Infografia - Ivonne Rocio Florez

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OCTOBER 31,2023

Epidemiological surveillance refers to the process of collecting, analyzing and interpreting data on
health-related events in a given community. Public health, on the other hand, encompasses a broad
field dedicated to preventing disease, promoting healthy lifestyles and ensuring adequate medical
care for all.
Epidemiological surveillance plays a crucial role in the early detection of disease outbreaks and the
implementation of control and prevention measures in a population. Through continuous data
collection, patterns, trends and risk factors can be identified to help guide public health
Public health, on the other hand, focuses on improving the health of the population as a whole,
addressing not only biological, but also social and environmental aspects. This involves educating
the community about the importance of healthy habits, implementing disease prevention and control
policies, and ensuring equitable access to quality health services.
The interconnection between epidemiological surveillance and public health is
vital.Epidemiological surveillance provides the data necessary for public health professionals to
make informed decisions about health policies, programs and strategies. Public health also provides
the conceptual framework and tools necessary to carry out disease prevention and control actions
based on the information gathered through epidemiological surveillance.
In short, epidemiological surveillance and public health work together to ensure the health of
communities. Epidemiologic surveillance provides essential data to identify and control diseases,
while public health implements interventions and programs based on those data to improve the
health of the general population.Together, these disciplines play a critical role in promoting a
healthy environment and preventing disease.
Activity 1 .Infographic on Epidemiological Surveillance

Outbreaks: These are unusual or sudden increases in the

incidence of a disease in a specific population and in a
Incidence rate: An epidemiological specific geographic area. Outbreaks may be localized, such Case: A person who presents with a
measure that indicates the frequency as in a community, or related to specific events, such as specific disease or health event under
with which a disease occurs in a food contamination or contact with infected persons. surveillance. Cases may be individual (a
specific population during a given single affected individual) or clustered
period of time. It is usually expressed cases (several affected persons in the
as the number of new cases per 1,000 same area or time period).
or 100,000 persons at risk.

It is the process of systematic and continuous collection,

analysis, interpretation and dissemination of data on
health-related events in a population. The objective is to
detect changes in disease incidence, identify risk factors,
design interventions and evaluate their effectiveness.
Data sources: These are the sources of
Mandatory reporting: This is the legal
information used in epidemiological
obligation of health professionals
surveillance. They may include health (physicians, laboratories, etc.) to inform
facilities, laboratories, civil registries, the health authorities of certain pre-
epidemiological surveys, among others. specified diseases or health events. This
provides a more accurate picture of the
incidence and distribution of diseases.
Epidemic: Refers to a significant increase in the incidence of a
disease in a population, which exceeds what is expected in a
given period of time and in a given geographic area.
1.Disease prevention: Public health and 3. Promoting healthy lifestyles: Public health
epidemiological surveillance allows for the focuses on promoting healthy lifestyles and
identification and control of diseases before they 2. Protection of the health of the population: Public health
preventing chronic diseases. Epidemiological
spread, which helps prevent outbreaks and epidemics. and epidemiological surveillance focus on the health of the
community as a whole. This involves the identification of surveillance provides information on risk
This includes early identification of cases,
health risk conditions, the monitoring of health indicators factors and population health trends that
implementation of infection control measures, and
and the implementation of prevention policies and help guide health promotion interventions,
investigation of risk factors, which reduces the spread
of disease and saves lives. programs at the population level. such as education on healthy eating, physical
activity, and smoking cessation.

The importance of public health and epidemiological surveillance lies

in their ability to effectively protect and promote the health of the
population. Listed below are some of the key reasons why they are

4. Response to health emergencies: In

5. Evaluating the effectiveness of health interventions: emergency situations, such as outbreaks of
Epidemiological surveillance provides valuable data to infectious diseases or natural disasters, public
assess the effectiveness of disease prevention and health and epidemiological surveillance play a
control interventions. This allows public health key role in the rapid identification of cases,
professionals to adjust health strategies and policies coordination of the response, and
based on the evidence collected, thus improving the implementation of control measures to protect
quality of health services and maximizing available the health of the affected population.
Pidemiological Surveillance and public health are closely related and complement each other in the protection and promotion of population health.
Public health is the multidisciplinary field concerned with protecting and improving the health of communities through the promotion of healthy lifestyles,
prevention of disease and injury, and response to health outbreaks and emergencies. Epidemiological surveillance is one of the main tools used in public
Epidemiological surveillance, as mentioned above, has as its main objective to detect and control diseases and events related to the health of a population.
It provides key information for public health decision-making by identifying trends, outbreaks and risk factors that can be addressed to prevent diseases and
improve the health of the population.
Epidemiological surveillance makes it possible to monitor and evaluate the health status of a community, identify and respond to health needs, and
develop disease prevention and control strategies. It helps to identify population groups at higher risk, implement specific prevention and control
measures, and evaluate the effectiveness of these interventions.

 DECREE 1562 OF 1984 (June 22) Official Gazette No. 36.696 of July 18, 1984 MINISTRY OF PUBLIC HEALTH Whereby Titles VII and XI of Law 9 of
1979 are partially regulated, regarding epidemiological surveillance and control and safety measures.

 Law 100 of 1993. Epidemiological surveillance and control standards for the diagnosis, prognosis, prevention and control of communicable
diseases, as well as for the dissemination of epidemiological information.

 Resolution 0312 of 2019 is a technical standard of vital importance for the safety and health of workers in Colombia. This norm establishes the
minimum standards that companies must comply with in terms of occupational safety and health, and its implementation is mandatory for all
companies in the country.

In summary, epidemiological surveillance and public health work together to ensure the health of
communities. Epidemiological surveillance provides essential data to identify and control diseases,
while public health implements interventions and programs based on those data to improve the
health of the general population. Together, these disciplines play a critical role in promoting a
healthy environment and preventing disease.

(Perez F, 2022), Epidemiologic Surveillance in Public Health : Definition and Types

(Villa Romero, 2011) , Epidemiology and Public Health Statistics

(Berkelman RL, 1990), Public health surveillance of non-infectious chronic diseases: the potential
to detect rapid changes in disease burden. International Journal of Epidemiology 1990 Sep

(Dra. Liudmila Pérez Barly, 2014), Public Health

(Adela Lopez de Cerain Salsamendi, 2022), Epidemiological Surveillance

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