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Infoedge test in IITR:

There are 4 sections in the test: Maths & Statistics, Classical ML, Deep Learning and
All sections are mandatory.
Total questions: 40,Time Limit: 40mins
Maths & stats me Eigen values,Matrix Algebra , Probability distributions ye sab acche se
padlena in sabse 10 ques the:
Some ques that I remember for Prob and stats section-1 are:
Q1) There is a 3x4 matrix and its singular values are 7.5,4,0,0. What is the Rank of matrix?
Q2) From the given word "INFOEDGE",among all the possible permutations of forming 8-letter
words by rearranging the letters,find probability of getting a word ending with "EE".
Ans- 6!2!/8!
Q3) Given X a random variable, variance of X = Var(X). Find Variance of random variable
Y=aX+b where a and b are constants. Ans= Var(Y)=aa*Var(X)
Q4) What is the Max no. of non zero eigen values of 2x2 matrix?
Q5) Eigen vectors of any matrix are always Orthogonal. True or False?
Q6) Which distribution has mean =variance?
Ans- Poisson
Q7) What is incorrect about poisson ?
A) It has constant avg
B) It is discrete
C) It is equally spaced
D option yaad nhi

Q8) What is Type-II Error?

baaki isi type k ques the

Ques for ML section-2:

Q1) If the residuals of Linear Regression are skewed,how to handle this?
options were:
A)Use Box-Cox
B) Use Log transformation
baaki do irrelevant options the

Q2) If there are multiple classes to classify for SVM,how it will do it?
A) One vs One
B) One vs Rest all
C) Both A & B
D) None
Q3)What is prefered for an ideal ML model?
A) High Var and High Bias
B) High Var & low bias
C) Low var & low bias
D) Low var & high bias

Q4) Lasso and Ridge regression pe ques tha

jisme kuch statements given the,incorrect btana tha
Iska Ans tha:- Ridge regression can shrink some slope values to exact 0

Q5) In a 10 class classification,what are max no. of discriminant vectors by LDA?

Baaki SVM Related 1-2 ques aur the, ML me itne hi yaad the

Now Section-3 Deep Learning:

Q1) Which network has feedback connections?
Options were CNN,RNN etc.

Q2) Question related to some Skip Connections in Resnet

Q3) Dropout pe ques tha
Q4) How to overcome overfitting in Neural Networks ?
Q5) CNN can be used in Both Textual data and Image Classification. True or False
Q6) Which way is used for increasing weightage of words with less frequency and decreasing
weightage of words with higher freq?
C) Word2vec
D yaad nhi

Q7) Which function is used to convert predicted values of CNN to probabilities?

Ans was Softmax
itne hi yaad hn Similarly CNN aur NLP pe ques the aur

Section-4 python data structures were asked

Q1) What is utility of the code : if __name=='__main__'?
Q2) List,set,tuple,string me se kon kon immutable hai ye btana tha
Similarly aise sawal the all related to python coding mcqs

Last thing: Sabka sets alag the so Ques different aaye the sabke

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