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Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil

Facultad de Artes y Humanidades

History and Sociology of Education
Período A 2023
Medieval Education
Nombre: Jade Fon Fay

1) Describe the education in the Medieval Age. Give 5 characteristics.

*The main theme for Medieval Age education’s system was religion.

*Education was not accessible to everyone, just to the upper class.

*Violence was a normal thing as teachers would hit students as punishment.

*Education establishments were managed by bishops.

*Astrology, which is now considered a pseudoscience, and other superstitions

were part of the Education curriculums.

2) What impressed you about this stage in education?

I was impressed by the fact that upper class women were educated during this
time, since I thought all throughout history, up until last century, education was
exclusively a men’s matter.

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