Freedom Hero Summary

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rexdem Hers

with Mahy afterent

ieions And cullures -There came

Tndian istory nhen the Biish tasle

Indians Grsat
Ihetoes oss Rm AMong the mas people whs
Sauóht sverthres AheBi4sh nvle
Maulana Azad was Qne such hero He
was born in Qydwah n Mecca too khair uddin
He was hamed AS Mokiuddin Ahmed He Was iven
Hte le 'Azad laler înin is fe kh©ir Uddln was
A welk ed vcated mahheproxided Maulana Azad
ith best educaton: Azad as hsmeschoole o and he
Ilearnt Arsbie, lirdu y erian lanýuaçes Ver et
Az2d hias fond al readinf He slated thng:
in ournals since he Was 4 He slated superising
AL-Misbah thes at the age 12 Makhzan, Ahsah
Al- Akhbay nd luhea Ahim adiyya Nere Some olher
mapa~ncs hat publishe Ais work
Some o! his Were
Al- HRlal, A- Balaoh Al- JamoD Thagaalul Hnd, frecdom
lia IslaM, Tihad n Islam Amr bil Ma'u?, Keligion
Qval <-aisal Muslim womab, ele
Agart. romn being a Great ree, Mav ana
Azad ws blessed wilh excellent ralien Salls
MaulanaAzad as dho irsk Educatin
inister Gf Incha: He
Independent IndliY
many counils , acadenmies K protesta a
hat made he newly oorn State shtonger Some
Ahe councils Inclvder Naional Technisal
Research Orfaizakon, Uiveridy (atant Commsio'y
Tndian Cunäl ot Medical 2escarch Tndian
Counl o
TCCR nere Reunded under ais speriien
To prornote his olsbal vision,
Azad staried A periodie jsurnal in Aralhis ts
|Srergkeh the reulien Arabs Indians He
Also sacted iournala In Enaqhish Crench ?
German to boost Cu lhural relaticns behween
Treie European courdies
Apart rom his natianalisH
Achieve rments, Azad manayíed te hold sht to
Islam: He hdrete slarted wrilng Talseer o!
aiuaan A
Quragn Unsrlunalely bebre he could toe
compaleke he passed Ana Tarijoman A
Quran Compleled by Mifra Ghulam Rosoo
known As Baqiyat e Tarjuman uL
Maulana Azad pased anay
Feb 195s n Deli He was a Arue
tHe ro excellent
haionaist, A Rreesom
prstownd Tslammi Scholar:
er And

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