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Multi-Transportation Hub:

1. Have you heard about the proposed multi-transportation hub in our area? What are
your initial thoughts about it?

2. Do you think the multi-transportation hub is a necessary and worthwhile investment for
our community?

3. How do you feel about the estimated cost of the multi-transportation hub project? Is it
reasonable, too high, or too low?

4. Are you aware of any cost-saving measures that could be explored for the multi-
transportation hub project?

5. Should the funding for the multi-transportation hub come from public funds, private
investments, or a combination of both? Why?

6. How concerned are you about potential cost overruns during the construction of the
multi-transportation hub? How should they be addressed?

7. What economic benefits do you believe the multi-transportation hub could bring to our
local community?

8. Should private investments play a significant role in financing the multi-transportation

hub project?

9. How do you think the multi-transportation hub will impact job opportunities and
business growth in our region?
10. Do you think the multi-transportation hub will help alleviate traffic congestion in our

11. How accessible do you think the multi-transportation hub will be for people with
disabilities? Are there any specific improvements you'd like to see?

12. How should the multi-transportation hub accommodate wheelchair users and
individuals with mobility challenges?

13. Are there any efforts being made to ensure the multi-transportation hub is inclusive for
passengers with visual or hearing impairments?

14. What potential barriers do you foresee for people with disabilities in accessing the multi-
transportation hub?

15. Do you believe the multi-transportation hub project adheres to international

accessibility standards for transportation?

16. How do you think the multi-transportation hub should cater to the needs of elderly

17. Are you confident in the safety measures of the multi-transportation hub project? Do
you have any safety concerns?

18. Should there be safety audits or risk assessments conducted for the multi-transportation
hub project?

19. What are your expectations regarding emergency protocols in case of accidents or
incidents at the multi-transportation hub?
20. How important is it to you that the multi-transportation hub is equipped with modern
safety features and navigation systems?

21. Are you satisfied with the level of training provided to personnel responsible for
passenger safety during the operation of the multi-transportation hub?

22. How concerned are you about the possibility of overcrowding at the multi-
transportation hub during peak hours? How should it be managed?

23. Have you considered the potential environmental impact of the multi-transportation
hub project?

24. Are there any steps you believe should be taken to minimize the environmental footprint
of the multi-transportation hub?

25. Do you think the multi-transportation hub project should prioritize sustainability and
eco-friendly practices?

26. Are you worried about possible air or noise pollution resulting from increased
transportation activities at the hub?

27. Should the multi-transportation hub include plans for habitat restoration or conservation
in the surrounding areas?

28. How do you think the multi-transportation hub will influence local tourism and
recreational activities?

29. What are your expectations regarding the integration of the multi-transportation hub
with existing transportation networks?
30. How do you think the multi-transportation hub will impact property values in
surrounding areas?

Water Metro:

1. How familiar are you with the concept of the water metro project? What are your initial
thoughts about it?

2. Do you believe the water metro project could benefit our community?

3. How do you feel about the estimated cost of the water metro project? Is it a reasonable
investment for our community?

4. Are there any cost-saving measures that could be explored for the water metro project?

5. Should the funding for the water metro project come from public funds, private
investments, or a combination of both? Why?

6. How concerned are you about potential cost overruns during the construction of the
water metro project? How should they be addressed?

7. What economic benefits do you believe the water metro project could bring to our local

8. Should private investments play a significant role in financing the water metro project?

9. How do you think the water metro project will impact job opportunities and business
growth in our region?
10. Do you think the water metro project will help alleviate traffic congestion in our area?

11. How accessible do you think the water metro will be for people with disabilities? Are
there any specific improvements you'd like to see?

12. How should the water metro accommodate wheelchair users and individuals with
mobility challenges?

13. Are there any efforts being made to ensure the water metro is inclusive for passengers
with visual or hearing impairments?

14. What potential barriers do you foresee for people with disabilities in accessing the water

15. Do you believe the water metro project adheres to international accessibility standards
for transportation?

16. How do you think the water metro should cater to the needs of elderly passengers?

17. Are you confident in the safety measures of the water metro project? Do you have any
safety concerns?

18. Should there be safety audits or risk assessments conducted for the water metro

19. What are your expectations regarding emergency protocols in case of accidents or
incidents on the water metro?

20. How important is it to you that the water metro vessels are equipped with modern
safety features and navigation systems?

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