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Transville, Banaybanay, Lipa City


CONTENT STANDARD: The learner demonstrates understanding of how world

literature and other text types serve as sources of wisdom in expressing and resolving
conflicts among individuals, groups and nature; also how to use evaluative reading,
listening and viewing strategies, special speeches for occasions, pronouns and structures
of modification.

PERFORMANCE STANDARD: The learner skillfully delivers a speech for a special

occasion through utilizing effective verbal and non-verbal strategies and ICT resources.

Domain of Literacy : Literature ( LT )

I. Learning Objectives:
 Describe the main character in the text read.
 Describe the character’s type, motivation, and conflict on the text read
 Discuss the importance of simplicity and contenment.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant
Source: , Practical
English 10.
Materials: powerpoint presentation

III. Learning Procedures


Daily routine
1. Prayer
I’m requesting everyone to be silent
for our prayer. President, please lead the
prayer. President: God, thank you for this
wonderful day may you always guide and
bless us. Amen!

2. Greetings
Good morning class!
Students: Good morning sir!
How’s your day so far?
Students: Well, it’s great sir!
3. Classroom Management
Before you take your seat kindly
arrange your chairs properly.

4. Checking of Attendance

Secretary do we have any absentees for

Secretary: None sir!

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Teacher: I have an advance graduation gift
to some of you students. Inside the box has
a jumbled letters that need to be formed.
However the box is still closed. For you to
unlock thae box you have to answer the
question first.

Problem 1.
( 19-5 ) ÷ 2 + 8 =? Student: 15 sir!

Teacher: You may now open your gift and

arrange the jumbled letters. Just say the
magic words ‘Yeah! Bring it on.’

( H.E.T ) Student: ‘THE’ sir!

Very Good!

Problem 2.
6 ( 12 ÷ 2 ) -25 = ? Sir, 11!

Teacher: It’s your turn to open your gift

just don’t forget to say our magic words.

( E.K.N.C L.C.A.E ) Student: Necklace sir!


Teacher: The words that the two of your
classmates formed are the words The

Ask: What would you feel if you will

receive such a necklace like this? Assume
that this is a 36 karat gold necklace. Student: I would be very happy if someone
gave me such a beautiful necklace like this.

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Ask: What if you received a fake gold Student: Maybe I would feel a little
necklace? disappointed but I will still appreciate the
Nice! effort.

Teacher: The words awhile ago and the

pictures that you have seen are related to
our topic for today. For this moment we
are going to talk about the story entitled
THE NECKLACE by Guy de Maupassant.
If you can still remember I asked you to
read the story. Before we proceed to the
story let us try to look for the meaning of
some unfamiliar words you encountered
in the story.


She was one of those pretty and charming girls,

born by a blunder of destiny in a family of
employees. b. careless mistake
a. golden spoon
b. careless mistake
c. prominent family

Their native keenness, their instinctive

elegance, their flexibilty of mind, are their only
heirarchy; and these make the daughters of the
people the equals of the lofty dames.
a. displaying great dignity a. displaying great dignity
b. public display of affection
c. liquid crystal display

The sight of the little girl from Brittany who

did her humble housework awoke in her
desolated regrets and distracted dreams.
a. think moodily c. crushed by grief
b. the quality of being exquisite
c. crushed by grief
Very good! All of your answers are correct.

Ask: Where did the story begin? Student: There was a couple living in a far
away land of France. The wife named
Mathilde Loisel, ‘pretty and charming’
feels she has been born into a family of
unfavorable economic status. Mathilde is
married to man working as a clerk from
the Ministry of Education named
Monsieur Loisel. The wife can’t feel any
contentment and always wanted to have
fancy things in life.

Very good!
Teacher: One time when the couple is
taking their dinner Mathilde wished she

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could eat delicious foods in a class
restaurant. Then next day when the
husband arrived from his work.
Ask: What happened next? Student: He has an envelope in his hand
and there’s a letter inside of it. They are
invited to the party which will be held at
the Hall of the Minister. However
Mathilde is not happy with the news. For
her, she has nothing to wear or atleast
doesn’t have any decent dress. The
husband felt guilty about this so he gave
his wife money to buy a new dress.

Ask: Was Mathilde satisfied with her new
dress? Student: No sir!
Ask: What else does she want?
Student: A jewelry
Ask: And to have a jewelry to wear what
Mathilde did? Student: She went to the house of her
friend named Jeanne to borrow her
Awesome! jewelry.
Ask: After Mathilde went to Jeanne’s
house. What happened next?

Student: The couple attended the party.

Mathilde was very happy in her
glamorous dress. She talked to other
people at the party. When her husband
offered her to wear his cloaks, she
immediately refused and said it may
ruined her dress. As they walked home
they had nothing to ride. But after a while
someone boarded them as well. Finally
their at home,Mathilde once again took a
glance of her own reflection to the mirror
and noticed that she was no longer
wearing the necklace.
Teacher: Victor immediately looked for it.
But the necklace is still nowhere to be
Ask: Did the couple immediately inform
Jeanne on what happened?
Student: No Sir!
Ask: What the couple thought was the
Student: They will look something similar
to the lost necklace. And because of this
the couple is in debt. They work even
harder. They worked day and night just to
pay off the debt. One day Mathilde saw
her friend Jeanne. Mathilde was
devastated to learn that the necklace she
had lost was worthless.

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Ask: When Mathilde found out that the
lost necklace was worthless did she
appreaciate the things she had?
Student: Yes sir! She realized that she
should have valued the things she had
Precisely! (students’ answers may vary)

Ask: Of all the characters in the story who Student: She wants to show everyone that
do you think is the most important? she was part of the elite family in the
(students’ answers may vary)
Ask: What made Mathilda decide to wear
a necklace on the party? (students’ answers may vary)

Ask: What can you say about Mathilda’s
character? Students: She has no contentment in life
and always wanted to have fancy things.

Teacher: Before we proceed who can give
me the meaning of what a character is in
Ask: Did Mathilde change in the story?
Student: Character is a person or other
being who plays in the story.
Awesome! ( students’ answers may vary)
Teacher: When the character changes in
Ask: How do we call this type of
Student: Dynamic character
Very good!
Ask: How about the character who does
not change throughout the story?
Student: Static character
Ask: Once again can someone differentiate
the difference between static and dynamic
(students’ answers may vary)
Very good!

Teacher: In every story there is a conflict,

Ask: But how can we define conflict?
Student: Conflict is the main struggle
between two parties or main problem of
the storyline.
Ask: Based on your understanding what
are those conflicts seen in the story?
(students’ answers may vary )
Teacher: The primary conflicts in the story
are the individual versus himself and

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invidual versus society.

Ask: Now that we know the conflict in the

story let’s move forward to what is
resolution in a story?
(students’ answers may vary)
Ask: Then, what do you think is the
resolution in the story?
(students’ answers may vary)
Teacher: In our study of Mathile’s
Ask; have you learned that it is important
if you know how to be contented?
( students’s answers may vary)
Ask: What else do you think the lesson
Student: To live life simple

Teacher: Last time I group you into three
groups. Each group will have one
representative who will present their
Group 1: Song adaptation about
Mathilde’s character.
Group 2: Mathilde’s digital sketch
Group 3: skit on a scene portraying
Mathilde’s man versus himself.


1. Monsieur Loisel works for the Ministry

of _______?
a. Finance c. Education
b. Foreign Affairs
c. Education
d. Culture

2. After paying 3 francs to replace the

necklace, what does Mathilde learn the
original necklace was worth?
a. 50,000 francs
b. 30,000 francs d. nothing
c. 15 billion php
d. nothing

3. A character who does not change

throughout the storyline?
a. dynamic character
b. static character b.static
c. antagonist
d. protagonist

4. Place where the story took place?

a. Finland

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b. France b. France
c. Fiji
d. Saudi Arabia

5. He wrote the story The Necklace?

a. Guy de Maupassant
b. Guy de Leche a. Guy de Maupassant
c. Guy de Montelliano
d. Guy n’ Lavwidyu

Identify the following.
Make a critique paper about the story.
Consider the following:
1. Summary of the Story
2. Author’s background and purpose
3. Literary approach been used.

Ian G. Osted

Victor M. Fernandez
School Principal

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