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INTERFACES Ethics in Organizations:

presents articles focusing

on managerial applications The Case of Tata Steel
of management practices,
theories, and concepts
Sunil Kumar Maheshwari and M P Ganesh

Executive The concern for ethical decision-making among the regulators, social groups, and managers has
substantially increased in recent years following the failure of some of the prominent business
Summary organizations owing to strong social condemnation of some of their business practices. This
paper reviews the literature to address this concern by examining and discussing significant
issues of ethical decision-making in organizations.
Literature shows that the research to examine the linkage of ethical decision-making with
other organizational construct is inadequate. This paper tries to fill this gap by developing a
comprehensive framework of organizational ethical decision-making and behaviour of indi-
viduals in organizations. The framework identifies three groups of variables: a) moral intensity,
b) intrinsic factors, c) extrinsic factors. Further, it is used to analyse the implementation of code
of conduct at Tata Steel.
Ethical problems are problems of choice owing to the conflicting nature of values. They occur
when the individual values and the social norms conflict with each other. Often, due to
conflicting interests of different stakeholders, managers in organizations face the dilemma of
identifying the righteous decision as perceived by these stakeholders. Hence, it is important to
guide managers — by articulating and communicating unambiguously — regarding what is
right and what is not. Intense socialization will be required at different levels to imbibe
organizational values and ethical practices. The socialization that leads to willing adoption of
practices is likely to lead to better implementation of ethical practices. The scope of socialization
could be extended to include the family members of employees to develop a sense of pride
among them for being ethical.
Organizations would need to undertake the following initiatives which would be useful for
implementation of ethical practices:
¾ Enhance perceived self-efficacy among the employees. This study shows that people
with high self-efficacy are more open to ethical choices in their decision-making.
¾ Initiate reward and incentive mechanisms, suitable monitoring system, and accountabil-
ity mechanisms. Internal competition-driven performance management practices in-
duce violation of ethical norms in organizations. Hence, organizations with such
practices would need extra effort in socialization, training, and monitoring to ensure
KEY WORDS ethical decision-making.
¾ Develop different mechanisms for avoidance of violation of code of ethics. For adequate
Ethical Decision-making
monitoring, ethic supervisors should ideally report to an independent unit in the
Ethical Behaviour organization, preferably at a higher level. Hence, the reporting relationships may need
Organizational Ethics alteration for implementation of ethical practices.
The study also suggests that leadership at different levels of the organization will
Individual Values
have to display strong commitment to ethics through communication and adoption of
Tata Code of Conduct role model stature.

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an is a social animal. Though rules of nature and professional bodies have forced the organizations
control the humans as they control the other to be more concerned about their social responsibilities
living beings, the man himself has derived and ethical practices. In 1997, The Financial Times’ annual
certain principles to govern his own individual and survey of Europe’s most respected companies identified
group behaviour. These rules, in the form of behavioural ethical problems as the key reason for the dramatic drop
standards, may differ across cultures and times but their in Shell’s ranking. The company turned upside down in
basic objectives are always mutual existence and peace the aftermath of these unfavourable experiences and
within the particular community or the social group. By thus started correcting itself in order to achieve a sus-
ensuring security and protection of the group, these tainable growth (Donaldson and Dunfee, 1999). Similar
standards help in the survival of the particular commu- to Shell, many organizations whose business practices
nity or a social group. These standards of behaviour are are perceived to be unethical and whose products are
called ‘ethics.’ considered to be harmful to the consumers (e.g., ciga-
Like individuals, organizations are also monitored rette), face strong social condemnation. In recent corpo-
and evaluated by a set of ethical standards. Entities like rate history, the Enron and Arthur Anderson episodes
the professional and legal bodies, government, United underscore the importance of ethical practices in busi-
Nations Amnesty International, and other public inter- ness.
est groups influence the norms of behaviour for organi- Ethical problems are problems of choice. They
zations. They try to govern the important ethical con- become problems not because of the peoples’ tendency
cerns by influencing policies and rules. to do evil, but because of the conflicting nature of the
standards and interests which are valid in themselves.
ETHICS: THE CONCEPT Problems in ethical decision-making and behaviour occur
Ethics is defined as that characteristic which constitutes only when the individual interests and the social norms
good and bad human conduct and that which decides conflict with each other. Every organization is account-
what is good and evil, right and wrong, and thus what able towards its stakeholders–employees, capital inves-
we ought and ought not to do. The ethical sense of right tors, consumers, government, competitors, suppliers,
and wrong is derived by a set of social values through and other community members. In most situations, the
which our actions can be tested. In a social group, the organizations are able to balance its obligations towards
ethical standards are set keeping the social values as the these varied stakeholders. However, sometimes con-
base. Values are the central desires of individuals in any flicts do arise between the interests of two or more
social group. They are the choices that an individual stakeholders. In such situations, the more influential and
makes to enhance the quality of his or her existence. powerful group could gain precedence over others to
Ethical values are the set of values which are in protect their own interests. For example, though maxi-
accordance with the social norms and help in the exist- mizing financial returns is an organization’s obligation
ence of the larger community. The values that are con- towards its shareholders, it could be at the cost of eco-
sidered important for the existence of the group lead to logical system or legal business practices. Managers
a particular pattern of behaviour among the group under these situations face the dilemma of whether to
member and thus become the standards for future protect long-term interests of the organizations or short-
behaviour. In course of time, a few of these standards term profits. The recent thrust on high output-driven
gain legal significance. performance and reward linkages in organizations is
driving towards short-term interests. It might adversely
ORGANIZATIONS AND ETHICS affect the adherence to ethical norms in organizations.
As in any social group, ethics is inevitable in organiza- In order to ensure ethical business practices in an
tions. Research has already shown that ethics does pay. organization, it is important to have an ethical orienta-
Since unethical practices cost the industries billions of tion among the people who own, manage, and work for
dollars a year and damage the images of corporations, it. This could be achieved by adopting proper structures,
the emphasis on ethical behaviour in organizations has policies, and practices as they influence the ethical
increased over the recent years (Trevino, 1986). behaviour through flow of communication and rein-
Societal expectations and pressures from the legal forcements of ethical choices. Various successful organi-


zations encompass ethical conduct as a critical measure have been carried out in the recent decades (e.g., Trevino
in performance evaluations and compensation. Jack and Youndblood, 1990; Witkin and Goodenough, 1977;
Welch, one of the successful CEOs of GE, insisted that Blasi, 1980). These researches are based on different
the leaders of his organization should be oriented to- models of organizational ethical decision-making and
wards the organizational value more than being highly behaviour (Dubinsky and Loken 1989; Hunt and Vitell,
result-oriented. He rated GE’s top-level managers not 1986; Jones, 1991; Trevino, 1986; Zey-Ferrell and Ferrell,
only on their performance against targets but also on 1982; Beu and Buckley, 2001). Yet, these frameworks
the extent to which they ‘lived up’ to the GE values. have not been able to guide the managers adequately
According to Stark (1993), the managers are not owing to the complexity of issues. The issue-contingent
hostile to the idea of business ethics but might consider model of Jones (1991) synthesized ideas and constructs
it to be irrelevant. For example, financial performance from eight previous models as well as a new construct
might overweigh ethical standards to reflect high short- called moral intensity. In this paper, we have developed
term performance measures. It is important to examine a simpler framework to explain the ethical decision-
how organizational variables instigate managers to making and behaviour in organizations to guide the
consider short-term performance measures while ignor- managers and future researchers. Based on the litera-
ing the concern for ethics. Such an examination of or- ture, special attention is given to the organization and
ganizational structural characteristics and processes that the management implications of different factors in terms
influence ethical decision-making and behaviour would of applications in those ethical fronts.
make the issue relevant for managers. To extend this In Figure 1, we propose that ethical decision-mak-
stream of inquiry, researches in the area of ethical ing and behaviour of individuals in the organization is
decision-making and its determinants in organizations influenced by various factors which can be classified into

Figure 1: Ethical Decision-making and Behaviour in Organizations: A Contingency Framework

Moral Intensity
• Magnitude of consequences
• Social consensus
• Probability of effect
• Temporal immediacy
• Proximity
• Concentration of effect

Intrinsic Factors
• Moral awareness
• Individual values
• Cognitive factors
• Individual differences
• Demographic variables
Individual Ethical Decision- Overall
making and Ethical Behaviour Organizational

Extrinsic Factors
• Organizational ethical climate
• Group processes
• Level of accountability
• Performance management

VIKALPA • VOLUME 31 • NO 2 • APRIL - JUNE 2006 77

three major headings namely: A) Intrinsic variables, B) choices in the recent past. Consequently, there is an
Extrinsic variables, and C) Moral issue-related variables increased concern about ethical choices in organizations.
(moral intensity). Temporal immediacy: Temporal immediacy is the length
of time between the present and the onset of conse-
INDIVIDUAL ETHICAL DECISION-MAKING quences of the moral act in question (shorter length of
AND BEHAVIOUR time implies greater immediacy). The increased com-
Ethical decisions and behaviour of managers are the petition and concern for performance have been driving
ones that are both legally and morally acceptable to managers towards short-term orientation. Consequently,
employees and other stakeholders. Though an ethical managers may go for unethical choices if the positive
decision does not necessarily always lead to ethical outcomes of such decisions are significant and quick
behaviour, ethical behaviour is preceded by an ethical while the possible negative outcome could take a longer
decision-making. The ethical decision-making is influ- time.
enced by moral reasoning (Trevino, 1986) and intentions Proximity: Proximity is the feeling of nearness (social,
and stakes of decision-makers (Ajzen and Fishbein, 1977). cultural, psychological or physical) that the moral agent
Ajzen and Fishbein (1977) found that intentions are good has for the victims (beneficiaries) of the evil (beneficial)
predictors of behaviour in high involvement situations activities in question. Increased proximity enhances the
such as ethical dilemma. concern for such people in the managerial decision-
making. The concern for people in the organization and
Moral Intensity
its stakeholders is found to be higher among managers
Moral intensity is a characteristic of the moral issue who are more committed to their profession and the
itself. It is a major factor in influencing the ethical organization (Lee, 2002). The concern for ethical deci-
awareness, ethical decision-making, and behaviour of sion-making would thus require the human resource
the employees (Jones, 1991). Every ethical issue can be managers to find ways to get managers more committed.
represented in terms of its moral intensity – a construct Concentration of effect: The concentration of effect is an
that includes the following: inverse function of the number of people affected by an
Magnitude of consequences: Magnitude of consequences act of a given magnitude. The issues that affect larger
of the moral issue is the sum of the harms (or benefits) community get the social and other such groups acti-
done to the victims (or beneficiaries) of the moral act vated. Hence, the managers may ignore the immediate
in question. Fritzsche and Becker (1983) argued that returns in favour of ethics in their decision-making when
when moral dilemmas are faced, ethical behaviour is the concentration of effects is high.
more likely to be prompted by serious consequences The above components of the moral issue are ex-
than by modest consequences. pected to have interactive effects. Moral intensity is
Social consensus: Social consensus of the moral issue is expected to increase if there is an increase in any one
the degree of social agreement that a proposed act is evil (or more) of its components. The researchers have dem-
(or good). It signifies the social agreement over the onstrated that perceived moral intensity influences ethi-
individuals’ behaviour as either appropriate or not. A cal perceptions and intentions (Harrington, 1997; Morris
high degree of social consensus reduces the ambiguity and McDonald, 1995; Singer, 1996; Singhapakdi, Vitell
while making a choice thus leading to ethical decision- and Franke, 1999).
Intrinsic Factors
Probability of effect: The probability of effect is a joint
function of the probability that the unethical choices will These are the factors that are part of the individual
get detected and will actually cause harm (benefit). In himself.
countries like India where legal process is complex and Moral awareness: Awareness about an ethical issue is
time-consuming, the probability of actual harm is sig- a major step in the decision-making that leads to the
nificantly reduced in many situations. Consequently, ethical choices and behaviour. The Bounded Personal
violation of law has been frequent in organizations. Ethics model suggests that people are influenced both
However, heightened activity of social groups and media by concern for ethics and self-interest. Lack of awareness
has increased the probability of harm due to unethical of the ethical nature of their action can lead to self-


interested behaviour. Frequently, the consequences of Table 1: Interactions between Individual Values and
Organizational Ethics
decisions do have ethical implications which may not
be immediately obvious. Under such conditions, mana- Concern for Compliance to Organizational
gerial choices may be driven by considerations other Individual Values Ethics

than ethics. Once ethical values have been raised to the Low High
High Self-interested Value conflict/
level of awareness, they will be a significant force in an
behaviour Identification
individual’s decision-making. Awareness is the critical Low Indifference
causal antecedent of ethical behaviour.
Hence, organizations could improve the concern for two. With the rising concern for ethics in the society, the
ethics by increasing moral awareness through interven- human resource managers will have to worry about the
tions such as circulation of code of ethics. Seminars, alignment of individual values with organizational eth-
talks, conferences, and other socialization techniques ics.
could enhance the moral awareness and thus the concern Cognitive factors: Cognition significantly determines
for ethics. human behaviour. Research has extensively studied the
Individual values: Individual values strongly influence impact of cognitive factors like cognitive moral devel-
the choices of managers. They manifest themselves as opment and perceived self-efficacy on ethical behaviour
interests and motives and thus determine one’s behav- and ethical decision-making.
iour. In an organization, problems arise when the indi- Cognitive moral development is one of the impor-
vidual values and the organization’s ethics differ and tant factors in ethical decision-making (Wimbush, 1999).
contradict each other. The intensity of the problem can He conceptualized it as a way to describe and explain
vary depending upon how strong the individual’s val- the ethical decision-making processes of individuals.
ues are and what the consequences of compliance or non- According to him, individuals proceed sequentially
compliance of the organizational standards are. In most through three levels of development—pre-conventional,
cases, individual values have greater influence on the conventional, and post-conventional or principled.
decision-making than the organization’s ethical stand- In the pre-conventional level of cognitive develop-
ards. Hence, the improved concern for ethics in decision- ment, the individual’s decisions are based purely on self-
making requires an alignment of individual values with interest without taking others into consideration. At this
organizational ethics. This could be achieved through level, the individuals often act in order to avoid pun-
an appropriate staffing and value-based selection sys- ishment and, even if they take ethical decisions, they are
tem. Organizations are likely to have increasing concern due to enlightened self-interest rather than altruistic
for individual values in the recruitment and selection motives. At the conventional level, the individuals re-
processes with increasing concern for ethics. Organiza- cognize the potential impact of their decisions on others
tions may also be required to develop mechanisms to and thus follow rules, procedures, and laws. In the post-
ensure adequate consequences of compliance and non- conventional level, the individuals have high orientation
compliance of ethics in decision-making by managers. towards morality, their moral behaviour being directed
The framework in Table 1 explains the possible by internalized principles.
consequences of the interaction between individual According to Wimbush (1999), the employees in the
values and organizational ethics. It proposes that dif- third level continue to take ethical decisions and act
ferences in the individual and the organizational value ethically independent of other influencing factors such
can result in various outcomes. Value conflict may arise as the organization’s ethical climate and the reinforce-
when both individual and organizational values are very ments from the supervisors. Apart from being highly
strong. There may also be strong identification of man- ethical in their decisions and behaviour, individuals at
agers with the organization when strong individual the third level of moral development may try to stop
values and high ethical standards of the organization are others from engaging in unethical conduct or resort to
in alignment. whistle-blowing if unethical actions occur (Trevino, 1986).
On the other hand, when both entities have weaker Self-efficacy, the other cognitive variable influenc-
value system, the consequence will not be significant ing ethical decision-making and behaviour, refers to
and there will be abundant interdependence between the confidence in one’s coping ability across a wide range

VIKALPA • VOLUME 31 • NO 2 • APRIL - JUNE 2006 79

of situations. Cognitive consistency theory suggests that female counterparts. However, he found that men are
ethical behaviour is more consistent with a self-percep- more likely to ask for a bribe than women. Schminke
tion of high worth. (1997) reports that the male and female managers differ
Individual differences: The multiple-influence perspec- not on their underlying ethical models but in the manner
tive suggests individual differences as one of the key in which they evaluate others. Earlier studies indicate
factors in ethical decision-making and behaviour that women enter the employment situation with more
(Trevino, 1986). Research has shown that the locus of positive expectation of ethics than males (Schminke,
control influences ethical decision- making directly and 1997). Apart from being highly ethically-oriented, fe-
indirectly through outcome expectancies (Blasi, 1980; males are more willing than males to participate in
Trevino and Youndblood, 1990). According to Dozier whistle-blowing in their place of employment (Sims and
and Miceli (1985), the locus of control is directly related Keenan, 1998).
to moral behaviour, such as whistle-blowing. Roozen, DePelsmacker and Bostyn (2001) found that
Among individual differences, achievement orien- the stage in the career of the employee is a significant
tation is an important variable in ethical decision-mak- explanatory factor of ethical decision-making. Employ-
ing and behaviour (Roozen, DePelsmacker and Bostyn, ees who are young with relatively low income, limited
2001). Employees with high ambition were significantly work experience, and a low level of responsibility in the
lower on their ethical profile than others (Roozen, company are significantly more ethical than elderly
DePelsmacker and Bostyn, 2001; Johnson, 1981). Accord- employees with high work experience, income, and
ing to the Bounded Ethics Model, there is a possibility responsibility. This result is of special significance as
that ambitious or achievement-oriented individuals tend most of the key strategic decisions are taken at higher
to focus more on their goals and thus can overlook the levels. This finding stresses on the need to sensitize
ethical aspects of their decisions. Similarly, managers people in higher career stages about the implications of
with Type A personality are more likely to engage in ethical decisions towards the long-term performance of
unethical behaviour. organizations when compared to the short-term finan-
Type A personality managers are high on their cial performance.
achievement orientation. They get aggressively involved
Extrinsic Factors
in a chronic, incessant struggle to achieve more in less
time and, if required to do so, against opposing efforts The major organizational variables identified in research-
of other things or other persons. Studies (Beu and Buckley, es which play a major role in ethical decision-making
2001) argue that college students scoring high on Type and behaviour are organizational ethical climate, organ-
A behaviour are more likely to engage in unethical izational group processes, the level of accountability
behaviour when a) they are given the opportunity to do among the employees, and performance management
so, and b) their expectations are not met by simply system. These organizational variables are highly inter-
putting forth great effort. The aggression and hostility related and exert influence on each other.
components of Type A personality were strong predic- Organizational ethical climate: This can be defined as
tors of a propensity to engage in unethical behaviour. the shared perceptions of what ethically correct behav-
Similarly, Machiavellians are proved to be highly un- iour is and how ethical issues should be handled. It is
ethical (Hegarty and Sims, 1978, 1979). a mix of formal and informal policies of the organization
Individual variables like gender, education level, and the individual ethical values of managers.
work experience, and designation are related to ethical The ethical code of conduct of an organization and
decision-making and behaviour. Most findings suggest supervisory influence are among the important contrib-
that females are more predisposed to ethical situations uting factors to organizational ethical climate (Wotruba,
than males (Weeks et al., 1999; Singhapakdi, Vitell and Chonko and Loe, 2001; Wimbush, 1999; Wimbush and
Kraft, 1996). On the other hand, there are also contra- Shepard 1994; Cohen, 1993). Ethical climate is a powerful
dictory findings suggesting no relationship between the moderating variable for the various relationships be-
two (Robin and Babin, 1997). Another research by tween the ethics-related variables. Shared beliefs can
Fritzsche and Becker (1983) found that the male market- impart both direct and indirect pressures in the form of
ing managers are less likely to pay a bribe than their reinforcements and role models among the employees.


According to Weaver, Trevino and Colhram (1999), In bureaucratic and traditional organizations, because
formal corporate ethics programmes are very useful in of the control supervisors wield over their subordinates
creating a positive ethical climate in the organization and the respect subordinates may have for their super-
and typically include some or all of the following ele- visors, subordinates might look upon their supervisors
ments: as role models of acceptable behaviour. Consequently,
• formal codes of ethics which articulate a firm’s group processes that involve the managers and their
expectations regarding ethics superiors influence the implementation of code of ethics
• ethics committees charged with developing ethics and decision-making in organizations.
policies, evaluating company or employee actions, In some situations, supervisory influence is found
and/or investigating and adjudicating policy vio- to be highly effective than other organizational vari-
lations ables. Often, even in the presence of an ethics policy,
• ethics communication systems providing a means subordinates do what their supervisors would like rather
for employees to report the abuses or obtain guid- than adhere to the ethics policy. Wimbush (1999) argued
ance that supervisors can play a major role in influencing the
• ethics officers or ombudspersons charged with ethical behaviour of the employees who are in their first
coordinating policies, providing ethics education, and second stages of cognitive moral development. For
or investigating allegations these individuals, their observations about the ethical
• ethics training programmes aimed at helping the climate of the work group and personal ethics of the
employees to recognize and respond to the ethical supervisor are critical because they are still developing
issues a sense of what is right and what is wrong. Similarly,
• disciplinary processes to address unethical behav- when situations are ambiguous, these employees may
iour. engage in feedback-seeking behaviour (Wimbush, 1999).
Among the different factors of organizational ethi- These findings underline the need to increase training
cal climate, codes of ethics contribute significantly to- on ethics for managers and subordinates, hold managers
wards institutionalizing ethics in organizations. They more accountable for ethical behaviour (Gupta and
serve three major purposes in organizations, namely: a) Sulaiman, 1996; Jones and Kavanagh, 1996), and increase
demonstrating a concern for ethics by the organization, socialization between superiors and subordinates.
b) transmitting ethical values of the organization to its Group processes that facilitate peers to share ethical
members, and c) impacting the ethical behaviour of concerns in decisions and allow transparency in infor-
those members (Wotruba, Chonko and Loe, 2001). Re- mation instigate ethical decision-making. The influence
searches suggest that the employees must be familiar and monitoring of peers into the ethics of decision-
with the code’s contents before it impacts their ethical making is found to be extremely effective. However, it
awareness and behaviour (Dean 1992; Sims, 1991). They requires significant effort to create such openness.
have also empirically proved that, among the managers, Accountability: According to Beu and Buckley (2001),
the perceived usefulness of the codes of ethics is posi- accountability can be a significant factor contributing to
tively related to the degree of familiarity with the code ethical decision-making and behaviour. Accountability
and perceived ethical climate is positively related to the refers to defending or justifying one’s conduct to an
code’s perceived usefulness. These researches reveal the audience that has reward or sanction authority and where
role of ethical code of conduct in establishing a positive rewards and sanctions are perceived to be contingent
ethical climate in organizations. Familiarizing ethical upon audience evaluation of such conduct. According
code of conduct among the employees would also help to them, one way to ensure that employees behave
to create sufficient awareness of the ethical issues and, appropriately is for the organization to require that the
thus, minimize ambiguities in decision-making situa- employees be held accountable for their actions. In an
tions. accountability situation, an employee is in a social context
Organizational group processes: Supervisors muster a and his/her behaviour is observed and evaluated by an
large amount of control over the subordinates’ beha- audience and compared to some standard of expectation
viour and well-being (Wimbush, 1999) especially in tra- (Frink and Kimoski, 1998).
ditional organizations where the structure is very tall. The level of accountability is found to be high in

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social relationships that are strong and multiplex. Strong organizations suggesting the adoption of qualitative
relationships are based on cooperation, trust, intimacy, research route through the case method (Eisenhardt,
empathy, reciprocity, and emotional intensity. Multi- 1989).
plex is the degree to which two actors are linked by The resultant theory through such case research
greater than one type of relationships. Strong and provides novelty and testability (Eisenhardt, 1989).
multiplex relationships may outweigh organizational However, qualitative research through the case method
norms (Brass, Butterfield and Skaggs, 1998). So, the possesses many challenges for theory building. The
employee’s positive relationship with the superior and foremost of them are the validity of data and filtering
his perceived accountability towards the supervisor can out the bias of the researcher (Maheshwari and Ahlstrom,
be a major control mechanism in the employee’s ethical 2004). These challenges could be overcome by collection
decision-making and behaviour. Thus, developing high and interpretation of data through multiple sources. In
quality relationships and increasing employee under- the study, eight in-depth unstructured interviews were
standing of what others expect from them in terms of conducted with the CEO, the ethics counsellor, and other
ethical behaviour should lead to internalization, com- senior managers of Tata Steel. Based on the case study
pliance or conformity to expectations (Beu and Buckley, and the review of the literature, we developed nine
2001). propositions which were discussed in two focused group
Performance management system: Performance man- discussions. These discussions were helpful in validat-
agement system that is output- oriented instigates short- ing and sharpening the propositions.
term orientation among managers. Their concern for
Implementation of the Tata Code of Conduct at
annual or half-yearly performance owing to its strong
Tata Steel
linkage with financial and other rewards prompts
managers to ignore ethical concerns for achieving output Nearly a century old, Tata Iron and Steel Company Ltd.
whenever such dilemma is encountered. While manag- (TISCO), more popularly known as Tata Steel, is one of
ers experience the consequences of output immediately, India’s oldest companies. Established in 1907 by Mr.
the consequences of lack of ethics in decision-making Jamsetji Tata — a visionary — it is Asia’s first and India’s
are both uncertain and delayed. Hence, the balance largest integrated private sector steel company. Since its
between processes, output, and ethical concerns in inception, the company has focused on the customer,
performance management system is likely to lead to operational excellence, employee welfare, organization-
ethical decision-making in organizations. al leadership, and social responsibilities and citizenship.
Overall organizational outcomes: The expectations of Consistent with its thrust on these dimensions, the
a socially responsible behaviour and ethical business company is one of the most respected companies in the
practices for organizations have been consistently in- country for its value-based practices, ethical and dynam-
creasing over the last decade. Such behaviour is in fact ic practices, and competitive performance. The name
necessary for long-term sustainability. Though ethical ‘Tata’ has always been synonymous with trust. The
practices may not lead to immediate and tangible re- statement of purpose of the Tata group (Tata Steel belongs
sults, in the long-run, they help to sustain society’s to this group) explicitly seeks to improve the quality of
goodwill and thus maintain a positive image among its life in the communities it serves. It says, “Our heritage
consumers. Organizations will have to restructure them- of returning to society what we earn evokes trust among
selves, their processes, and socialization mechanism to consumers, employees, shareholders, and the commu-
incorporate ethics in decision-making. nity. This heritage will be continuously enriched by
formalizing the high standards of behaviour expected
METHODOLOGY from employees and companies.”
The study of ethics in the context of an organization is The values and principles that had governed the
a complex phenomenon where multiple subjective re- company (and Tata group) were articulated for the first
alities co-exist. Such an ontological context suggests the time in 1998. It was in this year that the company for-
adoption of qualitative research. Further, epistemolo- mally published its ‘code of conduct.’ This document
gically, researchers need to observe the phenomenon to was aimed to guide each employee on the values, ethics,
understand the dynamics of behaviour of managers in and business principles expected of them (Annexure).


Among other things, the implementation of the Tata could take pride in the honesty of Tata Steel
code of conduct was mandatory for the relatively au- employees, they would encourage the employees
tonomous group companies to leverage on ‘Tata’ as a to follow the code of conduct in letter and spirit.
brand. The successful implementation of this code of Formal control systems to uphold the code of
conduct was not a matter of choice for Tata Steel. One conduct do not work owing to a lack of direct
of the senior managers of the company stated: monitoring mechanisms.

Deciding to implement the Tata code of conduct The workshops for the families were primarily
was easy for us. We had always believed in ethical restricted to the senior management levels. The ethics
practices. However, we had to ensure that every counsellor stated that implementation of the code was
one of more than 50,000 employees practised the more critical for this group of employees. “Owing to
code. larger responsibilities, they experience more tempta-
tions for violation of the code,” he explained.
To implement the code of conduct, the company Having organized the workshops, the company
created a new position of ‘ethics counsellor’ at the senior looked into the possibility of integrating ethics in the
management level. He was internally identified and performance management system. Every month, one
made to report to the Managing Director of the company ethics coordinator was rewarded on the basis of quality
for the day-to-day functioning. However, he directly of work. The employees and other stakeholders were
reported to the group headquarters. In his own words: rewarded whenever they demonstrated unique beha-
The company management encourages me to in- viour of high moral value. However, the company de-
teract directly with the group headquarters. On cided not to make it a part of performance appraisal
my part, I discuss most of the issues with the MD system as the management felt that following the code
to facilitate better voluntary implementation of was not a matter of discretion. Any proven violation of
the code of conduct by the employees. the code was viewed seriously. In fact, one of the
employees was dismissed from the company for viola-
In every department, one person was identified by
tion of the code of conduct. The news was widely
the head of the department to additionally look after the
publicized though the name of the employee was not
implementation of the code of conduct in the depart-
ment. These ethics coordinators reported to the ethics
The outcome of these efforts was found to be en-
counsellor directly on matters related to ethics. How-
couraging. One of the executives stated, “I received an
ever, for other purposes, they continued to report to the
honorarium of Rs. 2,000 for delivering a lecture in one
heads of their respective departments. The ethics coor-
of the prestigious management institutes. I proactively
dinators in consultation with the ethics counsellor or-
asked the ethics counsellor whether I could accept such
ganized a large number of awareness programmes every
payment. I did not want to violate the code of conduct
year. Such programmes were extended to the other
even by mistake. I strongly believe in the ethics of the
stakeholders like suppliers and dealers of the company.
Having succeeded in creating awareness among the The executives were extremely happy when they
employees, the ethics counsellor organized nearly 15 realized the advantage of the code of conduct in main-
awareness programmes for the families of the execu- taining their relationships with external stakeholders.
tives. The family members were made to feel proud that The managers found it difficult to interact with govern-
one of them was part of a ‘value-based’ organization. ment officials without arranging for any favours in the
The ethics counsellor stated: early days after implementing the code of conduct.
However, the executives continued to insist on the
We realized that it was not adequate to create directives of the top management and the principles of
awareness among the employees alone. Fre- the code of conduct. Slowly, the officials realized that
quently, executives succumb to the temptation of the company would continue to follow the code hon-
accepting favours owing to the unreasonable estly. They stopped seeking gratifications from the
expectations of the family members. Further, we company. One of the managers summarized the issue
also realized that if the families of the employees in the following words:

VIKALPA • VOLUME 31 • NO 2 • APRIL - JUNE 2006 83

We are willing to provide any information re- code. They ensured that none of their decisions violated
quired to the officials. We are also willing to wait the code.
for clearances and certificates from the govern- The framework suggested in the paper integrates
ment officials. However, we cannot grant any the variables that were found to be important in the case.
favours to them. Now, these officials respect us It provides levers to managers for managing ethics in
for our values and ethics. They treat us differently. decision-making in organizations. Thus, this framework
I now feel better and more comfortable while can have significant implications in both business and
interacting with external agencies. academic arenas.
By identifying the significance of supervisory influ-
During our interaction with the managers, we
ence and accountability on ethical behaviour and deci-
observed that the employees took pride in their asso-
sion-making, the framework insists on the need for a
ciation with a company that believed in the code of
high level of commitment among the top-level execu-
conduct. This sense of pride enhances the commitment
tives towards organizational ethics. By creating such
of employees (Bhat and Maheshwari, 2004) which, in
higher commitment, it is very easy to surge the ethical
turn, influences the performance of the company. Even
orientation among the lower level employees. Such
interviews with the retired employees reflected a high
commitment and orientation towards ethics should be
respect for the company. Such behaviour of the employ-
continuously reinforced using training programmes.
ees enhances the image of an organization, adds to the
Appropriate structures and systems facilitate ethical
positive response of external stakeholders towards the
decision-making and behaviour in organizations.
organization, and reduces the transactional cost.
Human resource management systems such as train-
FINDINGS ing to indoctrinate the organizational values and belief,
recruitment, and performance management need to be
The early phase of the implementation of the code was
aligned to facilitate ethics in decision-making in organi-
focused upon enhancing the moral intensity by devel-
zations. Honesty and other values could be tested in
oping social consensus as issues were also discussed
personnel selection. The understanding of personality
among the family members, suppliers, and dealers. The
and other causal factors of ethics make it important for
magnitude of the consequences of the violation of the
managers to adopt suitable selection processes.
code of conduct was made severe. It shows that increase
The present study highlights the interactive effect
in moral intensity increases the concern for ethics in
of different variables on ethical decision-making and
decision-making in organizations.
behaviour and, thus, insists on a holistic approach to
During the study, we did not observe the impact
understand them better. Therefore, interactive and
of achievement orientation of managers on their ethical moderating effects of different variables on ethical
behaviour in decision-making. Similarly, we did not
decision-making and behaviour should be accorded
observe incidences to differentiate the concern for ethics
priority. Especially organizational variables like account-
at different levels of the organization. ability, ethical climate, supervisor and peer influence,
The case of Tata Steel indicates that socialization is and organizational code of conduct are highly inter-
likely to improve ethical decision-making in organiza- related to each other, and should be prioritized accord-
tions. The organization will benefit significantly by ingly for a better understanding of their effect on ethical
organizing activities to facilitate the socialization of decision-making and behaviour.
managers. The implementation of ethics in organiza- During the case study, we could not examine a
tions would essentially mean that the companies would few variables. Yet, we developed some propositions
have to organize many socialization events. based on the case and the literature integrating those
Supervisors at different levels played an important variables (Box).
role in the implementation of the code. They facilitated
the autonomous working of the ethics coordinators in IMPLICATIONS FOR MANAGERS AND
their departments. These coordinators were suitably RESEARCHERS
recognized and rewarded for their efforts. Further, This study suggests that managers will have to focus
supervisors themselves were extremely conscious of the on issues related to leadership, structure, and code of


conduct while adopting ethical practices. The leader- Box: Propositions Based on Case Findings and Relevant
ship at different levels of the organization will have
to display a strong commitment to ethics through P1: Increase in moral intensity is likely to increase the concern
communication, reward and punishment, and adop- for ethics in organizations.

tion of a role model stature. P2: Concern for ethics is likely to increase with the increase in
Structurally, organizations would require integrat- moral awareness.

ing ethics with the existing activities of the managers P3: Socialization in organization is likely to improve ethical decision-
at different levels. The people associated with the im- making in organizations.

plementation of ethical practices will have to be pro- P4: Accountability is likely to be positively related to ethical decision-
tected from possible risks by developing alternate re- making and behaviour among managers.

porting mechanisms for ethical issues. Hence, the exist- The following propositions based on earlier literature require
ing reporting relationship will alter for ethics-related further research as this study could not validate them:

decisions. Further, intense socialization will be required P5: Employees with higher organizational responsibilities tend to
at different levels to indoctrinate organizational values be more unethical in their decisions than employees with lower
and ethical practices. The socialization that leads to a
P6: Individuals with high self-efficacy are likely to adopt more
voluntary adoption of practices is likely to lead to better
ethical choices in their decision-making.
implementation of ethical practices.
P7: High achievement orientation of managers is likely to lead to
The guidelines regarding ethical practices should
lack of ethics in decision-making by managers.
be documented and widely circulated among all the
P8: Output-oriented performance management systems are likely
stakeholders including the family members of senior
to lead to lack of ethical concerns in decision-making in
managers. The efforts that lead to a sense of pride in organizations.
adopting ethical practices among the family members P9: Thrust on processes rather than on output in performance
is likely to deliver better results. management system is likely to lead to ethical decision-making
in organizations.
The propositions in this paper are tentative. They
need to be confirmed with further studies. The suggested
framework should guide future research to extend the studies with large sample size are likely to be helpful
notion of ethics from ‘concept’ to ‘practice.’ Longitudinal in this regard.

Annexure: Tata Code of Conduct—Issues Covered

• National interest
• Cooperation of Tata companies
• Financial reporting and records • Public representation of the company and the group
• Competition (support for open market economy) • Third party representation
• Equal-opportunities employer • Use of the Tata brand
• Gifts and donations (employees shall neither receive nor offer • Group policies
or make, directly or indirectly, any illegal payments, remuneration,
gifts, donations or comparable benefits which are intended to • Shareholders
or perceived to obtain business or uncompetitive favours for the • Ethical conduct
conduct of its business) • Regulatory compliance
• Government agencies (Not to offer or give any company funds • Concurrent employment
or property as donation to any government agencies or their
representatives….) • Conflict of interest

• Political non-alignment • Securities transactions and confidential information

• Protecting company assets
• Health, safety, and environment
• Citizenship
• Quality of products and services
• Integrity of data furnished
• Corporate citizenship (compliance of all relevant laws…and
actively assisting in the improvement of the quality of life.) • Reporting concerns

VIKALPA • VOLUME 31 • NO 2 • APRIL - JUNE 2006 85

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Acknowledgement • The authors are grateful to Mr B M P Ganesh is a research scholar in the Humanities and
Muthuraman, MD, Tata Steel, Ms Rekha Seal, Ethics Social Sciences Department at IIT, Mumbai. An M.Phil. in
Counsellor, Tata Steel, and other managers of Tata Steel for Psychology from the University of Madras, he is currently
their cooperation. working in the area of work behaviour in virtual teams. He
was earlier associated with IIM, Ahmedabad as a Trainee
Sunil Kumar Maheshwari is a Professor in the Personnel Academic Associate.
and Industrial Relations area of the Indian Institute of e-mail:
Management (IIM), Ahmedabad. A Fellow from IIM,
Ahmedabad, his current research interests are strategic
human resource management, turnaround management, and
management of healthcare institutions.

If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange

these apples then you and I will still each have one apple.
But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange
these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.

George Bernard Shaw

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