Questions Student B

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1. What makes you nervous or anxious?

-Alejo speaking in English classes, speaking to audiences

it makes me nervous to make presentations in front of an audience, especially in English claas.

2. Do you like to watch scary movies? Why or why


Alejo i dont like, creo que tiene cosas ocultas. espiritus for example

I don't like to watch scary movies because they all look the same and it does scare me a little bit.

2. What do you do to relax?

Alejo to relax alejo meditates, think good thoughts, draw

To relax I sometimes watch videos on tiktok, go for a drive and listen to music.

3. Is it better to hide or show your anger?


The best thing is to show it but in a healthy way without aggression and expressing what I feel.

5. Tell me about a time you felt really happy?many times I have felt happy when I have had
student achievements or when I bought my first car.

6. What is a memory that makes you smile?

The memories that make me smile are remembering my father or moments I spent with my
friends and family.

7. If you have a problem, who do you talk to?

8. Have you ever been in love? How did it feel?

9. What emotion do you wish you could control


10. EQ is emotional intelligence. Who is someone in

your life that has high EQ?

PHOTO: Emotions by Liza Summer/ Pexels.

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