plate the last three terms in Eq. (11) are unimportant as
x/2 = 0.5. The maxima may be traced far downstream well
the gradients of the time-averaged mean velocity are small.
beyond the next crest.
However, these terms are significant near a wavy surface where
The loci of Reynolds shear stress maxima coincides ap-
the wave-induced flows are associated with large gradients of
proximately with inflections in the velocity profile at the center
0 and V in both the x- and ,v-directions.
of the shear layer. Because this inflection is, in some places,
The turbulent kinetic energy production, defined by
broad and because the velocity profile is not symmetric about
Eq. (11), was made dimensionless with u ~ / v and is presented
the shear layer center for every streamwise location, the loci of
for the flow at Reh = 3380 as the contours of Fig. 7. The
shear stress maxima provide more convenient markers of the
contributions of the four terms in Eq. (11) are presented in
location of the shear layer.
Fig. 8, where the dashed contours indicate negative values of
The overall variation of the Reynolds shear stress is large.
This may be seen in the streamwise direction along a line near the contribution. The first term (-uv~;U/?~,v ) is dominant
(,V- , v o) / h = 0.1, where the minimum value is approximately 0.3 throughout most of the two-dimensional field. However,
at x / 2 = 0 . 0 ) and the maximum value is larger than 1.6 (at the second term ( - uZOU/?;x), in some places, is the same order
x/2 = 0.5). The large variation in the normal direction is as the first. This is particularly evident in the downstream
particularly evident between x/2 = 0.4 and x/2 = 0.6 where the region of the wave where the relatively large negative values of
values decrease monotonically from the maximum value of the second term tend to balance positive values of the first
1.2 1.4 (near (,v-yo)/h=0.1) to near zero close to the wavy term. The maximum positive value of the second term occurs
surface. just above the crest in the same area as the maximum value
Near the wavy surface the Reynolds stress varies primarily of the first term. The second term contributes approxi-
with the distance from the surface. Consequently the contours mately 35% of the total production in the area near the locus
of constant stress are roughly parallel to the boundary. Near of maximum total production. A large region of negative
the center of the shear layer the Reynolds stresses at different contribution of the second term occurs in the downstream half
locations along the shear layer vary with distance from the of the wave near x/2=0.6, ,v-,vo/h =0.75. These negative
center normalized by a length describing the shear layer extent. values tend to offset the positive values of the first and fourth
In the outer region the Reynolds shear stress is approximately term so that the total production in the region is near zero. The
a constant at fixed (,V-,Vo). (See also the bottom of Fig. 2) fourth term (~(~V/~ has significant magnitudes only in the
downstream region, near the wavy surface. The positive values
4.3 of the fourth term balances the slightly negative values of the
Turbulent energy production first term very close to the wavy surface, downstream of the
The time-averaged mean rate of production of turbulent reattachement point and balance, to some extent, the negative
kinetic energy,/~tk, is given by the following equation if the values of the second term. The third production term
0.4 i


Fig. 7. Turbulent kinetic energy

0 production contours. The production is
made dimensionless with u~/v
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 .0
x/~. 263

While the first term may be considered a rough estimate of

the total turbulent kinetic energy production, a consideration
of the second and fourth term are required for an accurate
representation of the magnitudes and locations of maxima and
= ~ 0 . 1 0 ~ / ,,-'~ minima. This is particularly true very near the wall (from
x/2 ~ 0.5 to x g 0.8) where the first term gives negative values
and in the downstream regions where the first, second and
fourth terms are of the same order.
As shown in Fig. 7, large values of the production are as-
sociated with the downstream part of the boundary layer and
with the development of the shear layer, particularly in the area
of its initiation. These large values precede the crest (near the
surface at x/,~--0.9) and continue downstream roughly fol-
lowing the developing shear layer. Past reattachment the
production associated with the shear layer has values less than
A large area of near zero production occurs near the surface.
\ This area begins near the formation of the separated region (at
x/,~ = 0.2) and continues downstream through most of the
boundary layer development past x/,~ = 0.8.

0.4 - ) . . . . . . .~ . . . . . . The mean turbulent velocity fluctuations
The root-mean-square of the streamwise and normal turbulent
velocity fluctuations, made dimensionless with u~, are pre-

T0.2 ~ ~ o o o
sented as contours in Fig. 9. The mean streamwise fluctua-
tions are characterized by large magnitudes throughout the
inner region, except very close to the wall where the values
o decrease to zero. The most prominent feature of this field is the
large region encompassing the maximum values. This region
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
x/k begins near the wall at approximately x/2 = 0.8. (See the
contour with a value of 1.8, Fig. 9, top), continues over the
Fig. 8. Contours of the four production terms. Contours of the (top to
crest, and broadens, attaining a maximum value of 2.5 at
bottom) first production term, -uvctO/#y; the second production
x/2 = 0.5, ( y - y 0 ) = 0.1. The band continues downstream
term, -uZ~O/~x; the third production term, -uv~WSx; and the
narrowing as it approaches the next crest, where two maxima
fourth production term, -v2~V/~y. Units are made dimensionless
are shown (1.8 at y - Y o~h = 0.12 and 1.8 at y =Y0/h = 0.23). This
with u~/v
region may be followed past the crest where its value decreases.
Eventually the band cannot be differentiated from the outer
flow values (1.2-1.4).
As pointed out by Buckles (1984), the loci of maxima in this
(-vuSVIOx) contributes a significant part of the total region correspond roughly to inflections in the mean velocity
production only in a very small area close to its maximum profile and, therefore, to the center of the shear layer from
(0.013), x/2 = 0.65, (y-yo)h = 0.10, where the other three terms approximately x/2 = 0.2 downstream. However, the region of
are small. maxima in Urms starts close to the wall near x/).=0.8. This
maximum direct production of v2/2, by terms three and four
(in Eq. 10), occurs in the region where Vrms is the largest. But,
0.2 ::~ 1.8 ~ 1 8 ~ since these production terms are quite small, this suggestion
must be regarded as speculative.
A lag that is observed in the maxima of normal rms values
O with respect to the streamwise rms values. Turbulence
, o . 9 ~ , ,
production process is, thus, initially characterized by the
0.4 appearance of large fluctuations in the streamwise direction.
Significant fluctuations in the normal direction, which occur
downstream, result from flow structures spawned by the large
0.2 / 1.0 j j
264 -- -~-- 0,8~-~ ~ 1.0~ streamwise fluctuations. These results are consistent with the
~0.6 12 equations which describe the balance of turbulent kinetic
energy. These show that uvCU/Cy and u28U/c?x are associated
~I with the production of u 2 and that v 2 appears through a transfer
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0,8 1.0
of energy from u 2 through the pressure velocity gradient
correlations (unless direct production of v2 is large).
Fig. 9. Contours of the mean streamwise (u2)~a (top) and normal
(v2)~a (bottom) turbulent velocity fluctuations normalized by u~* 5

location corresponds to the maximum in the production of 5.1

turbulent kinetic energy shown in Fig. 7. This behavior may The outer flow
be associated with the shear layer interacting with the Turbulent flows over irregular surfaces are usually scaled with
boundary-layer on the rising surface contour. a friction velocity based on the drag of the fluid u * = (~,/p)~/2. In
The variation in the values of the streamwise root-mean- many cases (Cohen and Hanratty 1968; Gill et al. 1964) the
square (rms) fluctuations in the separated region is different interpretation of measurements of mean velocity, with this
from what is observed for the kinetic energy production. scaling, produces avon Karman constant larger than what is
The values decrease montonically from those found in the found for flow over a flat surface. The results presented in this
shear layer (~> 1.5) to near zero close to the wavy surface. paper could provide an explanation for this paradox and could
However, u .... has finite values in the separated region, even raise some concern about the practice of using measurements
though the turbulent energy production is zero. A similar of the average velocity to determine drag at a wa W gas-liquid
behavior is observed near the wall from x/;,~= 0.5 to x/2 = 0.8. interface (Clauser 1954; Schlichting 1979).
This indicates that the energy is convected or diffused from Flow close to a train of steep solid waves experiences large
above rather than produced locally. variations in the direction of mean flow, at distances from the
The overall variation of the streamwise fluctuations is average location of the wave surface (Y0) of less than one
relatively small throughout the entire inner region. In the reciprocal wave number (2/2). Even though wave-induced flow
streamwise direction the maximum variation is approximately variations are small in the outer flow, they are still large enough
25% of the maximum, from 1.8 to 2.4 at (Y-Yo) =0.1. to make significant contributions to the transport of mo-
The variation of the normal fluctuations is also small, mentum. A total fluid stress, r,, is therefore defined as the sum
particularly in the streamwise direction where it varies with of the wave-length average of the contributions of the mean
x from 0.4 to 1.2 along (Y-Yo) =0.1. However, there are some flow and the turbulence (the Reynolds stress). An extra-
differences. The region of maxima in the normal fluctuations polation, ~t, to the average location of the wave surface gives
lags that of the streamwise fluctuations. In the area where the the drag on the surface, or u*. The measurements presented in
streamwise fluctuations are initiated and the turbulent kinetic this paper agree with measurements over a flat plate if they are
energy production is a maximum (near x / 2 = 0 ) , (y yo)/h = scaled with friction velocity, u~*, obtained by extrapolating
0.02, Fig. 7), the normal rms values are low. Furthermore, only measurements of the Reynolds stress to Y0.
a single maximum is shown at x/2 = 1.0; this maximum This is of interest since the processes for producing
corresponds roughly to the center of the shear layer. The initia- turbulence at a wa W wall and at a flat wall are quite different.
tion of the region of maxima in the normal rms occurs near The results support the notion that the structure of stress
x/2 = 0.3, (y =yo)/h = 0.07, where the value is approximately producing motions in the outer flow could have a universal
0.8. The normal fluctuations increase in magnitude to character, in that they are influenced by turbulence producing
a maximum which occurs at x/)o=0.6, where its value is 1.25. processes in the inner flow only through the magnitude of
Like the streamwise fluctuations, the region of maxima of characteristic velocity u~.
normal rms values can be traced some distance downstream,
extending beyond the next crest. The values downstream are 5.2
close to those found in the outer flow, 0.6 0.7. However, it is The inner flow
noted that the loci of maxima in Vrms occurs below the loci of Turbulence production in the inner region for turbulent flow
maxima in Urms. This could be associated with the energy over a fiat plate is associated with the flow oriented vortices
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