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Name :

Days Module
products industry – An
Introduction – Bridge
Day 1 Module

Software Development- An

Day 2 Process of
Software Development
Process of Application

Concept of Re-usable Code

Day 3

and Algorithms for
Day 4 software development

Design of Software Applications

Day 5

Work requirement and Tools

Day 6
for the Job Role
Manage your Work to meet
Day 7
Work Effectively with

Day 8 Managing Health and Safety

Workplace Data Management

Day 9
Inclusive and Environmentally
Sustainable Workplaces

Day 10 Assessment (Domain+Platform)

Software Developer

Name : Supriya Nilesh Nevewani

SubModule Covered
IT-ITeS/Software Products Industry – An Introduction
Discuss the relevance of the IT-ITeS sector.
Categorize level of software development services across various industries.
Identify the career path for a Software Developer.

List deployment issues of high capital investments, continuous business availability,

turnaround time, communication costs, etc. in establishment of IT enabled services
List the phases of the software development lifecycle
Discuss the differences between top down and bottom-up design approaches.
Identify different techniques used for requirements analysis.
Discuss the primary differences between custom application development and rapid applic
Identify the validation and verification components covered under software testing.

List the components of a test plan.

Test and re-develop the code and UTCs to fix identified defects.
List the steps involved in solving computational problems.Execute simple programs,
showing how input data is processed, output data is produced, and
how the values of internal variables change

Define the Software Development Life Cycle encompassing Business Requirements

Specification (BRS), Software Requirements Specification (SRS), High Level Design (HLD)
and Low-Level Design (LLD).
Classify elements for measuring various aspects of software development process
Discuss methods to read a detailed program specification and implement it using a progra
Develop a logical analysis and pseudo code for software development.

Discuss the role, responsibilities, and limits of the responsibilities.

Demonstrate the ways to maintain an organized work area.
Explain the principles of clear communication.
Demonstrate effective team mentorship

Identify mechanisms to improve workplace health, safety, and security.

Demonstrate essential communication methods in line with gender inclusiveness and PwD sensitivity.
Describe different approaches for efficient energy resource utilisation and waste

Assessment based on Quiz

ware Developer

upriya Nilesh Nevewani

Resources Used
Projector, PPTs, Computer / Laptop, Marker
Projector, PPTs, Computer / Laptop, Marker
Projector, PPTs, Computer / Laptop, Marker
Projector, PPTs, Computer / Laptop, Marker, Embedded/IoT Kits

Projector, PPTs, Computer / Laptop, Marker

Projector, PPTs, Computer / Laptop, Marker

Projector, PPTs, Computer / Laptop, Marker

Projector, PPTs, Computer / Laptop, Marker

Projector, PPTs, Computer / Laptop, Marker

Projector, PPTs, Computer / Laptop, Marker

Projector, PPTs, Computer / Laptop, Marker

Projector, PPTs, Computer / Laptop, Marker

Projector, PPTs, Computer / Laptop, Marker

Projector, PPTs, Computer / Laptop, Marker
Projector, PPTs, Computer / Laptop, Marker
Projector, PPTs, Computer / Laptop, Marker
Projector, PPTs, Computer / Laptop, Marker

Projector, PPTs, Computer / Laptop, Marker

Projector, PPTs, Computer / Laptop, Marker

ss and PwD sensitivity.

Projector, PPTs, Computer / Laptop, Marker

Computer, Internet
Activity for Trainers
Interaction with the trainees
To know views from trainees
Setup Hardware and software
Practical session

Open ended Question & Close ended Question

Practical session

Practical session
Discussion and Questions

Discussion and Questions

Discussion and Questions

Case studies

Discussion and Questions

Discussion and Questions
Discussion and Questions
Discussion and Questions
Trainees to note down their daily routine with timelines

Case studies

Case studies
Case studies

Case studies

Arrange assessment with accessor

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