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Lesson 2: Doing Social Science


Prepared by: Mieca Aguinaldo

Common sense and Science

How the differ from each other?


Common sense Science

● “Everyone knows are true” ● the state of knowing : knowledge as

● Prone to overgeneralization distinguished from ignorance or
● Considered to be the bed-rock of science misunderstanding
● “Should I bring a gift?” “Duh, yes of course,
use your common sense”.


n. the systematic investigation into and

study of materials and sources in order to
establish facts and reach new conclusions.


Social Science
● Its focus is upon human behaviour (Henn, Weinstein, Foard 2005).
● Understanding how the social world works (Bryman 2007).

How to do a social science research?

1. Select a topic
2. Defining the problem
3. Review the literature
4. Formulate a hypothesis

Variable - I.V. - education (cause to change/cause)

- D.V. - income (changeable/effect)

Hypothesis - a statement of what you expect to find according to predictions that are based on a


5. Choosing a research method

6. Collect your data

7. Analyzing the result

8. Sharing the results

Why we research?

❏ Social science can contribute greatly to the elimination of

prejudices against certain groups of people such as racism,
sexism, and cultural ethnocentrism.
❏ Enable people to become open minded & welcoming of other
beliefs & practices no matter how foreign or alien.
❏ Helps predict future events that would allow people to mitigate
dangers, risk, and casualties
❏ Helps people to better understand other people’s way of life.


More functions of research:

❏ “Educators, government officials, business managers, human service providers, and health care
professionals regularly use social research” (Bryman 2007).
❏ “People use social research to raise children, reduce crime, improve public health, sell products,
or just understand one’s life” (Bryman 2007).
❏ “ extend our knowledge about some aspect of social life that we are interested in…or in
developing new insights” (Henn et al. 2005).

Two basic design in the

Social Science



Quantitative Method Qualitative Method

❖ “Research involving the collection of data ❖ “Research that investigates aspects of

in numerical form for quantitative” social life which are not amenable to
(Garwood 2006) quantitative measurement”...”qualitative
research uses a range of methods to focus
Numerical data: durations, scores, counts of on the meanings & interpretation of social
incidents, ratings or score phenomena & social process in the
particular contexts in which they occur”
❖ Survey (Sumner 2006).
❖ Quantitative data cannot capture the
richness of data in terms of meaning &
exceptionality of certain cases.


Qualitative Method
❖ Aims to understand processes, experiences and meanings people assign to things.
❖ Interviews, participant observation, focused group discussion, textual & discourse analysis, oral
history, biographies, and other forms of humanistic techniques
❖ Its primary purpose is to understand the meanings attached by the actors to what they are doing.
❖ Most subject of qualitative research is how people construct their understanding of the social
world & how they make sense everyday life.


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