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Quizz 3

1. Reading: Match the drawing with the correct definition

1. store place where things are sold

2. Section área; part or división

3. Spoiled rotte; not good to eat

4. Traded exchanged, bartered

5. Laydry clothes that need to be washed

6. Shelves where we put our book

7. Thousands ten hundreads= 1000

2. Science : Choose de correct definition

1) What is a proceduce?

a) Is a plan for testing a hypothesis b) is a kind of list c) is a graph that

you can also use a graph helps you compare
to organize data and patterns
2) What is a chart?

b) Is a plan for testing a hypothesis b) is a kind of list c) is a graph that

you can also use a graph helps you compare
to organize data and patterns
3) What is a bar graph?
c) Is a plan for testing a hypothesis b) is a kind of list c) is a graph that
you can also use a graph helps you compare
to organize data and patterns

3.-Grammar : write E for Exclamation or C for Command

1) Take out your book. ________________

2) Stay ion your place ._________________

3) This house is enormous !_______________

4) What a wonderful party !___________________

4.-Reading . write the word once with a drawing and complete the sentences

Store Section Spoiled Traded Laundry Shelves Thousands Variety

1) Place where thing are sold

2) Área; part or división

3) Bolteni ; not good to eat

4) Exchanged bartered

5) Clothes that need to be washed

6) Where we put our books

7) Ten hundreds=1000 _______________

8) Different kind of things______________

5.Gramar : Read the sentenes underline the commands . Cirle the exclamation

1) This room is a mess !

2) Please pick up the toys .

3) Dust the shelf .

4) Sweep the floor too.

5) This is a great surprie for Dad!

6. Spelling: Match the drawing with the correct definition

1. Clean ; not dirty

2. Dream ; when you sleep

3. Peach; fruit

4. Agree; have the same opinion

5. Theeth ; I have teeth in my mouth

6. Cheese ; ham and cheese sándwich

7. Grain corn and wheat

8. Braid twist

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