Midterm Exam in PSC 7

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A. Multiple Choice Questions: Direction: Select the best answer by writing the letter only in
your answer sheet.

1. It examines political activities within individual countries.

a. Comparative politics
b. interdependence
c. International politics
d. globalization
2. It focuses on the external relationships of individual countries.
a. Interdependence
b. globalization
c. Comparative politics
d. international politics
3. It involves the systematic study and comparison of the world‘s political system.
a. Globalization
b. comparative politics
c. Interdependence
d. international politics
4. It involves no more and no less than a comparative study of politics.
a. International politics
b. interdependence
c. Globalization
d. comparative politics
5. It refers to the fact that the countries of the world do not live in isolation from one another but
are linked through a variety of political, economic, environmental, and other relatioships.
a. International politics
b. globalization
c. Interdependence
d. comparative politics
6. It is an international organization that provides financial assistance to governments that have
currency problems or difficulty repaying loans borrowed from other governments or commercial
a. EU (European Union)
b. WHO (World Health Organization)
c. IMF (International Monetary Fund)
d. UN (United Nations)
7. It is an ever – tightening linkage between domestic and international politics is
a. globalization
b. global interdependence
c. international politics
d. international security
8. It examines the ways governments operate and the ways people behave in political life in a
variety of countries.
a. comparative method
b. international politics
c. comparative politics
d. globalization
9. The following are the principal purposes of studying comparative politics, except:
a. to widen our understanding of politics in other countries;
b. to decrease our appreciation of the advantages and disadvantages of our own political
system and to enable us to learn from other countries;
c. to sharpen our critical thinking skills by applying scientific logic and coherent
argumentation to our understanding of political phenomena.
d. to enable us to become more informed citizens, so that we can more effectively
develop our own political opinions, participate in political life, evaluate the actions and
proposals of political leaders, and make our own political decisions and electoral choices.
10. It appears that democracy increases the probability of peace, at least among democratic
nations. The statement is _________.
a. true
b. false
c. true only if practiced in communist countries.
d. both b & c
11. It is the central activity of political science.
a. hypothesis
b. hypothesis testing
c. induction
d. deduction
12. This term posits a cause-and-effect relationship between dependent and independent
variables that can be tested empirically.
a. hypothesis testing
b. explanatory hypothesis
c. independent variable
d. causative logic
13. It is a demonstrated relationship between dependent and independent variables.
a. causative logic
b. explanatory hypothesis
c. correlation
d. variable
14. It is a process of reasoning that proceeds from the general to the specific.
a. induction
b. deduction
c. causation
d. correlation
15. It is the process of drawing conclusions or generalizations from specific information or
a. deduction
b. variable
c. induction
d. causation
16. This term is defined as the ability or capacity to do something or act in a particular way.
a. power
b. dominance
c. influence
d. co-optation
17. It is the capacity to effect outcomes by controlling or influencing the state.
a. dominance
b. influence
c. coercion
d. political power
18. It is the maximum degree of political power which can usually get whatever they want from
the government.
a. influence
b. dominance
c. political power
d. co-optation
19. It is a particular way of providing rewards in exchange for political support.
a. variable
b. power
c. co-optation
d. influence
20. It is the capacity to effect outcomes by getting others to acknowledge and follow one’s
a. power
b. personal authority
c. rule of law
d. political power

B. Essay

1. In at least three (3) paragraphs, write about your ideals of a politician?

2. In your own opinion, does a politician suffer stress in carrying out their duties and
3. Based on your observation, do you think these politicians are serious enough to serve
their constituents or just have this position to earn a living? Justify your answers.

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